As I pulled into my driveway after another long day at work, rain drops began to fall at a rapid pace against my windshield. Great, just the perfect way to end another shitty day, with a shitty evening full of bad weather I thought to myself. My life had become pretty dreary over the last eighteen months after my cheating wife filed for divorce and then tried to take everything I owned away from me.
A little more about me, my name is Matt. I’m thirty-seven years old and am a divorce/separation attorney at a small law firm in Portland, Maine. How ironic that I am a divorce lawyer and was newly divorced. Honestly, my profession is the only reason I was able to keep my Mercedes, my house, and most of my financial assets. Over the past eighteen months, since the filing and finalizing of my divorce, I had become celibate, not by choice. Work and stress from my divorce put me in no mood to court women or spend my time out socializing.
Now back to the story…
After pulling into my garage, I quickly scurried across the drive and under my covered patio to avoid the now downpouring rain. I was fortunate to keep the house in the divorce as it was one of the main objectives of my wife’s lawyer to get for her cheating ass. 8,000 square feet, four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a furnished basement with a wet bar, a small movie theater and game room, and one of the nicest kitchens I’ve ever seen, and no, I am not bragging. I worked extremely hard and spent a lot of money to have what I do.
I headed upstairs and got into my normal night attire of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I went back downstairs and poured myself a glass with four fingers of scotch and two ice cubes. I then made the five-step walk into my living room where I jumped onto my obnoxiously large couch and surfed the channels for something to pique my interest.
About thirty minutes into my nightly routine, my doorbell rang. I looked at the TV box and saw it was 7:30 pm, who the fuck could this be? A few seconds passed and again my doorbell rang. Clearly whoever was at the door wanted something and I really was in no mood. I dragged myself off the couch and walked down my main hall to the front door. I slowly opened the door to peek out and see who it could be. Standing there was my neighbor Molly, dressed in a skin-tight red dress that barely went down to her mid-thigh and a pair of black, open-toed stilettos with a five-inch heel. I opened the door further once I knew it wasn’t some Jehovah trying to tell me the world was ending.
“Matt, so glad you are home,” she exclaimed, “I am locked out of my house, I misplaced my keys somewhere and the spare is not in the garage. I just called a locksmith, but they told me it could be an hour or more until they come. Any chance I could wait inside until they arrive?”
“Sure, Molly, come on in,” I replied as I ushered her in quickly as it was still lightly raining. “Where is Ana?”
“Oh, I dropped her off at her grandparents earlier this afternoon before I went to my business dinner.” Ana was Molly’s six-year-old daughter for those that were wondering.
I went and closed the door and when I turned around Molly was bending over unbuckling the top strap to both of her heels and sliding out of them. The red dress she was wearing was riding up and the bottom of her ass cheeks began to slide out. I quickly turned to look away as she straightened up and began to follow me down the hall to the kitchen/living room area.
“Would you like a drink, I just poured myself a scotch,” I asked
“If I remember correctly, you are a Jameson man, so I’m sure you probably have that available,” she said with a cute grin breaking across her face. “How about three fingers straight with two ice cubes.”
“You would remember correct, and a great liquor choice on your part,” I replied while grabbing a scotch glass from the cabinet.
Molly then went and had a seat on one of the bar stools I had at my kitchen island.
Molly was a gorgeous thirty-four-year-old woman. She stood about 5’8″, maybe 135 pounds. She had long jet black hair that went down to her mid-back when worn down. She had stunning facial features, I would say celebrity-wise, she looked similar to Demi Lovato. She was not very busty, maybe a 34B, but she made up for it with a luscious, plump, yet toned ass she got from her mother, who was Cuban.
As I finished with her drink, I slid it down the island top to her and went to retrieve my drink before joining her.
“Where is Jeff, he wasn’t able to come let you in,” I asked, figuring her husband could come and let her in the house.
“He’s at the hospital working overnight again. All he does is work now since being promoted to a chief resident of the ER,” she replied
“Oh shit, I completely forgot about that, how’s that going for him,” I asked
“For him, it’s going great, he loves it. For me, it sucks, he’s never home. I feel like a single mother most of the time. I sleep alone almost every night. I’m happy for him though because he loves the work, but it has definitely been rocky for our marriage,” she replied
“Hey, consider yourself lucky that he isn’t home because he is working. It could be like me where my wife wasn’t home because she was out sucking some guy’s dick,” I blurted out in an angry manner. Even though the divorce was finalized four months ago, I still had my bitter moments.
