A Look Inside

"You must be brave enough to look inside your heart...."

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Somehow it took me so long
To see the err of my ways,
I really fought to find true love
But the same story always plays.

For lessons learned about love
I had to bravely search within,
You cannot truly love unless
Your comfortable in your own skin.

So much self doubt inside I found
I know I am my own worst critic,
Figuring out how to fail at love
Without letting myself becoming a cynic.

Heartbreak was a pain so deep
That it threatened to break my being,
I simply failed to love myself first
So my attempts at love were fleeting.

So believe that you are really worth it
That you deserve the very best,
Then you will find someone worthy
And you will forget about the rest.

Only when I became open to it
Could love’s magic heal my pain,
And then I found myself in real love
Finally I saw the rainbow after the rain.

Look inside yourself to truly find out
What fate you are so afraid of,
And then look your fears in the face
To find the meaning of true love.

To look inside ourselves is not easy
We are afraid of what we may see,
But beauty on the outside is simple
I had to work to find the beauty inside of me.

Published 11 years ago

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