The Trials of First Love Chapter 4

"Anna makes a decision and finally meets Jeff."

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I pulled myself out of bed and dragged myself to the shower. After tossing and turning all night, I was exhausted. I let the hot water of the shower flow over me and tried to forget about Jeremy and Nicki. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and let the water wash over my face.

As the water cascaded over me, I let him flow down the drain. When I could no longer hold my breath, I lowered my face and breathed feeling a little better. I washed and rinsed my hair and body before shutting off the water.

I dried my hair a bit and then wrapped the towel around my hair before drying my body. When I stood from drying my legs, I caught my reflection in the mirror and was shocked. The skin around my eyes was so dark and sunken I looked like I had aged ten years over night. The stress over Jeremy had already taken a toll; I was almost in tears as I looked at my face. I shook my head, sniffled, and walked back to my room.

“You get no more tears from me,” I said aloud.

I set my autopilot and began getting ready with my mind void of all thought. As I made my way to the kitchen, I tried to put on a neutral face in hopes that my mother would not ask what was wrong.

“Morning, dear,” my mother said.

“Morning, I’m running a little behind so I’m just going to grab a granola bar,” I said trying not to face her.

I managed to keep my eyes from hers so she would not see how stressed they looked and ask me. If she asked, I would probably tell her everything and either be in big trouble or she would do something embarrassing like call the school or his parents. I had something close to a plan, but nothing I was sure of, and I definitely did not want her help.

I heard Jeremy pull in, said good-bye to my mother, and was out the door before he closed his door. I wanted to get this over with and start to feel better. I let him get my door and as I sat down, I was nervous. The biggest part of my plan was telling Jeremy that I wanted some distance for a bit.

The tension was pressing as we drove to our usual spot and I was starting to get scared. I had several ideas about his reaction and only a few were good. He stopped the car and I took a deep breath.

“I want some space until I figure out what this thing with Nicki is,” I said quickly.

Jeremy sighed and looked down at his lap. He said nothing for a few minutes and I was wondering what he was thinking. I touched his leg and he slowly turned to me.

“She’s crazy, and I’m afraid that you will believe her. If you do then I will lose you,” he said with a shaky voice.

I sighed then said, “If she does then you will, but I want to hear what she has to say. I have to hear her side or I will always wonder. I wish you had been honest with me about her.”

I looked out the window and everything began to blur. I was going to cry.

Jeremy turned my face to his, and I saw his tears begin to fall. I wanted him to hold me, but I would just be lost in him and not think straight so I just sat back away from him.

We sat in silence until it was time to leave. When we arrived at the school he opened my door for me and offered his hand, I took it and he did not let go. I was not planning on holding his hand, but it did make me feel a bit better. The day passed slowly and we were civil. I do not think anyone could tell that we were having an issue.

When I got home, I grabbed a snack, went to my room, and called Nicki. I did not know what to expect or what I was going to say to her, but I had to hear her version.

“Hello,” a soft voice said.

“Hi this is Anna,” I said back as calmly as I could. “Jeremy gave me your number.”

“So you’re the one trying to steal my boyfriend,” she said angrily.

I guess I would be angry too, but I wanted to have a rational conversation.

“I didn’t know about you until last weekend and he told me it was a summer fling. I’m sorry that I didn’t know,” I said quickly defending myself.

She sighed, “I shouldn’t be blaming you. I’m sorry, but I’m just so pissed.”

“I understand, and I want to hear your side,” I said, feeling a little better about how this might go.

“Okay, well Jeremy and I have known each other since diapers. Our parents are friends. We’ve been going to camp since we were seven, started dating when we were fourteen, and started having sex just after I turned sixteen. It’s been two years of exclusive dating and I thought all was good until your e-mail,” she said rapidly as if she had been rehearsing it all day.

I took a deep breath and said, “That’s a bit different then he told me the other night.”

“What did he tell you about me?” she asked, and I could hear her concern.

