A Week In A Dungeon – Day 4D

"Ashley reaches her breaking point. Will she give in? Will she rebel? Will she give up?"

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~~~~~ DAY 4-D ~~~~~

“What the fuck are you doing slave!?” Mistress demands from the doorway.

It feels like a lifetime ago, but it was only yesterday when Ashley last heard Mistress’ commanding voice.

Ashley feels helpless in her bound state. Arms still strapped to the side of her leather table. Her legs spread wide open, unable to bring themselves together thanks to the thick restraints buckled around her ankles. The chastity belt tightly pressing against her asshole. It keeps her pussy lips squeezed together. This makes sure that the wireless vibrator in her cunt will stay where it belongs.

In front of her, the slave-girl, bent over on her hands and knees, is trembling. Her two pink holes are open and twinkling with moist, an inch from Ashley’s mouth.

Ashley watches the girl struggle to respond to Mistress. The girl’s hand shakes nervously as it holds her ass-plug.

“Miss Rose said I could…” The slave is cut off before she can finish.

“Miss Rose did not give you permission to take that fucking plug out of your ass!” Mistress shouts. She walks swiftly towards them.

The slave looks at the plug in her hand. She realizes her big mistake.

Mistress grabs the girl by the hair and takes her off the table.

“I’m sorry Mistress! I’ll put it back in,” the girl pleads.

“You’ll put it back in alright… But not in your ass. You’ll put it in your mouth,” Mistress instructs.

The slave girl sits on the stone floor at Mistress’ feet. She looks at the moist plug in her hand, then up at Mistress. Mistress’ face remains stern. Her tits look soft and beautiful in the dim light.

The girl opens her mouth wide and puts the plug inside. She closes her lips tightly around it’s smooth, metal body.

Ashley watches in amazement. That could have been her a moment ago. She could have been forced to have her mouth full of the slave’s ass. If it wasn’t for Mistress showing up when she did.

“Keep that plug in there. Taste it. Taste your fucking ass, slave. Tastes like misbehaviour, doesn’t it?” Mistress asks.

The slave struggles to talk with the large metal device in her mouth. She gags slightly as she swallows her juices in order to speak.

“Yes Mistress!” She manages, through the plug.

“It better. Now come with me.”

Mistress grabs the slave firmly by her hair, and guides her out of the room.


After a few minutes, Mistress returns to shut the door.

“Thank you Mistress!” Ashley shouts out, trying to show her appreciation.

Mistress stops, looks at Ashley and walks towards her. She picks up Miss Rose’s damp, used panties from the side table and shoves them into Ashley’s mouth.

“Those better not come out again,” Mistress says, as serious as she’s ever been. She turns and leaves. Shutting the large metal door and leaving Ashley alone in the dungeon.


The lack of sound is torturous. Now Ashley has no way to track the perception of time. Only the beating of her pulse in her neck, gives her any indication that time is passing. Whereas the aching swell in her cunt, only remains constant. Never dissipating, never ceasing to torment her.

How long has it been since I’ve cum? Have I ever cum? I can’t even remember what it feels like!

The aching in her vagina fills her body with a dull pain.

Oh fuck I need out of this. I need out! I need Mistress or Miss Rose! I need help. Someone… save me...

Ashley feels the egg come to life again. This time at a higher setting than normal. Ashley moans immediately, hoping to quiet the building tension in her belly. It barely helps at all.

Oh God no. Please. This is too fucking much! I can’t… I can’t do this anymore!

Ashley tries to focus her attention on the panties in her mouth instead. The faint taste of pussy still clinging to the soft material. It doesn’t help either.

Her ass moves on it’s own, wiggling back and forth, trying to escape this constant, agonizing pleasure.

The will to please her mistress and the fear of failing, still winning the battle against her rebelling body. But for how much longer?

Ashley begins to hallucinate. She cannot focus her mind away from the thoughts that enter it: White panties, tightly pulled against a cunt, its moisture soaking the material through.

Ashley no longer has the mental energy to fight her body. She surrenders her will to the chemicals racing through her blood. As the device pulses inside her, it pushes waves of pleasure through her swollen, soaking cunt. She continues to fantasize.

