Like Humans

"Being a Were was difficult. Being a girl is just as hard"

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I was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I’d shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I’d missed several texts while I’d been grooming. Wiping shave gel and water from my hands, I scrolled through the messages. All from Colin, the last one saying ANSWER THE FUCKING DOOR! My animal-sharpened hearing picked up his muttering from the hallway, even as my sense of smell detected him over the aroma of the shave gel.
Damn , I thought, his fucking timing is awful!

Still, he knew me better than most and had seen me grooming before. With a growl, I pushed back my Were instincts and stalked to the door in only panties and shave gel, scowling. It was already mid-afternoon and I still had a lot to do to get ready. I really didn’t have time to listen to him whining about his boy troubles. I reached the door and, ignoring my wolf sense telling me he was alone and agitated, peeked through the peephole to check. I’d found that relying upon my human behaviors, even when alone, helped me to maintain my cover in public.

I opened the door and he sashayed past flamboyantly, as he only does around me. It’s not easy being a gay Werewolf. I closed the door quickly behind him.

“Well, it’s about time, girlfriend,” he minced, “I’ve been ringing for hours!” He inclined his head and batted his eyelashes at me, looking me up and down distastefully over his tiny shaded lenses. “Hmm,” he evaluated and reached out to stroke a clawed finger over my bare nipple, scraping away a streak of foam. “Looks like you missed a spot, Hellie.” He smirked and raised his thick manicured eyebrows. My scowl deepened, annoyed at not only the intrusion, but at his customary avoidance of my real name, my human name, and the lecture I knew was coming. He turned and pranced to the bathroom and I followed, sulking darkly.

Inside, he lifted himself onto the wide countertop, after wiping it clean with a towel. I stood in front of the sink and turned the water back on, waiting until it was just hotter than warm before snatching up my razor. With a sigh of resignation, I pinched the nipple between thumb and foreclaw, pulled it taut and touched up the small bristles he’d detected around my nipple. As many times as he’d seen me do this, I still grimaced at being watched.

“Honestly, Hell,” he intoned, in the musical gay tone he only displayed around me, “I don’t know why you bother.” He pushed his legs together and extended his arms, hands on his knees, striking an elegant pose.

“Don’t, Colin,” I grunted as I rinsed the razor. I turned the blades up to examine them and scowled again, reaching for the drawer. I changed the blade as he continued.

“Oh, you know it’s coming, girl,” he said, shrugging and cocking his head. I started on the other breast while he launched into his ‘acceptance’ speech. I took two short scrapes and then one long one, over the same spot, before rinsing the new blade, watching the coarse brown hair disappear down the drain.

“You go through all this trouble, trying to be something you’re not, Hell-girl,” he intoned in his best gay. “You should just accept who you are, embrace the changes and be yourself!” As he spoke he waved his arm, palm bent backwards from a limp wrist. I hate when he goes all flaming, I stewed. Scrape, scrape, drag, rinse. “All the time and money you spend, pretending to be human,” scrape, scrape, drag, rinse, “when you could just let go, be who you really are.” Scrape, scrape, drag, rinse. My hands moved in practiced motions. He let out a whimsical scoff. “Always trying to be Helen, when you’re not, and denying your true self…”

I pressed too hard and my hand jerked. I pulled the razor away to watch a drop of blood swell from the break in the skin. I switched the razor to the other hand and swatted him on the arm, hard. He pouted at me as I waited for the small cut to close and heal, then switched the razor back. My hands were shaking, and he noticed.

He reached for my hand with a dramatic sigh. “Here, let me,” he said, slipping the razor from my grip. Without having to be told, I pinched the nipple and pulled my breast taut while he assumed the shaving duties. I looked at the ceiling, grunting in frustration as he reproduced my motions. For a Werewolf, he had a deft, gentle touch, something I’d noticed the first time he’d helped me groom for a human date. Scrape, scrape, drag, rinse. It was his pattern, he’d taught it to me and I mimicked it because it worked.

“Honestly, you go to all this trouble to hide yourself…” he began again, but I cut him off.

“Oh, right,” I countered. The same argument, over and over. Scrape, scrape, drag, rinse. He looked up and made another pouty face, then went back to work. My nipple slipped a bit and I extended a claw slightly, digging in to the sensitive flesh. He heard the small noise I made and lifted an eyebrow, but wisely kept his mouth shut. “You preach to me about ‘being who I am’ and ’embracing my identity’ and the only place you feel safe to be gay is here, in my place?” He pretended to concentrate. “You hang with the pack and pretend to be ultra-hetero, and they pretend they don’t know you’re gay.”

