The Wedding Weekend: Chapter 4

"Marina and Scott's whirlwind romance continues"

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The Wedding – Day 4 Sunday

I woke up at about 8:30 am, noting that I rarely sleep in this late on the weekends. I justified it that it had been a long three busy days. As quietly as possible I made my way to the bathroom. When I returned, I saw Rina had rolled over and was looking right at me.

“Good morning handsome,” she told me. “How are you feeling? I feel really good. I’m glad we didn’t drink too much last night.”

“Me too. I feel great, maybe just a bit tired. What would you like to do before brunch? I can go get us coffee” I said.

“What time is brunch today? I don’t remember. I think it’s later at like 11:00 am,” she said.

“I think you’re right. Let me find my schedule,” I told her. “Yes, 11:00 am brunch,” as I looked in the wedding binder. “This is our last official wedding event. We’re free to do what we want after this.”

“Want to go on a run? I need to go run.” Rina said. “Let’s run on the beach at the water line, it will be fun.”

I replied, “That sounds great, but let’s get coffee first.”

Rina went back to her room to change clothes and I did the same. We hit the lobby coffee kiosk for two small coffees just to wake us up and headed down to the beach. The big beautiful Pacific Ocean. Damn, I miss San Diego I told myself for the 250th time this weekend.

We agreed we’d run twenty minutes down the beach and then return. This would leave us over an hour to get ready for brunch.

As we jogged, we had a chance to talk more. I zeroed in on her life in high school and college. Marina told me how she and Jeanette were athletes, which did not surprise me. Both played volleyball and softball and were pretty good I learned. Rina, at 5-10, was known for her vicious spikes and her ability to hit a softball wherever she wanted to in the field. She earned all-league honors in both sports during her junior and senior years. While she had scholarship offers, she was focused on her academics and her dream school had been Stanford since fifth grade when her and Jay’s families visited the Bay Area for a vacation.

Marina asked the same sort of questions on our return run, and I told her how I grew up swimming as a kid, along with the typical football, basketball, and baseball. Once I hit middle school it was just football and swimming, and I started to play pickup games of water polo after swim practice with the older guys since I was big for my age. After playing football in ninth grade, I decided water polo would be better for my body after I tweaked my knee, plus a heck of a lot more fun. I mentioned the highlight of my senior year was beating our cross-town rivals twice and making the playoffs. I was also named “Most Inspirational Player” by my teammates. When she asked why I selected San Diego State I told her, “That was easy. It was 500 miles away and ten minutes from the beach.”

We walked back through the lobby and saw several friends, talking with a few briefly. As we got back to the rooms I suggested, “We should conserve water and shower together, don’t you think?”

With a sparkle in her eye and her million-dollar smile, Rina said, “Conserve water? What a great idea. Your room or mine?”

“Yours. That way you don’t have to jump across the hall buck-ass-naked,” I laughed.

Our time in the shower was extended by a few kisses and one great blowjob. When I nutted in her mouth she gagged. After she stood up and swallowed, she muttered, “God damn, you have the biggest loads.” I just shrugged.

After we took turns drying each other off I told her, “Knock when you’re ready. Brunch is at 11:00 am,” I said.

Before we knew it, we were walking into the smaller ballroom for brunch. For all the people that spent the night at the hotel the room was set up for a lot fewer people. Today’s brunch was a nice buffet with various stations for waffles, omelets, eggs, etc. And best of all, no head table! Marina and I could sit together.

As we left the stations to look for seats, we saw two different tables waving at us. One was Tony, Lisa, Rich, and Vicki with two other Delta brothers and their wives. The other table was “The Ocho.” Allen and Jeanette were nowhere to be found.

“It’s up to you. Where would you like to sit?” I asked.

“The girls and I were hoping we can spend the day with you guys, so can we eat with our parents?” she said.

“Sure, let’s put our plates down with our folks and then go quickly make plans with the girls and guys,” I said.

“Great idea!” Rina replied.

We did as discussed, and returned to sit with the parents After a while of chatting, I inquired, “Where are the newlyweds?”

Bud started laughing as do a few of the others. Paul said, “I got a call from Jeanette this morning informing us that they would not be at brunch. When I asked why she said they wanted to go to their usual Sunday breakfast at…”

I cut Paul off, “Adams Steak and Eggs in Mission Valley!” as the table laughed.

Laura commented, “I’m surprised they didn’t invite you two.”

“Me too,” I said a bit disappointed. “Smitty and I have been eating at Adams for ten years. It’s one of those places I always go to when I’m in San Diego. Kind of like Roberto’s,” I told the group.

“Will we be eating there tomorrow morning?” Rina asked.

I sarcastically replied, “If you play your cards right.”

