We left for home, and I dropped Mia a block away. She kissed me softly, and put my hand on her little nipple. I rolled it as she pecked my lips again. I looked at her shirt and she arched her back so I could see her hard nipples push out.
“Good, little boy. Very good.” She kissed my neck and blew on it, and I almost came in my pants.
“Minx,” I muttered.
“Yes, your minx.”
“My minx. I will text you, mistress.”
She kissed me again and got out. I watched her skirt sway, her legs now in stockings because of the cold, but not any less attractive. I wondered about the skiing trip, and suddenly wished it was her going. I drove home and found Bob’s car still there. I walked in and dropped my go-bag. Bob watched nervously as I unclipped my Glock and laid it on the coffee table, pointing it at him.
“Bob, Maddison,” I said as I walked to the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate. It helped, but it was not Mia’s. I walked back into the lounge.
“Dylan. Maddison says you suspect us of having an affair,” Bob started.
“Suspect is too vague, Bob. I cannot prove it, both of you being at the top of your game when it comes to intelligence, but it does not mean I do not know it. So, let the gaslighting begin. Tell me how crazy I am. How delusional. Tell me how I am making things up, when in fact I am looking at two pathological liars.”
“We are not having an affair Dylan. You base all of this on one text you feel was out of character,” Maddison stated.
“And you now have influenced Mia too,” Bob said.
“Mia, what has she said? I have never discussed the fact that another man has taken my position with anyone, definitely not Mia. She is the only person I know who still respects me. I feel so embarrassed, and there is no way I would risk her opinion of me.”
Bob looked surprised, then the realization that he fucked up hit him. For the second time in a few hours, he was played.
“No Bob, tell me what she said. Because now I hear that two rather unrelated people have the same opinion. You two are fucking.”
“We are not, for fucks sake, Dylan. Please get that out of your head. You are my husband.”
Maddison got up and put her arms around me. I dropped my face to her and we kissed deeply, my first kiss from her in two years. I flicked my eyes up to Bob and saw his rage, then he realized I was watching and looked away. I pulled back.
“Sucks knowing the woman you love is kissing another, right Bob? Go the fuck home, Bob, you make me sick,” I turned to Maddison. “I will sleep in the spare bedroom.”
“Now you are overreacting, Dylan.”
“You bring the man you are fucking into my house, to double team the gaslighting. How fucking stupid do you think I am? I would have wanted to talk with you, Maddison, but the sheer arrogance. God, how the fuck did I get it so wrong, thinking you were someone my heart would be safe with.”
I turned and walked down the corridor after picking up my bag and the Glock. I pulled the phone out and called Mia, giving her an update.
“That is perfect my little boy. I am so proud of you.”
“I miss you already. I wish you were eighteen. I would have been with you in a flash, looking into your eyes.”
“Really, Dyls?”
“Absolutely. Mia, you have no idea. Last night the team remarked how much our conversation changed me after I called you.”
“Shit, Dylan, thank you.”
“To me, you matter.”
“You just know how to make me happy,” I heard her sniff. “I am going to play with myself Dylan, and I will think of you.”
“Thanks, that matters to me, that you see me like that.” We hung up, and I heard a car door, then Bob drove away. Maddison appeared in the doorway.
“Is there nothing I can say to help you believe I am not cheating on you?”
“Not really, Maddison. Giving me access to your devices will not help, because you are just too good. I will have no idea where the apps you are using are hidden. I could run a script, but I know the information will self-destruct once it starts.”
“Then how can you be so sure?”
“There has been no change in your attitude to me. If it was a personal issue it would have fluctuated, but even today’s stunt shows me you have lost all respect for me.”
“What should I have done then?”
“Focus on me, because nothing you have done has made me feel that I have worth. And please, do not start now. The best time should have been when I found that text. Had it been nothing you would have found ways to validate me, but nothing changed. I joined the teams just to feel like I matter, Maddison.”
“Is that what you felt?”
“Yes, did you not hear me cry at night, in the bathroom? I looked at you, lying in bed next to me, and the thoughts that I will never be your man, that I will never fill any significant role for you again. I felt so useless, but last night the team treated me with value.”
“I am sorry. I never heard you.”
“But you should have seen me. I lost thirty pounds in a few weeks, but you never saw that. You never saw that there was a stage I could not eat. But I raised myself up and broke my dependency on your approval. “
“Can I do anything? Fuck, Dylan, anything. How do I stop it?”
For a moment I believed she was sincere.
“Two years ago I would have asked you to stop fucking other men, now I don’t give a fuck.”
“Don’t fucking say that, Dylan.”
“I just did. I do missions now, and I cannot be distracted anymore. Maybe I should get a mistress?”
“Please don’t be cruel.”
“But bringing him here isn’t. You still have no idea what you are doing to me. Everything is still just for you. I brought you a burger. I have bought you birthday gifts, and for three years you have not even bothered wishing me a happy birthday. You have no fucking respect for me. Finding Bob here is proof. It is always about the betrayer, what they can get. Right now you want to fix it for your gain. My pain does not matter if you can have your cake and eat it.”
“Fine, Dylan, if that is what you want, no problem,” Maddison was cold now.