Scrape, scrape, drag, rinse. He checked the area with his fingers and gave me a wistful grin. “Well, they know I’m gay when I suck their cocks, dear,” he quipped.

“You hang with them and you’re nothing like them,” I preached, sounding a little shrieky. “And you lecture me on being true to my nature?”

He put down the razor in a huff and stood with his free hand on his hip. “Hellie-girl, those human boys will never accept you for what you are, no matter how much hair you remove!” He tossed the plastic implement to the counter and opened the drawer for the depilatory cream. “Turn around,” he instructed, “I’ll do your back.”

I glanced down at the open drawer. Six bottles left. I scowled as I turned my back to him. I bought them in bulk at the beauty supply warehouse, but still, it cost me a fortune to keep myself human. He began spreading it liberally all over my back, starting from my neck. The chill made the hairs stand up in wolffish hackles.

“See?” he quipped. “Your body knows what you are, but you think you’re still… human. ” The sneering derision was obvious in the way he expressed the word, almost an invective. “Honestly, girl,” he continued, undaunted by my defense as usual, safe in his position as a pack member. “Give up this charade. Join the pack.”

“It’s easy for you, Colin,” I whined as he reached my lower back, gooping the cream on heavily. “You’re full blood, born in.” I lowered my voice dejectedly. “I’m made, only half. I can’t even control the changes like you guys. I’d never fit in.” I pushed my panties down and stepped out of them as he dropped to his knees. The tube made a farting sound as it emptied in his hand and he reached for another one. Five left. I felt him smear the glob on my right cheek.

“Surface or detail?” he asked. Thank goodness we were friends.

“Detail, silly, it’s a date.”

I felt his finger smearing the cream into my crack, rubbing lightly across my starfish to my taint.

“Not too low!” I warned.

“I know,” he recited with an intolerant moan, “sensitive areas get the razor.” He sighed. “It’s not my first time, remember.” He pulled his finger from my crack and coated the other cheek, then started down my legs. “Anyway, it’s ‘was’ a date.”

I whirled in surprise. “What?”

He looked up at me with genuine astonishment that flickered quickly into irritation. “Didn’t you read any of my texts?”

“No, I… No, just the one that said to…”

He rolled his eyes. “Well, you’re half done, so no point in stopping now. It’s a shame, I’m sure your human boy would’ve appreciated your hairless skin.” He grimaced distastefully and motioned for me to turn back around. “I’m sure he’ll be disappointed when you cancel.”

“I’m not canceling,” I insisted. My Were sense fired up again of its own accord and I winced at the sharp smell of the depilatory, but underneath, I smelled Colin, nervous. “I’m not canceling,” I repeated. “What is it, Colin. Spill it!”

“Pack meeting,” he said, voice lowered in deference. He could smell my anger boiling. Full Blood and he’s afraid of me, I thought. “Mandatory. Alpha Challenge.”

My breath caught.


“Oh, yes, dearie,” he said as he worked the cream across the tops of my toes on the tufts of hair. My claws extended involuntarily as I stiffened, inhaling. “Easy, girlfriend, no need for that.” He began working up the front of my legs, slathering me with the heavy lotion. I saw his hand reach for another tube. Four. Maybe one more treatment. I had to get to the store this week. But tonight…


“Uhn, huhn,” he confirmed in his sing-song tone. “Your one and only.”

Six years ago Michael had made me a Were, when I was nineteen. He’d come to me in human form, convinced he loved me. He was dark and sullen and dangerously attractive and I’d let him talk me into a date. When I’d declined his advances he’d turned angry, attacked. Made me. A half breed. I’d refused to join his clan and walked away. A year later Colin had found me. As a couple of Werewolf misfits, we’d become fast friends. Everything I knew about controlling the beast, Colin had taught me, but I didn’t have his natural abilities. My body hair grew of its own, my claws emerged at awkward moments.

Michael had claimed me, which meant that no other Were could touch me. He only let Colin hang with me because he was gay, and Michael wanted me to stay connected. I’d refused to see him, even to speak to him, since the attack. He was the head of his clan, but not the pack Alpha.

“Joshua is old, and Michael senses it’s time,” Colin said. “I think the Pack senses it, too.”

“Well, good for them,” I snorted. “I have a date,” I insisted, “with a human boy.” I added the emphasis for Colin’s benefit.

“I’m sure he’ll be crushed,” he observed flippantly. “Maybe I should look him up, afterwards.” He met my scowl with a raised eyebrow. “Console him,” he added, as if I didn’t know what he meant.

“He’s straight, Colin, and stay away from him. Fuck,” I sneered derisively. “Keep it in your pants, will you?”

“I can,” he observed wryly. “It’s everyone else who can’t.”

“You’re a slut,” I tried, wanting to insult him.