“I’m sorry if I hit a nerve,” Molly quickly piped in. “I didn’t mean to trigger any bad memories.”
“No need to apologize, I’m sorry for blurting that out. Sometimes I still get pissed about everything,” I replied.
“How are you doing with all of that? I hardly see you anymore and if I do it is in passing and you don’t even say hello,” she questioned
“I’m surviving. Now that everything is finalized, I am so slowly getting back to normal. Although, I am swamped at the firm. I have ten cases I am a leading lawyer on and another fifteen I co-sponsor,” I replied.
My ex, Kelly, and I used to spend a lot of time with Molly and Jeff when we were together. Dinner parties, drinking on the patio, barbecues, and even a vacation or two were not out of the ordinary. Molly was right, I never went over to see them anymore and if I did it was a brief encounter.
“Matt, I would love to see more of you again, we used to have so many good times,” she exclaimed
“I know we did, and I would love to start getting back out and enjoying life again,” I replied
“Well then, how about you prove it, come on over tomorrow. Jeff and I were supposed to be going on a romantic getaway to the Blackstone Lodge, but we had to cancel because of him being short-staffed in the ER. Ana is at her grandparents all weekend, so I am going to have a couple of people over from the firm for a pool party and dinner,” she stated, putting me on the spot to live up to my word.
Molly was also a lawyer, she specialized in malpractice and injury law. She was good at her craft which you can clearly see.
“You know what, I will take you up on that offer,” I said confidently, “I will back up my words.”
“Good, and you better,” she said in a bit of a motherly tone. “Also, any chance we can move to the couch, this seat is killing my ass.”
I let out a laugh and reached out my hand for her to grab and pull herself out of the chair. I also grabbed her glass so I could get her a drink refill.
Molly had gone and plopped herself on the curvature portion of my sectional couch and had already popped out the footstool. I handed her the refilled Jameson glass and we continued our conversation.
I can honestly say it felt great to talk to Molly again, I missed her, she was always a great friend to me and my ex. I noticed as we conversed that she kept grabbing at her feet and rubbing them.
“Having a problem over there,” I asked while pointing at her foot.
“Ha, yeah, you would think with me wearing heels five days a week for the last seven years I would be used to them by now. Those heels I had on earlier, I haven’t worn in like a year and now my feet are killing me,” she replied
“Would you like a foot rub?” I asked inquisitively. I was not a foot or a foot fetish guy at all. Feet honestly grossed me out as so many people have ugly ass feet and don’t take care of them. However, I had been around Molly for over five years and had seen her bare feet on many occasions. The woman has some of the prettiest, and may I even say sexiest feet I had ever seen.
“Are you serious?” she asked back with a questioning look on her face. There was then a long ten to fifteen-second pause, which seemed to last forever. “Because if you are offering, I am accepting,” she quipped.
I then signaled for her to put her feet on my lap by tapping on my right thigh. She then readjusted herself and placed her feet on me. I looked down to see her perfectly symmetrical, slim toes. She clearly had a pedicure in the last couple of days as the bright red paint looked perfect and her skin was so soft.
I grabbed her left foot with both my hands and began to rub the middle portion of her foot, massaging deeply into the tissue and muscle. I then worked down to her heel and continued the deep pressure massage.
“Mhmm, that feels so damn good,” she lightly moaned as she titled her head back and closed her eyes.
I then began to massage her toes with both hands. Gently massaging and stretching them. Spreading them and running my fingers through her toe webbing. I then switched to her other foot and did the same thing. I looked over at Molly and her head was still tilted back, her eyes were still closed, except she was now biting her lower lip.
“Fuck, you are good with your hands,” she proclaimed in a breathy tone.
I let out a little laugh, “I’m glad you are enjoying it!”
“Jeff refuses to rub my feet, he says feet are gross. Yet, he works in the ER where he sees gashes, gunshot wounds, and bones sticking out of the skin. But, to him, my feet are too gross to rub. I swear he is just lazy whenever I want pleasure,” she replied with some frustration.
“Well, I will say, I am not a fan of feet either, they gross me out too, but you have some of the prettiest feet I have ever seen,” I said assuringly.
“Stop! You are going to make me blush,” she replied as her cheeks began to get a little red.
Suddenly Molly’s phone rang and she answered. It was the locksmith, he was in her driveway and waiting for her. We quickly got up off the couch and headed to the front door. She grabbed her heels and was about to put them on, but realized she was going to need to run over wet grass and would get stuck in the wet soil. I opened the door to also find the rain was back and coming down heavier than before.