I told her what Jeremy had told me about her ‘boyfriend’ pressuring her, their spontaneous sex, that she was the aggressor and that she was fantasizing their relationship. It took her a moment to speak, and I was beginning to think that she had hung up when I finally heard her breathing.

“Nicki?” I said wondering if she was going to speak.

“Sorry, but I’m more pissed now,” she said, and I could hear her teeth were clenched. “I can’t believe he said that. I’ve had only one boyfriend, and he did pressure me a little, but I didn’t mind. He always said he would ‘Wait until I was ready.’”

I gasped hearing her quote exactly what he said to me to make me feel better about not giving in. My heart raced, and all I could hear for a second was the beat.

“He said that to me last weekend,” I said slowly and quietly.

Neither of us spoke for a time. I thought about what it meant that he used the same statement and if that was enough for me to know that she was telling the truth, but it could be that he said that to her and they were not dating. I did not know what to believe.

“I can send you pics of my formal last year and some of a retreat we went to two summers ago if you want?” she finally said breaking our silence.

“What are your plans for Jeremy?” I asked not wanting to get in the way if she was going to forgive him.

“I don’t know. What are yours?” she asked and I could almost hear her concern.

“I don’t know either, but I do know that you have been with him longer, and I will back off if you stay with him,” I said feeling a weight off my shoulders.

“That is very polite of you,” she said before sighing. “I wanted to hate you for trying to steal him, but I just can’t hate you.”

“Thank you, and I know how you feel,” I said with a slight smile.

“He told me that when you pursued him he wanted to know where it would lead, but when you gave it up so quickly to him he had doubts about you. He said he felt bad about taking your virginity and now you were stalking him,” she told me and lit my fire again.

“Wow, um, yes I did sort of pursue him, but I’m still a virgin, and I did not give in to him,” I said shocked and angry.

“I know that now, and I’m sorry that I called you names even if you never heard them.”

“With what he told you I’m not surprised,” I said letting my smile return again. “He lied to both of us.”

“Speak of the devil,” she said. “He’s calling me. Can I call you back either tonight or after school tomorrow?”

“Sure and I’ll bet we both get a call from him,” I said convinced he would be calling me later.

“Oh I’m sure he will,” said back with the same conviction. “I’ll talk to you later, Anna.”

“Bye,” I said as she hung up.

I laid back on my bed and looked up at my ceiling. I wondered what to do and how to do it. How had this gone so screwy? Why did it feel like my heart was torn? Just as the tears began to fall my phone rang, I looked at the id and it was not who I expected.

“Hello,” I said with the tears on my voice and a sniffle.

“Are you okay sweetheart?” Jeff asked.

“No,” I said quickly.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

I shook my head and brushed the tears from my eyes. I did not want to talk on the phone or online or leave my room, I just wanted to lay there and wither away.

“Anna?” I heard him say.

“No I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to think about and I don’t want to hear about him,” I said annoyed, angry, and depressed.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m so sorry you are hurt and I’m not there,” he said trying to console me.

I sniffled and sat up. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I let it out slowly. It is not like me to be mean to someone that wants to help me.

“I’m sorry, Jeff,” I said as I opened my eyes. “I’m sorry about getting angry with you when you are the only one that has been there to hear me complain.”

“I haven’t heard you complain,” he said and I could hear him smiling.

I smiled back and said, “Ok, well not complain, but gripe about my hesitation and answering my questions about what to do.”

“So, will you tell me what happened?” he asked.

I told him everything from the conversation that morning to the call with Nicki. He silently listened as I let it all flow out in one long story.

“You’ve had one tough day,” he said when I finally took a breath and stopped talking. “No wonder you are stressed.”

As he said stressed I looked in my mirror and said, “You have no idea how stressed.”

I told him about the dark circles under my eyes as I stood and leaned into the mirror poking at the dark patches. I sighed hoping they would go away.

“They will pass and so will the pain,” he said as I heard the sound of another call.