“Thank you, dear, but flattery won’t get you out of the meeting.” I looked down at him as he finished my upper thighs. His face was right at my hairy bush. He looked at it, then up at me. “Shaving that too, I suppose? A shame, really.” My belly and arms were already done, and he stood to rinse his hands. “Although for the life of me,” he observed dryly, “I don’t know what the attraction is, you’re missing all the good parts.”

I slapped his shoulder again and he mimed dramatic pain with a sweet laugh. Despite myself, I laughed with him as I stepped into the tub.

“Anyway, if you’d read my texts, you’d know that Michael sent me to make sure you attend.”

“What is he, in the slow class?” I asked as I adjusted the water to warm. “He knows I want nothing to do with him.”

“I’m sure you’ve made that clear, Hellie,” he related as he detached the spray nozzle to hose me off. “But he asked for you regardless. So you’re coming with.”

The water splashed across my toes, spraying the whitish cream and dark hair off in thick, swirly globs. I motioned to the counter and Colin retrieved the drain de-clogger. I bent to pour some of the thick fluid directly down the drain. Preventive measures, learned the hard way.

“And if you’re looking to stake your position as human ,” he offered as he switched the spray to the hand-held nozzle, “I suppose that showing up like this will strengthen your stance.” I turned my back to him and felt the spray hose me off. Residue swirled around my feet. My unwanted nature washed away, yet again. “You know, I think you should embrace your nature,” he boasted, and made a very un-wolf-ish sound in his throat, “but they’ll just go ballistic when they see you like this!”

I felt the smile creasing my face at that thought, and wrinkled my nose with glee.


The fight had been spectacular, if shorter than expected. In full Wolf form, they’d attacked each other, straight out, but it was easy to see how it would go. Michael was clearly stronger, more virile than Joshua, wounding him early, and Joshua had conceded his position after a dutiful, if futile resistance. The meeting had quickly devolved into a celebration. The former and new Alphas secluded themselves to heal, together, and discuss Pack Management.

I sipped water and kept myself insulated from the partygoers, scowling and not meeting anyone’s eye. I heard some projected whispers I was meant to hear and sensed others said behind my back. Fuck them all, I assessed, I want MY life, not theirs! They avoided me, and I returned the favor.

It was almost midnight when Colin found me. Still in human form, but looking all butch in his Pack attire rather than his more fashionable wardrobe. It bothered me that he dressed this way for them. He looked seriously hetero. Me, I’d worn a short skirt and sleeveless blouse. Lots of hairless skin showing. The other females in the pack dressed in revealing attire as well, but with a rougher edge.

He glanced around, assessing the potential for eavesdropping and rolled his eyes when he looked back at me.”Time to go see the Boss, Hellie,” he said in his Pack tone.

“Ugh,” I commented.

“Come on, it won’t be that bad.”

“I meant your fake voice,” I sniped. I finished my water and followed him.

The Gathering had been organized outside of the town limits, in a lightly wooded area. Most of the event took place in a large clearing, where the Pack members lounged, strutted and posed for effect. A total testosterone-laden display of libido and ego. And the males were even worse. A tent had been erected on the outskirts, nearer the tree line, for the Alpha to hold court. We made our way through the scattered groups, avoiding glares. No one lingered near the tent, and as we gained some separation from the rest of the members, Colin leaned in to reassure me.

“Don’t you worry, Hellie-Doll,” he hissed in his comforting, lyrical intonation. It made me smile to hear the real Colin. “Trust me, this is all going to work out.”

“What do you know about it?” I scoffed.

“Just trust me,” he repeated. And then we were there, and Colin held the flap open for me to enter. I looked at him, eyes narrowed with doubt, and stepped inside. He followed me in.


Six years later and it all came crashing back in a rush of conflicting emotion and desire. The bastard who screwed my life up, my brain scolded. Holy Christ on a cracker, he’s fucking hot as balls, my body countered. Fuck, but he was gorgeous. All the old attraction rose up inside me, stirring my heart, crinkling my nipples and gushing out into my panties. Dark, handsome, virile and crackling with intense sexuality, nearly impossible to resist. I’d let him pursue me, played hard to get, flattered by his attention while denying my desire for him. He’d been the bad boy, the smoldering, sullen and angry one that mothers warn their daughters about. I’d succumbed to his draw. It hadn’t ended well. And here he was again, only this time he had beckoned and I had come to him.

There was no doubting his authority, his power. Even in human form, he wore it like a cloak, wrapped in his dominion over his lessers. Seeing him again, seated confidently and lazily on an easy chair (and how the hell had they gotten that here?) , one leg dangling casually over the other, I gritted my teeth against the immediate physical demands of my body, reminding myself of what he had done to my life. I stiffened as he caught my gaze.