“And there she is, the real you,” I smiled coldly. She turned and walked to the kitchen. I cleared my clothes from the master bedroom and carried them into the spare bedroom.
‘Two months Dyls.’ Mia texted and my heart bounced as I read her text.
‘Is he home?’
‘Yep, and there he goes again.’
‘Just heard her car leave too.’
Mia called.
“He accused me of lying about where I was, so I asked him if he was with Maddison. I swear it seemed like he swallowed a frog. He just stormed out.”
“She and I also had a big one. I saw her cold side, I am now in the spare bedroom. I planned it.”
“Thanks, Dyls. Can I miss you?”
“Nope, picking you up in five.”
I picked her up and we drove to the movies, where she and I held hands as we laughed at a comedy. I loved how the fact that my marriage was done did not affect my feelings for Mia.
“Just be strong, Dylan, please. Everything changes on my birthday. I promise you that you will be happy,” Mia said as we walked around the shops after the movie.
“I am happy, Meeks.”
“Not like you will be,” she said with confidence.
I dropped her after we kissed and she put my hand on her nipple again. I expressed how much I loved her tiny breasts.
“I know, little boy. You always look at them. I have no issues with being small because of your validation.”
Mia walked into the house and I went home. Maddison was home, and she did not ask me where I was. I slept well, Mia on my mind and in my dreams. The next day I went to the offices and we debriefed, where I was praised for my mission preparation. Back at home, I wanded the house with an electronic sniffer, looking for devices Maddison would have installed to catch me. I found a few small cameras. I was sure Maddison was now going for broke.
I texted Mia, making sure we behaved in the house. I found a hidden camera in my office as well, and also texted Mia to make sure she knew where it was. She arrived as per normal time, and we hugged as normal. She made us hot chocolate and I watched as she placed her mug right in front of the hidden camera. Then she walked to me and we hugged, and I felt her move her mound on my hard cock this time as she kissed my neck. She whimpered in my neck, and I felt her stiffen as she orgasmed. I had no idea someone else’s orgasm could have such a positive effect on me.
“Sorry, Dylan,” she whispered.
“I will go and sort it out, mistress. I cannot believe how much I loved sharing that with you.”
“Okay, yes. I loved that it was us,”
She picked her mug up and smiled at me as I left. It took less than two minutes to dump my load in the toilet, and I considered a second round, but then my cock decided to cooperate and go down. I sat down at my desk and smiled at Mia. A network scan yielded the IP addresses of the new devices, and I leeched on to them to stream to my computer too. The information showed that they were added that morning. I also knew this would mean Maddison could escalate the situation. She thankfully did not, and for the next two months, we were married ghosts. She spoke to me the week before Mia’s birthday, it was a cold blow.
“Seeing as we are done I will be bringing some friends over for myself. You will have to get over it.”
“As will I, in that case.”
“Hah, nobody wants you.” She laughed cruelly.
“Well, since I have been attending Mia’s volleyball games I have been given three numbers from single moms, plus a couple of seniors. I did actually take one of the seniors out, and there will definitely be sex.”
“Not likely.”
“Well, a hand on my thigh with a little finger stroking my cock at the cinema does hold some promise,” I lied.
Her face told me everything, that she absolutely hated the idea of me also bringing people home. I was sure she had noticed the increased intimacy between Mia and myself, so she also knew that my threat was not an empty threat.
“Okay okay, I will not. I will respect you.”
“You probably won’t, but that does not matter to you.”
“Are you going to cheat on me?”
“That is rich, Maddison. You will never know, will you? Maybe I already have.”
“Fuck you, Dylan. Fuck,” She paced, then turned back to me.
“Did we ever love?”
“Yes, I loved you, Maddison, and still do on some level. Maybe you love me, but you have chosen another way.”
“We can recover, Dylan. Would you open the door for me?”
“Depends on what you bring. We cannot just be what we were before you started fucking other men, and yes, I know Bob is not the only one though I am sure he thinks he is.”
“I am not fucking around, Dylan. I promise you. Why can you not believe me.”
“Because you have done nothing to make me believe that. You still act as if I do not exist. I have not had one nightmare since sleeping in the spare room, where I had at least one per night with you next to me. You were right there, and I knew you would lash out if I even tried to spoon you. So yeah, you have done nothing to restore my trust.”
That evening she crawled in behind me and held me. I had a nightmare and woke to Maddison’s terrified face.
“Fuck Dylan, what was that?” she asked.
“Normality, do you now believe me when I tell you that you destroyed me?” I answered as my heart rate normalized.
“I am so sorry baby. Oh, fuck, God. Oh, fuck,” she cried, touching my face softly.
“It is done. Close your eyes and sleep, Maddison.”
“Can I just hold you for a little?”
I felt her wrap her arms around me. Then I heard her cry. I knew that her tears were real, and there was remorse. But I also knew it would be short-lived. I was not her first choice. The next morning she had puffy eyes and asked me to forgive her. I did because I was already free from her emotional yoke. Giving forgiveness did not matter. I was also wondering about Mia’s plan, she was tightlipped, but I could see her excitement grow.
“Is anything going on between you and Mia?” Maddison asked that evening.