“Shit, I need to run across this lawn and it’s pouring and I have no umbrella,” she shouted
I walked over to my coat closet and grabbed one of several umbrellas and handed it to her.
“Make sure I get this back now,” I told her
“You will get it back, only if you come to my get-together tomorrow,” she replied
I nodded in approval to her statement, “You have a deal.”
“I’ll text you tomorrow morning on when to come over,” she said, “Also, thanks for the rub, you’re an expert with your hands.”
I closed and locked the door behind Molly as she left. I went back to my couch and finished watching the baseball game before heading up to bed for the evening. I woke the next morning to a text from Molly telling me to come over around 1:00 pm. We exchanged texts throughout the morning about if I should bring anything with me. We settled on a couple of bottles of Jameson, which we could split, a pretty simple request in my opinion.
I spent most of my morning grooming, as I was not what you pictured your typical lawyer to look like. I had long flowing brown hair that went midway down my back, and ninety-nine percent of the time was worn in a man bun. I had a thick beard that I would keep neat and orderly. This wasn’t always my style, but from the day my wife filed for divorce until the current day, I just let things grow. I also had grown out a nice layer of chest hair and a small strip of stomach hair that connected the two areas. I always kept this looking neat and trim, as I had no interest in looking like a complete caveman. However, the body hair did me good with the new physique that I was sporting. Prior to my divorce, I was a little stocky, 6’3″, 240 pounds, but if the divorce did anything positive, it was getting me back in the gym. I’ve been going four days a week for the past year and have slimmed down to 205 pounds. I’ve developed abs, a thick chest, and toned arms. This mixed with my hairy features had led to some calling me a sexy lumberjack, which I fully can embrace. The one area I had let go of was my groin, since I had not been sexually active with a woman in over eighteen months, the manscaping had stopped. I truly forgot how difficult it was to shave and clean up your shaft and balls after all this time. I swear it took me over an hour to trim that area.
The morning flew by with all the hair removal and trimming and before I knew it 1:00 pm had arrived. I grabbed my party favors and headed on over to Molly’s house. I approached the front door and gave the bell a couple of rings, within a few seconds the door was opening and there was Molly. She was wearing a tiny black string bikini that beautifully showed offer her smaller, natural breasts and the bottoms were a very narrow cut with strings tied at the sides to hold them on. As I walked in the door, Molly quickly closed it and lead me down the hallway. This was the best view of them all, as her ass looked stunning in those bikini bottoms. With each step the fabric disappeared further into her ass crack, practically forming a thong. I could not take my eyes off her peach, it had me in a trance, I just wanted to bite into it. I followed Molly out through the back door of the home where I saw four other guests hanging out in the back.
The first person I saw was Angela who was a fellow layer at Molly’s firm. She was in her late forties but had an excellent body with naturally large breasts. I also saw Ron, who was in his late fifties and had been practicing law for the past twenty-five years in Portland. We also had Megan who was a newer attorney at Molly’s firm. She was short and plump, slightly out of shape, but has massive natural jugs that her bathing suit struggled to contain. And finally, we had Rachel, Molly’s legal assistant for the past few years. She and I had interacted many times at gatherings and work functions. She was looking amazing, with what I would define as model-like features. She was 5’10”, 130 pounds, she had very small breasts, maybe a 32B at best, but complimented them with a plump toned ass, washboard abs, and ridiculously long legs. She was sporting a very sexy yellow bikini that really showed off her glistening tan skin, all-white finger and toe nail paint and that tight little ass that would make all the boys drool.
After everyone greeted me, we all got some drinks and went into the shallow end of the pool for an afternoon dip and conversations. I took my time talking to each of the guests, catching up on life as many of these people I had only seen in passing over the last year or two. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Molly and Rachel both kept checking me out. Both had looks of hunger in their eyes, or at least that was what I was getting the vibe of. Molly had never looked at me like this in all the years I knew her. Maybe it was the foot rub from last night that stimulated her loins, or maybe it was the fact her husband was never home. For Rachel, I had no clue why she was giving me these looks, as for what I knew, she had a boyfriend of nearly a year or more and was not on the market. Maybe I was now a magnet for taken women and I could now be the cheating partner.
A few minutes later, Molly and Rachel came over and began making small talk with me.
“Matt, where have you been hiding this body, you look absolutely amazing,” Molly asked as she looked me up and down some more.
“Well if the divorce was good for one thing, it was getting me back in the gym. I’ve lost over thirty pounds and have really tightened things up,” I replied back with a grin breaking out over my face. I enjoyed the looks I was getting from the ladies.