When I checked to see whom it was I sighed. It was Jeremy. I told Jeff and said I would call him back. He told me to follow my heart and that he would wait to hear what happened. I hung up with him and called Jeremy back.

“Hi,” Jeremy said sounding nervous and scared.

I smiled and said, “Hi, sorry I didn’t pick-up before, but I was talking with a friend.”

“Oh, did they tell you to break up with me?” Jeremy asked sounding more depressed.

“No, but they did tell me to follow my heart and I plan on doing just that,” I said sharply. “Did you get an earful from Nicki?”

I heard him sigh then take a deep breath. I listened to him breath for a few minutes and was just about to ask him again when he began to speak.

“I just got off the phone with her before I called you. When you didn’t answer, I figured it was over. She told me what you said and what she said. I don’t know where to start or what to say,” he told me quickly.

“Tell me what you want, but I believe her. The decisive factor for me was when she quoted something you said to her and it was exactly what you said to me and that she has pics of the two of you going to her formal. What I don’t understand is why you are doing this, why did you pick me, and was I just going to be another notch on your belt?” I said getting it all off my chest in one breath.

As I caught my breath, I felt better for one standing up for myself and two for asking what I had been thinking about since I first read Nicki’s e-mail. In the minute it took for him to answer, I felt the confidence to tell him off grow inside me.

“I know you believe her and she believes you too. She still wants to stay together, but told me that I had to choose,” Jeremy sniffled. “I needed to hear what you believed and how you felt before I call Nicki. If those are your questions then I know I have lost you,” he said with his voice cracking. “I never meant to like you, and I didn’t plan it this way. I ‘picked you,’ as you said, because you are a great person, Anna,” he said with his voice becoming more strained as I could hear him holding back tears. “I would never consider you a notch on belt, but I can see how you might see it that way.”

I had not expected him to answer all the questions, but since he did, I felt I needed to respond. I took a deep breath and told him how I felt.

“So you and Nicki have been dating for several years?” I asked needing to hear him say it.

“Yes,” he said.

“Then I don’t… won’t see you anymore. I won’t help you cheat on her,” I said hearing Jeremy sigh at the last part.

“I understand, but I would still like to be friends,” he said.

“In time maybe, but right now I need space from you,” I said confidently.

He asked if I wanted a ride to school in the morning and I told him I would walk. He asked that I call him if I changed my mind. I agreed and we soon hung up.

I let out a long sigh, closed my eyes, and felt partially better. My heart ached, but I felt I did the right thing. As I reprogrammed my alarm, I remembered that I needed to call Jeff.

I dialed him up and stepped out of my sliding door and into the cool spring air. I took a deep breath as he answered.

“Hi Jeff,” I said excitedly.

“You sound better than I expected,” he said surprised.

“I feel better,” I said inhaling deeply.

“So, what happened with Jeremy?” he asked.

I told him about the conversation and how confident it made me feel. He said he was glad I felt confident, but sorry that I had to go through that situation. When he said he was sorry he was right about Jeremy, I laughed and told him I should have listened to him more.

Jeff changed the subject to telling me about himself. I learned that he worked from home as an internet tech, what that was I had no idea. He told me he loved his wife, at one time, but now she barely talked to him and he mostly lived in the basement. When I asked what happened he did not have an answer, but did tell me that he was convinced she was cheating. I felt bad for him. He reminded me that he would be in town at the end of the week and I said I would think about meeting him. We talked until my mother poked her head in and told me to get off the phone and get to bed. I think she assumed I was talking to Jeremy and I let her.

“I have to go,” I said with a sigh. “If I wasn’t so tired I’d go to bed and call you back, but I’d fall asleep on the phone.

“I know ways to keep you awake,” he whispered.

I shuddered feeling his voice in my hips. I wanted to talk about playing with each other, but I felt exhausted.

“I know, but if I get sleep tonight then I will have more energy tomorrow,” I said wanting not only to be less tired, but also I wanted to find out what I should be asking him when we played.