“Helen,” he growled admiringly. “It’s good to see you. Please come in.” Colin went to the side of the tent and returned with a folding chair, opening it and placing it across from Michael. Then he looked at me, winked, and went to stand beside and slightly behind Michael’s chair. What the fuck is that about, I wondered. Silently, I took my seat, my knees demurely closed, legs angled.

“Hello, Michael,” I said. “It’s been a while.” I jumped right onto offense. “Too bad it wasn’t longer.” I smirked. “Can’t really say I’m glad to see you. You going to attack me again?” I inclined my head toward him, jutting my chin forward. “Maybe kill me this time?”

He grimaced, showing a hint of sharp incisors. But his tone didn’t match his countenance when he spoke.

“Ouch,” he squeaked contritely. “I guess I had that coming.” I lifted my eyebrows in acknowledgment, and he continued. “But no, that’s not why I asked Colin to bring you here tonight.” Oddly, he reached a hand up to the back of the chair where Colin’s hand rested deferentially, and he squeezed Colin’s, and didn’t pull away. Just held it. I pretended to ignore the gesture. “Colin’s done a wonderful job of keeping you safe for me. He’s a good man, a trusted advisor. He’ll be my second, you know,” he added. He patted Colin’s hand and then leaned forward, arms on his knees.

“But I asked you to come here to make things right, and to ask you for a favor.” I bristled and he held up his hand, stalling me. “No, please, Helen, hear me out first.” I eased back into my chair and he visibly relaxed, but less than completely. It occurred to me that he was nervous having me here. “I know we have an unpleasant history, you and I, and I want the opportunity to make that right by you. In return, I need you to do something for me.” His eyebrows lifted inquiringly. “Okay so far?”

“Go on,” I answered without commitment, “I’m listening.”

He heaved a deep breath, swelling his well-developed chest and flexing his shoulders. It was a genuine expression of his tension, and I appreciated the honesty it offered. My pussy appreciated the show of masculine prowess. Dammit!

“The Pack is changing, Helen,” he intoned, “in ways you can’t imagine. Starting tonight.”

“Yeah, right,” I scoffed. “New Alpha, same rules…”

“No.” He cut me off with a wave of his hand. “No, not the same. I’m making some changes, starting tonight. Big changes, eventually, but small ones right away. The Pack needs to… adjust to the times. Be more accepting,” he added softly. “But they won’t change easily, not right away, regardless of who leads. There are… expectations. Protocols to observe, for things to progress smoothly.”

“You’re losing me Michael,” I interjected with an exasperated sigh. “This interests me how? I’m not in your Pack, remember?”

He looked down at his feet and took a breath before continuing. Very un-Alpha-like, in my opinion. He lifted his face and cocked his head slightly.

“You’ve struggled on the outside, adjusting,” he said. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you. Not completely selfish.” Now he heaved a sigh of his own, bracing himself. “What I did to you, back then…”

“You attacked me. Turned me against my will.”

“Yes,” he said, hanging his head guiltily. When his head came back up his eyes were wide, and filled with regret. Very un-Alpha-like. “That was wrong, and I’m sorry. I’d like to try and make that up to you.”

I stifled my surprise. “Can you undo it?” He shook his head. “Then I don’t see how you can help.”

“An Alpha needs a mate,” he offered.

I let out an angry, barking laugh. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Please, hear me out, Helen.”

“Surely you don’t think…”

“Please!” His voice was louder, filled with command, and my wolf responded by silencing and assuming a docile demeanor. Inwardly, I rebelled. But I noted that his face showed no anger.

“Please, Helen, hear me out. I need a mate. Someone strong, sensible and capable by my side, if I’m to rule the Pack and enact the changes we need. What I did to you, when I changed you… I was young, angry.” He closed his eyes and reopened them slowly. “Confused. It was wrong, but I thought it was what I wanted, what I was supposed to do. Supposed to be.” I blinked at him, puzzled. He continued. “I didn’t think, didn’t care. Didn’t know who I was, who I would become. I’m sorry. I claimed you, because of who you were, how you were. How you are .” He blew out a frustrated breath. “I thought I wanted you for my mate. Then I hated you for denying me. And now I find I need you to be my mate.” He held up a hand, quickly, to forestall my objections.

“It’s not like you think,” he stopped me, “not like that.

I’ve chosen a mate, a real mate, to rule with me, assist me, support me. Someone strong and smart, someone more… like me.” Colin shuffled his position, moving his hand to Michael’s shoulder. I felt my face scrunch up. “But the Pack won’t accept my choice, not right away, they need… normalcy. For appearances, for now, I need to be seen to have a conventional mate, to retain their support.” I looked at my feet, confused and disoriented.

