A Bunnie To Play With – Chapter 8

"After an enraged Anne had cut their evening short, will the two of them reconcile?"

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I was lying on my bed and struggling not to bite my nails. What had been such a wonderful evening, such an exciting journey down the rabbit hole, had suddenly turned sour and into an emotional nightmare. I wanted to sob in desperation, to shout and throw things against the wall, because I was filled with a rage that was targeted at myself. I had let myself get carried away and hurt the one woman I had only recently, but all the more intensely, grown to love.

There couldn’t have been any hot water left for the rest of the building when Anne returned. I feigned sleep, but even through the small, blurry slits, I noticed how red and swollen her eyes were. Her wet hair was sticking to her head, and the towel she had wrapped around her body was precariously close to slipping. The pattering of her feet stopped in the middle of the room, and I got a slightly better look at her.

The vulnerability in her eyes was something I had not encountered before, and it made my breath hitch. For a short moment, I could imagine our roles reversed, and I recognized the fascination that would come with the power of such a fragile creature, the sweetness of the tears and the gift of submission. I knew deep down that I couldn’t do that, that dominating another was as far from my nature as could be. But I recognized it no less, found parts of my own insecurities mirrored on her face, and perhaps I could make amends for having started the drama.


Her head whipped around and I watched the muscles in her face tighten. “Yes?”

“Will you let me please you tonight?”

The slight sagging of her shoulders told me that she was fighting an internal struggle. “I’m not sure. I’m not sure about many things, right now.”

“Shit. Anne – Mistress Summers!” My eyes found hers, and I laid all the desperation and guilt I felt into the look. My vision threatened to blur, but I thought I saw her face softening when she took a hesitant step towards me.

She used to be more decisive than that, though. “Please!” I pushed away the blanket to give her an added incentive. “I can see that you need it. Let me kiss it better, let me begin to make it up for my slip-ups. Please let me worship your body and give you a nice dream. I love you.”

The way her lips formed a small “O,” the way her shoulders straightened again, the way her eyes widened and started to glint was like balm to my soul. With a few, dedicated steps she was at my side, the towel dropping to the floor, and her palms encased my cheeks.

“Oh you cute, silly thing. How can I resist you like that?” The kiss she gave me made me swoon. It was gentle at first, full of love and wonder, lips caressing and softly nibbling, but then the need bled into it and became a river, and her tongue and mouth conquered me, satiny touches and sweet tastes stirred with greedy laps and bites. She sank to the bed next to me. “I love you too, my pet.”

I slid down all the way to the foot end of the bed and began to put tiny kisses on the soles of her feet, alternating sides, her small purrs of pleasure soon rewarding me. I kissed every inch of her feet, then slowly made my way up her ankles and shins. When I reached her thighs, her breathing grew faster and her legs parted to allow me easier access. I fought the feelings that were welling up inside me and took my time, enjoying every small gasp and little tremor my lips managed to evoke.

The first touch of my tongue to her pussy lips made her gasp louder. When I pushed it into her folds her body arched. I looked up at her face and saw her close her eyes in an expression of deep concentration. I licked her slowly, almost painstakingly for me and probably for her too. Stroking the soft skin at the top of her thighs with my fingertips made her twitch; tracing the outline of her pussy lips with my nails made her strain to meet my touch.

But I kept my touches light, wanting to draw out and intensify the pleasure for her. The way she was moaning and writhing below me, it was apparently working, and I felt a deep satisfaction with every audible expression of increasingly needful pleasure I could elicit. Her hands gripped the bed sheet and pulled and twisted. Finally, she couldn’t take any more.

“Lick my clit; lick it, now, please!” Her words were little more than a drawn out moan.

I complied, parting her pussy lips with my fingers and painting soft circles on her clit with the tip of my tongue. Her breathing almost stopped for half a minute. All her muscles started to tighten and her whole body started to tremble. Small, almost painful sounding groans with a rising pitch told me she was getting close to her release. I wet my lips and softly sucked at her nub. That did it.

Her body arched like a bow, and then almost unintelligible moans of “oh god” and “yes” filled the air for a minute while her body twisted and shook and I had to hold on for dear life.

I crawled up again, smiling when I saw the sad look gone from her eyes.

