Arriving at work around 8 p.m. as usual, I started my regular pre-opening jobs. Cleaning out a few beer lines, wiping down the tables and chairs from the night before and mopping the floor, these were only a few of the odd jobs that needed to be done before the doors opened at half past nine. At around half past eight, the bouncers for the night arrived, one of which was Sam who I was used to; he was bald and must have been about forty-five years old, an ex-boxer, still built like a brick shit house.
“Hey Amy, you alright love?” he asked. I always felt safe with him around.
“Yeah, I’m alright thanks, Sam.” I walked over hugging him.
“You don’t think it’ll be busy tonight do you? I can’t be bothered.” I pulled a sad face and leaned against him.
“I reckon it’ll be rammed love!” I said. “All the students are leaving for Christmas next week so they’ll be coming out and getting properly smashed before they go back to mum and dad’s!”
“Owww!” I whined pulling an even sadder face.
“Don’t worry, if it gets too busy, you come out and have a fag with me!” he winked.
“I would, but I bet Sean will be on at me before I could even light it.”
“Oh yeah, forgot about him. He’s a right dickhead!” I laughed and he walked back outside.
Now at 11 p.m. the club was absolutely bouncing with people, as Sam thought it would be. I had been running round collecting empty glasses all night, weaving in and out through people and getting groped more times than I’d care to count. I had just gotten back to the bar for the nth time when a guy who I had seen in here a few times with only a few of his friends walked in and came straight to me. He had been trying it on with me for some times and I had always seen him eyeing me up. He barely drank and would usually stand there with the same drink in his hand all night, watching me work.
He was very attractive, that was for sure. His jaw line was pronounced by a mass of short stubble which was evenly trimmed around his neck and his eyes were dark blue and dreamy. I didn’t even know his name. I put the glasses into the washer and turned it on, turning round I saw him standing right there.
“Hey!” He shouted to me. I strolled over to him. “Can I tell you something?” he asked.
“Yeah sure!” I was intrigued by him.
“In private?”
“Well, I can’t right now, can I? I’m working!” I shouted playfully.
“Ah, okay. Well If I stick around until it gets a little bit quieter, can I tell you something in private then?”
“I doubt it’ll get quiet all night, hun!” I said.
He looked at me with a slight smile.“Okay, I’ll wait. Can I get a Jack and Coke please?”
“…Okay” I said walking over to the pump to get his drink. I looked back over at him and he sat leaning on the bar still smiling. I took him the drink and got on with my work.
I served for a while and then was back out again collecting glasses that people had been leaving out around the dance floors and knocked over on empty tables. An hour had passed and he was still there, watching me. He was persistent, I could give him that.
Another half hour went buy of me mostly serving drinks at the bar, which was still heaving with people. After a wave had dissipated, I looked over and there he was, standing where he had been at the start of the night; leaning on the bar with his drink.
“Hey!” he shouted through the noise of the club. “Just a quick word?”
I hesitated for a sight moment. “Okay… Just a quick one!” He smiled as I stepped out from behind the bar. Turning to Jess behind me, I shouted to her, “I won’t be a minute!”
“No worries!” she said sticking her thumb up at me as I carried on with him.
He led me through the people and up the stairs to the second dance floor. This area was usually quieter than the rest of the place and tonight was no exception. Through the back of this floor was another set of bathrooms, we carried on walking towards them. I couldn’t help but wonder what was so important that he needed to take me all the way up here just to tell me. Past the bathrooms we stood by the emergency fire escape which led down a set of steel steps and into the back alley.
“Go on then… what’s so important?” I said with an expectant grin.
“Is this fire door alarmed?” he asked.
I knew it wasn’t. “Why?” I asked.
“Is it or not?”
I laughed. “Oh, forget it, if you’re not going to tell me,” I said, about to turn back round.
“Hey, hey, hey, come on!” he said trying to get me to stay. “You tell me if it’s alarmed and I’ll tell you my thing.”
I took a breath and exhaled, “No. It’s not alarmed, now what is it?”
With that he held my arm, pushed the door wide open and dragged me outside with him. “What are you doing?!” I shouted. The door slammed shut behind us. He held me up against the wall and got close to my face.
“I wanted to tell you how fucking beautiful you are.” He held my shoulders and caressed my neck with his mouth. His hands began to quickly wander around my back as if searching for my bra strap.
“Oh. God!” I exclaimed, taken back by what was happening. It was such a massive shock that I could barely recognise what was going on, all I knew is that his kisses were amazing and my neck began to shiver with pleasure.
“You’re fucking sexy.” he whispered into my ear, pulling my hair back with one hand as his other slipped down the side of my skirt.
His mouth quickly wandered to mine and it wasn’t long until we were kissing each other deeply with a mad passion. Running his hands through my hair, I reached around and gripped hold of his pert bum. He bit my bottom lip lightly and I edged my hands around to his front where I lifted up his shirt, reaching underneath to rub his chest; it was firm and toned.