My mom told me Jenny and Jeff would be down shortly, but they’re headed back to OC after brunch. “Make an effort to talk with them please,” she said.

“Mom, we talk twice a week. Mostly about you two,” I said, drawing snickers from the table. “We do talk a lot but, yes, I will talk with them.”

“So will I,” Rina chimed in. “He told me I need her approval if we’re to ever work out.”

Dad explained to the table, “You know how tight you and Jeanette are? These two might be tighter. When she moved away to college, he was depressed for two weeks. So, yes, talking with her and Jeff would be a wise move.”

Never missing an opportunity, Bud asked what everyone at the table wants to know, “Scott and Marina, where do you two see this going? Have you discussed anything yet?”

Quickly Laura snapped, “Bud Smith, that is not your place to ask. Kids, disregarding his question.”

“No, Laura, it’s ok. I know everyone at this table wants to know,” I said. “Yes, we have discussed it some. But we’ve been so busy we have not had the chance to really talk about it seriously. I can only speak for myself, but I hope to see Rina again soon in either Seattle or Palo Alto.” I turned to Marina and asked, “You’ve never been to Seattle. I’d love for you to visit me in two weeks. Are you free?”

Oh no. I see the tears welling up and that great smile. “For you I’m free. I’ll book a flight Tuesday.”

I turned to the table. My parents are smiling. Rina’s parents are smiling. The Smiths and Paul and Jovita are all smiling. “I just have a gut feeling about this lady. She checks all of the boxes. But please remember that we met on Thursday morning. Give us some space. This won’t be easy with our distance. Again, just give us some space to explore this new relationship,” I pleaded to the adults.

“If I may,” said Paul, “Marina, you look so happy. Follow your heart and go with your gut. Scott, I love Rina like my own daughter. Treat her right and you will reap the rewards.”

“Gracias, Uncle Paul,” said Marina. “All we ask is for everyone at this table to give us time. We have no clue what will happen after tomorrow.”

Christie, quickly added, “You’re going to Seattle in two weeks. Have you already forgotten about the date you two just made?”

Thankfully I saw Jenny and Jeff enter the room. Wanting to change the subject I exclaimed, “Look, Jenny and Jeff are here!” While everyone was distracted, I whispered to Rina, “Let’s go sit with them.”

As Jenny and Jeff went through the buffet, I told the table that we would be joining them at a different table. “And, just to let everyone know, we’ll be spending the day with our friends. Jorge and Molly, Mom and Dad, Marina and I would like to take you to dinner tonight in Old Town. The Mexican place, what’s it called? Casa de Reyes? My treat.”

Jorge looks stunned. Molly looks happy. And my parents look like proud parents. Jorge, a man of few words, “Molly and I would love to join you.”

“Your father and I will be there too,” said Christie.

“Great, I’ll call for reservations after brunch,” I said.

In true Bud Smith fashion, “Scott when you call, tell them you are my nephew. And tell them you want my table. Best table in the courtyard,” he said.

Almost feeling pressured I ask, “Would the rest of you like to join us?”

“Oh no, just you six,” said Jovita. “We’ve spent too much time together all weekend. But, Marina, please do not leave San Diego without stopping by the house tomorrow.”

Marina quickly replied, “Si, Auntie.”

As we tried to escape to be with my sister Laura asked, “Scott, give me one of your bear hugs! We are returning to El Cajon this afternoon so we will not see you again. Enjoy the rest of your time in town.”

I’m pretty sure Jovita and Molly were shocked to see me lift Laura off the ground. Bud stood up and I gave him a long embrace. As we were shaking hands I told him, “Thank you so much for your generosity. And if you’re ever in Seattle you damn well better call me.”

He pulled me closer for another hug and told me, “Allen was so lucky to have met a friend like you in that ‘Animal House.’ You know my number and you know where we live. If you ever need anything just let me know. Laura and I love you like our own son. But something tells me you’ll be in San Diego a bit more often from now on,” gesturing to Rina. He continued, “Marina, so nice to see meet you this weekend. This is one helluva guy right here.”

I heard Jeff’s voice, “Scott, are you joining us or what?” I’m sure Jenny put him up to it. I waved to let them know I heard Jeff.

“OK, we’re off to finish eating with Jen and Jeff. Mrs. Smith, try to keep this character in line please,” I said with a laugh giving Bud a big wink.

As Rina and I sat down with Jenny and Jeff, he cut to it, “OK, we want to know all the details. What is going on with you two?” he asked.

Marina looked at me and asked, “Do you want to answer him? I’m happy to do it.”

“I’d love to hear it from you, Marina,” said Jenny.