She imagines Miss Rose in front of her, kissing her lips. She imagines Tessa, clad in cute white socks, wildly licking her pussy. Even the slave, her wet holes gushing into Ashley’s mouth.

As Ashley lets herself slide into fantasy, her hips begin to rock gently. The vibrator pushes warm, pent-up juices out of her pussy. They drip down off of the leather belt between her legs and pool on the floor.

Ashley begins to moan wildly. She’s losing all sense of control, of will. She rides the waves of pleasure as they push her relentlessly closer to orgasm. The perfect orgasm of relief, of the sheer ecstasy that she’s been begging for!

Her clit throbs with sensation as her pussy begins to contract. Her cunt overflows with moisture between her legs.

Closer and closer. Ashley feels the edge sliding towards her. A beautiful glint of excitement runs through the nerves in her ass. They run up her spine into her nipples. She moans with pleasure. She can fight it no longer.

The vibrating waves of pure heaven push down towards her belly. The thick, wet muscles inside her ass and cunt, swell and tighten.

I can’t do this. I can’t hold on any longer. I’m going to lose my mind. I can’t do this! I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum!

The egg stops vibrating.

Ashley screams with pent up frustration into the panties. Her whole body shakes in desperation. Her arms and legs fight wildly against her restraints. She can do nothing.

“Ahh!” Ashley shouts, pleading through her wet gag.

She hangs her head in hopelessness.

This torture will never end… This will go on forever. 

The sensation of her potential orgasm slowly begins to fall away. It feels like her insides are being pulled apart. The strain on her muscles and nerves is too much for her to take. Her eyes tear up from the stress.

The aching in her pussy is no longer dull, but sharp. Her vagina contracts tightly around the vibrator, everything swollen to the point of bursting. Every second, her body sends agonizing signals throughout her, demanding relief. Ashley doesn’t know what to do. She can barely move, she can’t touch herself. She is forced to stay bent over, waiting.

Her lips tremble as the panties fill her mouth. Ashley shuts her eyes tightly, hoping the vibrator turns on again.

Fuck it! I can’t do this anymore. I’m just going to cum. Whatever my punishment will be… it can’t be worse than this. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t need it on for long. One more time…

Ashley wiggles her toes and tries to get her sore legs as comfortable as possible. Ashley tastes Miss Rose on the panties and remembers the smell of her beautiful pussy.

Ashley’s nipples harden and press firmly into the table’s surface. She imagines that Tessa is behind her, getting ready to lick her pussy and get her off.

The belt around her waist and crotch feels tight and wet. She can feel her swollen clit pulsing against the thick leather strap.

The egg sits dormant inside her insatiable pussy. It’s soaking walls squeezing it tightly from all sides.

The vibrator comes to life. It causes Ashley to scream out in joy, unexpectedly.

This is it! I can’t fucking wait. Oh god…

Ashley rocks her ass up and down, imagining Tessa’s fingers are inside her.

She licks and sucks the wet panties in her mouth, as though she was pleasing her Mistress.

Her wrists and ankles push against their restraints as her body writhes with growing pleasure.

Ashley can feel the juices in her pussy overflowing through her tightly closed lips. The dripping wetness causes her whole body to tremble as she feels her glorious relief coming towards her.

Oh fuck yes… Just a few more seconds!

Ashley’s moaning through the gag grows incredibly loud.

The egg stops.

No! It can’t! No! This isn’t fair!

Ashley reels against her restraints. Desperately trying to free herself, so she can fuck herself and cum. But it’s no use. She can do nothing but writhe helplessly against the desperate urges of her body.

She shakes and trembles uncontrollably, sending shooting, cramping pain throughout her body. It punishes her, for again, depriving it of orgasm.

Alone, restrained and wet, Ashley can do nothing but endure her punishment.


For the next half hour, the process repeats. Every five minutes or so, the egg turns on, bringing Ashley to the edge and then stopping again. Too short for Ashley to cum, but long enough to make her gush and moan. Being forced to wait for the sensation to return, is torment. Every minute is an agonizing hour as her pussy aches and throbs. Always more intense, more painful, more demanding.


