Sophie and Her Mother – Part 9

"Pippa makes a mistake and faces the consequences"

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Sophie and Pippa hardly said a word as they walked back to Sophie’sflat.

Turning the key and opening the door with her freshly tawsed hands made Sophie wince. Pippa knew that she would have the same problem so didn’t offer to help.

Sophie flopped down on the settee and threw her head back with a sigh. Pippa decided that kneeling would be more comfortable for her well-strapped bottom. They compared hands; Sophie was no stranger to the tawse but she never found it easy and the soft pads at the front of her palms just were swollen and raised.

At first Pippa didn’t want to show her palms and when she eventually uncurled her fingers fresh tears sprung to her eyes. Her soft pale skin was not as resilient as Sophie’s and her palms showed the vivid marks from the tawse tails with blood blisters where they overlapped. Sophie hugged her and rubbed her back until the sobbing abated.

Sophie fetched some moisturizing cream from the bathroom and gently massaged it into Pippa’s bruised hands.

“Let’s go up to the bedroom so I can check your bottom.”

Without a word, both girls went upstairs. Sophie removed the duvet and Pippa removed her jersey and skirt before lying face down on the bed clad only in her white long-sleeved t-shirt.

The contrast between Pippa’s pale skin and the purple welts made Sophie gasp. Taking a tissue from the box next to the bed, she dabbed the parts where the tails of the tawse had bitten. Looking at the tissue, she was relieved to see only the slight spot of blood.

Sophie gently massaged the cream into Pippa’s buttocks and with a kiss to her shoulder announced, “There, all done.”

Pippa tried to talk and then realized she had to clear her throat before asking.

“Do you think you could… Umm…” and then finished the sentence by spreading her legs and raising her bottom.

Sophie immediately saw where the misplaced stroke of the tawse had caught Pippa so unkindly. The left lip of her normally perfectly symmetrical vulva was swollen and crimson.

“Oh you poor thing,” Sophie whispered as she carefully dabbed cream with the tip of her finger.

Pippa lay on her side with her knees bent to her chest and Sophie threw the duvet over her. After drawing the curtains, she stripped down to her panties and cuddled up beside her friend.

Sophie was the first to wake. She jumped when she saw the time on the clock and then sighed with relief as she realized it was 8:00 pm and not 8:00 am.

Quietly slipping out of bed, so as not to waken Pippa, Sophie donned her dressing gown and made her way downstairs.

As she returned with mugs of tea and some toast, Pippa started to stir.

“I’m so sore,” were the first words she uttered.

Pippa used the tips of her fingers to hold her mug.

“Oh Sophie, I really need a little diddle.” Pippa was making sad puppy eyes.

“You know we are not allowed.” Sophie’s response was sympathetic.

Pippa thought for a moment. “Yes, but… I won’t tell if you don’t.”

Sophie wasn’t sure if Pippa was being serious or not and part of her felt a little disappointed. She took her mother’s rules seriously and they made her feel safe and grounded. They were important to her and she didn’t want Pippa to make a joke out of them.

Sensing this Pippa backed off and no more was said.

Pippa put on a loose fitting pair of cotton pyjama trousers and spent the evening cuddled up in front of the television next to Sophie.

The next morning came too soon and Sophie had to almost drag Pippa out of bed.

“I think I’ll phone in sick today,” Pippa announced as she poured another cup of tea.

“Taking the day off because of a smacked bottom! I don’t think my mum would approve, do you?”

“I suppose…”


Pippa found the morning difficult. She had a full timetable supervising netball and gymnastics. Normally she would wear a short pleated skirt for netball practice but today opted for her leggings so as not to risk her gym knickers riding up and revealing the tawse marks.

After hours of running around her sweat soaked, panties were rubbing rather uncomfortably against her bruised labia. In the privacy of her room, Pippa removed her panties and took a jar of cold cream from her bag. Looking down she could see that her left lip was still red and swollen. The cream felt lovely. Enjoying the relief from the stinging Pippa was not paying attention to the gentle massaging motion of her fingers. She was not thinking of anything erotic or sexual but simply enjoying the respite when out of the blue she tensed, contracted and then spent beautifully soaking her small fingers.