“Alright, sweetheart, you win. Sleep well,” he said with a sigh.

“Good night, Jeff,” I said and listened for him to drop the call.

When I heard nothing on the other end, I sighed and got ready for bed. After dreaming about the shadow man the other night, I wanted to see him again. As I curled up under my covers, I thought about him and willed him to return.

I listened to my alarm for a minute before shutting it off. I slipped out of bed and wondered if I would ever dream of my shadow man again as he was a no show.

He was the only thing on my mind as I readied for school. When I headed to the door, my mother asked where Jeremy was and I told her that he was having car problems and I would be walking for a few days. Luckily, she bought it and did not ask anything else. On the way to school thought about Jeremy, Jeff and the shadow man. Turning sixteen had brought me not only my first boyfriend, but also two other men to deal with. I laughed thinking about making my shadow man real.

The next few days flew by with school and talking to Jeff at night. I told him all the ways Jeremy had been trying to see me or just be near me. As the week started to end it was getting on my nerves and Jeff seemed to have solutions for me. We teased each other each time we talked and I told him about the shadow man. He asked me who I thought he was and I told him my theory. The only night we had a stressful talk was when he reminded me he would be in town.

“I want to know what you look like, but you never tell me. If I swear to be on my knees and beg will you tell me,” I asked as sweetly as I could muster.

“You know it just so happens I will be there tomorrow and if you want I can pick you up from school and you can see for yourself. How does that sound to you?” he said.

“Scary, but… yes,” I said trying to sound confident.

“Really, um… that was not what I expected,” he stammered.

“What time are classes over?”

I smiled at his excitement and told him when to pick me up. He told me what he drove and asked what I would be wearing so he was sure to get the right girl. I laughed and described one of my outfits as I rummaged in my drawer and laid it out so I would not forget.

“I can’t wait to see you in person, Anna. You have no idea how many times I have imagined seeing you,” he said.

I bit my bottom lip nervously and told him it was exciting and terrifying for me. He told me not to worry and that we would stay in the public if it made me feel better. It did make me less nervous to hear that, but I would be thinking about it all night and all the next day.

My mother yelled that I needed to go to bed so we made plans to go for coffee at a little place in town. He asked about being seen with him, and I told him I did not care what others thought. If anyone asked me later, I planned to tell them that he was a family friend. He laughed at that statement, but said it was a good plan. The night ended with me telling him I would see him tomorrow and him saying he was looking forward to it.

I slept fitfully, but managed to wake energized to get the day done. I wanted it to be final period so I could see Jeff.

When I walked into my first class, I saw the vase of red roses sitting on my desk. I knew they were from Jeremy and I was pissed. Several of the girls in class commented as I walked to my desk staring at the vase.

“Those are gorgeous,” one girl said.

“You are so lucky,” another said.

“Why can’t my boyfriend do that for me,” yet another said with a sigh.

All I could think was ‘I’m going to kill him and what the hell was he thinking?’ I was pissed as I approached my desk and reached for the card. I blinked a few times and read the note five or six times before it sunk in.

‘See you later. J,’ was all that it said.

Was this Jeff saying he would see me after school or was this Jeremy saying good-bye? I did not have a good answer and I was concerned how to handle it. Did I wait until I saw Jeremy and look to see if he was confused, did I hide them, or hell I had no idea what to do.

Before I could make up my mind, Jeremy walked into the room. He looked from me to the flowers then back to me before smiling and shaking his head. As he approached me, everyone watched.

He hugged me and whispered, “Nice flowers and I’m the one who cheated.”

He kissed my cheek and I blushed. Jeremy smiled at me and as the bell rang, he went to his desk in the back. I sat down and wondered what would happen in about fifty minutes when class ended.

“Anna, why don’t you leave a few minutes early so you can take those to your locker,” Mr. Baker suggested a few minutes before the bell.