Ashley is weak and exhausted. Her insides are swollen and knotted. Every nerve ending sizzles with, some feeling caught between pleasure and pain.

The darkness and silence have consumed her. The only sound in the room comes from her own moans, and the subtle vibrating inside her.

Ashley has all but given up. Her willpower is gone and her mind is bent.

Her jaw still gently clasps the panties in her mouth, but only out of a means of stress relief do they stay in. Ashley feels it would be better then biting down on her own tongue in the midst of her anguish.

Ashley’s cunt is the only thing she can think about. She is a prisoner to it. Miss Rose may be in charge of the dungeon, but now, Ashley would do anything her cunt wanted her too.


The metal door to the chamber grinds open against the stone floor.

Ashley feels a wave of immense happiness wash over her body.

Someone is here! Finally! Please let this be over, please! Let this be done!

Miss Rose steps through the doorway. Her long perfect legs cast beautiful shadows across the room.

Ashley whines a sigh of relief. Tears stream down her face uncontrollably.

Ashley can only hear Miss Rose’s heels clicking on the stone towards her, as her eyes are full of water.

“Ohh, my dear. I’m sorry for leaving you alone so long,” Miss Rose says, lovingly.

Ashley mumbles a whimper through her gag.

Miss Rose gently caresses Ashley’s left cheek.

“Let me get that for you…”

She pulls the panties out of Ashley’s exhausted mouth.

Ashley moves her jaw slowly, trying to relax the muscles in her face.

“Thank you Miss Rose! Thank you so much for coming back,” Ashley says, sounding desperate.

Miss Rose smiles as she places the panties on the table. Her long black nylons stop just at the curve of her ass, which is still fully exposed.

Ashley’s pulse races as she waits for Miss Rose to speak. Her eyes jump across her Mistress’ gorgeous figure.

But Miss Rose doesn’t say anything. She just slowly raises her hand, to show Ashley the remote she’s holding.

Ashley’s cunt quivers in anticipation.

She feels herself about to ask Miss Rose not to. But remembers the last time she spoke out of turn. There is no room for error right now. If she is tormented any longer… she would go mad.

Miss Rose rubs her thumb over the button, but doesn’t press it. She watches Ashley’s face fill with anxiety.

She presses the button.

Ashley convulses with shock. Her pussy spasms and aches! Her insides swell and squeeze tightly, pushing her cunt juices through her little pussy lips.

Ashley looks up desperately at Miss Rose, hoping to have mercy given to her.

Miss Rose licks her lips with delight as she watches her pet struggle in absolute desperation. She bends down to whisper in Ashley’s ear.

“Does my little girl want to cum?”

Ashley struggles to get enough breath to speak. The pounding sensation in her cunt is drowning her.

“Yes, Miss Rose! Please!” She shouts.

Miss Rose smiles and turns the vibrator off again. She climbs up onto the table gracefully. She gets onto her hands and knees in front of Ashley and displays herself.

“Hmm… You have me so wet dear. All this time watching you struggle. You’ve been such a good girl.”

As Miss Rose speaks, she slowly pushes 2 of her fingers inside her gorgeous folds. Her soft pink lips hang slightly open, dappled with warm honey.

Ashley’s vision is blurry from exhaustion, but she becomes hypnotized by the sight in front of her. Overwhelmed by the smell of Miss Rose; her body, her soaking pussy, her pink asshole.

Like hours earlier, Miss Rose gently finger-fucks her cunt, inches from Ashley’s face. One hand in her pussy, the other, perfectly rubbing her clit.

Ashley’s mouth waters uncontrollably as her vagina aches, pleadingly.

Miss Rose begins to breathe heavily. Her large, well shaped breasts start tingling with delight, as her nipples harden.

“Oh fuck… I can feel my wet pussy tightening around my fingers. It wants to cum,” Miss Rose moans, in a beautiful tone.

Hearing Miss Rose’s words causes Ashley’s cunt to plead. It screams sharp, aching pains throughout her stomach and belly. They cause Ashley to yelp out in discomfort.

Miss Rose turns her head around to see Ashley.

“My Dear, I think I’ve been quite patient. But now, I’m going to cum and I want a tongue in my ass. And if it’s not going to be yours, then I know a naughty girl, who will use her’s. Even though she’s being badly punished right now, I think you might have to take her place.”