Suddenly, I felt a hand crawling up the side of my bare leg. He scratched me slightly as it scurried quickly to my ass, caressing it lightly. His thumb slid underneath the slender fabric of my thong, gliding it around to my front. I felt myself blush heavily as his cold hand grazed my pussy; I got wet instantly.
I grabbed hold of both his hands and swiftly guided him down the fire stairs into the alley. Underneath the stairs was a group of large waste bins, this is where I led him. We were hidden from view of the main road and the pavement, where anybody walking by might have spotted us.
“It’s so cold!” I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together.
“I’ll warm you up…”
He reached both of his hands underneath my shirt and around my back where he promptly undid my bra strap. I gasped and he quickly turned me around. Gripping at me from behind, still under my shirt, his hands cupped both my tits. My nipples were erect as his index fingers soon realized, circling round them sensitively.
“Fuck,” I said under my breath as one hand de-cupped and came away from my chest. I heard his belt buckle ring open and felt his erection quickly grazing at my pleats. With that, I gave him better access and a better view of my behind as I hoisted up the back of my skirt and rested it on my back, leaning forward and pressing both palms into the side of one of the bins. I spread both legs apart.
He began to work my ass, gripping at me and squeezing hard.
“Fuck, that’s nice,” I heard him mutter, “I’m going to fuck you so good.”
I turned my head and sniggered, his hand slipped underneath and between my thighs and fed my plump pussy lips. It wasn’t long until he couldn’t take any more and vigorously pealed my underwear to one side, nuzzling his head into my wanting hole.
His pre-cum gelled against me as he edged himself in a little. I felt his head enter me, goose pimples ran over my arms and legs. It only took a few seconds for what must have been half of him to enter my inviting cunt. His cock was big; thick and filling.
I moaned and groaned as he began to thrust himself deep inside me. I swiftly brought a hand down and began to tickle my clit. His hands were gripping to each hip, firmly holding me down and in place as he fucked me slowly. This felt amazing.
He spread either cheek apart and started to really ride me, his cock entering me so far it felt as if he were about to enter my stomach.
Rubbing against my G-spot I could feel my cheeks flushing as if they were about to set on fire. My nipples hard and solid like rocks. He quickly pulled out of me and dragged my underwear to my ankles before rapidly inserting himself back into me.
“Is that good?” he asked.
“Oh yeah baby, that dick feels so good inside me!”
He breathed heavier and heavier, building up more and more momentum.
He pumped harder and harder into my pussy, which I could feel swelling with pleasure. I was about to cum and so was he. Sliding in and out of my slippery walls; his hips bounced vigorously off my ass cheeks.
“Oh, fuck! Oh God, I’m going to cum!” I whispered loudly, looking back at him.
He dug himself into me and I felt his hands grip around my waist as he was about to ejaculate. I felt some of him trickle into my pussy and so I quickly pulled him out of me, turned around and crouched down underneath him. Opening my mouth I swiftly gripped hold of his massive member and wrapped my lips around his head as his pulsing cock started to cum into my mouth. His briny jizz forced its way to the back of my throat with a few squirts as he came hard. My hand worked circles around my clit, I giggled and jolted slightly, making sure I kept him in my mouth as I came.
“Oh, Fuck!” he exclaimed. His shout rattled through the alley.
“Mmmm!” I moaned onto his still rock hard cock as it oozed out some more of his seed.
His dick was half way into my mouth. I looked up at him; he was amazed. He gripped the base of his cock and began to slide it from my mouth, as he did another spurt forced its way onto my cheek. Stroking himself, he watched as I tipped my head back to show him the cum that was filling my mouth. I pushed it through my teeth and sucked on it for a few seconds before swallowing everything down. He sniggered with shock and smiled at me as I gazed up at him from the floor.
He tucked his now semi-flaccid penis into his boxers and tightened his belt. I stood up, slithering my underwear up against my legs and thighs, sitting the thong nicely into the crack of my ass. Adjusting my bra back into place, I smiled and laughed as he bulge still protruded from his pants.
“Did you enjoy that?” he asked.
“Yes I did. That’s a nice cock you’ve got there.”
He laughed.
“You’re dirty aren’t you?” I sniggered. “I honestly didn’t think you would… you know… do this.”
“You’d be surprised what else I’d do, hun.”
I said grinning widely, licking some of his cum from my lips. “I better get back to it then hadn’t I?”
“What would happen if I came back?” he asked.
“We’ll see…” I left the alley, looking back to see him stood there in amazement.
I walked around the corner, checking my skirt to make sure there weren’t any visible sign as to what had just happened. I approached the front door to the club. Sam looked at me confused.
“I heard people messing in the alley and checked it out but the door slammed shut behind me!” I said, lying as best as I could.
“Ah, you should have come and told me, Amy!” he said.
Just then he looked at my face closely. I raised my hand up suddenly, realising there must have still been some cum on my cheek. I was right, I felt it with my hand and quickly wiped it away. Sam’s face turned from a confused grimace to a knowing grin in an instant. I smiled, blushing and walked past him into the club.