Over the next four minutes, Rina told them how we had heard of each other from Allen and Jay for years, but it wasn’t until two weeks ago that we saw photos of each other at the bachelor and bachelorette weekends. She also told them how Jay told her how she knew we’d hit it off. How we met at the airport, and how we just clicked. “He has everything I’m looking for in a man and a husband. Good looking, fun, great job, wonderful family as I’ve learned this weekend, and just a good old-fashioned gentleman. To be honest, he and Allen are like twins. Just like my cousin and I.”

Jeff, ever the smartass, “I noticed you didn’t mention that he’s good in bed,” shaking his head.

While Jeff and Jenny were laughing Rina fired back, “I didn’t think his sister would want to hear about all of the orgasms he’s given me this weekend.”

“THANK YOU!” Jenny yelled. “The last thing I want to know is about my little brother’s sex life.”

Jenny started asking a bunch of questions, almost job interview-like. My sister is a CPA and one sharp cookie, and she can be a bit intense at times. After another round of questions, I asked her if the “jailhouse interrogation” was almost over. I received her gesture of brother-sister love, a sarcastic “FU.”

We lingered talking with Jeff and Jenny but had a good time. As we said our goodbyes my sister pulled on my arm and gives me her serious look, “She is amazing. Good luck, Scotty.” We all exchanged hugs and they said goodbye to “The Ocho” and made their way out of the ballroom.

I looked at my watch and it is now 12:30 pm. We’re supposed to meet Tony and Lisa, and Rich and Vicki at 1:00 pm. As we headed out of the ballroom, I asked Rina what she would like to do. “We can blow off the group if you’d like,” I told her.

“That sounds like a good idea, but I never get to see the girls. When was the last time you saw Tony and Rich?” she asked.

“One year ago. It’s been a full year since I was in town,” I told her.

“I’m conflicted. I want to spend time with you alone, but I also want to see my girls. I think they’ll understand if we cancel. One thing I’d like to do is get off the island. Let’s just go drive around. La Jolla, Carlsbad, up the coast. What do you think?”

“I love that idea! But I need to call the restaurant first. Let’s go change into something more casual for the beach. And wear your bathing suit under your clothes,” I told her.

When I called Casa De Reyes, I downplayed the Bud Smith connection at first. When they told me that they were really booked that night I mentioned, “My uncle, Bud Smith, told me to ask for his table in the courtyard.”

“Oh, you’re a relative of Mr. Smith’s?” the woman inquired.

“Yes, he is my uncle. We’re in town for Allen’s wedding yesterday,” I told her.

“And what is your name,” she asked.

When I said Scott Williams, she laughed. I asked her, “What’s so funny?”

“Oh Scott, you were the Best Man.” She continued, “This is Serena Reyes, my husband, Armando, and I own the restaurant. We were at the wedding. You caught the garter too. And you are not Bud’s nephew.”

“No, you busted me. But Bud did say to drop his name and ask for his table,” I told her.

“No worries. Table for six at 7:00 pm, at Bud’s table. When you arrive, please ask for me, Serena,” she said.

I replied, “Thank you, Serena. See you tonight.”

Soon Marina and I were driving over the Coronado Bridge back into San Diego in my convertible Mustang. It was a chamber of commerce picture-perfect day with clear skies and great weather. We decided to go the long, slow route, cruising through the beach areas of Ocean, Mission, and Pacific Beaches before reaching La Jolla. Basically, a trip down memory lane to see how things have changed in our time away from San Diego.

Our first stop was La Jolla Cove, a beautiful beach where the beach volleyball games are legendary. Top players from age fifteen to fifty can be seen, both men and women, but most are eighteen to thirty. We sat away from the courts and focused on the ocean.

Rina was wearing black Dolphin running shorts and a red Stanford alumni tank top. As she took off her shorts and tank revealing her turquoise bikini, I was not surprised to see several guys checking her out. “You had a few eyes on you with your strip tease,” I joked.

“I’m used to it,” she said. “And that was no strip tease. I’ll give you a strip tease tonight if you’re lucky!”

“Used to it?” I asked. “Explain that to me.”

“I was 5-10 at age sixteen. Jeanette and I have always felt men’s eyes on us, especially at the beach,” she told me.

“Well, you two are beautiful,” giving her a wink.

We talked some more trying to fill in the gaps in our lives. After about twenty minutes a mid-twenties girl approached, “Rina, is that you?”

She turned to see who it was, and she said loudly, “Kiki!!” and jumped to her feet. The girls embraced. Marina introduced me to Kerry, a tall brunette. “We played volleyball together in high school, she’s a year younger than Jay and I.”

“I heard Jeanette was getting married yesterday. You must have been the maid of honor,” Kerry said.

Rina confirmed the statement and continued, “And Scott was the Best Man.”

Kerry proceeded to tell me just how good Rina was in high school. “Can you believe she turned down both USC and UCLA for volleyball to go to snooty Stanford?”

