My Mother Warned Me

"The warning falls on flat ears"

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My Mother warned me about you,

The sweetness of your tongue.

Sensations spiralling the moon,

While I heard the message you sung.

My mother warned me of your animal ways

Walking on your hind legs, head held high.

Goatish beard swinging , Eyes ablaze,

Your hoof like fingers plunging as you hear me cry.

My mother warned me to follow the cross,

To hold dear the angels who stand close.

But your glimmer caught me in its magnificent gloss,

What angels, your aroma that of a hypnotizing rose.

My mother warned me that hell would swallow me whole,

Devil, Sir you are harsh in your commands.

I agree with her as you lick, suck and kiss my body so,

How my body whimpers with your demands.

My mother warned me, you would not care for thee,

I feel you plunging into me, grunting your guttural delight.

I am blinded by the orgasmic frill that is chasing me,

With the first of your load filling my womb, I am given the second sight.

My mother warned me to be the good Catholic girl,

But you taught the life of the witch was for me.

Your tree trunk sized cock fucking me till I unfurl,

Your tongue pressing into my ear, giving me the key.

My mother warned me what your presence meant,

I rebelled and found you all on my own.

You huff and puff, letting your cock vent,

Making the brutality to my body condoned.

My mother warned me, 

I laugh at her now.

For she took the simple road to heaven, 

as I take the highway to Hell.

Published 11 years ago

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