“Thank you,” I said thinking I could avoid Jeremy if I left early.

I gathered my things and the roses quickly before heading toward the door. I tried not to look at Jeremy, but with one glance, I knew he would look for me and I would have to tell him something.

When I reached my locker, I felt better. I was going to get them out of his sight and hopefully calm him down. I did not want to be here when he got out of class because I knew he would seek me out. As I picked up my book, I jumped as a hand touched my shoulder. I spun around and there he was looking down at me.

“Anna, we need to talk and we need to talk now,” he said grabbing my shoulder and almost dragging me down the hall.

Jeremy pulled me into a dark room as I protested. I did not want to be alone with him when he is calm, much less when he is this angry. When he flipped on the light, he looped over me.

“Who are the flowers from?” he asked as he grabbed my cheeks and locked his eyes on mine.

“You don’t know him,” I said on the verge of tears.

“Who is he?” Jeremy asked again leaning in closer to me.

“He goes to public. You don’t know him,” I screamed hopping to calm and for someone to hear me.

“Did you let him fuck you?” Jeremy asked as he released my face and grabbed my crotch hard.

“No,” I said loudly as I pushed his arm away.

Jeremy covered my mouth and whispered, “Shut up and let me see if you are lying.”

My mind raced and I did not know what to do. I squirmed in his hands and when an opening arose, I took it and kneed him in the groin. As he hit the ground, I rushed out of the room and heard the bell.

I went back to my locker and watched for Jeremy to exit the room. When he did, he looked at me and I could tell this was not over in his mind. I had to avoid him or turn him in. I opted for avoiding him and not having to explain to the headmaster who the roses were from either.

After arriving safely to my next class I asked for use the restroom. With the restroom next door I felt save, but I needed to think in private.

I opened a stall door and sat on the seat. I was almost in tears as I thought about what Jeremy had done. With no other option, I dialed for help.

“Jeff,” I said before he could say anything.

“What’s up, sweetheart?” Jeff asked.

“Did you send roses to me at school?” I asked with my voice shaking.

“You shouldn’t have them yet. They should be delivered to your last class,” Jeff said sounding concerned.

“They delivered them to my first class,” I said with a sniffle.

“Oh, crap.”

I told him about Jeremy in a flood of words and emotions. I heard his breathing change and then the rustling of items. As I caught him up, I took one deep breath.

“I’ll be at the school in ten minutes,” Jeff said angrily.

“No,” I yelled. “No,” I said in a normal tone.

“What?” Jeff asked.

“You can’t come here. It would get us both in trouble,” I said wanting to calm him. “I will avoid Jeremy and not give him a chance to catch me off guard.”

“I’m sorry, Anna, I never thought sending you roses would cause this. I didn’t think, I’m so sorry,” he said sounding worried, but calmer.

“It’s okay. I love them, and I can’t wait to see you either,” I said feeling better.

“Do you want me to meet you at the door and walk you out?” he asked.

It sounded like a good idea, but I quickly found the flaw and told him no. I did not want a chance for Jeremy to see him.

“Fine, but I will get as close as I can,” Jeff said sounding nervous.

“I’ll see you at three. I have to go,” I told him as calm as I could.

“Three it is. Be careful Anna,” he said as he hung up.

I returned to class calmer, but still nervous about Jeremy. The rest of the day, I watched for him and only saw him a few times. At lunch, I chose to stay in the library and thumbed through a book I did not know just to avoid him. When I was finally in my last class, I was more nervous about meeting Jeff then I was about Jeremy. As the last bell rang, I rushed to my locker and Jeremy was standing there waiting for me.

“Let me take you home so we can talk,” he said.

“No, I don’t want to talk to you,” I said pushing him aside.

I set my books down and pulled the roses out. As I turned to walk away, Jeremy followed me.

“We need to talk about this. I am sorry about what happened earlier. I was pissed and jealous,” he said as I walked faster.