“Apart from her being the kindest person I know, nothing is going on. I just really prefer her company to everybody else’s, because she makes me laugh, and I matter to her.”
“Bob says she is being really difficult at home with him.”
“She did mention that he is deceptive with her, that he has broken her trust. He has promised to come to her games and has yet to come. I hate that she now sees me as the reliable adult in her life when I am barely holding on.”
“When I see him I will tell him. Dylan, I really wish we could erase the last three years.”
“We can’t, and I have assembled myself in such a way that certain things just do not seem possible. Trust, love. How the fuck do I ever do that again? I was such an optimist, and now I am jaded.”
“I will start counseling in the next few weeks, Dylan. Will you try?”
“No, I have no real will anymore.”
“So are you in the teams to die?”
“No, because that means I endanger them, but I might not actually want to step out of the way of a speeding truck.”
I was intentionally morose and liked her anguish, but I knew it would not last. Saturday morning Bob will shove his cock into her when I am watching his daughter play her heart out. I also suspected that within the next few hours someone at work will be pounding her pussy too. I could not wait for Sunday, Mia’s birthday. For the rest of the week, Maddison slept behind my back, and Mia gave permission. Saturday morning I had Mia in stitches as I was a true supporter of her and her team.
“Wow my little boy, I never knew you were so passionate,” she laughed after the game as we walked to the car.
“She killed it, you awakened it,” I grinned. She pushed her chest out and her nipples became prominent. She watched my trousers change shape and she smiled happily. We drove to a restaurant out of the city. It was nestled in a forest.
“Are we still okay, my little boy?” she asked.
“Yes, mistress. I bought you a gift, separate from the others.”
“Really, what is it.”
I pulled the ring out, the stones matching her eyes. I pulled her right hand over and pushed it onto her right index finger.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Her eyes got wet as she looked at it, and I knew she understood. In some cultures, the engagement ring was worn on the right index finger
“Yes Dylan, yes,” she said softly, and then she kissed me softly. I felt her lips part and we kissed deeply. She pulled back and I pulled her closer, kissing her again. Then I let her go.
“I told her I cannot love or trust again, but that was such a lie,” I said and Mia nodded with a smile, then looked at the ring again. She kissed it softly, then I saw her rage flow.
“Dylan, I am going to burn their world. She took my father, she took your innocence. I will do my best to bring it back.”
“Okay, Mia. What do I do?”
“Nothing, I have you covered, my love.”
“No offense, but I struggle with the thought that a sixteen-year-old understands the concept of lovers protecting each other. Maddison is supposed to be fluent in the Psych shit.”
“Yeah, I also struggle with that, my darling. Does it bother you that I am eleven years younger than you?”
“Only from the point that I cannot take you to a riverbank and ravish your beauty for an eon.”
“Okay, so I am enough?”
“Yes, Mia, I have decided that I will start the divorce proceeding next week.”
“Your timing is good, the mandatory separation will run out before you go to Italy.”
“I suppose I should tell Grant she will not be joining us for the skiing trip.”
“Don’t worry about that.”
Mia kissed me softly, and it was clear that we both knew something had changed. I also knew that she will have another surprise at home. I was now in full romance mode for her.
“I am satisfied, Mia,” I encouraged her, and she nodded.
“What do you see when you look at me, Dyls?” I smiled, there was only one answer.
“My future, the one that will hold me safe. I know my heart will become gentle because of you, Meeks. I know I will become a dreamer again. You are so much fiercer than me, and I know you are my protector.”
I kissed her again, “And you are also the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
“Tomorrow night, we sleep in a hotel, Dylan.”
“Yes, tomorrow night, my little boy.”
“Okay, mistress.”
We ate and daydreamed. I wanted to make plans with her.
I was not at all surprised when Maddison and Bob found us, as I had suspected there was a tracker on my car.
“Hey, guys, what is this?” Bob asked, his tone less than friendly.
“Birthday lunch, asshole,” Mia answered, “But now that is ruined.”
“Can we have dessert with you guys?” Maddison asked, shocked at Mia’s open animosity.
“Sure, okay. Meeks?”
“Yes, little boy,” Mia smiled softly, and I saw the confusion on Maddison’s face at the way Mia spoke to me. We had ice cream and I shared how Mia and her team won their game, whilst she shared about my antics next to the court.
“The opponents wanted him removed,” Mia stated, and I watched her gain the upper hand over Maddison.
“There is no way Dylan was like that, you are shitting me,” Maddison argued and Mia made a call.
“Hey, Stacey, send me that clip of Dylan, the one that almost got him banned.”
Five minutes later Maddison sat in silence as she watched me go nuts. She looked at me and I saw that she now could see how much of my personality she had killed.
“That is a beautiful ring, Mia,” Bob tried.
“A gift from a boy who had made some promises.”
“He must really like you,” Maddison said softly, surreptitiously looking at me.
“Desperately. I do like him a lot. I guess I now have a boyfriend.”
“Yes Mia, you do,” I said and she smiled shyly. I loved that I was seeing ways to deal with her uncertainties too.
“You have met him?” Bob asked, surprised.
“Yes, but it is Mia’s opinion that matters.”
