A Twisted Tale

"Miss Vine ensure her student will have her constantly on her mind..."

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“Wait!” ordered the games mistress. She took the eighteen year old brunette by the back of her short pleated skirt and held her before the girl could leave and join the others. “Not so fast,” she whispered.

“They’re waiting for me!” the brunette pleaded turning to face Miss Vine.

The games mistress reached inside the front pocket of her white tennis dress and produced a small glass suction tube with a black rubber bulb at one end and she held it up in front of the brunette’s face. “I’m going to make the game more exciting for you,” she smiled. “Raise your top for me please and show me those lovely tits of yours.”

The brunette gulped hard. Slowly she obeyed, pulling her tight top from her skirt and raising it until her breasts were displayed in her white cotton sports bra.

“For such a skinny young thing you really do have the most magnificent tits,” Miss Vine purred as she raised her hands and cupped the brunette’s breasts, squeezing and caressing the firm round flesh through the tight white cotton.

Miss Vine reached around the brunette’s body and searched out the clip of the young woman’s bra beneath the folds of her top. With her fingers she flicked the clip open and the bra slid forward around the brunette as her breasts were released.

“Hold your bra up too so I can see your nipples,” Miss Vine ordered with cool authority.

The brunette’s breasts bounced as they were freed from the cups of the bra and the girl held her top and the bra high and thrust her heavy globes towards the games mistress.

“Very good,” Miss Vine praised and she licked her lips as she looked down at the brunette’s firm body. She raised the suction device and stroked the cool glass over the girl’s breasts until the brunette shuddered with anticipation and pent up arousal.

Miss Vine carefully worked the mouth of the glass tube over the girl’s left nipple, squeezing the rubber bulb in her fingertips at the same time.

She pressed the device hard against the brunette, making her breast flesh swell, and then she released the bulb.

“Oh, oh fuck!” the brunette gasped, her voice thick with immediate arousal and she rubbed her hands down over her pleated skirt at her sides and gripped the material in her fists.

Miss Vine watched the brunette’s nipple lengthen and swell in the vacuum inside the glass tube.

“Feel good, honey?” she questioned looking up at the brunette who bit her lower lip to stop herself crying out.

“It’s going to stay like that for a while too.” Miss Vine continued.

With her free hand, Miss Vine took the base of the glass tube and rolled forward a small black rubber band which was placed there. She worked quickly, moving the band until it snapped off the end of the tube and encircled the base of the brunette’s long stiff nipple. “Don’t fucking move!” Miss Vine hissed, “There’s one for your other nipple too,” and she quickly withdrew the tube and replaced it at the brunette’s right breast before the girl could protest.

When the second band snapped into place the brunette threw her head back and cried out. Miss Vine raised a finger to her lips to silence her and then she chuckled.

The brunette stood before Miss Vine opening and closing her mouth, unable to speak. Her breasts with thrust upward and forward and her trapped nipples jutted out obscenely. Each nipple was half an inch long, dark and erect with blood.

Miss Vine spun the girl around. She quickly fastened the sports bra back in place and tucked the young woman’s top into the hem of her pleated skirt. Playfully she slapped the back of the girl’s thighs and the brunette caught her breath and shuddered.

“Run along now bitch!” Miss Vine purred, “And if you play well, I’ll suck your sore tits better in my office after the game.” Her eyes narrowed, “and if you lose…” she paused ominously.

“Then I have an even tighter band for your clitty!”

Published 11 years ago

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