“I did not know that,” looking directly at Marina. “She only mentioned she had scholarship offers,” I replied.

“Yeah, what was the number?” looking at Rina. “Over fifty?”

Marina, never one to want the spotlight, deflected the comment, “Volleyball is a team sport. I was only as good as the team,” she said. “Hey, how did you know I was down the beach from the courts?”

“A couple of guys who play all the time mentioned it to me when I arrived, knowing we be both played at Cathedral,” Kerry said. “They thought it was you but they were not positive.”

“Really? Who?” Rina asked.

“Trent Golovko from Granite Hills and Alex Nava from Valhalla,” she told Rina.

“Trent and Alex, oh my gosh, I haven’t seen those guys in at least five years. I used to play doubles with both of those guys all the time,” Marina said.

“Yeah, and Alex said he asked out like a hundred times, and you shot him down all the time” Kerry joked.

Marina laughed, “He’s good-looking, but not exactly the smartest guy.”

Kerry gave Rina another hug, “Nice to meet you, Scott. I gotta run, I’m up next game,” and she jogged off.

After a bit more time in the sun, I suggested we move up the coast. “Sounds great, but I have to say ‘hi’ to Alex and Trent. I hope you don’t mind,” she said.

“Not at all. Maybe they can tell me something I don’t know about you,” I joked.

“Oh, I’m sure they can. But if they know what’s good for them, they’ll keep quiet,” Rina said.

We made a quick stop for Marina to say hello to the guys. Trent was surprised to learn that Rina no longer played volleyball. “Are you kidding me? Why? You were the best!” he proclaimed. Looking at me he said, “Did she tell you that she was San Diego County Player of the Year two years in a row?”

“No, she did not. Only that she was all-league,” I told the guys.

Alex added, “So Rina. So modest. Did Marina tell you I asked her out a million times?”

“No, but Kerry did,” I laughed.

We reached the car and headed up the coast on Highway One. It was such a great drive with stunning views of the Pacific. “So, in two weeks I’m visiting you in Seattle, right?

I told her, yes, but I had other ideas in my head. I wanted to make a statement. And I wanted to do it this Friday in Palo Alto, without her knowing. A surprise. “And two weeks later I’ll come to visit you.”

“OK, that sounds good. I’ve never been to Seattle; I’ll fly up on Friday afternoon. What do you think?” she asked.

What do I think? I think it’s a great idea, but I held back my reaction. But I didn’t want to let it slip about my surprise for next Friday. “I’d love for you to come to Seattle. I guess I’ll have to clean my condo,” I joked.

We arrived in Carlsbad and enjoyed about an hour at the beach there watching a handful of teenagers surfing. Not wanting to let an opportunity go by to get the amazing woman naked I suggest we go back to the hotel, so we have plenty of time to get ready before dinner with our parents.

“I bet you’re hoping to see that strip tease, aren’t you,” she said with a grin.

“Maybe. I’d be happy to do one for you first,” I joked.

“Deal. Let’s get going. You know we’re almost an hour away from the hotel” Rina said. “I hope Sunday traffic isn’t bad.”

Traffic was light and we arrived back at the Del at 4:45 pm. Rina laid out the timeline. “We’ll need to leave by 6:40 pm. I need an hour to get ready. That leaves us less than an hour by ourselves. More like forty-five minutes by the time we get back to the rooms.”

When we entered my room, I found a note from Allen. “I bet you have a note in your room from Jay. Go check,” I told Rina. She quickly came back with her note.

“You were right,” as she opened the envelope. “Dear Marina, my cousin, my sister, and my best friend for life, Thank You for being my Maid of Honor. No other woman in my life knows me like you do. Thank You for all that you have done for my wedding. I hope to be able to do the same for you someday. No pressure Chica! I knew you and Scott would connect. Best Wishes. I love you, Jeanette.” Marina had tears running down her cheeks and I tried to hold mine back. She looked up from the note card. “I want what she has. I want to be in love. I want to get married. I want to have kids in a few years” she said. “Oh, no. That came out wrong. I’m not trying to get ahead of ourselves. I’m sorry.”

I got off the edge of the bed and gave her a hug. Holding her I told her, “And I want what Allen has. I too want to be in love, get married, and have kids down the line. This has been one of the best weekends of my life. I met you and your amazing family, my best bro got married to a woman who is perfect for him, and I got to share it with my family. I have no idea where we’re going but I do want to try dating long-distance. It will be hard. If you’re willing to try, and I know you are, let’s give it a try.”