“Well whatever you are doing, it is definitely paying off. You need to get out and meet some women, they would eat you up,” Molly giggled, “If I wasn’t married, I would be one of them.”
There it was, a confirmation to my thoughts that Molly was indeed eye fucking me moments ago. I suddenly started to feel some growth in my trunks as I was getting turned on knowing that my neighbor was willing to fuck me if she was single. The thought of bending Molly over the edge of this pool and fucking her wet cunt deep from behind started to cross my mind.
“You remember Rachel, right,” Molly then asked
“Yeah, of course, it’s been a while, but I definitely remember her,” I replied back as I looked at Rachel and gave her a smile.
“I’m so glad to see you again, it’s been so long! I hope things are going better now that your divorce is cleared up,” she said with a beautiful smile.
“Things are definitely improving and I am looking forward to getting back to normal now that everything is finalized,” I replied.
“Rachel is newly single herself,” Molly then chipped in. I was starting to feel like she was now trying to play matchmaker. I’ll be honest, I would not mind spending some evenings with Rachel and those long tan legs.
“Oh, really, what happened to D…D…Darren, right,” I asked Rachel
“Scumbag was cheating on me with his secretary, found out two months ago, and broke things off. He just finally finished moving out of my house a couple of weeks ago,” she replied
“I’m sorry to hear that, I’ve been there, I know the feeling, but things do get better, I promise,” I replied back while reaching out and gently rubbing her arm.
Molly then removed herself from the conversation and the pool as she expected the catered food to be arriving at any moment. This really gave Rachel and me some time to chat one-on-one. She was two semesters from finishing law school and was prepping for the bar, which I of course offered her any study assistance that she needed. We also just caught up on life in general. One thing I noticed was that we both were being very flirty, offering up lots of compliments to each other and doing a lot of arm and hand touching as we spoke.
Finally, the food had arrived, a Mexican smorgasbord of tacos, burritos, nachos, enchiladas, and a few other things from a great authentic local Mexican restaurant. We all dove into the feast as a couple of hours under the sun and some drinks left us with great hunger. As we ate, tequila shots started getting passed around. Before you know it, we were six rounds deep. I was truly hoping all this damn food would absorb the shots we had just put down over the last thirty minutes.
As the sun started to go down, Molly asked everyone if they’d move to the fire pit area as we were going to build a fire. Molly pulled me aside and asked if I would come and help her grab some firewood from the shed she had behind her garage. As we walked back to grab the wood she let me know that she loved that I had come over today and she hoped it would lead us to hang out more in the near future. I assured her that it would as I was having a great time. She also told me that she felt I should make a move on Rachel and that we had some good chemistry, which I completely agreed with.
After collecting the wood, I went over to the fire pit and built a nice fire for everyone to gather around. With the sun now down behind the trees, the air grew brisk. Molly went inside and threw on some booty shorts and a shall, Rachel also had put on the tiny little shorts she wore earlier today and borrowed one of Molly’s sweatshirts. We all did another round of tequila shots before taking our seats around the fire. I sat next to Rachel and we picked up our conversation from earlier in the day. Our chairs were very close and she was really leaning into me as we talked. Without even really thinking about it I reached over and placed my hand on her thigh and began to gently rub it. I noticed Rachel looked down when I did this, then looked back up at me and gave me a cute little smile. As we continued to talk she placed her hand repeatedly on my arm and rubbed it up and down. Her touch was so delicate and soft, it just felt so good to be touched like that again.
I noticed Molly looking over at us throughout the night, giving me little smiles and even a wink or two. I think she was highly encouraging me to take Rachel home tonight, which I was definitely in favor of at this point. Molly started to clean up a bit as the night grew later. All of the guests were going to be staying at Molly’s house that evening as they all had a little too much to drink. It wasn’t like Molly didn’t have the room. She had 10,000 square feet, six bedrooms, five bathrooms, and one hell over a kitchen and living room set up, her house put mine to shame.
As the night began to really wrap up, Rachel had placed her head on my arm and was whispering sweet little nothings into my ear. Knowing that everyone was staying with Molly, I figured this was the chance for me to invite Rachel to my place.
“Would you be interested in coming back with me to my home tonight? I’m going to be leaving in a few minutes,” I whispered to her with high hopes of her accepting my invitation.
“Absolutely! I’m ready to go now if you’d like,” she replied with a cute giggle in her response.
That was my cue it was time for us to go. I said my good nights to everyone as they had already gotten up and were working their way inside the house. I then found Molly in the kitchen putting some things away.