The lunch became less awkward, and Mia demanded I take her home rather than Bob. We did not care where Bob and Maddison went.
“Hotel,” Mia answered that question as she checked the tracker on her father’s car.
That was it then, her compassion was fake, or maybe just short-lived. She set a proximity alarm on her phone for his tracker, and we went to my house. She laid me back on the bed and dry-humped me to her orgasm as we kissed. Then she surprised me by pulling my cock out and sliding her hand up and down it as we kissed. She caught my cum in a Kleenex. I lifted her shirt and kissed her bare nipples, and then slipped my hand under her volleyball skirt, then under her panties. Her pussy felt amazing, and I stoked her to another orgasm.
“I love you, Mia.”
“And I love you.”
“Today, even when she looked so vulnerable, there was no comparison to you.”
“I was scared, it did seem real.”
“It was, but only for a short while. She is in a fog, and by the time she comes out I will be gone.”
“We, my lovely boy. But if not me then I know of at least five girls who would take your beautiful soul for themselves. Stacey is begging me to share.”
“I trust you.”
“So you would fuck her?”
“I trust you, if you ask me I will. But I will not even if there was an opportunity.”
“So I call the shots?” she grinned happily.
“All of them my darling. Every single shot. Monday I will find an apartment near the school, so you can come there.”
“There is one.”
She rummaged in her bag and handed me a card with an agent’s name. On the back, she had noted the building and apartment number. I pulled her onto the bed and went after her nipples again. Then we kissed softly. I was lost in her eyes when her alarm sounded. I dropped her and drove back home, just in time to see Maddison kiss Bob through the car window. She jerked back when she saw me, but she knew it was too late. I pulled into the garage and started crate breathing, not really in the mood for the tirade of lies. My phone rang, and Mia was shrieking with joy.
“Five dozen roses! I love them. Oh fuck, babe. And the chocolates. Oh fuck. You are the most amazing human ever.”
I smiled, she found my other gift.
“I am glad. Asshole just kissed bitch goodbye, so have fun with that.”
“I love you so much.”
“Meeks, can we go shopping in the morning. I want to go dancing tomorrow night.”
“Pick you up at ten.”
We ended the call and I walked in to see a very guilty-looking Maddison. I left it, hoping the bullshit will not come, but it did. She tried to tell me how she had reached for something in the car.
“I said nothing Maddison. You asked for an open door, but it seems I opened the wrong door.”
“And hiding away for lunch with Mia?”
“I did not hide, I know you have a tracker on my car.”
“I am just worried.”
“If I am fucking another?”
“You threatened,” she stated.
“Look Maddison, I really had a nice day, please just let it go. We both know the score.” Her phone beeped. She checked, then frowned.
“You sent Mia five dozen roses and chocolates?”
“It’s her birthday, and Bob has organized absolutely fuck-all for her. He did not even plan anything for tomorrow. I have no idea how he became such a pathetic cunt. I am picking her up for the day, she says he has to work. That is you two, not even bothering with the ones you claim to love on the one day we should matter.”
“Are you fucking her?”
“No Maddison, not that it matters.” My phone beeped. “I just don’t feel any loyalty to you anymore.”
‘Bob is trying to ground me, I told him to go fuck his hand.’ I snorted loudly as I read the message.
‘You are so eloquent.’ I replied, then I showed Maddison. She just glared at me.
“You’d better tell your boyfriend that Mia is a far stronger personality than him. That kid scares the shit out of me.”
“He is not my fucking boyfriend.” Maddison snapped and I shrugged, then headed to the kitchen
‘Please, how do I make nice hot chocolate?’ I begged in a text.
‘On the way.’
I just shook my head. Ten minutes later I opened the door and Mia walked in with her cloth bag.
“Out of the kitchen, jackass.” She chuckled after kissing my cheek in front of Maddison, thanking me for the roses.
“You are worth it Meeks, I wish they had ten dozen.”
She vanished into the kitchen, and ten minutes later handed me my hot chocolate. She did not even acknowledge Maddison. We went to back yard and sipped as we joked and laughed about the morning’s game. Maddison joined us with coffee.
“What are your plans tomorrow, Mia?” she asked.
“Dylan said you are busy, and my dad planned nothing because he is a spineless cunt, so it looks like it Is Dylan and myself.”
“And the boyfriend.”
“He still has to break up with his current girlfriend. She is a horrible person and has cheated on him with so many guys. I have my work cut out to restore him to his amazing former self.”
Maddison frowned, then looked at me. I shrugged.
“But surely that could just lead to him having issues,” Maddison stated, again frowning. I wondered if she was seeing that Mia was talking about us.
“Maybe, but he is a hard worker, and he has already shown that he is willing to do some heavy lifting. He also changed his patterns. Apparently, she was his only source of identity, now he is branching out, making sure that he will not be dependent on me only. I will fail, so I cannot have him hurting because of it.”
“That is very wise. When will you be official?” Maddison was showing interest.
“He said he will dump her this week, but we already made promises.”
“Is he not cheating with you?”