“Oh no… no…” Pippa muttered as she pulled up her panties and tights and dressed in her classroom clothes.


When Pippa didn’t show up in the canteen at lunchtime Sophie went to find her in her room. As soon as she walked in, she could see that all was not well.

“What’s wrong Pip?”

Pippa looked up and shook her head before she could get the words out. “I… I masturbated.”

There was a pause when neither knew what they should say.

Eventually it was broken by Pippa. “I need to go and tell your mum… don’t I?”

Sophie felt a wave of love. Her earlier doubts about Pippa’s sincerity had vanished and now she knew her relationship with her mum wasn’t going to be trivialized by including her friend.

“Would you like me to go with you?”

Pippa smiled and nodded.

Owning up and confessing hadn’t been a difficult decision to make for Pippa. The truth was that in Pippa’s mind it hadn’t been a decision at all, as she had no choice in the matter.


As they arrived at the door for the second evening in a row, there was a sense of déjà vu.

Mrs. Dupree was dressed more smartly than usual. A ribbed sweater with a string of pearls round her neck and one of the tight tweed skirts that she seemed to favour.

“How nice to see you. Come in, you are just in time for a cup of tea.”

As the girls were ushered towards the front room, they realized that Sophie’s mother had visitors.

Sophie and Pippa immediately recognized Amy Whyte from school. Only a few hours ago Pippa had been supervising the eighteen-year-old playing netball.

Mrs. Dupree made the introductions. “You will know Amy of course and this is her mother Elaine.”

Amy looked pleased to see her teachers. “Hello Miss, Miss.”

Pippa and Sophie shook Elaine’s hand, “Pleased to meet you Mrs. Whyte.”

Once they had sat down Mrs. Dupree went to the kitchen to fetch two more cups. Pippa couldn’t wait and followed her on the pretext of helping.

“Please Mrs. Dupree I have to tell you something.”

Mrs. Dupree raised an eyebrow.

“I accidently… um… well when I was…”

Mrs. Dupree gave a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, take your time.”

“I’m so sorry… I… I masturbated.” Pippa screwed her eyes shut.

Mrs. Dupree didn’t give any reaction or answer. The teacups had been placed on a tray along with two small plates and knives. Pippa held the doors open as Mrs. Dupree carried the tray through to the lounge.

Sophie looked up at Pippa as if to ask her how it went and Pippa shrugged her shoulders.

Mrs. Dupree waited for a pause in the conversation and turned to the group. “Would you mind excusing me for ten minutes; Philippa and I have a little matter to deal with?”

Pippa blushed and followed Mrs. Dupree up to the bedroom. She was aware that the door to the lounge had been left open, as was the bedroom door.

Mrs. Dupree picked up the tawse. “Now then Philippa! Tights and panties off.”

Pippa kicked off her shoes and rolled off her tights before removing her panties which she held in a ball in her hand.

Mrs. Dupree was examining the tails of the tawse. “Up you get!”

Pippa climbed onto the bed, spread her legs and bent over with her bottom uppermost.

Mrs. Dupree flipped Pippa’s skirt over her back and paused to enjoy the site of her spread cheeks. Placing her nose closer on the pretext of examining the welts from yesterday Celia savored the scent of Pippa’s arousal. The delicate folds of Pippa’s vulva were joined by milky white strands; the tell-tale signs of self-pleasure.

Mrs. Dupree now stood to the left of the bed. “Let’s get this over with.”

Without giving Pippa time to comment, she lashed the tawse down three times in quick succession.

As Mrs. Dupree moved to the right hand side of the bed, Pippa bit into her panties, which were scrunched up in her hand and waited.

Another three perfectly applied strokes slammed down on Pippa’s bottom.


Downstairs in the lounge Sophie sipped her tea in silence. The conversation had come to a sudden halt when they heard the unmistakable sound of the strap.

Amy had never been so aroused. The idea of “Miss” having her bottom spanked made her little pussy swell and weep into her tight cotton panties.

