When She Kissed Him …

"what someone feels when they're being kissed ..."

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He felt a moment of ecstasy,

and a feeling of joy from his heart

when she kissed him.

It was a pure joy,

like magic,

which can’t be explained

but can only be felt.

He was like a man

who got superpowers.

He smiled,

forgot his fears,

his problems, 

his joy,

and even himself. 

He forgot the whole world,

feeling like he was outside the universe

and nothing can harm him.

At that moment, he didn’t care for any little thing,

put aside every other thing

and enjoyed her kiss,

the purest thing he has ever felt in his heart.

At that moment he felt nothing, 

but safe in her hands. 

It was the kiss,

‘a true love’s kiss’,

the most powerful thing!

Published 11 years ago

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