At least with the better department stores, he could be sure of finding everything in one shop. These shops were always designed to keep the customers in as long as possible. The direction of the escalators was such that you had to walk through each department as opposed to simply stepping off one and on to another, and Miles found himself walking through the lingerie department on this Saturday morning.
Miles liked the idea that there were so many pairs of pretty panties on display, and it excited him when he watched the respectable ladies perusing the goods. It didn’t take long for thoughts to drift to the hidden charms which would be encased by the delicate cotton, satin or lace. Lingering a little longer than strictly necessary, Miles heard an instantly recognizable voice.
“See anything you like?”
Turning round he was face to face with a smiling Mrs. Dupree.
“Lovely to see you again Miles; how are you?”
Miles found it a little strange exchanging pleasant small talk. The last time they had met, this elegant lady in her late fifties had thrashed him with a tawse and then held his hands while her daughter flogged him with a cane. It took weeks for the cuts and bruises to disappear and even now he could feel the last of the little marks which were left.
“Would you like to go for a coffee?” Mrs. Dupree suggested.
“Yes, that would be lovely. I am in no hurry.”
“In that case Miles, you won’t mind if I pick up a few things first?”
Miles had often found himself pausing as he passed the lingerie department but he had only managed a fleeting glimpse at the stock. Now he found himself sifting through the garments with Mrs. Dupree, examining and discussing the items in great detail. He found himself making suggestions and being asked for opinions on whether the gusset was wide enough or if they would be visible through a thin dress.
Mrs. Dupree didn’t like the idea of thongs; jokingly she said it was like having your bottom flossed. They settled on some cotton panties which were lacy at the front and plain at the back. Miles suggested some simple white ones with polka dots which Mrs. Dupree thought were very pretty but a bit young for her so they bought them for Sophie.
As they sat down for coffee, Mrs. Dupree thanked Miles for helping her and they started chatting. They both realized they shared a lot of common interests, and the conversation flowed easily. Although well into her 50s Mrs. Dupree was by no means elderly. When she talked about music or travel she simply sparkled.
“Miles… May I ask you a question?”
“Oh dear!” replied Miles, his face sinking.
“Really, it’s nothing to be worried about, and I wouldn’t want to embarrass you. It’s just…”
“No, no, it’s quite alright, ask away.”
“It’s just that when we punished you… I think you felt much better for it?”
Miles tried to formulate a sensible answer and tripped over his words eventually settling on a simple, “Yes”.
“That’s okay.” Mrs. Dupree gave a reassuring smile and squeezed Miles’s hand.
“Do you think boys who get caught snooping on ladies while they shop for knickers deserve to be punished?”
Seeing where this was going Miles looked down at the table and replied,“Yes ma’am.”
Miles followed Celia Dupree back to her house and helped her carry the shopping in.
Mrs. Dupree opened the door to the lounge. “Wait for me in here; I’ll be with you shortly.”
Miles looked around the tastefully decorated room. There was a grand piano with black and white photographs mainly of Mrs. Dupree and her daughter Sophie. Miles was reminiscing about how pretty Sophie was at eighteen years old in her school uniform when he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
Mrs. Dupree had taken her jacket off and was stood in a tweed skirt and tight sweater which made her small breasts stand out prominently. The tawse which had been used six weeks previously was hanging from her left hand.
“Would you mind pulling the piano stool out please?” Miles felt a sense of parody. The tone was so friendly and polite yet in a few moments he knew he was going to be violently assaulted with the heavy leather tawse.
“Thank you, you can remove your trousers and underpants and put them on the chair in the corner”
Miles did as directed and stood in his tee-shirt nervously covering his genitals.
“Would you please bend over the stool?”
The instruction was given so politely Miles had to stop himself from answering with, “With pleasure”.
“Miles felt the deep pile of the Chinese carpet under his feet as he approached the leather-topped piano stool. It was awkward getting into the correct position; not quite high enough.
“Stand up again, please,” came the polite instruction. “I’ll be right back.”
Miles was aware that Mrs. Dupree was looking at his penis as she spoke.
When she had left the room he looked down to see that a clear strand had formed between the tip of his penis and the inside of his leg where a viscous drop had landed.
Mrs. Dupree returned with a pillow and a soft white towel. After they had both been placed on the piano stool Miles was able to position himself comfortably with his bottom upmost.
“Twelve strokes!” was all that Mrs. Dupree said and seconds later the strap landed.
Being able to strike in a downwards motion enabled Mrs. Dupree to hit much harder than she had done before. The mark from the tawse was visible in a matter of seconds; you could clearly make out the lines of the tails which had splayed out as they cut through the air and the purple rectangular marks where the tips struck breaking the skin slightly at the edges.
“One! Thank you Ma’am.” Miles couldn’t believe how painful that first stroke was; so much more painful than the last time. He thought that Mrs. Dupree had made a mistake and then the second landed. He looked at Mrs. Dupree with pleading eyes and a third stroke landed at the crease below his buttocks.
“How many was that?”
“Three… Three! Thank you Ma’am.”
Mrs. Dupree was now standing to the right of Miles.
“Fo… Four! Thank you Ma’am.”
Miles contemplated getting up and running away.
“Five… Six… Thank… You Ma’am”
The last two in quick succession took Miles to the half way point.
There was a break for a few moments, and Miles felt Mrs. Dupree’s hand rubbing his shoulders as she gently asked if he was okay.
With the little bit of moral support Miles now knew he could get through the next six.
“Seven! Thank you Ma’am.”
