Found (Chapter Seven)

"What Happens When You Can't Have The One Person You Want Most?"

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I don’t know where I’m going, I stopped paying attention a few miles back. I’ve been ignoring the fire burning within my lungs as I run. I haven’t stopped since I started, I can’t. The pain is too intense to think about what he had said about me. I don’t want to remember anymore. I shouldn’t have come on this stupid trip with them. I could be with people who actually care about me. I feel tears swell up in the brim of my eyes as my pace increases.

“Don’t think about it! Just forget!” I beg myself as my eyes roam around my surroundings. I don’t know where I am, I have no idea. I see a few lights out in the distance, and I find myself running faster, trying to reach the lights. I breathe in and I breathe out, the tears now freely streaming down my cheeks.

“Hey! Do you need a ride somewhere?” A voice calls out from behind me.

Turning around I have to squint my eyes from the bright headlights burning into my clothes. I see a dark blue colored Ford Escape with a tinted windshield making it hard to identify it’s driver. I feel my gut tense up and imaginary warning sighs flash in front of my eyes.

“Ummm, no thank you. I’m almost there. Thank you though.” I say, my voice shaking with nervousness as I turn around and begin to run towards the town lights in the distance.

“Seriously, a girl like you could get hurt out here. Just let me give you a ride. It’s like a mile into town.” I hear his tires crunch against the road and I hear the voice shout again.

I glance over and I see a man with dark sunglasses, even though it’s almost eight o’clock at night. Spiked hair and white, straight teeth. I sigh and I roll my eyes, “I’ve had a hard night and I came out for a run. I don’t need a ride. Please just go.” I clench my teeth and I silently pray that the driver will just get annoyed with my stubbornness and drive away.

No chance, “I would never forgive myself if I see something on the news about a girl getting kidnapped or something terrible. Just get in the car. I don’t bite.”

I take a deep breath and I shake my head but my feet disobey and begin walking over to the passenger side of his Ford Escape. I open the door and the fresh scent of smoke makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust. I sigh and I duck my head as I enter his car, sitting down.

“See that wasn’t to bad now was it?” The driver grins and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

I press the button on the door signaling for the window to roll down. I move my head to the fresh air and I breathe in the uncontaminated air.

“Sorry about the smoke smell. I had a friend in here earlier and he just started chain smoking.”

I nod and I clench my hands over my thighs as memories threaten to reemerge to the surface. Chandler would always smoke almost two packs a day. He said it helped ease his conscience. He would hold me to his chest while he smoked, exhaling directly into my face. I shiver at the thought and I force back a cough.

“I’m Ben, by the way.”

“Grace,” I whisper, looking out the window as I see the town lights coming closer and closer into view.

“Grace, what are you looking for? A gas station or a grocery store?” Ben asks.

I frown and I shake my head, “Neither, somewhere to stay for the night. Hotel or a motel.”

“Sorry darlin’ there isn’t a hotel or motel for miles into the city.”

I mutter a just audible curse and I run my fingers angrily through my hair, making my pony tail come partially undone. What was I going to do? I couldn’t go back to the bus and witness all the guys talking about me like a lost charity case. I don’t know how much longer I can stand the smell of smoke.

“I’m screwed,” I mumble.

“Do you want me to take you back where you came from or do you want me to drive you to the nearest hotel?”

“No, I can’t go back. I uh had a fight with my… boyfriend and a few friends,” I lie, biting the inside of my cheek.

“Ah, nearest hotel it is,” Ben assumes and begins to increase his speed.

“No-” I begin but I’m cut off almost instantly.

“I want to. Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be on her own, even after a fight with a boyfriend and some friends.”

“There’s no stopping you is there?” I ask.

I see him shake his head and I let out a long breath, before muttering another curse under my breath.

“Thanks, I guess. I’ll pay you for all the gas and whatever,” I shrug.

“Nah, you don’t have too.

I have a feeling that I’ll be getting paid enough just to deliver you.” His words were soft but I still caught them, frowning and tilting my head to the side in confusion as I look over at him. My insides clenched in disgust as he stared forward.

“How long will it be until we get there?” I ask, twiddling my thumbs in my lap nervously. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as my eyes roam around the car impatiently.

I watch as his hand moves over the steering wheel, pressing down a button to signal cruise control.

“About an hour and a half. Why don’t you get some sleep? You look exhausted.”

I nod and I pull my legs up to my chest as I lay my head down on the car door. My breathing evens as I feel the air rush over my forehead, giving me a sense of relief as I find myself slowly falling asleep.

“Look man, you’ll get her. I’m on my way right now..,” Ben’s whispering voice says into the phone as I open one of my eyes just a slit to see his one of his hands white knuckling the steering wheel. I feel my hands tighten into fists as I feel how fast the car is going all of a sudden. “Calm down. I don’t know what happened. She just said she got into a fight with her boyfriend and some friends. I don’t know anymore and you know that. All I want to do is help. I’ll see you later,” I hear a frustrated sigh come from Ben before he slams the phone down in the cup holder next to his seat.

I curl my toes and I pull myself into a tighter ball as my heart rate begins to beat out of control. I close my eyes once again only to be shaken awake moments later.

“Hey sleepy head, we’re here.”

I slowly open my eyes and I pretend to stretch as I sit up in my sleep, feeling a zing of pain rush up my spine from lying in such an uncomfortable positron for so long.

“I’ll leave you alone now. Good luck with everything. I’m happy you let me help,” Ben says in a soft voice. Questions run throughout my head, who was he talking too on the phone? What is he hiding from me?

I fake a smile and I open the door before I step out and I see the stars coating the night sky. Taking my purse out from the car I turn to look at the large building, full of glass windows. I shrug and I force myself to relax as I walk calmly through the front sliding doors up to the reception desk where an middle aged women meets me with a warming smile.

“Good evening, how may I help you, dear?” The gray haired women asks, a small green tint shining in her eye as she taps away at the keyboard with her long coral reef colored nails.

“May I use a room for a night or two?” I ask, bouncing on my heels, desperate to take a shower and sleep.

“Of course. Any specific room or price?” she asks.

I shake my head and I dig through my purse for my debit card. I think for a minute and I put it back before I grab my visa credit card, something Danny has no idea about. I set the card on the cool wooden desk and the women takes it for a moment before retuning it.

“Room 403. 3rd floor, second room on the right. If you need anything call the front desk and ask for Deborah,” The women says before hanging me another card, similar to my credit cards but I simply assume it’s my room key before I walk down the long hallway where the elevators are.

I press the button and I hear a few dings before the silver doors open, revealing an empty elevator floor. Stepping inside I press another button labeled with a large bold 3, making the doors close again and the elevator move. Within a few seconds the doors open once again showing a long hallway full of white doors with numbers on them. I glance down at my card number and I start to walk as I look for my room.

“Room 403, 403,” I whisper as I slide the card through the small machine connected to the door knob. The little red button turns green and the door swings open.

I step inside and I shrug my purse off onto one of the racks next to the door. I kick my foot back and the door closes with a bang.

I press my back against the door and I close my eyes in relief. But they soon spring open at the sounds of footsteps against the red creaking carpet.

“Ahhhh, Gracie…I have been expecting you. It’s been a long time, has it not? I’ve missed you so much. You know jail time will give you a lot of time to think about things, and people,”

“Chandler..” I manage out before my vision goes black.

Published 11 years ago

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