“She actually does not care at all. I am sure she will throw a tantrum if she finds out, but once her current cheat shoves his cock in her she forgets. He said she showed him her soft side today, even cried, but ten minutes later she was at the other guy’s place. That is the way of the cheater. Short-lived bullshit.”
I watched as Maddison looked down, then look at me. It was laughable, her guilt. I knew that if Bob was here it would vanish. I just did not matter enough, not to her. But the blonde beauty who now was leaning back against me was the opposite.
“She sounds mean,” I said.
“Yes, but he says she wasn’t always like that. He said she held his heart safe for a good few years, but then she changed.”
“Can he prove it, catch her?” Maddison asked.
“He does not care about proof. He says that he knows, that is enough. That is why I hate my dad right now. I know he is fucking a married woman somewhere, and I see on my boyfriend’s face what that woman’s husband must be feeling, but my dad is a fucking piece of a shit coward.”
“Meeks, calm down my sweet,” I said softly.
“Sorry, Dyls. You are right. Will you take me? He said they might split, and I told him I will live under a fucking bridge if she moves in.”
I saw Maddison’s face contort with anguish. I loved Mia because she just revealed that Maddison is planning to leave me.
“Are you sure your dad is sleeping with a married woman?” Maddison asked.
“Yes, and because of her, he has become a shit father. He had been neglecting me emotionally. Had it not been for Dylan my puberty would have been hell. You have no idea how much Dylan has done for me. Had he not been married I would have fucked him a long time ago.”
“MIA!” I shouted, but she laughed a very infectious laugh.
“Just teasing Dyls, but you are a catch. The seniors are hounding me, saying they are sure they can seduce you.”
“I am sure.”
“I made sure they understood you are not that guy.”
“Thanks, Mia, my life is changing, and dodging horny cheerleaders will complicate things.”
“Uhm, yeah, about that. Stacey did leak your address. So it might get interesting.”
“If I did not love that girl so much I would have tanned her hide.”
“She loves you too Dylan. All my friends love having you around because you make us feel good about ourselves. He is so good with that, isn’t he Maddison?”
“Very good.”
“But they also like that you respond to their compliments. They say you believe them, even if they are still clumsy.”
“I still appreciate it, Mia, because they are sincere.”
“We are Dyls. Will you walk me home?”
“My dad is out, probably fucking his bitch again. Fuck, he irritates me so much. Fucking horny old goat. I know he will place her kids above me if she leaves her husband.”
I burst out laughing, and Mia joined me. Maddison was white, realizing that she was not Bob’s only fuck. I shook my head because she was definitely fucking others too. Cheaters will cheat, even on each other. I quickly washed our cups, and Mia grabbed her cloth bag. She took my hand as we walked out the door, and I was sure Maddison saw it.
“Fuck Mia, you laid into her in a bad way,” I snickered as we walked to her house.
“Bitch had it coming, and my dad is fucking another married woman too.”
“Yeah, not surprised. But now she will pull out all stops to stay with me.”
“Yes, will you resist?”
“Yes, Mia, more than ever. She has a training seminar for four days at Pensacola, flying out in the morning. I suspect her other partner is also going. I am considering having her served whilst his cock is in her. But that actually does not matter, she will be served.”
“I love you, Dylan. I see such a strong man in you because you took so much shit. Will you stroke my pussy again at home?”
“Yes, I want to. I love how soft and wet it is.”
We arrived at her house and saw it was dark. Her father was gone, so we started to kiss. We stayed in the lounge, and I kissed her nipples again. Then I surprised her by diving under her skirt and licking her pussy through her Panties. Mia moaned very loudly. I pulled her panties to one side and buried my tongue in her, sucking at her, then licking. I loved her taste and I made her scream twice. I let her limp form go, then picked her up and carried her to her bedroom.
She fell asleep in my arms. I got up and washed my face properly, then locked the door behind me. In the back of my mind, I had a wish, that soon I would not have to leave her at night. At home Maddison was in a state, it was clear she now confirmed Bob was cheating on her. She wanted to be left alone, and I complied. Her bag was in the lounge, and I slipped the small tracker into the lining. She fetched it later. The next morning she left for the airport after a strained goodbye. My wife’s heart was broken and I felt nothing for her. I picked Mia up, and Bob cornered me.
“Mia says Maddison is a bit upset.”
“Yep, she found out she was betrayed.”
“Did you cheat on her?” Bob asked, shocked.
“Nope, not me Bob. But if I am cheating it will not bother her. One of her other fuckers is cheating on her. Quite ironic, seeing as she is a cheater.”
“I am not cheating with her, Dylan. Fuck.”
“Well, she is definitely cheating with someone from work, Bob.”
I watched as he comprehended, and for the second time in two days, I saw a callous cheater’s world crash. “See, Bob, stupid games win stupid prizes.” I got up as Mia came in with her sleepover bag.
“Cheers dad, I am sleeping over.”
“Mia, are we not doing something today?” He asked.
“What? Is your whore unavailable? Sorry, I made plans with Dylan, dad.”
We walked out and then watched through the window as he collapsed on the floor in tears.
“Mia, that feels a little too good,” I grinned, and we drove to my house again.