“I just want to say thank you for the invite. This went way better than I ever imagined, really, thank you for the hospitality,” I said as I gave her a huge hug. “Oh, and remember, I need my umbrella back, it was part of the deal we made.”
“I’m so glad you had a great time, and I think you are in line for a better late-night,” she giggled as she saw Rachel waiting for me. “I’m going to keep your umbrella actually, use it as bait to make sure you come over again, changing the terms of our deal.”
I definitely liked her tone and where this could be going, “Okay, I can go along with that, I guess we’ll need to plan something soon.”
She then reached in and gave me a sweet peck on the cheek and a rub on my arm before shooing me off to Rachel. I’m pretty sure Molly and my relationship was heading in a different direction than it had the past five years. I just wasn’t sure what that was going to be or look like, but man, I was intrigued.
However, it was now time to turn my focus to Rachel. I walked over and grabbed her by the hand, led her out the back gate, and walked across the grass to my back patio. We entered my house through my glass patio doors, which left us right in the kitchen/living room area. Before I could even close the doors fully she flung herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and planting her luscious lips on mine. We were immediately engaged in hot and heavy kissing. Our mouths opened and our tongues began exploring each other.
I cupped my hands around the lower part of her ass cheeks and lifted her up. She wrapped those amazing long legs around me and I walked over to my couch where I sat down with her on top of me. We continued to passionately kiss as I went and lifted her sweatshirt off. She quickly went and began to yank at my tank top, which I gladly removed the rest of the way for her. Our tongues continued to dance as I was absolutely into our kissing. It had been such a long time since I had passionately made out with a woman. I reached my hand up her back and quickly untied her bikini top and removed it.
Staring right in my face were her small, but perky tits. Her pink large nipples were standing at full attention. I pulled her back in and kept kissing her as her breasts smashed into my chest. I could feel her rock-hard nipples rubbing up and down my chest hair causing a little tickle. I then took my hands and cupped the lower half of her tits and began to massage them, causing Rachel to let out moans into my mouth. I broke our kiss and turned my focus to her breasts, as I continued to massage them I took her left tit in my mouth, slowly sucking on her swollen hard nipple.
“Fuck,” she moaned as I latched on.
I then went over to her right breast and did the same thing. I took my time hopping between her tits, kissing and sucking, enjoying them to my fullest potential. As I was sucking, Rachel began to grind on me, my cock was now aching to be released. The feeling of her nice ass and warm thighs moving briskly over my lap was starting to bring out those animalistic urges that I had buried away for several months.
After pleasuring her tits for a few minutes, Rachel pushed me back and slid her way off my lap and down to the floor. She reached up and grabbed my crotch, squeezing my growing cock through my trunks while looking up at me with a seductive look.
“You want me to suck your cock Matty? You want to put that dick in my little slut mouth,” she asked as she continued to run her fingers over my shaft.
I nodded vigorously in approval as she moved her hands up to my waist. She quickly untied my swim trunks and began to pull them down. I lifted my hips so that she could completely slide them off. As she lowered them to my ankles, my fat, long cock came launching out, standing at full mast.
“Holy fuck, you have a huge fucking dick,” she blurted out as she stared it down.
If there was one thing I was blessed with in life, it was a big dick. I was in the double digits at ten inches in length and was girthy too, pushing nearly six and a half inches around. My ex-wife and previous girlfriend always told me I should drop the lawyer thing and get into porn because I had a cock built for the business.
Her eyes remained locked onto my monster when she reached up and grabbed hold of it with her right hand. She was barely able to fit her whole hand around it as she started stroking me slowly up and down.
“You like that big dick baby?” I asked as I observed the look of amazement on her face.
She nodded her head up and down and then slowly approached my cock with her face. When she was a few inches away she spit three good wads of spit on my shaft to lube me up. She grabbed ahold of my cock with her left hand as well and began to stroke me from tip to balls, double-fisted, with a nice steady rhythm.
“Fuck, that feels so good, just like that baby,” I groaned as she jacked me off. Her hands felt so much better than mine ever could.
As she continued to stroke me she moved her mouth over the top of my cock and lowered down, taking just the head in her mouth. She started to bob up and down quickly while releasing saliva that leaked down my cock and her hands.
“Oh shit,” I growled as she started slurping my head. “I want to feel your mouth all over my cock Rachel, holy fuck.”