With more tears, she confided to me, “We’re on the same page about everything. That is what is so scary. And this wedding, Jay and Allen, our families, all of this has made me want to pinch myself. I’m worried I’ll wake up Tuesday at home it will have all been a dream. But, of course, I want to date you! Let’s do it, but we need to keep the lines of communication open and clear. No bullshit.”

“I agree. Now,” and I took a long pause, “get ready for the sexiest strip tease west of Chippendale’s Vegas!” I told her.” I moved Rina to the chair and started with my cheesy dance. My tee and boardshorts were off in about thirty seconds so I moved towards her and backed up on her for the worst lap dance ever.

Marina pushed me off of her, “C plus, maybe a B minus. You’re handsome but sexy dancing is not your thing,” she joked. “Now you sit down.”

She turned on the tv and flipped to VH1. She started to dance showing me her front and backside. Off went the Stanford tank. She continued to dance in a circle. Next were the shorts. There she was in that stunning bikini. She slowly shook her ass and untied the top while facing away from me, tossing it to the side. She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Are you getting turned on Baby?”

I whispered, “Yes,” as I was stroking my hard cock.

She turned around holding each breast in her hands. She gently rubbed each one before playing with her nipples. I reached down to adjust my cock and balls. “Stroke it for me Baby. Stoke it,” she commanded. Rina turned away from me and slowly teased me by pulling down her bottoms, and back up, and down, and back up.

“Will you just take those off please,” I begged her.

She laughed, “Am I too much for you Baby? Don’t cum yet.” She finally took off the bottoms and continued to dance in circles giving me a great view of her entire body. “Let me show you how a real lap dance should be done,” she said in a whisper. She grabbed hold of the arms of the chair and slowly lowered herself onto my groin. She ground that perfect ass against my manhood. Then she started to slide back and forth on my cock.

“Oh Marina, you are such a seductress,” I whispered into her ear. I reached around and fondled her tits.

“Pinch my nipples. Twist them,” she moaned. I did as asked. After more fondling and pinching she rose a bit and reached under and back to grab my cock. She rubbed my mushroom head against her lips. She was wet, which I hadn’t noticed as she sat on me. She guided my dick into her pussy and let out a long sigh, “Yes. Mmm, yes.”

She slowly controlled the motion. Slow, fast, short, deep. I reached around the find her clit and slowly rubbed it. “Do you like this Baby?” I asked.

“You know I do. A bit faster,” Marina said.

As I did as told, my left hand went to her left tit and resumed the rubbing and pinching. Again, I asked, “Do you like this Baby?”

“You know I do. Fuck. I’m sooo close,” she said followed by a few moans.

I stepped up the speed I’m rubbing her clit. More moans. More moans. Her breathing changed and now she’s moving her hips too. She was very close.

“Oooh. Ohh yes. Oh yes. Faster. Harder” she whispered.

I couldn’t rub any faster but I was putting a ton of pressure on her cute little bean of a clit. I could feel her pussy muscles starting to clamp down on my meat stick.

“Fuck. Yes. Yes. Oh my Gawd! YESSS!” she said loudly as she climaxed and fell back against my chest. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her neck. We stayed like that for over a minute while she caught her breath. “Damn, I can still feel you in me. Are you still hard?”

“Of course,” I proclaimed and give her a couple of hip bucks.

Rina pushed up on the arms of the chair and my cock slid out as she stood up. My dick had the sexy sight of her creamy glistening cum. As she turned and saw this she dropped to her knees and licked and sucked my cock clean. “I just love the taste of my pussy,” giving me a dirty grin.

“Oh, you are a little dirty vixen,” I told her. “A sexy dirty vixen. Let’s move to the bed. Sit on the edge baby.” As she sat on the bed I dropped down to my knees and placed each leg over my shoulders giving me full access to her pussy. I slowly licked up her remaining lady cream. Mocking her I look at her and told her, “I love your pussy juice too.”

I stood up and moved between her legs and raised them both up and leaned them on my chest. I grabbed my cock and slapped her clit causing her to flinch a bit. She was still sensitive, so I slowly penetrated her. “Ooohh Gawd you feel so good in me,” she told me. “Go slow. Go slow.”

We fucked in several positions before I figured we were running out of time. I looked at the clock. It was 5:30 pm, I have ten more minutes with this sexy woman. She was in cowgirl, and I told her to spin around for reverse cowgirl. Soon she was backing that fine ass up as fast as she could. I gave her a few playful ass slaps, which she enjoyed. I knew I was close, and by her moans, I believed she was too. I slapped her ass again and told her, “Faster, I’m so close. Faster.”

“OH FUCK YES!” she yelled. Her pussy started to squeeze my one-eyed snake like a vice. Marina was cumming again. “YES, YES, YES!”

Just then I orgasmed and gave a primal grunt as I spewed my warm sticky spunk in her hot, wet pussy. “Gawd you’re good Baby!” I told Marina. “Fuck yes. Fuck yes. That was so much fun. And you are so hot!”