“I’d like you to pose as my mate, for the good of the Pack,” he continued as my brain whirled, trying to make sense, fit pieces together. This is certainly not the same Michael who had seduced and attacked me! Sure, he was still hot, and he wore Alpha like he was born to it. But there was definitely something different about him. “In exchange,” he continued, “I’ll allow you to continue your human life, your human interactions. I’ll assign one of the females to work with you on controlling your Wolf, teach you what we know. Someone… progressive.” He paused and his next words came out slow, steady. “I’ll give you back your control over your life, such as it is.”

That caught my attention, to be sure! I lifted my head to regard him and saw that Colin was now sitting on the arm of the chair, one arm wrapped comfortingly around Michael. As I looked, Michael snuggled up under Colin’s shoulder, and Colin smiled with an easy satisfaction I’d rarely seen on him before. The image jarred against my desire to have a normal life, in control of my future. And then, like lightning, it all made sense. I felt a genuinely happy smile break across my face for Colin.

“You two?” Colin smiled back at me, pleased and content. Michael smiled sheepishly. My mouth dropped open. “Get outta town! Are you kidding?” Colin leaned over Michael and planted a kiss on top of his head. “When…? How long…?” As I stammered my disbelief, Michael turned his face up to Colin’s and their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. I sat, dumbfounded, staring. My dreamboat Bad Boy and my best friend? Lovers? They broke the kiss, taking a moment to stare into each other’s eyes, then both turned to look at me. “No way!”

“Way,” Colin answered, his feminine intonation free and open. “Couple of years, now.” Michael’s hand rested on Colin’s thigh, too high up to be anything approaching casual. I was happy for him. “I wanted to tell you, but…”

“No one knows, and it stays that way, for now,” Michael finished for him. “The Pack isn’t ready for this, yet.” Colin’s expression confirmed his agreement. “But you can see why I need you to pose as my mate?”

“You need a beard,” I answered wryly.

“In a manner of speaking.”

“And you’ll let me live my life? My human life?” He nodded. Colin did too, and I wondered who was the real power behind the throne. “You’ll give me someone, someone good , to teach me?” Another confirmation. “I can date human boys? Take human lovers?”

Michael nodded, and Colin added in his soft sweet jibe that I loved, “With discretion, of course. Keeping up appearances, and all,” with a flick of his hand.

“Discretion, of course, yes,” I agreed, but the promise of being able to date swelled my excitement. Images flashed through my head of dressing, without hours of hair removal and no danger of extended claws, ruined pantyhose. Relief swept through me and I looked at Michael. He smiled at me.

“The idea appeals to you, then?” he asked. His hand was still on Colin’s thigh, and I stopped thinking of myself for a moment, to see them, together. The expression on Colin’s face was its own reward; happy, accepted. Loved. I was so very glad for him. Later, I’ll have to crawl up his ass for keeping secrets from me, the bitch! But I couldn’t be angry now, seeing him like this.

And there was Michael, of course. He was still the handsome rogue he’d been then, only now, easier in his skin, less troubled, more grown. Matured. He wore the elapsed time well. I’ll have to hang out with him, I guess. Figured I should address that issue now.

“About being your ‘mate’,” I asked, “what will you expect of me?”

“Attend the Meetings, of course,” he considered. “Be at my side publicly, in front of the Pack. Support my decisions as you see fit, although I expect you’ll probably appreciate some of the changes I’ll enact.” I nodded. “We’re going to make a difference, the three of us.”

“They’ll catch on, eventually, you know,” I advised.

Michael smiled with a genuine appreciation. “You see? That’s why it’s you, Helen, and not one of the others. You’re insightful, you see the big picture. Yes,” he said, squeezing Colin’s thigh with his big hand. Colin squirmed playfully under the caress, his body’s motion incongruous with his butch Pack outfit. “Eventually they’ll catch on, but we’ll have moved them forward by then, I hope.” He inclined his head. “And when we are ready to make it public,” he continued, “I’d appreciate you staying on, in an advisory role. We’re a closed group, and you’ll be one of us, but on the outside, in the human world. We’d benefit from your perspective.”

“Sure,” I agreed, “I guess.” I snorted in amazement. “And thanks, I suppose.”

“Good then,” he finished.

I watched them again, fascinated by the unlikelihood of their pairing, and admired them both. Despite the knowledge that they were gay, and lovers, the image of them both separately and together, was… oddly arousing. Colin was girlishly attractive and fit, and of course, Michael was… Michael. My body hadn’t given up it’s excited state being near him, and it bubbled back to the surface as I relaxed.

