Hearing it from my mama, also the eyes and ears of our town being the clerk in our only local grocery store, “She has a sharp mouth,” Mama said in her nasally voice, ” I asked her where she was comin’ from and she said from heaven, smilin’ ear to ear like she thought it was cute! But you know me, Zander, I held my tongue like always.. She said she moved up top of that hill in that old house up there with her mama, she said her grandmama owned it when she was alive, she said she come here with her mama, her mama looked white but she didn’t, she looked like some type of mixed breed. Her hair was long, wild and curly but it had a dirty blonde tinge to it! And she had freckles all over her! Like some type of human cheetah! But she was a pretty young thang, I’ll give her that. I ain’t seen eyes that pretty since my mama died.”
Thinking about the description mama gave me about this girl, I just knew I had to see her. If a description of a person can be that beautiful then there’s no telling just how breathe-taking Miss. Charli Rioux truly was. I had to meet her. I stared out into the sky daydreaming of my first encounter with Charli, a part of me was nervous, but another part of me felt as if we were destined. I felt as if I was being drawn to her, like a moth to a flame.
Mama’s voice broke me out of my spell.
“Boy! Don’t make me have to pick a switch on you! Take these groceries up that hill to the Rioux’s and don’t make me have to tell you not another time!”
I snatched the bag and trotted out of the the store, this was my chance! I couldn’t get up that hill fast enough, once I got to the door of the huge wooden house I had realized I hadn’t taken a breathe the entire way up here. I took a minute to catch my breath and eagerly knocked on the door. After about thirty seconds of waiting I began to knock again when the door loudly creaked open.
“Who knocks?”
Standing before me was a tall full figured women, a heavy chest and broad hips. She had shoulder length blonde hair, thin lips, dark brown eyes, and an expression of irritation on her face.
” Hello ma’am, I’m Zander Bredson, the son of Tammy Bredson, she owns the store at the bottom of that hill…
I hadn’t thought about Charli’s mama the whole time, though she didn’t reach the standing of my six-foot-two frame she was certainly close to it, and she seemed very threatening, and protective. She stared at me, as if she was sizing me up, taking the bag out of my hands she said, “Listen to me boy, my daughter Charli is my heart, she’s my only child and I will do anything to protect her and prevent her from heartbreak. You hurt her heart and I’ll see to it that you bleed, you hear me?”
Trying to play it cool I stood my ground and pretended to not have even heard about her daughter. “Mrs Rioux I-“
She cut me off, “Ms.” she said sternly.
I corrected myself. “Ms Rioux, I don’t know Charli…”
She stared off behind me and then smiled revealing a set of pearly white teeth, perfectly aligned, she lightly laughed and before turning around and shutting the door in my face she said, “Well you’re about know her son.”
Coming from behind me I heard the sweetest sound I’ve ever known.
“Who are you?” Her first words to me, her voice was printed indelibly on my brain.
I turned around to see her for the first time, she was even more beautiful than mama had described, her messy curls came down to the middle of her waist, she had light brown freckles all over her skin, her eyes were a sun kissed caramel color, her lips a rosey pink, plump and soft, her breast had to have been a perfect C-cup and her torso was long and thin perfectly complimenting her full hips noting a shapely bottom. I fell in love with the sight of her. I wanted to touch her so badly, just to make sure she was real. When she told my mama she came from heaven she couldn’t have been joking because only an angel could be so perfect.
I finally came to my senses and spoke, “…I’m Zander… Zander Bredson… Where did you come from?”
Why did I ask that? That was a stupid question… I should’ve asked her name.. Nicely done Zander.
She smiled and pointed to her right, her smile made my heart skip a beat, I just couldn’t stop staring at her. I looked directly at her sensual lips as she spoke, “Over there… I was sleeping in the meadow.”
To be continued
Author’s Note: So this is the first part of my first story! I worked really hard on it and I hope you like it! The other parts should be up very soon! Your criticism and opinions are all very important to me! Don’t hold back. Enjoy 🙂
-Alaska 🙂