She’s The Man

"No sex yet, bear with me, guys."

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It was at Charlottan Court University that I first saw him. Short, black locks, brown eyes, muscular, fair-skinned. I thought that I’d finally found the guy that I wanted to pursue during my first semester of college.

It was then that I remembered that I was enrolled at a strictly female university.

I approached cautiously, holding my lunch in one hand and a paper cup of apple juice in the other.

“Hi, do you mind if I sit with you?” She looked up and flashed a smile at me.

“Sure.” It was as if she spoke with her entire body. I placed my lunch on the table and sat down next to her. She offered her hand. “Hi, I’m Jordan.” I took her hand, it felt like I’d been shot with ten thousand volts as she held my hand in her firm grip.

“Jayah,” I said timidly. We ate silently for a bit before she broke the ice.

“So what’s your major?”

“English, minoring in music. And you?”

“Sociological Studies and psychology. Duel majors.”

“Wow. That sounds ambitious.”

“That’s who I am.” She beamed. I must have been blushing. She seemed to be trying to psychoanalyze me. Suddenly she said, “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

“No. Honestly,” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. Messy ponytails were never my favourite hairstyle. “You make me confused.” She leaned back in her chair. Her face was stern, but her mouth kept twitching, as if hinting at a smile.

“How so?”

“Until today, I believed myself to be heterosexual woman, but you’re, uh, kind of… changing that.”

“Alright. I’ll be frank. I am transgendered. I am biologically female, but I prefer to live my life as a male. I am a straight male, I like girls. I kind of like you.” Shit. That was smooth. She –He– spoke so confidently, I was at a loss for words. “What can I say? I have a weakness for big, beautiful, sassy women.”

“Did you use sassy in place of black?”

“Yes.” He chuckled.

“Um, okay. I don’t know if I should tell you ‘no,’ or just go with it.”

“Go with it.” He stole a fry off my plate and ate it, flashing his smile once more. “This could be fun.”

Over the next few days, Jordan, who I learned preferred to be called “Jay,” and I exchanged glances and texted nearly every minute. We ate together when possible, and he even walked me to class a few times. It was amazing how open and sweet he was. In just about a week I learned that he had a twin brother, and another brother who was mute. He had been kicked out of five different high schools before finding one that accepted him for who he is. He’d been thinking about going into the Navy, then changed course.

In the course of a week, I’d become stricken. I was fascinated and completely obsessed with him.

“So who’s that girl you’ve been hanging out with?” My roommate, Allison, sat on her bed painting her toenails.

“What girl?” I pondered. She looked at me like she thought I was stupid.

“You know, that chick with a pixie cut in the baggy clothes?” Right girl. Jay is a girl.

“Oh, you mean Jordan?”

“Yeah. Her. She’s weird.”

“She’s really sweet actually. And pretty awesome. I would even venture to say that she’s the man.” I giggled at my joke.

“I’ll say she’s a complete dyke.” She’s scoffed. “It’s gross.”

“Hey come on there’s nothing wrong with her.” She screwed the cap onto her purple polish and pulled her glasses out of her brunette hair to put them on her face.

“She creeps me out.

Don’t bring her here anymore.”

“This room is half mine I’ll do what I want.” I never been a confrontational person, but Allison was being a complete bitch. “Jordan is a great person, don’t be so close minded.”

“Excuse you; you don’t talk to me like that!” I stood.

“I’ll speak however I want! You’re being rude to my friend!” She got in my face.

“Sorry I didn’t know you were a dyke with her.” I slapped her. She held her cheek and started tearing up. “You bitch! I’m going to report you to the DA!”

“Don’t bother.” I grabbed my messenger bag. “I’m getting my room changed.”

“Good! I don’t want to see your face again!”

“Kay. Once I’m out you don’t have to worry.”

I went straight to Jay’s room, knowing he’d be there. Most of his classes required work outside of the classroom. For the first two weeks, he was to stay in his room whenever possible and “observe silence.” I knocked. “Come in!” He called immediately. I opened the door and stepped in, shutting it behind me. “Holy boobs, Batman.” He stressed I realized that I was just wearing a tank with no bra.

“Oh.” He really looked at me then.

“What happened?”

“I’m changing my room because of my witch of a roommate.” He hugged me and we sat on his bed together.

“I’m sorry. You can move in here with me want; I haven’t been assigned a roommate yet.”

“That’s generous, but I couldn’t impose that way.”

“Nonsense. C’mon. Let’s go get you reassigned and move your stuff in.” He offered his hand and I took it. He pulled me up and led me to the rooming office on the other side of the campus. He cracked jokes all the way there, keeping me smiling. We entered and were shuffled into a little office. “She wants her room changed. She wants to move in with me.”

“Roommate trouble,” I explained. The rooming advisor, Senna Norton, sat behind her desk typing. Her perfectly sun-kissed skin complimented her focus green eyes. She was a business suit type, probably in her early thirties. After Jay gave her his room information, she looked me up to change my assignment.

“Oh I’m sorry there’s a note here. Miss McClaire you can’t have a roommate. Your dorm is made for one. However, the room next to you is vacant. Miss Warrington, I can assign that room to you.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Alright. You can have the day to move. Your professors will be informed.”

“Thank you.” We began packing my things up immediately. Allison was away so we were free of bigoted comments and glances. “Okay. So can I ask you something?”

“Just did,” he answered, cheeky boy.

“Two more? Smart ass.”


“Are you sure you want me next to you?”

“Actually.” He pulled me in. “I want you a lot closer.” He leaned in, I breathed in the scent of his cologne as his lips hovered near my own. I leaned in and—

“Gah-ross!” We jumped apart Alison into her friends were there watching in horror. See? Total fucking dyke fest.”

“I’d kick your ass, but I’m in too good of a mood,” I informed her.

“Oh my god. Just get out!”

“Gladly.” I moved to pick up a box, and then I turned abruptly and pulled Jay into a steamy kiss. Allison and her friends all gasped. I pulled away from him and put a box on to the cart that I brought to haul my things. As Jay and I left, I said one last thing. “And you, my dear, can suck that.”

To be continued…

Published 11 years ago

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