Miss Rose slowly fucks her wet vagina, as the hard truth escapes her mouth.

Ashley’s mind goes blank. She can barely think at all anymore, only able to feel the agony in her pussy. In front of her, Miss Rose’s moist pink asshole begs for attention. Its forbidden aroma makes Ashley’s tongue wet.

Miss Rose turns on Ashley’s vibrator. It instantly melts her insides.

Ashley shrieks. Miss Rose moans in return and fucks herself harder. Gently lowering her asshole closer to Ashley.

Ashley’s cunt pulses. She is overcome with emotions she has never experienced before. All of a sudden, her free will seems to vanish. She is no longer in control of herself.

She feels her head push forward. Her mouth opens and she watches her tongue reach outside her mouth.

First she feels the soft little folds of the ring against her tongue. She wets her tongue inside her mouth and then licks Miss Rose’s pink star from bottom to top. Its exotic flavour fills her mouth.

Miss Rose screams out a moan, wild with pleasure. Ashley immediately feels the pleasure of pleasing her Mistress. It fuels her depraved desperation to a new intensity. She pushes her tongue out as far as she can, plunging it deeply into Miss Rose’s tight hole. Her delicate ring, relaxes to allow Ashley’s tongue entrance, then tightens around it, swallowing it with sexual hunger.

I’m inside her. I’m licking another woman’s ass… My Mistress… Oh my god…

“Oh fuck! Good girl!” Miss Rose squeaks, uncontrollably. Her fingers curling rigidly inside her cunt, fucking her throbbing G-spot.

Ashley pulls her head back to catch her breath. Miss Rose’s asshole relaxes it’s grip as the tongue escapes its hold.

The taste of her Mistress’ ass on her lips, and the building orgasm in her desperate, aching pussy, is too much. She feels euphoric, free, unbridled!

Ashley’s insides boil as her pulse pounds inside her head. Lighting excitement and electricity, running down her spine into her asshole, her pussy dripping profusely. Her body aching, exhausted, her mind on the edge of madness, she shoves her mouth back onto Miss Rose’s asshole and licks every inch of it.

Miss Rose shivers with pleasure as she plays with herself. She relaxes her ass as much as she can, inviting Ashley’s tongue even deeper.

“Oh fuck. Yes… yes! Waiting is always worth it,” Miss Rose confesses.

Ashley bounces her head forwards, thrusting her tongue deeply in and out of the tight, velvet ring. Ashley is surprised by how smooth and magical it feels.

The vibrator in her pussy jumps up another notch. It pushes Ashley to new heights of delirious need! Every inch of her body screams for release. But Miss Rose has not said a word about cumming. However, Ashley is way beyond the point of rational thought.

Her mouth is full of naughty juices from her Mistress’ ass, but Ashley couldn’t care less anymore. She is on a mission. Fucking her tongue deep inside the ass of the trembling woman in front of her. Forcing her to shudder and moan and squeal with pleasure.

Miss Rose catches her breath for a moment. She turns to Ashley, seeing the girl’s face, buried between her cheeks.

“My good little girl! Your tongue is about to make me cum! And you are going to cum with me!”

Ashley hears the words, but doesn’t believe them. It would simply be too good to be true. She just licks harder and more vigorously. The pink whole opening and relaxing around her wet tongue as Miss Rose becomes louder and louder.

“Oh Fuck! My good, little girl!”

Ashley feels the praise wash over her entire body. The soaking leather in between her legs feels both hot and cold as her pussy grinds against it. She feels her own asshole quivering with gorgeous sensation as she fucks the one in her mouth.

“Good girl! Good girl!” Miss Rose screams, in between her heavy breaths.

Ashley sucks and licks at her Mistress’ ass, dying to send her over the edge. The vibrator in her cunt has her insides so tight and swollen, she can barely move. Her belly begins to pulse with a horrible aching need. Every second, it intensifies and becomes worse, as she feels the velvet asshole sliding back and forth over her tongue.

“Cum for me! Cum for me dear! Now!” Miss Rose moans, in the last second of her sanity. She screams out in pure pleasure.

