Though this morning I find myself driving to school.
I should be more upset, since I had planned to spend most of the day with Sam, but I can’t be mad at Jaime. She and I are co-captains of the cheerleading squad, so if something needs to be done, we’re usually the ones to do it. Today was no different. When I woke up, my cell buzzed with Jaime messaging me to meet her at our high school’s gym. Thankfully the school is only about five minutes away, plus I get to spend time with the person I have a small crush on.
Jaime is 5 foot 11, wiry and absolutely beautiful. She has a nice ass and perfect sized breasts; a number of people have crushes on Jaime, both guys and girls. Actually a number of girls on our cheer squad want Jaime, myself included. Now, I’ve never seen myself as a lesbian, but with Jaime… maybe. Anyway, seeing her makes going to school while on break somewhat easier. Somewhat.
Pulling into the parking lot, I get out and make my way to the school’s gym, the heat of the day already making my tank top and jeans cling to my body. I’m honestly relieved to finally get into the air conditioned gym, where I immediately spot Jaime standing near an equipment locker room; I can feel a tingling in my pussy as I get closer, as Jaime is wearing a pale yellow sundress, low-cut in the front and that shows off her body.
“Hey Jaime,” I call out. Jaime turns and smiles at me.
“Hey Carly,” she replies once I get closer. I can smell the perfume Jaime always wears, one that turns me on a bit more.
“So what’s going on?” I ask, trying to ignore the feelings of lust.
“You know that end of year pep rally next week?” Jaime says before motioning to the room behind herself. “The school said we need to move some stuff to the lockers outside, ‘to be ready’ as they put it.”
I simply roll my eyes. The end of year pep rally is something the school holds every single year that most of the student body finds stupid. Even some of the teachers agree that the pep rally isn’t that important. Jaime simply laughs at my annoyance of it.
“So what do we need?” I ask.
“Well,” Jaime says as she walks into the storage room, with me close behind. “Thankfully it’s only a few boxes, but still…”
“Yeah,” I sigh. “Why couldn’t we let some of the other members handle this?”
“Remember what happened last year?” Jaime laughs.
“Oh right,” I say, shuddering. Thankfully it only takes us about twenty minutes to move all eleven boxes. However, by the time we finish and close the doors to the outside storage shed, both Jaime and I are drenched in sweat, our clothes clinging tightly to our bodies.
“Phew, it’s hot out there,” Jaime breathes as we reenter the gym.
“Tell me about it,” I sigh. “I definitely need a shower after this.”
“Why not here then?” Jaime asks. I give her a side long look before she goes on. “I mean, it’s just the two of us Carly, and I need a shower just as bad. I really hate taking one by myself here.”
I blush slightly at the way she said the last bit, but Jaime doesn’t seem to take any notice.
“Sure, why not?” I reply. With that, Jaime and I head to the women’s shower; basically two rooms, the first containing a number of lockers and benches which then lead into the showers, an open room with a number of shower stalls. Jaime’s and my lockers are on a few lockers apart, so I’m able to watch Jaime undress out of the corner of my eye. Her body glistens with sweat, making my already moist pussy even wetter.
“Hurry up slowpoke,” Jaime says while grabbing a towel out of her locker.
“Alright, alright,” I laugh while sliding out of my jeans and panties. I watch as Jaime slowly walks into the showers, her cute ass swinging back and fourth. I hear the water turn on as I remove my bra and fling it into my locker while grabbing a large towel. Heading into the showers, I see Jaime has taken a stall near the back, so I head over and into the stall next to her.
“You know Carly, I’ve never said it before but you have a great body,” Jaime says, looking over at me as she run her hands through her short cropped hair. I blush red this time, amazed that Jaime would say something like that.
“Thanks,” I manage to get out before adding, “So do you Jaime.”
“You think so?” Jaime asks, coming around the barrier that separates our showers; her body glistens as I get a full view of her wondrous body. I simply nod, unable to say anything as I feel my nipples stiffen. Jaime smiles and, before I can do anything, walks up to me, presses her body against mine and kisses me. I surprise myself by returning the kiss, our lips parting and our tongues running over one another’s as our arms snake around each other. All I can think is how right this feels.
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a great kisser Jaime?” I ask once we come up for air.
“A few people,” Jaime smiles seductively. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, Carly.”
“Really?” I ask, surprised as water continues to stream down our bodies. Jaime nods before kissing me once more; as our kiss becomes more passionate, Jaime pushes me up against the wall of the shower, our bodies pressing hard together. My pussy rubs up against Jaime’s thigh, sending a jolt of pleasure up my body. Jaime seems to feel it too as she starts gently rubbing her pussy against my thigh slowly, I following suit a moment later. We continue to kiss while exploring each other’s bodies and grinding together, slowly picking up the pace.
“Oh Carly…” Jaime moans before she starts cumming.
“Oh Jaime…” I moan, cumming a few seconds later. We both simply stand under warm, cascading water for the longest orgasm I’ve ever felt. Finally coming down, both Jaime and I are breathing heavily, but I smile happily.
“That…was more intense than I thought,” breathes Jaime.
“Definitely more intense,” I breath heavily.
“Don’t think the fun’s over just yet,” Jaime winks at me before kissing my quickly on the lips and pulling away from me. I cock an eyebrow, unsure what she means. Taking my hand in hers, Jaime leads me from the shower over to our towels; moving hers aside, Jaime pulls out a 6inch double ended dildo and smiles playfully at me.
Without a word, I kiss Jaime quickly on the lips before I push our towels onto the floor and sit on the bench. Jaime sits opposite me, gently holding the dildo between us. I slide forward, slipping it into my already wet pussy; Jaime follows suit. We continue moving forward until our pussies are almost touching and the dildo is completely inside us. Them we start grinding back and forth, our breathing coming ragged once more. Neither of us make a sound besides our breathing, our eyes locked together. Our boobs bounce up and down until I lean over and, wrapping my arms around Jaime, press my body against hers and kiss her.
Our tongues play and slide over one another, the dildo sliding in and out of us faster and faster. Finally, feeling my body ready to climax again, both Jaime and I grind forward, our pussies touching as we both start cumming.
“I wish you told me sooner,” I say to Jaime a short time later as we lay in one another’s arms.
“Oh?” Jaime asks.
“We could have done this a lot more,” I wink. Jaime laughs and then kisses me softly, one I return readily.
A short time later, I return home, having put on a button down shirt and skirt Jaime lent me. We promised to meet up again later in the week to make up for lost time.
“Sam, you’re here,” I say as I walk in. Sam and my mom Debbie were sitting on the couch chatting.
“Hey Car,” Sam replies.
“Sorry about being so long. Jaime and I had some…stuff to take care of,” I say as I look between my mom and best friend. They seem happy, I think to myself. “Hopefully you two found something fun to do,” I say.
They look at one another and smile.
To be continued