Miles could take it. He wanted to take it for Mrs. Dupree. His mouth fell open and he looked directly into Celia’s eyes and gasped a single word, “Harder!”
Crack! “Eight! Harder please Ma’am.”
A switch had clicked in Miles’s head and he was consumed with an overwhelming desire to please, to sacrifice himself to Mrs. Dupree.
The doorbell sounded and they both froze.
Miles jumped up and quickly started to get dressed as Mrs. Dupree checked herself in the mirror. As she left the room Miles noticed the pillow and towel were still on the piano stool so quickly threw them behind the settee.
Mrs. Dupree entered the lounge with a smart looking blond lady. She was around the same age as Miles, perhaps a year or two younger. She had what would be described as a ‘fuller figure’; she certainly wasn’t over weight but standing next to the elegant Mrs. Dupree her curves were accentuated.
The lady was introduced as Elaine White who belonged to the same book club as Mrs. Dupree. A pot of tea was made, and the three of them sat in the lounge. Clearly Elaine has something she wanted to discuss, and Miles offered to leave them to talk.
Elaine replied with, “No, don’t be silly it’s just teenager trouble,” and went on to tell her story.
Her eighteen year old daughter Amy was apparently becoming a bit of a handful. Elaine put it down to her spoiling her and not having a father figure around since her divorce. She knew that Celia was also left to bring Sophie upon her own and was looking for advice. Amy had become argumentative and ungrateful for anything her mother would do for her. She would come home from school and spend hours at the computer saying she was talking to her friends on Facebook. Whenever her mother walked in the room Amy would look startled and quickly close down the window she was looking at.
Elaine was concerned. She had heard so much in the media about cyber bullying and grooming she was worried that her daughter may be getting into trouble.
“Have you tried taking the computer away?” asked Celia.
“Yes, but the tantrums were unbearable.”
Celia had to stop herself verbally chastising Elaine.
Miles then made the suggestion that she had a look through her browsing history to make sure she wasn’t falling foul of some predator, but Elaine said she wouldn’t know where to start.
“I can do it for you,“ said Miles. “Just tell her the computer stopped working and you have put in for repair. It will only take an evening.”
“Oh! Thank you” said a relieved Elaine before turning to Mrs. Dupree.
“I know Sophie doesn’t teach Amy, but would you mind asking her if there have been any problems at school? I know she has been in detention a few times recently.”
Mrs. Dupree smiled and shook her head. “In my day life was so much simpler, you messed up and got a good spanking and that was that.”
Elaine blushed.
“Thank you so much, I’ll drop the computer round later.”
After seeing Elaine off, Mrs. Dupree returned to the lounge.
“We have some business to finish. Where did you put the pillow?”
Miles returned the pillow then removed his trousers and underpants. As he did so Celia studied his limp member. The wet crinkled foreskin reminded Celia of a little slimy pussy; a miniature of engorged vulva cradled by her own sodden panties.
Miles returned to the same position as when the doorbell had so rudely interrupted them.
Mrs. Dupree announced, “I think we were at six?” They both knew this was a lie.
“Seven… Seven! Thank you.”
Mrs. Dupree was swinging the tawse with all her might bur no reaction came.
The final five strokes were the hardest but they were counted off without faltering.
As Miles calmly spoke the words, “Twelve thank you Ma’am,” he felt a twinge of disappointment that it was all over. He didn’t understand the emotion, but he wanted so much to please Mrs. Dupree; to suffer and sacrifice himself unreservedly.
“May I get up please Ma’am?”
“Of course you may.”
Holding his penis and looking down at his legs Miles muttered, “M… may I offer you my thighs?” He wanted to make a gift of himself and would have felt devastated if it was rejected.
“Thank you; I would like that very much,” came the polite response.
The pillow taken off the piano stool and Miles was sat down on the padded leather with his thighs horizontal and his knees slightly parted.
“How many?” Mrs. Dupree asked.
“As many as you like ma’am.”
“Thank you, I would like twelve please,” Mrs. Dupree responded as casually as if she had been offered oranges or apples.
Miles looked down at his thighs and his limp penis. He held his testicles in his left hand and gripped his shaft in the other.
After looking up at Mrs. Dupree and nodding to indicate he was ready Miles focused on his thighs.
The three-tailed Lochgelly slammed down on his right leg; the evil tips cutting into the softest skin on the inside of his thigh. Miles looked up at Mrs. Dupree with fear, his eyes pleading for mercy as a second brutal stroke slammed down. His body tensed, and his member started to swell as he gripped it tightly for comfort.
The pain as the third stroke overlapped the first two was unbearable. Miles could not bring himself to look at his thighs, only Mrs. Dupree’s face. Tears started to form in his eyes.
The first stroke on his left leg was off target and the tips only flicked the top of his leg. Celia showed some leniency and didn’t repeat it. The next two were back on target and Miles continued gripping his now swelling member for comfort.
The next three were delivered to the right leg in rapid secession. Celia was being kind by bringing the ordeal to a quick conclusion.
“The last three; You are being very brave.” Mrs. Dupree encouraged.
Miles squeezed his manhood as his body tensed in anticipation of the final strokes. As the agony reached its peak he lost control and convulsed before finally releasing his grip and flinging a jet of thick semen over his thighs.
As if it was the most natural reaction, Celia scooped up the drops with her tongue before taking his now flaccid penis in her mouth. Miles could feel her warmth as she sucked him clean before pulling him from her mouth with a loud plop!
To be continued…