What holds you

"Gathering of clouds"

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Fear took hold of you
Fear holds you close
Your vision blurred
Visions you have are blurred,
Heart beats steady
Yet the rhythm fluctuates
Fear of the unknown
You galloped towards it.

That sleeve of emotion
Readily you held out
Collecting your tears as they fell,
No cushioning, No fanfare
Thee ensemble you conduct.
Gathering of clouds
Random thoughts closing in
Darkening your horizon,
Fear holding for so long
Not once but many have heard before.

What say you misery
Shall we party to sunrise?
The appetite disappears with settling of morning dew,
Run towards that fear
You fear it not.
It fits like a well worn glove.

Tighten that fist
Enclosed the stilled heart
Shattered to earthy dust,
Let if fall through your fingers
Let you gather the sweepings
Remould if you dare.

As it hardens with slow use
Will you soften?
I think yes, your demise
Tapping your baton readying for attention
Raised hands in wait.

Published 11 years ago

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