“I don’t care, Jeremy. Leave me alone,” I said walking faster.

“Please talk to me, Anna,” he begged.

“I have a ride waiting, Jeremy. I’ll call you when I want to talk to you,” I said as I reached the door and started to scan the parking lot.

“He’s picking you up isn’t he?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes. Now leave me alone,” I said as I spotted a car that fit Jeff’s description.

Jeremy stopped following me, but I could feel his eyes burrowing into my back as I walked away. I made a beeline to the car and as a young man stepped out, I was surprised that he looked young enough to belong in the classes. I smiled as I took him in.

His hair was clean cut and he wore a nice t-shirt and jeans. He looked to be about Jeremy’s six foot, but broader across the shoulder and had a slight stubble to his face. As I got closer, I could see his dark green eyes and a gorgeous smile. He looked familiar, but I could not place where I would know him. I shook it off that he just had one of those faces. The closer I came the more he looked like an older man, but he could still pass for a student.

“Jeff?” I asked.

“Hello Anna,” he said leaning in to kiss my cheek.

I felt his hand against my back and immediately felt the shock of a spark. Not being able to understand I simply shuddered.

“Shall we go,” he stated more than asked as he opened the passenger side door for me.

I smiled at him at a loss for words and slid in. He glanced toward Jeremy then made his way around the car. I watched him walk and could see his confidence.

As we drove out of the lot, I found my words and started a little small talk asking about his trip. He seemed reluctant to talk about his drive there and by the time we reached the coffee shop, he had said little to me. I was confused, but I assumed it had to do with calling him earlier and the issues with Jeremy.

“Anna, before we go in I have to tell you something,” Jeff said as he parked and shut off the car.

“What is it?” I asked think that I might have gotten myself into a bad situation.

“I have a confession to make,” he said not looking at me or taking his hands off the steering wheel.

‘Great just what I need another confession,’ I thought, but I said, “And what is your confession?”

“I don’t live in Billings; I just still have my number from there,” he admitted.

“Ok, well where do you live?” I asked as I looked to him curiously.

“I live next door to you, but it seems I was right. You haven’t paid much attention to us,” he said sounding dejected.

I turned away from him with my mind reeling. ‘Next door, what the hell,’ I thought. I trolled my memories and it was then I realized why he had looked familiar. I had not paid much attention to the family that moved in next door over a year ago, but their son looked about two and was really cute. I remember thinking that she was pretty, but never seemed to like being there. They have been quiet and I never saw a reason to talk to them.

“Why did you lie to me?” I finally asked as I turned to face him.

“I never expected for you to know who I was. I was content watching you from afar,” he said looking down at his lap.

I looked at him, it was still the man I talked to, and it did seem harmless. I sighed and decided to give him a chance.

“Let’s go have some coffee and talk more,” I said laying my hand over his.

He slowly turned to me and smiled. I reached for the door handle and as I opened the door and got out so did he. Jeff opened the business door for me and paid for our drinks. We found a table off to the side and started to talk.

Jeff slowly opened up more about his marriage, how he loved her, and that she did not seem to love him. He was convinced she was cheating, but he did not want to leave her because of his son. I felt so bad for him and again laid my hand upon his. He set his other hand on top of pile and smiled at me.

“I should not be talking to you about my marriage after the day you’ve had,” he said giving the conversation to me.

“My day was not all that bad. I got flowers and was the envy of all the other girls, I got to finally meet this really sweet man I’ve been talking to online, and I found out that I will be able to see him more often,” I said with a grin.

“Well, Anna, I would say that does sound like a fairly nice day,” he said grinning back. “How would you like to end such a fine day?”

“A kiss is always a good way to end a day,” I said with a wink.

“Are you sure you want to kiss an old man that has been secretly watching you?” he asked looking around.

“Well I don’t remember saying I wanted to kiss an old man,” I said grinning. “I think I said to a young man that a kiss would be a good way to end the day.”