She glanced at the clock. “Perfect. 5:40 pm. Let’s hit the shower” she said. Give me five minutes and then come join me.”

I moved to the chair and noticed I was spent. I haven’t had this much sex in the last year, maybe two years. Sure, I was getting laid in Seattle, but not on a regular basis. And not with the passion of the past four days.

I joined Marina in the shower, and we again enjoyed a nice soapy sexy time, albeit much shorter than last time. She jumped out and I followed. We dried off and I gathered my stuff to dash across the hall. I gave her a kiss and told her, “And you’re great in bed too.”

She laughed, “You’re not too bad either Scott Williams. I’ll knock at 6:40 pm.

I got into my room and saw the phone light blinking. I called down to the desk and they told me to call Bob Williams’ room. My mom answered and told me that dad is in the shower. “He’s made arrangements for the hotel limo. Meet near valet at 6:30 pm.”

I explained that we’d try, but that Rina and I had planned to leave at 6:40 pm. “I’ll call her room and let her know,” I told my mother. I made the call and asked if she could be ready in time. She was hesitant but said she’d try.

I chilled a bit before shaving and such. It’s a beautiful San Diego September evening so I opt for shorts again, a blue Hawaiian print shirt, and wore the belt and sandals from the wedding along with my Submariner. A typical “Scott look” for summer.

At 6:25 pm I was pleasantly surprised to hear a knock on the door. For what seemed like the fiftieth time this weekend I saw Marina in a drop-dead gorgeous outfit. A bright teal halter dress, mid-thigh, v-neck showing her amazing rack, and she too was wearing her belt and sandals from the day before. “Stunning,” I told her “Nice choice of belt and sandals,” as I motioned towards mine.

“Too funny. We are a good match,” she joked.

We made it down to the valet and saw my parents waiting. Knowing what a needle-dick my dad can be about tardiness I pointed to my watch and told him “Right on time!”

Marina hugged my mother and said, “Christie, what a darling dress!” Mom did look nice, wearing a knee-length lightweight red dress with tiny black polka-dots.

The limo pulled up and much to my surprise Ralph exited the driver’s door. “You said you had today off? What happened?” I asked.

“Becky called about 2:00 pm. Another driver had an emergency. And she mentioned the name Williams and I told her I’d make this one run. A friend of Bud Smith’s gets me off the couch.”

“We’re your only trip today? Nothing while we eat?” I asked.

“No, just taking you four to Old Town. I’ll wait. And take your time,” Ralph told us.

“Marina,” Ralph asked, “where are your parents?”

“Oh, they went home after brunch this morning. They’ll meet us there,” she told him.

“That’s right, you’re from San Diego. What area?” he inquired.

“Kensington,” Rina replied.

“Small world. That’s where I lived as a kid with my parents. Great neighborhood,” he said.

The four of us got in the limo and headed towards Old Town. As we were getting out of the limo Dad saw Jorge and Molly walking on the sidewalk and gave them a wave. “Hello, happy to be home after three nights away?” Dad asked.

Jorge couldn’t answer fast enough, “Yes. Nothing like being in your own home.”

As we entered the restaurant, I headed straight to the hostess station. “Reservations for Scott Williams. Six people. And Serena said to let her know we’re here,” I told the young Hispanic hostess.

“Yes, she is expecting you, Mr. Williams. I will seat your party and Mrs. Reyes will be with you shortly,” she said. We followed the hostess to the courtyard, and we were shown to our table. As we arrived, she told me, “These two seats are where the Smith’s always sit. The best view of the courtyard he tells me every Sunday night. I’m surprised he’s not with you.”

I look at her puzzled. “Bud and Laura eat here every Sunday for dinner?”

“Yes, Mr. Williams. On their way home from Coronado,” she stated.

Marina and I looked at each other, both wondering more and more about Bud’s net worth.

Shortly after we sat down a woman approached and introduced herself, “Hello, I’m Serena Reyes, my husband, Armando, and I own the restaurant. His parents opened it in 1965.” Looking at me, “Hello Scott, so nice to meet you. Who are your guests?”

A bit surprised, I said, “This is my girlfriend, Marina Flores. Her parents Jorge and Molly Flores. And my parents, Bob and Christie Williams.”

“Yes,” Serena said, “Mister Smith called and said you’d be calling for his table. He also sent this message. You are all to enjoy your evening. He also said, and this is a quote, “His table, his tab.” Bud is picking up your check.”

“Bullshit,” Bob muttered under his breath, “that SOB.”

Serena blushed, “Mister Williams, I understand. How long have you known Bud?”