I took the tracker off my car, and also put my phone near it. I gave my burner number to Grant in case there was a mission, and then we left. I checked the tracker on Maddison’s bag, she was at a hotel in Virginia Beach. I grumbled that I should have served her, she has not even left the state. Mia rubbed my hand and soothed me. We had brunch, then went shopping. I bought her a beautiful blue cocktail dress, then underwear.
“I don’t need a bra, Dylan,” she said softly.
“Please Meeks, just wear it. I love how the lace peeks out under the dress.”
She put it on and checked it in the mirror.
“It does look very sexy,” she agreed.
Then we drove to a spa, where Mia and myself were pampered for the rest of the day. Our cabin was the honeymoon cabin. That evening we drove to a nearby hotel where there was dinner and dancing, and I danced with my love. We ate something, but I was too mesmerized to remember. We had our photos taken and sent to us via messenger. I gave Mia her final gift. A necklace and earring set that matched her ring. She wept as I put it on, then I kissed her softly.
“I have never loved the way I love you, Mia. You have not healed me, you have improved me.”
“And I have loved you for a long time, that first time you waved at me. I fell so deeply in love with you.”
“Uhm, so. Did your laptop really break?”
“It was broken.”
“But not by accident.”
“Nope. But what was broken is my heart, for you.”
“My dad, I saw him with Maddison at a park. They started fucking before that day. He actually loved that I was going to be tutored by you. Now his world will burn.”
“Do you have more revenge?”
“Yes, my love. Now they will face the consequences.”
We danced till after midnight, then went back to the spa. There Mia pulled herself up against me, and my cock nestled in her junction, her clit hard against it. She kissed me, and our tongues met. We must have kissed for almost half an hour before she pulled away.
“I know it is my birthday, Dylan. But I have a gift for you,” she whispered.
“What, Meeks. There is nothing that could top me having you in my arms.”
“I am emancipated, Dylan. I am an adult legally.”
“That is a gift, Mia,” I said as the implication hit me. My lover is legal.
“Now, make love to me, little boy. Make sure I know I am your wife,” She used her dominant tone, and I melted. My heart associated that tone with the most perfect love I could ever have imagined.
“You are my wife, Mistress, in my mind you are.” I pushed her back on the bed and lay down next to her.
I softly kissed her, nibbling her lips as my hand found one nipple, then the other. I pulled the dress off her shoulders, then the bra, and worshipped her breasts.
“You have the most beautiful nipples and breasts, Mia.”
“They are so flat.”
“I am in love with them, Meeks. I would never want your breasts to not be flat.”
“Thanks, now give me my pleasure, little boy.”
She smiled as I looked at her, and she saw me crash over the next precipice of love. I kissed lower and lifted the dress, so I could lick at her mound through the matching blue panties. I eventually pulled them off after she orgasmed hard. I licked her pussy now, often pulling back to just admire it, then diving in again. I let up as she recovered from another orgasm, and took my clothes off. She watched me intently, and I felt good as she smiled at me once I was naked. I licked her into another orgasm, then rose over her. She grabbed my cock and slotted it between her pussy lips, and I started to sink into her. My mind was blown by how tight she was, and yet how she opened up. Then I hit her hymen, and she nodded as she kissed me.
“Please, Dylan.”
I pushed harder, and I felt it tear and held her as she cried, then pushed in after she flexed her hips up at me, indicating she was ready. My base mashed her clit as the tip touched her Cervix. A perfect fit. I dropped my forehead on hers, and I started to cry. My tears fell in her eyes, and she cried with me. This felt so pure, so right. I started to move in her and she started to cum as I kept a steady motion. I started to speed up and we orgasmed hard. I flipped us over and held her against me. I gently stroked her butt with my fingertips as she flexed her hips. We came again.
“I am a little sore, my angel,” she said.
“Then lay still on me. Pull out if you want.”
“Can we shower first?”
I nodded and carried her to the bathroom. I pulled the dress over her head, with her help. In the shower, I finally pulled out of her and we washed. I dried her and she dried me, then we got into bed. I held her against me, my hard again cock trapped between her thighs. That night I slept without any nightmares and dreamt the most amazing dream of a life with Mia. We woke late and made love again. I watched as I stroked into my darling, seeing she was still sore, but she wanted it nevertheless.
We dressed casually after we cleaned up again and went for a late breakfast. I checked the tracker, and it was offline. I knew Maddison had found it, and she now knows that I know she isn’t at the convention. We left the spa and drove to my lawyer’s office, where we presented the evidence. He said that he will have her served at the house when she gets back. Mia and I prepared my apartment, and she blew me away with another part of her plan.
“I am moving in with you,” she laughed loudly as I grabbed her and spun her around as I kissed her. I made love to her on the bare wooden floor as I again wept for joy.
“You cry a lot.,” she giggled.
“Is that an issue?”
“No my love, I love that you are so sensitive.”
We moved some furniture in, but I left the house intact for the most part. We bought a lot of furniture new, including our bed. Bob was devastated when I arrived with three movers, and we cleared Mia’s room.
“Sorry Bob, uhm. Actually, not sorry. Mia gave me evidence of you and Maddison. I always knew you were lying, and I had proof. You two have no idea how stupid you really were,” I said to him the following morning while he was waiting at the school entrance where he begged Mia to come back. It was about an hour before Maddison would be served. We left him at the gate where he was violently sobbing now. Then Mia surprised me yet again when she called Grant.