Ashley feels Miss Rose’s asshole tighten and contract around her tongue. The words from her Mistress finally hit her, as her tongue is locked in the woman’s ass. The spark triggers her pussy, it causes an internal avalanche.

All Ashley can hear is Miss Rose moaning and cumming. She feels the muscles in her ass and cunt begin to throb and then pulse. At first they are sporadic, but then they begin to pound inside her, in unison. Each pounding contraction inside her, sends more and more intense, brutal surges of ecstasy through her body.

The taste of her gorgeous Mistress’ ass inside her mouth and on her tongue delights her as she begins to shake. Her muscles lose all sense of control, as her orgasm builds.

Ashley can feel her clit vibrating against the wet leather of her belt. It feels like Heaven is tonguing her. The walls of her engorged, exhausted pussy squeeze around the egg, causing it’s vibrations to shoot deep into her pelvis, her ass, her stomach.

Ashley feels a massive scream escape her lungs as the sensation in her pussy overcomes her. It is more intense than anything she’s ever imagined experiencing.

This is too much! Oh my fucking god! Help!

Ashley can’t escape the growing , excruciating pleasure inside her. Her stomach feels like it’s going over a giant drop on a roller-coaster, but a thousand times stronger. Her asshole feels like it is being massaged on the inside by angels.

Miss Rose purrs and wriggles as her wet fingers plunge deep inside her.

Ashley pushes her tongue deeper inside Miss Rose’s asshole, wanting more of her Mistress. More, more, more! Ashley’s pussy spasms with pure pleasure as it gushes 48 hours of pent up sexual agony between her legs.

Miss Rose begins to whimper as her orgasm finally starts to relent, the sensations easing on her senses.

Ashley writhes in her restraints. The heroin still strongly coursing through every vein. She feels lighter than air as her cunt throbs with waves of heavy fucking delight. Ashley’s mind is blank. She can barely even process the pure joy every nerve-ending is experiencing. But Ashley can feel, in her heart, in her soul, that she would do anything for Miss Rose now.


The knowledge makes Ashley feel warm as she squeaks and moans relentlessly into the ass of her Mistress.

The intense spasms begin to slow as Ashley soaks in every little bit of the pleasure. The taste of ass and the smell of pussy fill her head. Her cunt still throbs as the vibrating egg becomes still.

Miss Rose moves forward, freeing Ashley’s tongue from her ass.

Ashley is in shock. She can barely focus her eyes, still euphoric from the life changing orgasm.

Miss Rose stands up on her cute heels, next to Ashley. She looks flushed and overwhelmed, something Ashley has never seen on her before.

“You… are a very good girl,” Miss Rose praises.

Ashley smiles, it comes from deep within her. “Thank you, so much, Miss Rose,” she manages to reply.

“How do you feel, dear?”

Ashley can barely breath, let alone speak.

“I… I… don’t know. I’ve never felt like this before,” Ashley mumbles.

“You deserve some much needed rest. You can think about how you feel. You have some decisions to make soon,” Miss Rose says, gently smiling.

What? What does she mean? Oh fuck my pussy aches.

“Y…Yes Miss Rose. Thank you,” Ashley says, barely sounding coherent.

“Good girl. Now, you stay right there. I’m going to have someone come clean you up… with her mouth. Then, I want you to spend the night in my room. You’ve just been such a good little girl.”

Miss Rose slides her fingers through Ashley’s wispy hair, smiling.

Ashley can still barely think, as she soaks in the affection like an adoring puppy.

Miss Rose begins to walk away, leaving Ashley with a cold feeling in her heart.

“I’ll see you tonight dear,” Miss Rose promises, before leaving the dungeon chamber.

Ashley is left alone in the darkness. Her thoughts and emotions wash over her.

I don’t even know who I am anymore. But…

Ashley feels the chastity belt around her ass and pussy. She tastes Miss Rose on her lips and adjusts her bent over, restrained position.

But I like it…


~To be Continued in Day 5~

Please feel free to give feedback and comments.

Thanks for reading.

I’m planning on taking a break from writing these for a bit, so I can work on some other things.

Published 11 years ago

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