“Ten years, back when Scott and Allen joined the fraternity,” he said. “But we haven’t seen them much the past two years after Scott moved to Seattle.”

“You know, you’re never going to win a battle with Bud to pay for the check, right?” Serena laughed. “Enjoy your meals. The staff knows that you are guests of Laura and Bud.”

As Serna left my mother chimed in, “Did I hear you correctly? Did you introduce Marina as your girlfriend?”

“Did I? I didn’t notice,” I said. I looked at Rina and she had a smile.

“I noticed that too. But I wasn’t going to bring it up, Christie. I’m so glad you did,” said Molly.

“Yes, thank you for bringing that up Christie,” Marina said blushing. She looked at me, “Can I tell them, or would you like to?”

I whispered, “Tell them what?”

“Our plan. For dating,” she whispered back.

I scanned the table. All four parents were looking at us. And Dad has a big grin on his face while he chuckled silently.

“Scotty, what plan,” my mom asked.

“Yeah, Scotty, why don’t you share our plan,” Marina joked. Obviously, she liked all of the Scotty references this weekend to my elementary school days.

I looked around the table but focused on Rina’s parents. “Today we had a nice discussion about our new relationship and where this might lead. Being in two different states will not be easy, but we have a tentative plan to try to date long-distance. The plan is one weekend to be in Palo Alto, then off a weekend, and the third weekend in Seattle. We’ll see how it goes,” I told the group. Thankfully a waitress appeared and asked for our drink orders.

The waitress hadn’t got two steps away when mom said, “I think that is a great plan you two. Wouldn’t you agree Molly?

“I agree, that sounds like a solid plan. That’s even better than the one you and I cooked up this afternoon,” Molly said laughing.

The two mothers looked at each other, and in unison said, “A mother knows!” The four parents were all belly laughing.

When finished, Marina inserted, “So we’re back to the arranged marriage again?” with a smirk.

“Oh Mejia,” said Jorge, “you should have heard these two. Bob and I tried to warn them. I think grandbabies were mentioned four or five times.”

“WHAT?” Rina said.

“Oh Mejia, I am just teasing. There was no talk of grandchildren,” Jorge insisted.

“Can we be serious for one minute, please,” said Bob. As he looked at Marina and me, “Kids, go slow. Enjoy the moment and the journey. And, yes, it will be hard living apart, but your plan sounds logical and reasonable. You know we are all rooting for you.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I replied, “but can we just enjoy tonight please.”

Dinner progressed wonderfully. We all learned more about each other, especially the parents, their college experiences in the 50s, and for the Flores,’ the discrimination they experienced as Mexicans in college and as they started their careers.

Jorge talked about being an engineering student, let alone in the aeronautical department. Being in the mid-fifties he was the only non-white student. After graduating at the top of his class he had a hard time finding a job while his white classmates were landing the gigs he had interviewed for. He was finally hired by a manager whose grandmother was from Mexico.

Molly had it a bit easier but said as a new grad she was only offered positions at the schools in Hispanic neighborhoods. “At the time I was insulted. But years later I learned to make a point of it to my students telling them, “I came from these same neighborhoods. My parents were laborers too. I worked and studied hard and look where I am now. If I can do it so can you. And you know what, I can’t tell you how many college graduation parties I’ve attended for my former students. And many of them became teachers too, both men and women. That’s when I really knew I had made an impact on my students’ lives.” She had a tear on her cheek.

“Mamacita, not again,” Rina said. “She always cries when she talks about her former students graduating college.”

Her father interjected, “True, but not as much as the day you graduated from Stanford as Valedictorian. By far our proudest day as your parents.”

Before I could say it, my mother did, “Valedictorian!” How have I not heard of this until now?” as she looked at me.

“Holy Smokes!” I said. “I knew you were super smart, everyone at Stanford is brilliant, but the top of your class. How did you leave that out when you talked about college?”

Marina was serious in her reply, “When people know I’m a Stanford grad, and the Valedictorian, I know I’m looked at differently. While I’m proud of my achievement, it is something I don’t mention.”

Just about then Serena and a man, dressed in a white chef’s coat, along with a couple of servers, appeared with dessert plates. We had not ordered desserts. In fact, we were never asked. “This is my husband and Executive Chef Armando. And it is in that order. Husband first, chef second,” she chuckled. “We have a complimentary round of our famous Flan for dessert. Any friends of Bud and Laura are friends of the Reyes.”

Armando did look familiar from the wedding. “Scott and Marina, beautiful speeches last night. Allen and Jeanette are lucky to have best friends like you two.”

After a brief chat, the Reyes’ excused themselves to return to work. As we sampled the flan Jorge asked about our plans for tomorrow. I realized Rina and I had not even talked about Monday and both of us having to catch flights. “Babe, what time is your flight back to SFO?” I asked.