“You know, Michael,” I observed, feeling emboldened by the familiarity, “if you’d been like this when we’d dated that time, things might have turned out differently.” Michael made an exaggerated impressed face while Colin put a hand to his face in feigned shock, grinning from behind his delicate fingers. I blushed a little at their response. “No, seriously, this… this guy, this version of you, it’s… accessible.” I was flustered by my sudden embarrassment, expressing myself, and felt an odd tingling in my belly. And that other one, slightly lower. “I kinda like this guy,” I confessed.

“Watch it, Hellie Girl,” Colin said in his finest flame, leaning over and wrapping his arms protectively around his Alpha. As if Michael needed protection, I laughed to myself. “Friend or no, you make a move on my man, and I’ll scratch your pretty eyes out!”

I guffawed at the ridiculous threat. “Oh, please, Colin!” I sneered jovially. “Be serious. I’d kick your butt!”

“Don’t underestimate him, Helen,” Michael warned with the same lightness, “Trust me, he’s all man.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked. “Sweet little Colin?”

Michael looked up at Colin, then back at me. He winked, and slid his hand higher up Colin’s leg and gave his lover’s bulge a squeeze. “Where it counts,” he intoned. Colin shifted his hips, wriggling like a snake.

My mouth dropped open at the clutch. Michael relaxed his grip and my eyes were drawn to the bulge, obvious now. How did I never notice that before? Oh, that’s right, I remembered, seeing me naked doesn’t have that effect! I watched Michael again, leaving his hand in place to rub gently as he cuddled into my friend, his lover. He was no longer the troubled, dangerous hot stack of man he’d been. Still hot, of course, but so… nice now.

“Seriously, Michael, the change in you is so… dramatic. I’m not kidding about what I said, before. I mean,” I glanced up at Colin, “and don’t take this the wrong way, Colin, sweetie,” I interjected, “but you’re clearly not the same hot guy you were then!” Colin pouted, and Michael looked disappointed. “Stop it, the two of you,” I laughed, seeing the connection between them now. “But you were such a… gash hound, and now… gay? Really?” I shook my head, held out my hands. “Don’t get me wrong, you’ve still got it. You could have any woman you want, you’re like a walking wet dream, and I mean wet!

“Jealous, Hellie Doll?” Colin let his hand slide down Michael’s chest, inside his shirt. That slut!

“I’ve got all I want,” Michael stated for the record.

“And he wants, don’t kid yourself!” Colin added.

Michael grinned proudly and squeezed Colin’s bulge again. “And who wouldn’t?” he asked. “Although it’s nice to know I can still draw a woman’s eye.”

“Well, you drew mine, back then,” I admitted, “and you’ve still got it. In fact,” I added, puzzled by the thought, “I’m completely turned on right now, watching you two.” What the hell made THAT come out, I wondered. The answer came from between my legs and I squirmed in the chair to squelch the river flowing from me. I wondered if the animal reaction was human or Were, and didn’t much care which.

“Oh, Hellie, you dirty slut, turned on by gay men!”

“Well, gay hot men!”

“Well, it’s nice to know I can still turn a woman on,” Michael grinned, then sniffed the air suspiciously. “Fucking Helen! Really?”

“What?” I asked defensively, and my Were senses kicked in as Michael engaged his. The smell of my arousal, all pheromones and pussy juice, was instantly thick in the closed tent. My human side blushed. My animal half roared silently. My legs parted slightly and I inhaled through clenched teeth.

“Oh, Hellie, you nasty bitch, you,” Colin scolded, and leaned over Michael, his hands at the opening of his lover’s shirt. With a feminine growl, he pulled the shirt open, spraying buttons to the floor like loose change. Michael’s strong, hairy chest stared at me. I salivated. Colin’s hands found Michael’s nipples and squeezed. I can smell them, I realized, and my nipples stiffened until they ached. I felt someone touching my breast and looked down to see my own hand there, rubbing lightly. The scent of their masculine arousal swirled with my own, tantalizing my nostrils and fogging my brain. My human side surrendered the fight and stopped resisting.

“Oh, that’s so fucking hot,” I growled, my eyes trained on them as Colin teased our new Alpha. Michael’s hands went to Colin’s wrists, held him there as he stared at me, his dark eyes glowering with heat. Holy fuck, I can’t stand this, I thought, it’s too fucking hot… I felt my legs part more, felt fingertips stroking my thigh. I knew it was me, and didn’t care.

Michael moved his hands with feral skill and grace, working Colin’s belt. I grunted as the hand at my breast moved down to slip up under my shirt. My nail scraped across the rock hard nipple. I stared as Michael’s strong confident fingers worked the buckle, pulled the button open. Colin’s slim body rose from the arm of the chair to stand beside it, hands running through Michael’s luxuriously dark hair. Those dark, dangerous eyes of his left mine as his hands opened Colin’s black jeans.

