Bruised Heart

"Our Love stands strong ... Take your lies and move on"

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A bruised heart, a tear falls
I sit in silence looking at the walls

Thinking how deep my love is for you
How all of our promises were given and true

A single word, a sentence so vile
All were delivered in guile

Why must one hurt another’s heart
It was done to try to tear us apart

Through the lies and deception I see
It was done out of hatred we both agree

A jealous path never ends well
It only caused that friendship to dispel

For you see our love is stronger 
I will listen to her lies no longer

My lover was true and loyal to me
Something you could not forsee

I trust him and have no doubts 
So you see it’s you who is on the outs

So in the future, when you play that game
Be careful who you try to defame

In this battle you have lost 
Because no lines were crossed

He showed me all, he showed me proof
That what you said was all a spoof

Even in the things you showed 
A kind compliment he bestowed

So take your pics of all your nudes 
With those big fake silicone boobs

Because today he and I stand strong 
Our hearts and love are together where we belong

You see in the end, he’s my lover and my friend
My loyal Knight and his love will forever transcend

Published 11 years ago

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