“Your turn, you little tease,” she whispered, her hand brushing over my stomach.

I shook my head and cuddled against her side, resting my head in the crook of her shoulder. “Just hold me. I want this moment to be all about you.”

She caressed my cheek. “But aren’t you horny?”

I giggled lightly and draped my arm over her chest. “Horny as hell. Almost painfully so.”

“And you don’t want release?”

“Believe me, I do. But as I said, I want this to be about what you want, and what you need, not about my own needs.”

“Oh god, be careful what you offer. I might just take you up and expand on it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Wouldn’t it be delicious if I kept you horny like this, for days and days, letting you pleasure me in all kinds of ways, but not allowing you your own relief?”

The idea was terrifying. And wicked. And exciting as hell. My pussy twitched, and I could see in her eyes that she had noticed the rocking motion of my pelvis. Her smile was lopsided and sinister, making me want to kiss her and kneel at her feet at the same time.

“If it pleases you, Mistress.”

“Oh it will,” she chuckled, “believe me, it will. I’ll make you tremble from head to toe with need, until you can’t think straight. And then you’ll lick me while I decide whether I allow you to come or not.”

“Oh my god,” I whispered and pressed myself closer to her body.

“Sleep well, my pet.” The touch of her lips on my forehead felt like it would burn through my skin.

“Sleep well, my Mistress, and have the sweetest dreams.”

It didn’t take long until her breathing evened out and her body relaxed. It took far longer for me until the heat between my legs receded enough so my mind stopped conjuring all sorts of wicked images.


Waking up like this, cuddling with my girlfriend and our legs intertwined, felt like heaven. Only one and a half days, I realized with a bit of a start, and it felt natural to call her that in my head. Forty-eight hours ago I had still been certain that I was as straight as they come, and now I had kissed girls and tasted pussies, and I had been fondled and teased. A whole hall full of people had seen me nude. In short, my life had been turned upside down.

Perhaps I had watched too many movies, because I expected something bombastic, earthshaking when my eyes fluttered open. Instead, I saw a sweet face whispering, “Wake up, sleepyhead,” and felt the grin pull at the corners of my mouth.

“Good morning, Mistress.”

“Good morning, too. Now up with you, we’ve got a lot of last minute studying to do.”

I groaned.

She was right, but being reminded of all the cramming still on my to-do list for the following three days of exams only a minute after waking up wasn’t how I imagined to start my day. “You’re cruel!”


We both burst into laughter. Gone was the heavy coat of drama from last evening.

“Okay, okay,” I relented. “If you want to hop into the bath first, I’ll make breakfast.”

“See, I knew why I kept you around.” She gave me a peck on the cheek.

“So it wasn’t for reminding you of all the little things you would otherwise have forgotten, as well as all the cleaning and washing?”

“Don’t you think it is unwise to remind your mistress of her shortcomings?”

I tilted my head. “That depends. She can always express her displeasure with a sound spanking.”

She answered with a small sigh. “I’d love to, but I think we should really try to tone down our games until exams are over. Or we’ll end up exhausted and distracted. Not to speak of a sore arm when I need to write for most of the day.”

That image made me giggle. “It’s going to be hard though.”

“Not just for you.” She slapped my bum. “Now make breakfast, slave, or you’ll feel the cruel touch of the whip!”

“Promises, promises,” I quipped and jumped from the bed, then remembered her rules. “Mistress?”

Anne had followed me and headed for the wardrobe. “Yes?” She asked over her shoulder.

“What about the rules? You know, crawling and being nude?”

She thought for a moment. “As much as I’d love to have you on all fours and see your pretty naked body, chances are too high that someone will stop by. All rules are suspended until Thursday.”

“Oh. Okay.” Somehow that left me dissatisfied, even though the conscious part of my brain was well aware that it would be both too risky and too much of a distraction. “You’re probably right.”

“Don’t sound like someone just ran off with your favorite doll. Thursday’s going to be around soon enough, and then we’ll have all the time we want to play while we wait for results.”

“I know. It’s just that…” I cracked an egg and let it drip into the pan.

“That you’ve turned into a horny little minx, I’m quite aware of that.”