“Not until 5:00 pm. I was planning on spending the day at my folk’s house,” she said. “When do you fly out?”

I chuckled, “5:10 pm. Need a ride?”

“Christie, what are your plans for tomorrow?” asked Molly.

“We’re driving up to Huntington Beach and spending the night with Jenny and Jeff. Then driving home on Tuesday,” my mom said.

“Jorge and I would love to have everyone to our house for lunch. Something easy like a salad” Molly said.

My mother replied, “We’d love to but we’re leaving before noon due to the holiday traffic.”

“Scott, you are welcome to spend the day with Marina at our home,” said Molly.

“I’d love to, when should we arrive,” I asked.

“Let’s eat at 12:00 pm. You can spend a few hours with us before you two need to get to the airport,” Molly said.

“That sounds great,” I told her. Looking at my watch it was now 8:30 pm and I was dragging. The three margaritas with dinner certainly did not help. “What a wonderful evening. I’m glad we were able to get together one more time.”

As we got up from the table our mother’s embraced and my mom whispered something into Molly’s ear and they both laughed. “Mom, what did you say?”

“You don’t want to know,” she told me trying to look serious.

“Oh, sure he does Christie, tell him,” Molly replied.

Looking at Marina and me, my mother confidently says, “A mother knows.”

Dad interjected, “I thought you two were going to stop with all of that.”

“It’s fine,” said Marina. “Shall we be going?”

Outside we said our goodbyes again and as if on cue Ralph pulled up in the limo. “Jorge,” my Dad said, “It’s been such a pleasure to meet you, Molly, and your amazing daughter,” and they embraced.

“Bob, sometimes a father knows too,” Jorge says causing all four of the parents to laugh.

I was not enjoying being the punch line of their jokes and my mother could tell. “Oh Scotty, lighten up,” she told me.

Ralph had opened the door and we got into the limo. “And how was your meal?” he inquired from the front seat.

“Excellent,” Dad replied.

“We’ll be back to the hotel soon,” and he rolled up the window allowing us our privacy.

We made plans to meet in the lobby at 11:00 am to check out and say our goodbyes before my folks drove up to Jenny’s in Huntington Beach.

As we arrived to the Del we said goodnight to my parents. Rina nudged me and tipped her head towards the bar, “One final-final?”

“Sure. But just one,” I told her.

As we entered the bar we heard, “Hey Lovebirds!” I know that voice. It was Tony. Turning we see Tony and Lisa, and Richie and Vicki. We learned that the four of them spent the day at the pool hanging out.

Rina told the girls “You two got some sun today. How was the pool.”

Vicki said, “Amazing. We’re at a world-class resort, with free drinks, and a couple of fun guys. I’m going to hate to leave tomorrow and go home to Denver. This has been such a great weekend.”

We chatted with our friends and told them about our day in La Jolla and Carlsbad. Lisa asked, “Rina, did you play?”

“No, but I saw Kerry. And Trent and Alex, remember those guys?” Marina said.

Lisa laughed, “Didn’t Alex Nava have a huge crush on you?”

“I think he still does,” I replied. The girls laughed.

Richie asked about Rina’s volleyball experience as his youngest sister was playing at Pepperdine.

“I played in high school,” was all she said.

I looked at the boys, “Ya, she played in high school. I learned she was all-league twice, and San Diego County MVP two years. And, get this, she had over fifty ‘scholly’ offers. Oh, and not only is Marina beautiful and athletic, but she just happened to be the Stanford Valedictorian.”

“Can we change the subject please,” Rina snapped.

Soon the girls were talking about who they chatted with at the wedding from their high school days and we boys were doing the same about our fraternity brothers.

Tony wanted to get another round of drinks and Marina looked at me, “We said one. Let’s go.”

As we said goodbye we compared our plans for Monday. The girls were spending time with their parents before flying home, and Tony said he had a 10:00 am flight back to Dallas. Rich said he had no plans, just to drive back home to Manhattan Beach.

Tony pulled me to the side, “Bro, Marina is the total package. She’s just like Jeanette. Good luck.”

“Wifey material,” I whispered back as we hugged.

Rina and I made our way to our rooms. “Yours or mine,” she asked.

I opened my door and we walked in. For the first time all evening, we’re alone. I gave Marina a long hug and kissed her forehead. We both stripped naked and climbed into bed. She had her head on my shoulder and chest area and my arm was around her. I looked at her and whispered, “This is nice. I could get used to this.”

“I can’t wait to visit you in Seattle,” she whispered back.

“Me too,” I replied, knowing full well I had a surprise in the works.

We drifted off to sleep, surely dreaming about what our future might hold.

End Chapter 4.

Published 3 years ago

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