She then stopped stroking me and just grabbed the head of my cock with her left hand. She then let her tongue out and began to lick my shaft like a lollipop. From base to tip she licked me, making me squirm from the sensation of her tongue. She then went down to my balls and started to gently lick them too. I loved my balls being licked, it was one of my largest turn-ons. After a few minutes of licking my balls, she took my right nut in her mouth and began sucking on it. Then she went and put the left nut in and began to suck on it. She bounced back and forth between my balls, popping them in and out of her mouth, all when stroking my huge rod. It felt so fucking good, but I wanted her fucking mouth on my cock now.
I removed her hand from my prick and stood up in front of her and looked down to make eye contact.
“I want your luscious lips and that vacuum mouth around my cock, sucking the fucking life out of me,” I commanded.
“Yes sir, your wish is my command,” she responded back with a schoolgirl giggle.
She then grabbed the base of my shaft with her right hand and moved her mouth toward the head of my cock. She then looked up at me and opened her mouth wide before sliding me in. One-inch, three-inches, five-inches, seven-inches, nine-inches, she paused, gulped, and then took the last inch while never breaking eye contact with me. She then held her place for a good fifteen to twenty seconds, before slowly backing her head up and releasing me inch by inch.
“Did you like that magic trick Matty,” she asked with the same school girl giggle.
I nodded my head rapidly in approval of the skill she just demonstrated. She then proceeded to do the same trick for me for the next couple of minutes, savoring every inch of my cock as it disappeared, then reappeared from her throat.
“Now I want you to use my mouth however you’d like,” said Rachel.
This was a fucking dream, it had to be! I grabbed her head and positioned it right in front of my tip. I put one hand on each side of her head and looked down.
“Open wide,” I growled
I then slid my cock in and began face fucking her, shoving as much cock down her throat as she could handle at a rapid pace. Her eyes began to water as I beat her throat. Saliva and spit began pouring down her chin and onto her chest. The sound of choking and gurgling from my brutal face fuck rang out through my empty home. Every thirty seconds or so I would let her grab some air before going and ramming my bulbous shaft down her throat again. The animalistic urges of not having sex for the last eighteen months took over, this pussy was mine for the night.
I suddenly stopped beating her mouth, reached down and picked her up, then tossed her on the couch.
“Get doggie style for me right now,” I commanded
She quickly got into position and looked back at me. I grabbed the waistband of her booty shorts and bikini bottoms then slid them down in one swift motion, exposing to me her nice tight ass and pretty set of swollen bare pussy lips. Her pussy was glistening because of how soaked she was. I stepped forward and grabbed my throbbing knob with my right hand and began to slide it between her slit. My head then penetrated her hole and began to fill her love box. Her pussy was ridiculously tight, even with all of her juice, she struggled to take me in. Once I was about five inches deep I began to thrust rapidly in and out of her with shallow strokes.
“Fuck me, baby, fuck that wet little pussy,” she moaned out as her cunt suctioned my dick.
Her pussy began to cream around my shaft creating a thick creamy lubricant as I continued to pound her hole. The longer we went, the more she was able to take as she was eating up about eight inches of me now.
“I want to ride you baby, please let me ride you,” she moaned.
I was quick to grant her request as I pulled out and sat down. She hopped on top, grabbed my shaft and guided me inside her. She then slowly sat down, letting each inch slowly fill her before beginning to take long slow strokes up and down, stretching her cunt as she went.
“I’m going to take the whole thing daddy, I want the whole thing in me,” she assured me.
I was glad to see we were on the same page as I placed my hands on her hips and helped her ride. Up and down, faster and harder she went. We were so close to getting my cock all the way inside her, and I had an idea to make that happen. I used to do it with my ex, as she struggled to take all of my meat as well.
“I’m going to scoop you up and stand up,” I told her
She nodded in approval as I began to stand. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I began to smash in and out of her. It felt so good being able to hold her and pound her standing, this was one of my favorite positions. I then began to walk over to the kitchen table I had next to my patio doors. I placed her on the table and kept penetrating her sopping wet pussy.
“Ohhh fuck,” she squealed in pleasure
I was really hitting her spot as she laid on the table with her pussy and ass right near the edge. I wrapped my hands around her thighs and pulled her legs tight against my chest and shoulders. The next thing you hear are my balls clapping and slapping against her cunt.
“Fuck baby, you did it,” I groaned as I was now fully inside her.
The table made of firm mahogany began to wobble from the force I was fucking her with. Clap, clap, clap, as my balls smacked against her.
“Yes baby, beat my little cunt, make me cum for you baby,” she screamed in pleasure.