Sophie felt different emotions. She was proud of her friend for owning up and accepting her mother’s discipline but knowing that her mother would never go lightly when dispensing a second day strapping also felt sympathy.

She would happily have offered up her own bottom to be flogged in Pippa’s place.

Elaine Whyte crossed her legs and imagined how it would feel to once more have her bottom bared for discipline. She excused herself and made for the toilet on the landing.

As she climbed the stairs, she could clearly hear Celia’s voice. “We are half way through, you’re doing very well.”

Safely in the toilet, Elaine lifted her skirt and slipped her hand down the front of her cotton knickers. Slipping a finger between her puffy lips, she located her clitoris and firmly squeezed and tugged on it before frotting herself to a powerful orgasm to the tune of Mrs. Dupree’s tawse repeatedly cracking down on Pippa’s bottom.

As she quietly closed the toilet door, she could hear Mrs. Dupree talking again. “You can put your knickers and tights on again.”


Pippa wiped her eyes with her panties and then stepped into them carefully pulling them up over her raw bottom. She winced as she sat on the bed to roll her tights on.

Mrs. Dupree still held the tawse. “Can I see your hands please?”

Pippa obediently held out her hands with the palms facing up.

Mrs. Dupree ran her fingers over the blisters realizing it would be too much to strap these delicate hands any more.

“We will have to do something else to help you keep your hands out of your panties.”

Mrs. Dupree went to the chest of draws and returned with a leather strap, which Pippa had not seen before. It was just over a foot long and about an inch and a half wide and quarter of an inch thick with a rounded end.

“I think you will find this effective. Now Philippa, I would like you to lye back on the bed and bring your knees up to your chest. I am going to give you two swats over your panties. ”

Pippa didn’t move but started to address Mrs. Dupree.

“Please… Mrs. Dupree. I want you to know that I am really sorry. Could you give me six? I don’t mind how hard you whip me but pl… please could you forgive me when you are finished?”

Mrs. Dupree hugged Pippa. “Oh sweetie, I forgave you as soon as you confessed.”

Pippa happily lay back on the bed as told. Holding the back of a knee with each hand, she spread her legs and offered her covered vulva up to Mrs. Dupree.

The first stroke landed dead centre with the end of the strap just below her clitoris. Pippa closed ere eyes as the second hit a little higher this time catching her little hood. A third landed in exactly the same place and Pippa couldn’t help letting a little pee escape into her panties.

Mrs. Dupree put the strap down and stroked Pippa’s soft blond hair. “There, there, we are finished. You go to the toilet and wash your face.”

Pippa sat on the toilet. In spite of the desperation in her bladder, it took a little while before she was able to release a trickle from her throbbing pussy. She remembered the three who were waiting in the lounge. How could she ever look at Amy White again?


Nothing was mentioned when Pippa and Mrs. Dupree entered the lounge. Elaine was dying to talk to Mrs. Dupree but couldn’t in front of their daughters.

After allowing sufficient time to be able to politely leave Sophie and Pippa made their excuses. Seeing this as an opportunity Amy said she should be getting on with her homework and asked her mother if she could be excused. Elaine Whyte was finally alone with Mrs. Dupree.

“She must have been really naughty,” Elaine spoke turning the conversation.

Celia smiled. “Well, nothing a good spanking couldn’t fix.” They both laughed.

“So tell me Elaine, how are you getting on with disciplining Amy?”

Elaine was hoping that question would not be asked. A number of weeks ago she had brought Amy to see Mrs. Dupree after she had caught her making contact with people she had met on on-line spanking forums. To discourage her from taking the contact further and protect her from the dangers of actually meeting people Mrs. Dupree caned Amy over her underwear. Elaine had promised to pay more attention to her daughter’s on-line activity and punish her if she stepped out of line again.

“Well?” Mrs. Dupree was waiting for an answer.

Elaine knew her answer was a bit feeble but she tried to explain none the less.

“We had a good talk when we went home after our caning. Amy promised me that she would break off all contact with people she had been chatting to on-line and close her account.”