I slid down in my chair, parting my legs until my fingertips grazed the gusset of my panties. My senses shifted to high gear, hearing the rustling of denim, breathing in the scent of male sweat and arousal, smelled my cunt, heard Colin exhale and Michael inhale as Michael’s hand slipped inside Colin’s pants and withdrew… oh, fuck, a beautiful hard cock. My fingers pressed at my panties, pushing them between my shaved lips, wanting inside, now!

“You like that, Hellie Doll?” Colin cooed. I nodded, biting my lip.

Michael’s eyes returned to mine as his hand gripped the base of Colin’s shaft, presenting it to my eyes. His eyes dropped from my face to the hand at my breast, to the one digging furiously at my panties. I was suddenly ashamed of myself. My hands halted, squeezing one nipple, pressed into my cunt, eyes wide. His eyes narrowed.

“Don’t you stop,” he growled, low and commanding. With a sigh of relief, I pulled at the nipple and slipped my fingers to the edge of my soaking panties, pulling them aside, exposing my bare pussy. Michael rubbed the head of Colin’s cock across his cheek, leaving a glistening slick trail of pre-cum as my fingers pushed between my shaved lips and filled me. I growled, low and thick.

“You do like this, don’t you?” Michael growled back. Colin’s swollen cockhead rested at the corner of his mouth. I heard my own groan over Colin’s.

They were both watching me. I released my nipple and pulled my fingers from my cunt and yanked my panties off, slinking further down on the chair, spreading my legs wide, my skirt hiked up at my waist. “Do it, Michael, suck his cock for me!” I hissed as my fingers parted my lips, one hand pushing fingers inside, the other teasing my swollen clit.

“Yes-s, Michael,” Colin’s delicate voice echoed, “suck my cock, baby,”

Michael’s eyes never left mine as his lips slowly parted and his head turned slightly. Our eyes locked as his tongue slipped out, thick and masculine, and swept a lazy swirl around the head of my friend’s cock. My cunt pulsed and squeezed my fingers of its own accord as my hips lifted from the chair. A third finger joined the first two, pumping slowly as Michael opened, stretched his lips wide, and took Colin’s cock into his mouth.

Oh, fucking holy hell on earth, that’s the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen! I began to tremble at the sight of this deliciously hot man sucking my sweet friend’s beautiful cock. I jammed my fingers deep, stretching myself open, letting them watch me get off at their glorious display. Was I arousing them? I found myself hoping I was, that I was giving them the same pleasure I was getting from watching. I rubbed my clit harder, feeling juices spill out, coating my hand as I fucked my hot hole. Michael closed his eyes then, and gave his full attention to his lover’s cock.

He pushed his mouth far down the shaft. His lips contracted and wrapped tightly around the girth. His sucked his cheeks in as he slowly drew back, leaving the shaft wet and slick as it emerged from his sexy mouth.

“Fuck, yeah, Michael, suck his fucking cock, baby, that’s so fucking hot!” The sexiest man I’d ever known threw me the hottest look I’d ever seen as he worked his mouth on my gay best friend’s stunning erection. His passion was evident, Colin’s pleasure was evident. And my animal desire switched to overload. “Oh, fuck!” Michael pumped his head and hand, fucking the cock with his mouth. I looked up at Colin who stared back at me from half lidded eyes.

“Oh, Colin, you sexy little bitch!”

His lips, light and narrow, curled at the corners. “Eat your heart out, girlfriend,” came the soft whisper. The words oozed from him as he trailed the backs of his fingers down Michael’s cheek. “He’s all mine.”

My eyelids fluttered as Michael attacked Colin’s cock with vigor and unabashed delight. His head was moving, tongue licking, hands sliding. I matched his pace with my own thrusts and rubs. His stubbly chin glistened wetly and I heard him making small yummy sounds as he sucked and swirled and slobbered, eyes closed dreamily. I felt the tickle begin, peeking its head from behind the needy pulses of my cunt, felt the fire ignite, sizzle. It’s gonna be big, I knew.

Colin’s hips began humping, thrusting himself into his lover’s adoring mouth. I felt my own hips matching his, pumping up to meet my fingers. I gasped hot breath, eyes wide and glaring, not wanting to miss a second of the hottest, sexiest dirtiest thing I’d ever witnessed. Soft humming grunts slipped from Colin, becoming louder, more urgent, erratic. Not without me, my friend, I commanded myself, and fucked myself harder, straining my arm to push deeper inside. My other hand paused, my thumb pressing my hood back and the fleshy pad of my forefinger vibrated at lightening speed under my pearl. My mouth hung open. Drool slid down my chin.

