Stiletto Highrise, Hello.

"A love story about stilettos."

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She struts through the street light
Stilletos and stockings leading her up to the sky,
A strung up hero lays on the highrise, getting high
Thinking about her first life, finally she got it right.

Pulls of the wig, takes down her underwear,
Makeup cleaned off but she still leaves her stilletos on.
Walks over to the mirror, the stars and moon gone,
Something she doesn’t want is still there.

Half the past between dusk and dawn
Time to bay the eyes of the newest fawn.
Polo buttoned, boots on, off to the highrise to tip my hat to the sun
Dreaming to capture the magic as the gold needle is spun.

Dancing lies on the pavement,
Who am I to know whether to rush or to save it.
The blue eyed girl stares at me and starts to fade in
Forever will I pretend to know her dreams aren’t made of gin.

Mirror on the floor; I look down, hardened to a whore,
My blue eyes staring, my pale body sharing,
Being passed around, melding my blind soul to the ground.
It is my nature that I seek, is heaven still only for the meek?

Tight faded jeans, hair not all quite there, off to cross the bridge again, if I dare.
Black souled boy says I look cool, raised all of his life to think he is a fool
Claps rolls with Jesus, once slept with Mary, Joseph is his brother, he is quite scary.
Blind over the pavement, I ascend to the escape of my minds amazement.

Drowning out the world with his ear phones blazing
Down tuned guitars, black coat, heavy bass and chain,
The world hates him but he still praises his dark soul to oh hail Satan.
Meets a girl to the dark lords amazement.

Up amongst the dark velvet sky cascading
He sees her stilletos and to him it is so plain,
But soon he uncovers that what she hates is so blatant
She was a he, and is still kind of a him, but he will love her as he steps up on the pavement.

Published 11 years ago

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