Mrs. Dupree clearly wasn’t satisfied. “And what did you do to check?”

Elaine was becoming less confident as she told Mrs. Dupree she believed her daughter.

“Now then Mrs. Whyte. I am sure that you know as well as I do that behavior of this nature doesn’t simply stop. Amy would need guidance to help break her habit and an outlet for her needs. If you simply avoid the issue, you would be letting her down and she would undoubtedly find someone to spank her and goodness knows what trouble she could get in to. ”

Elaine knew that Mrs. Dupree was right. “Well I did catch her spanking herself with a hairbrush once when I came home from work early.”

Both ladies knew where this conversation was leading but Elaine was the one to state it.

“I am sorry, you are right and I was being irresponsible. Perhaps I should also be given a little guidance?”

Mrs. Dupree stood up and answered with a brisk. “Follow me!” before leading the way upstairs to the bedroom.

Elaine was wearing a black needle cord pinafore with a thin white roll neck jersey.

Mrs. Dupree gave the instruction, “Best take your dress off.” Within a minute, Elaine was standing in her jersey and opaque black tights. Her sensible white panties were clearly visible through the stretched material.

“I am going to strap you. As I do so I suggest you think about how you can give your daughter the guidance she needs. Take off your tights and knickers and kneel up on the bed.”

“No… The other way… that’s it. Legs wide apart… now lean forward and push your bottom right up.”

Celia clearly remembered the shape of Mrs. Whyte’s anus from the time she had caned her. Unlike the neat little ring Pippa presented her with Elaine’s was more of a slot. Celia would have loved to play with it and was sure that with a little lubrication her toys would glide in with ease.

Returning her thoughts to the matter in hand Mrs. Dupree picked up the tawse and measured it across Elaine’s bottom. “I think we will start with a dozen.”

The first took Elaine by surprise. “My goodness! This is worse than the cane.”

If anything the second bite of the tawse was even harder and as soon as the third landed Elaine’s hands flew back to rub her bottom. Realizing this was not the way to behave when being disciplined she quickly returned her hands to the front.

“If you do that again we will start from the beginning.”

Mrs. Dupree was now on Elaine’s right and was about to deliver the first back-handed swing. Elaine waited but the blow never came.

“No! On second thoughts, I shall start from the beginning. You are old enough to know better.”

Mrs. Dupree returned to her original position and the first swat was repeated. Elaine closed her eyes and braced herself as she absorbed the second and third.

Without a pause, the first three backhand swats were delivered powerfully and accurately. Elaine began to sob.

Thankfully, there was a pause while Mrs. Dupree gave advice on managing naughty teenagers.

The next swat was just as hard as the others but Elaine managed it well. Perhaps her bottom was starting to toughen up or maybe the endorphins had started to rush in; she only knew that she no longer feared the remaining swats.

After the next two were delivered Elaine was sticking her bottom up and out as far as she could, almost welcoming the slaps. This wasn’t lost on Mrs. Dupree who was now striking as hard as she could.

The twelve strokes had been completed along with the first three, which didn’t count. Elaine’s sobs had become replaced by soft moans and she was slowly rocking her bottom backward and forward lewdly displaying her anus and slimy vulva.

Mrs. Dupree walloped the tawse down six more times from the left and then delivered a final six backhands with all her might. It became clear that Elaine had reached a place where she was no longer feeling the pain.

Mrs. Dupree contemplated throwing caution to the wind and burying her face in Elaine’s wet pussy but something inside made her hold back. Instead, she told Elaine she should get dressed.

When she had pulled her tights up and was about to pick her pinafore off a chair Elaine noticed the second strap.

“What’s this one for Mrs. Dupree?”

“Oh this is a very effective tool which I am sure young Philippa will be able to vouch for.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say… If a lady finds it difficult to keep her hands out of her panties this will give her all the incentive she will need.”

Elaine finished getting dressed checked herself in the mirror. The two ladies walked out into the landing but as they passed the open toilet door Elaine stopped Mrs. Dupree.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Dupree but I think we need to go back into the bedroom? I have a confession to make…”

Published 11 years ago

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