“Hey Grant, you can pull the trigger. And yes, I would absolutely love to go skiing.” I started to cry again as I realized how clever my babe was.
“You planned a lot of things, Meeks.”
“Yes, what Grant is going to do is start an internal investigation. Maddison and all her lovers will get hammered. My father will lose all his government contracts. I am going nuclear, Dylan. Nobody fucks with the people I love.”
“Good to know,” I answered, feeling elated.
Maddison was served and as predicted she fell apart completely. I realized I was her safety net after all, just not for the right reasons. I granted her a meeting, and Mia joined us. I felt sorry for Maddison, she was devastated.
“The way you feel is the way Dylan felt, Maddison. He does care, you did not,” Mia said as she took over the initial conversation. She was angry and it comforted me.
“Dylan, please don’t do this to me,” Maddison begged.
“You are just suffering the consequence of a choice I am making for myself, Maddison. Mia and I will move on, together as lovers,” I answered.
“So you were fucking her?” Maddison asked.
“Not until you attended the seminar in Virginia Beach, Maddison. Even right up to the end you just had to be unfaithful.”
“I am suspended.”
“I hear three guys in your department are suspended, Maddison. Did you have gangbangs in the office?” Mia twisted the knife
“Please, you guys can be lovers. Just don’t divorce me.”
“Sorry Maddison, the right time for that was years ago. I have healed from the pain you inflicted, so I have no emotional need for you. Mia covers all of that and more.”
The meeting ended with Maddison still sobbing. I did feel a little bit sad for her, but not nearly enough to budge.
Two weeks later she was given a demotion and transferred to what essentially was guard duty for a think tank. Her superior lost his job, and her other lovers were also transferred to some very shitty posts. I loved how shocked Grant’s wife, Angie was when she met Mia in Italy, not only for her age but also for the fact that she was such a strong woman. After our first day on the slopes, I lay with Mia in my arms.
“Dylan, had I tried to seduce you that day with my laptop…?”
“I would have resisted you.”
“Thanks for never disrespecting me. I love you so much,” she turned her face to me, “Dylan, you keep saying I make you strong, but none of my strength was my own. Your incredible faith in me right from the start made me who I am today.”
She rolled over me and I felt my cock rise and she pushed me into her with a loud sigh. She started extracting another orgasm from me. I just held her down on me afterward. The next morning I lay on my side, Mia on her back, completely naked. I stroked her body gently, not really getting used to how perfect she was. She pulled my face down and kissed me.
“I am happy Mia, you make me happy.”
“I am also happy, my beautiful boy. Everything in me has dreamt of this, you staring at me in this way, looking at my nakedness, and dressing me with a worth I never thought I would have.”
“Will you marry me, Mia? Will you marry an old love fool whose heart keeps breaking with love for you?”
“Yes, I will, I want to, and I need to.” She moved the ring over to her ring finger.
Angie held her hand out to Grant at breakfast and he gave her a hundred, then we celebrated. Mia checked her phone and started laughing.
“Oh, Dylan. My father is losing contracts. I hope he has to live in a trailer park. The other woman’s husband beat the crap out of him. He is also divorcing his wife, but they have twin girls, three years old,” Mia said after looking at her phone again. Stacey was keeping us updated on the nuclear fallout.
“Fucking cheaters, ruining lives,” Grant muttered, and Angie kissed his cheek.
“Babe, can we do marriage counseling?” Angie asked Grant.
“Sure my love.”
“Why, you guys are on top of it?” I asked.
“So we can stay on top of it bud. I never want to see Angie hurt because I couldn’t handle my shit.”
“Likewise,” Angie added
“Then we do it too, my love,” Mia said.
“Yes, mistress.” She attacked my mouth desperately, then let up.
“Wait, Dylan. Is she the dominatrix Red team spoke off?” Grant laughed.
“Yes, but we still need the whips and switches.”
“I have ordered them, my angel,” Mia said and winked at Angie. Later Angie stole me away.
“Please tell me that you are lying, she cannot be seventeen.”
“She is Angie. And she outclasses Maddison in every single way.”
“She outclasses most of the women I know. I watch her, and she instinctively covers you. I sometimes tease Grant, but Mia never reveals any of your weaknesses as a joke. I see her stepping in front of them.”
“True, Angie.”
“Was it hard, falling for a minor?”
“I hated myself. But I tested it. I was never attracted to any other girls, just Mia. It felt so weird, this little slip of a girl sitting across from me, and I knew I would have had a hard time resisting her had she tried. But I am so glad she never did.”
“Your love is old Dylan, and I mean it in a classic sense. Romance her as the storybooks describe.”
“I bought her five dozen roses for her birthday. I heard her shriek at my house, blocks away. I have noticed she wants traditional romance, and I love that. Maddison was always full of shit.”
“Maddison was a whore, Dylan.”
“How did I get it so wrong?”
“You didn’t. She was sweet, perfect. But the teams changed her. Missions with drinking led to her getting fucked, first individually, eventually, it was just gangbangs. They laughed at you.”