I let her legs go, grabbed underneath her kneecaps, and pushed her legs wide open and back toward her head. She was fully spread wide and was getting pounded deep and hard. I took my left hand and began to rub her clit as she took my shaft, rubbing it fiercely as she began to squeal louder.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, ohhh, I am cumming baby, don’t stop,” she screamed as her body began to quiver all over the table.
Her cunt was squeezing my shaft into submission as she exploded. Juice flowed from her cunt and all over my dick and balls, her warmth was out of this world. I hastily pulled out my cock, dropped to a knee, and buried my face in her cum covered cunt. I started flicking my tongue all over her lips and clit, licking up any juice I could. She was sweet like a piece of fresh watermelon, I couldn’t get enough.
“Don’t stop eating baby, please don’t stop eating,” she moaned as I began to tongue fuck her box deep. “Make me cum on your face.”
I put three fingers of my right hand on her once again swollen clit and rubbed her feverishly. My tongue was as deep as it could be inside her, squirming around her puffy walls, quenching my thirst for her cunt juice. I could feel her locking up again, her long tan legs draped over my shoulders and back began to vibrate and move.
“Here it comes daddy, drink me in,” she screamed as a blast of cunt juice sprayed into my mouth and covered my face. She just kept gushing as I pulled a couple of inches away and opened my mouth wide to drink her. It felt like an eternity before she stopped, but when she did, I pulled her from the table, flipped her around and bent her over and thrust my shaft ten inches deep into her beaten, wet, hungry cunt, and began to jackhammer her. I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back. I used my right hand to lay into her ass cheeks, beating them red and leaving a nice fresh set of prints.
“This cunt belongs to you, beat me, eat me, cover me in your cum like a good slut should be,” she wailed in ecstasy
I was going to do just that! I was going to cover her beautiful ass and pussy in my cum. As I pounded her and crept closer to cumming, I caught a glimpse of something in my peripheral vision. I turned my head toward my patio door to see Molly, standing in the darkness, watching me fuck her legal assistant. She had her right index finger in her mouth and was biting it, as she cupped her left breast with her other hand. I stared her down as I kept beating Rachael’s pussy to my climax brink.
“Here it comes, just for you my little cum whore,” I yelled out in joy
I pulled my shaft out and aimed it right at her asshole and pussy and began to unload. Pump after pump of pearly white cum began to cover her holes. My knees were so weak and nearly buckled as I shot my creamy mess. My orgasm lasted for what seemed like forever as cum just continued to pump all over Rachel. The entire time I was cumming, I was staring out the door at Molly. As soon as my last pump and orgasm subsided, I collapsed to the floor in exhaustion and Molly disappeared from view. Rachel soon joined me on the hardwood as we both panted, trying to catch our breath. Once I could, I leaned in and kissed her passionately for several minutes as we just savored each other, and the sex that we made ours.
After laying on the floor for at least fifteen minutes, Rachel and I made our way to my on-suite bathroom and took a long, hot shower together. Thoroughly enjoying washing each other down and then rinsing off the suds while enjoying a period of hot kissing and rubbing. We dried off and went to the bed together, where I lay on my back and she draped her arm and leg across my body, while she nestled her head into my chest. Within minutes she had passed out, leaving me to ponder why Molly was at my patio door watching us fuck. I surely planned to find out, but the more I thought about it, the more turned on I got knowing what she saw. My hard thick cock beating her legal assistant’s snatch and covering her in mounds of hot sticky cum. I hoped she enjoyed what she saw.
I woke the next morning to Rachel getting out of bed to get dressed. She gave me a big smile as she put on the final pieces of clothing before jumping on the bed and kissing me good morning.
“Thank you for such a good night and like five orgasms,” she said while letting out a cute little laugh.
“No, thank you! I’m not lying when I say you are the first woman I’ve been with in eighteen months, the first woman I’ve slept with since my wife. I had a great time! I hope maybe we can do it again soon,” I replied
“We better fucking do it again, I haven’t cum like that in years. Your dick is quite a piece of perfection,” she replied back.
I then gave her a series of kisses and got out of bed to walk her downstairs. We went out the backdoor so she could easily get to her car at Molly’s house.
“Actually, let me walk you to your car. I can then see if Molly needs any extra hands cleaning up this morning. Seems everyone has already left from last night,” I said, thinking this could be a perfect chance to question Molly about last night.
We walked across the large section of grass separating our yards. I got Rachel to her car door and gave her one last kiss before watching her back down the driveway.
