Or something that is true?
Is it just a passing emotion?
Why is it drawing me to you?
Is love about finding beauty?
Why is there so much pain?
Can it truly mend a broken heart?
Can it make me whole again?
Is it love that bonds us together?
Or desire that controls our minds?
Can my love be a soulful promise?
Or did I just simply waste your time?
Is love like a hidden secret?
One that I am so unaware?
Does it lead to greater purpose?
Do you know how much I care?
Is love about seeking forgiveness?
Will it set aside consuming pride?
Will my selfish will bend to yours?
Or just push yours to the side?
Is love the thing the seals us?
Or am I caught by what you say and do?
Is my heart truly filled with love?
Why can’t I stop thinking of you?
Is our love the real question?
Could it ever be defined?
Do you feel my soul touching yours?
Will you forever always be mine?