No fear to hold me back, nothing at all
The words would not be understood, not as they should
So much I wish to say yet it never comes out right
A cut off sentence, incomplete paragraph
Tangled languages weaving my feelings
This emotion is such, it burns my existence
At times anger or need get the best of me
I look into your soul as you do into mine
Embracing, as I ask forgiveness for my deeds
The line between sweet and sour is whisper thin
You have found me within a sky full of bright stars
Standing back I have seen how each one dimmed
Yet for some reason you set me apart from the fallen
All this means is that no matter what happens or has in the past
You know, I do, we both know, the plain honest truth
We share intense passion, relaxing moments but that is not all
What we have is something else, there is no description for this
All I will say out loud is that I love you and as I do my soul continues to thrive