I then went into Molly’s backyard and saw everything was gone from last night. I crept up to her patio doors and peered in. What I saw when looking in was quite the sight.
Molly’s husband Jeff was sitting on the couch with his back to the door, while Molly was on top of him bouncing. Just like Rachel did last night, I began to watch. Her perfectly ample B-cup breasts were bouncing up and down. I could see Jeff pawing at them and taking one in his mouth every now and again.
As I was watching them, I felt my rod growing quickly in my pants. Within thirty seconds I was at full mast and throbbing hard in my constrictive shorts. Without a care in the world, I dropped my shorts to my mid-thigh and let my cock spring out. I grabbed ahold of my shaft with my right hand and began to stroke myself quickly as I watched Molly continue to bounce on Jeff. As Molly brought her head back down, as it had been tilted back while she was getting fucked, she looked directly out the patio door and we locked eyes. Suddenly a big smile broke across her face as she saw me jacking off to her getting fucked. This was absolutely crazy, I would have never expected this in my life!
I then watched Molly readjust herself on her husband so that she was squatting on her feet and really fucking riding him hard and fast. The entire time she was doing this she was staring at me. I turned sideways a bit so she could get a good view of my length and really enjoy my long, hard strokes. I then saw Jeff pull Molly in tight and really pound her furiously. Within thirty seconds, I saw Jeff’s shoulders slump and his head tilt back on the couch. I knew that look of relief, he had just filled up his sexy wife’s pussy.
Damnit, I was so close to cumming too. I quickly stuffed myself back in my shorts and backed out of view. I watched Molly climb off of him and move into the kitchen. Jeff got up and headed down the main hallway before disappearing out of view. I assumed that he was heading for a hot shower and a good nap.
Suddenly I saw Molly walking toward the door and pointing at me with her index finger, then curling it multiple times, giving me the sign to approach the door. As I approached, she sat down on the hardwood floor, still completely nude, and spread her legs. I looked down and saw the prettiest, puffy pussy I have ever seen in my life. She had a perfect landing strip going down to her clit hood. Her outer lips were puffy and tight, just like a fresh eighteen-year-old cunt. She looked up at me and signaled for me to pull my pants down. I happily obliged her request and whipped my cock back out. She then looked down at her cunt and spread her lips, exposing a still soaking wet pussy that was leaking her husband’s thick cum. She slid two fingers inside herself and began to fingerfuck her warm snatch. I quickly started stroking my cock again, hard and fast, trying to get back to my climax point before Jeff appeared again. Molly was pounding her cunt so damn hard and staring me right in the eyes as she did so. Her fingers we covered in her husband’s goo as she continued to pleasure herself. I was almost to my breaking point, my knees were starting to get weak and my balls began to tingle. I signed to her that I was about to cum all over her patio floor.
However, in a move that stunned me, Molly quickly got up and opened the patio door. She came outside and got on her knees right in front of me.
“Don’t touch me with your cock, or any part of your body, I’m going to open my mouth and you are going to feed me your fucking load and then leave,” she said in a stern and commanding tone.
She then looked up at me and opened her mouth as wide as she could. I moved my cock to within a few inches of her mouth and unleashed my hot creamy load. Pump after pump splattered into her mouth and a bit hit her on the lips. My knees were shaking as I just continued to release my seed into my married neighbors mouth. After a good twenty to thirty seconds of cumming I shot my final spurt. Molly then tilted her head upward and showed me all my spunk filling her hole, she slowly closed her mouth and on one big gulp, swallowed every last drop. She then wiped any extra jizz she could off her lips with her index finger. She then took that cum covered finger and slowly sucked it up and down until it was sparkling clean.
“Thanks for breakfast,” she uttered seductively as she got up to her feet, walked inside, and closed the door.
I pulled my shorts up and with haste ran out of the backyard and over to my house. Once I got inside I fell backward onto the couch and stared up at the vaulted ceiling. What the hell just happened, I thought. Did my neighbor’s married wife just have me pump my load down her throat? Did I just watch my neighbor fuck? Did I just jack off on her patio? All the thoughts raced through my mind. This was certifiably insane, but I fucking liked it. I have done nothing for eighteen months. I have felt sorry for myself and punished myself for no reason. And within twenty-four hours, the course of my life was changing.
After basking in the glow of a wild night and an even better morning, I went upstairs to shower. Once I got out and got dressed, I came back downstairs where I saw my cell blinking, which meant I had an unread text.
“Next Friday night, my house, 8:00 pm, Jeff is working, Ana has a sleepover, bring some Jameson, XOXO Molly.”