Jeff chuckled and smiled. I did not see him as an old man, I saw a young man. When he stood and walked to me offering his hand I took it and felt special. I felt a pull to him that he would care for me and protect me. I saw the dream of a loving man that would provide and my hormones screamed he was the perfect man.

As we walked out of the coffee shop, I let him keep my hand and even gave him a little squeeze. The devil’s advocate of my mind told me that I should not be with a man I met online and that he was too old for me. I laughed to myself that I would think the same reason Jeff told me that Jeremy was not right for me was his age. ‘I want to see where this goes,’ I told myself.

Jeff opened the passenger door for me and when I turned planning to sit, he surprised me. I let out a little chirp as he pulled me in close.

I looked away from him for no reason. As fingers brushed down my cheek, along my chin and across to my other cheek before turning my face back to him, I felt a tingle up my spine staggering my breath. Jeff started to lean in toward me and I closed the gap and rose on my tiptoes. When I bumped my legs against him, his lips touched mine. Having only had one ‘adult’ kiss before this I was amazed at how soft and warm his lips were compared to Jeremy’s dry lips.

I felt that romantic movie, cliché reaction to lift my foot from the ground, but it did not happen. As his lips pushed into mine, I relaxed and opened up to him letting nature have her way.

With nature in control, we danced our tongues around the new playground and I let my hands do as they chose. I leaned as tight to him as I could and caressed his stubbly cheek with one hand and moved up his arm with the other. The stubble felt rough against my hand, but I enjoyed the ‘rugged’ feel.

Jeff had pulled me close with a hand at my back, but was not trying to touch me in an intimate way. He just held me as we kissed and I thought that he was having regrets so I pulled back from him. I tried to express my concern over his regrets with my eyes because I did not know how to ask.

Finally finding words I asked, “Are you okay?”

Jeff laughed and kissed my cheek as he whispered, “You’re asking me if I’m okay. You are a doll.”

I squinted my eyes, cocked my head to the side, and said, “Huh?!”

“I’m the one that should be asking if you are alright. I’m the old man seducing the teen living next door,” he said with a wink at each punctuation.

I gave him a half smile and said, “Are you sure you are seducing me?”

He smiled down at me and laid his lips against mine. As he increased the pressure, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me tighter to him.

As our bodies met, I expected to feel him as excited as I did, but he was not and I just shook it off. We kissed for a few more minutes before he pulled back.

“I better get you home,” Jeff said against my lips.

“Okay,” I said winded.

I sat down and he closed the door. I wondered if he actually had regrets. As he sat and started the car, I started to ask.

“Do you regret meeting me?” I asked quietly.

He turned to me and looked stunned, as he said, “No, why would you ask that?”

“You didn’t seem all that excited when we were kissing,” I said as I felt the blush across my cheeks.

Jeff reached for my fiery cheeks and said, “Anna I have enjoyed every minute of talking to you and count the minutes between. You have no idea what you have awoken in me.”

I let his words sink in and as he drove back to our neighborhood I wondered if he meant them. If he did then I wanted to be with him whenever I could, but if he was just being nice I wanted to run to keep from getting hurt again.

‘How do I tell what is true and what is not,’ I wondered as the road passed before us.

“Should I drop you off at your house or before?” Jeff asked bringing me out of my head.

“If my mother sees you, she will be pissed. You better drop me off before the house and I’ll come up with some excuse,” I said knowing what I would tell my mother.

“Anna, I don’t want to hide either. We just have to for a little while,” he said grasping my hand.

The warmth of his hand as he held mine felt amazing and sent a tingle to both sets of my lips. This would be difficult, but I wanted to try to see him.

*Thank you to everyone that has stayed with me in this. I never intended for this to become such a long story, much less four chapters without a decision. I promise that it will come to an end and she will give in to one of them. It is a matter of which one. I am almost done with the next and last chapter. It should follow this one quickly. Thank you for all the support in this series and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have in writing it for you.*

Published 11 years ago

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