Colin’s fingers tangled into Michael’s hair and gripped tightly. His body stiffened as Michael pushed his mouth as far down as he could reach. His tongue slipped out underneath as he withdrew, slowly, looking up at his lover’s face. Colin’s back arched and his pelvis slid forward as he grimaced and shook. Michael’s eyes opened wide, breath hissing from his flaring nostrils.

Colin trembled and squeaked. I held my breath.

My orgasm broke as Colin barked a long harsh grunt and filled Michael’s mouth with hot cum. I shouted at them, screamed at them as my legs twitched and trembled, waves of violent ecstasy exploding out from my cunt to send shockwaves through my body. My neck strained as I watched Michael’s throat ripple, swallowing the hot, sticky load. I wailed and cried as my Were senses detected the scent of semen, sensed the heat, connected to Colin’s climax and Michael’s pleasure and pride. The orgasm doubled and I lost control of my body, slipping from the chair, hand still buried in my clutching pussy. I lay on the floor, shuddering under the power of it, watching Michael as he licked and sucked the remaining pulses of creamy cum from the tip of Colin’s cock.

The next thing I knew they were helping me to my feet. I caught Michael’s grinning face and smiled at him despite my embarrassment. I heard Colin tut-tutting and threw him a scowl. Michael chuckled.

“Easy, Helen,” he said as he stood me on shaky legs. “You okay?”

“A girl should know her limits,” Colin lectured in that flagrantly inappropriate way he has, “and not bite off more than she can chew, hmm?” I rolled my eyes at him and he slipped me an easy smile.

“I’m alright,” I said, pulling myself up. I had one hand on Michael’s shoulder and one gripped tightly in Colin’s. It felt good. Embarrassing, but good. They sat me back in the folding chair and Colin walked away, returning with a bottle of water. I guzzled half of it, gulping my thirst away.

“The girl does have an appetite,” Colin quipped with a raised eyebrow. I pulled the bottle from my lips.

“Silence, She-wolf,” I gasped out, and drank again.

Michael laughed. “She’s got your number, Colin.” He crouched down in front of me and rested his hands on my knees. I saw his eyes dart between my legs and realized they were hanging lazily open. He cocked an eye at me and pressed my knees together. “You can put that away now,” he advised. My blush returned in full bloom.

I set the water down next to the chair and looked at Michael for a long minute, then over at Colin. Despite my embarrassment I felt… okay with them. We all stared at each other in silence. But I felt no judgement, no evaluation of me. Acceptance.

“Well,” I said, breaking the pause. “That was different.”

“Mmm hmm,” Colin agreed from the arm of the big chair where he’d resumed his pose. “You are just full of surprises, little girl. I must say,” he continued in his sing-song tone, “I am a somewhat shocked at your lusty display. Gay sex strike a chord with you, hmm?” He rubbed his crotch. He’d put his cock away but his pants were still undone. “Or is it just the desire for something you can’t have?”

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself, bitch,” I corrected. “I don’t know what came over me. It just… took me over? You know?”

“I do,” Michael answered. “It’s the Were. The animal. It wants, and it takes.” His face had a look of concern I’d never seen before. “It can be overwhelming. We can teach you to control it.”

“Fuck,” I answered, “I’m not sure I want to!” Michael chuckled and Colin sniffed daintily. “It was so… liberating!”

“Well, you’d better learn to keep it leashed,” Colin offered dryly, “I’m not sure your human boys are ready for that!”

I took a deep breath. He was right, of course. Letting myself go like that, losing control, with someone new. They’d never understand. Would draw conclusions, get the wrong idea. A girl’s reputation could suffer.

“I can learn to control it?”

“Oh, sure. It’ll take time,” Michael said, standing and moving to Colin. He stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his second, resting his chin on Colin’s shoulder. They both looked at me. “And not just to hold it back. To be in control of it, hold it tight when you need to, let it out when you want to.” He grinned. I smiled back.

Colin gave me a lecherous smile. “With the right partner,” he intoned, “it’s a wonderful gift.”

I sat back, relaxing in the small, uncomfortable chair, thinking of a day when I’d be able to give myself to someone, really let go. Someone I trusted the way I had trusted Colin, and now, Michael. Someone I could really let go with, let my instinct out and free. I closed my eyes and imagined my future, accepted for who I was by the Pack, by humans. Controlling my Were, in charge of myself and my life, walking the line between two worlds, free to be myself in both.

“Yes,” I agreed, opening my eyes and looking at them, in love and together and imagining myself, in love like that. “It sounds wonderful.”

Published 11 years ago

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