I will violently shake it, till I am sure of its complete emptiness
I will seal it in the fire of my will
The seal so true, neither light nor darkness could enter
My heart will forever remain empty
I will look into the eyes of the sun, unblinking
Till every image of you etched upon them, melt away
Only then will I raise my hand to wipe away the tears
And at that moment vow, that never again shall a tear escape
My eyes will forever remain dry
I will journey to coldest corner of the Earth
I will stand still, naked and exposed
Till my body is as numb as my heart
Ensuring I will never again feel another’s warm touch
My touch will forever remain numb
I will clear my mind of thoughts and memories
My mind will become a mirror from this moment on
Willingly accepting all that it observes
But, incapable of holding on to anything that might pass by
Mercifully, my memories will forever be erased