“Did she ever care?”
“Yes Dylan, a lot. She just never saw the need to protect you.”
“Why did she treat me with such contempt?”
“Because she saw you as weak. Our sources say she started to cut the men off after you joined the teams. She also read the debrief, and saw that you were very much integral.”
“It was too late.”
“Yes, we know. But she had no idea you had the evidence.”
“Bob was an idiot. Mia hacked his phone with her third script. I hated that she thought I would be angry with her. She was also a scarred human when we got close.”
Mia found us and she wrapped her lithe body around mine.
“Hey, husband of mine.”
“Hey, wife. Have you any idea how much I love saying that?”
“Yep, my beautiful boy.”
“Does mistress have a request?” I asked and Angie laughed at us.
“Four orgasms before we hit the slopes.”
“But mistress, that is impossible.”
“What do you mean?” Mia grinned at Angie.
“I cannot give mistress less than six orgasms. Anything less makes me feel like I have failed.”
“Fuck, I love you two so much.” Angie hugged us and then kissed our cheeks. “Grant and I have decided that we do not want to do life without you two.”
“And we need you guys. We do not want to be isolated from accountability.”
I picked Mia up and carried her through the hotel foyer and to the elevator, where she pushed the buttons before attacking my mouth again. She unlocked the door and I dumped her on the bed, pulling her clothes off and finally sinking my face into her pussy. I stripped too and plunged into her with one stroke. I made love with fervor and she just kept moaning out orgasm after orgasm. I could not get enough of her writhing form under me and felt her nails rake my back four times as she came hard. I calmed down after my orgasm, and gently stroked her face. She looked into my eyes, and her brow wrinkled.
“What Meeks?”
“I just saw us with kids, twins. They look like me, with your sweet temperament. I cannot wait my love.”
“You would be the best mom ever, Mia. But yes. I know there are some rough roads with kids, but I also cannot wait. What do we call them?”
“Simone and Bianca?”
“Alexandra and Gabrielle?”
“Ooh, nice Dylan. Jane and Carrie?”
“Okay, clearly we want girls”
“Is this because of the girls in the other marriage?” I kissed her as I held her face.
“Yes, Dyls. I hate that they will now have a broken home.”
“Should we register for foster care?” I had given it thought, years ago.
“Yes, after your divorce.”
“Then we do that. Mia, just make sure it is what you want. You already have a beautiful boy you have to parent.”
“Shut up and give me orgasms.”
I dropped my face and kissed her softly. I felt myself slip another notch into love. I have never been this in love, ever. We never made it to the slopes that day and looked rather worn and sheepish when we met Grant and Angie for dinner.
“Grant, I have never been loved like Mia loves me. It is as if the universe unites in my soul. I look into her eyes and nothing feels out of place,” I confessed as they sat laughing at our tired faces.
“And I know I am young, but Dylan has the same effect on me,” Mia yawned.
We joined other guests in a large common room, but I never really took note of anybody but Mia. We were always different.
The school got used to me being her fiancé. At eighteen they got used to me being her husband, and then to us having two foster girls, aged six. We managed to get our twins. I would walk across from our home with the girls and spend lunch with Mia and the kids, who never lacked attention as Mia’s friends cuddled with the twins. Masha and Natasha mimicked us and became as affectionate as we were.
I did a lot of Red team missions, never once getting wounded.
“It is because your heart was wounded so badly, my love. That is why the universe shows you such kindness.” Mia said, now twenty-one and six months pregnant with twins. We had two more girls, Alexandra and Angela. I sat with Grant one day as we planned a mission.
“Dylan, Angie, and me are so deeply in love with you and Mia if you understand what I mean. How the hell do you do it?” Grant said as he studied my calm face.
“I have never allowed any form of disrespect to take hold, same with her, Grant. But my problem is that I just keep falling in love with her. I still cannot get enough of her body, never mind that amazing mind of hers. And she still scares the shit out of me.”
“Angie says that she says the same. Mia keeps falling in love with you.”
I smiled and called Mia.
“Hey, baby, what is happening?” she answered. I heard the kids causing havoc. Mia preferred working from home, and I spent two days a week working from home as well.
“I just wanted to hear your voice,” I answered.
“And I wanted to hear yours. Dyls, I am falling in love with you, my little boy.”
“Yes mistress, may I fall in love with you?”
“Yes Dylan, as much as you want.” I hung up and Grant laughed at me.
“Fuck off. It is not like I can help it,” I grunted, then smiled as Mia’s face popped into my mind.
I watched Grant call Angie, and the call had very much the same tone. I went online and ordered Mia a dozen white roses. Two hours later she called me, shrieking with happiness. I have been doing it every week, and every week she reacts as if it is the best that has ever happened to her. I had long since realized that Mia would never take me for granted, and I sure as hell cannot take her for granted. She was still that nymph that stole my heart. It took her a few years, but she finally told me how she engineered the whole situation after she saw her father with Maddison. She had a four-year plan and executed it flawlessly. Mia always made sure I knew that she never felt I was leading her on until she moved in on me at sixteen.
One thing that I have never regretted was that I am owned by the most beautiful woman I have ever met.