Do you see the weight and the depths
Of all that I don’t say out loud?
Holding the words in with bated breaths.
The words I am not strong enough to say
The questions I am too afraid to speak.
I can feel my heart bursting with love
But my fear of life without you makes me weak.
The thoughts that I think silently
The awe that I feel at the depth of my love.
The way that I look at you and wonder
If you are an angel delivered from above.
The unspoken fears that you will realize
I am not one of a kind, not a rarity.
Will you fall asleep madly in love with me
But suddenly wake with a new found clarity?
Am I a forever kind of love for you?
Or do you feel I am simply just a stop
Along the path of your life’s journey?
In a full glass, am I merely a single drop?
When you watch my clothes come off
Falling with a wisp, softly to the floor
Do you see my silhouette as beautiful?
I silently wish I could give you more.
When I look into your knowing blue eyes
I see the man I have looked forever to find
The unspoken words in my head swimming
I want strength to speak the words in my mind.