“Hey, you turned me into that state, so don’t blame me!” My protest was rather weak, and while I stirred the eggs, a sudden rush of warmth filled my heart. Up to now, I realized, I had quite often had to swallow my thoughts. Our new closeness had taken away that necessary layer of self-control and I could really say out loud whatever popped up in my head. Pushing the eggs onto the plates and pressing the button for two cups on the coffee machine, I allowed myself a moment to bask in that revelation.

The dash of crushed pepper almost went wide when two arms wrapped around me and Anne’s whisper tickled my ear. “What’s got that dreamy look onto your face?”

I leaned back against her. “You. Us. Being this close.”

Her warm kiss on the nape of my neck made me shudder. “Hurry up, or I might eat you instead!”

She let go of me, and I couldn’t stop the giggle. “I might just drop the plates to force your hand then.”

That remark earned me a light swat on my buttocks, and I wiggled them in appreciation while I balanced the two plates and two cups of coffee to the table. Fetching some slices of bread, the butter and a jar of jam, I took my seat as well.

“What’ve you got tomorrow?” She asked me.

“Accounting first thing in the morning,” I answered through a spoonful of eggs, “then psychology, and graphic design after lunch break. When will you presenting your fashion project?”

“Wednesday afternoon at three.”

I saw her eyes twinkle when I mentioned her project. “You’re going to rock it.”

“I hope. When do you have your last exam?”

“Wednesday at twelve thirty. It’s only creative writing, but I hope I have some creativity left by then.”

She looked at me with a thoughtful expression. “You’ll be finished before three then?”

“Yes, why?”

“Want to model the shoes?”

I stared at her. She had that hopeful look that small children carry when they look at a sweets box.

“I don’t know. Is that allowed?”

That made her giggle. “Of course it’s allowed, silly. Normally, we have someone from a lower year do the modelling, but the girl I asked, Marcie what’s-her-name, has been nagging me to find a substitute anyway, something about starting holidays early.”

“But,” I tried finding a way out, “I’ve never modelled before.”

“It’s not really modelling, you’ll just have to wear the shoes and walk up and down the room once, so they see that they fit and that the height of the heels works. It’s really no big deal.”

“Alright, I guess.”

“Brilliant!” The way her face lit up swept away all misgivings I might still have had. “Know what, you could even help me be less nervous.”

“How so?” I took a big gulp of coffee, but almost choked on it when she answered.

“Don’t wear panties.”

“You want…” I coughed a few times. “You want me to go commando in your exam? You’re crazy!”

“I know I am.” She grinned, and suddenly her bare foot was running up my shin, over my knee and along my thigh. “Then I could think about something else than failing the exam. Please!”

I tried; I really tried to resist the fluttering of her eyelids and the soft touch of her toes coming close to my pussy. I took in a deep breath and steeled myself. I opened my mouth to decline her plea. Then her big toe scraped hard over my pussy lips.

“Oh shit!”

“Say you will.” Her toe parted my folds, and I couldn’t believe she was touching me with it right there. I shuddered. This was supposed to be repugnant. But my legs spread on their own volition, and somehow my hips moved forward on the chair.

Her toe wiggled up and down. “Say you will, come on, do it!”

“Oh god,” I moaned. “This is so fucked up. Okay, I will.”

She put down her foot again and beamed at me while I tried to get back my composure.

“You’re evil!” I couldn’t help myself and stuck out my tongue.

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothing yet, baby,” she quipped in a husky voice and stared at me.

I looked right back into her eyes. Her lips twitched. Mine followed a second later, and suddenly we were both laughing like mad, without really knowing what it was about, but it worked for me in relieving the tension that had built up in my body.

I decided to indulge myself and put our dishes into the small dishwasher instead of washing them by hand, and then normality finally had us back in her clutches, each of us spread out among a sea of books in her own bed and trying to cram everything into our heads we should have learnt weeks or months ago. Anne went out for an hour and brought Chinese takeout, but I was so engrossed in trying to stuff account numbers, Latin words for human stereotypes, directions of eye movements and color schematics into my brain that I couldn’t really say what it had tasted of. By sunset I was developing a headache, and Anne looked like she wasn’t any better off, so we decided to call it a day.

After a long shower each and a simple dinner consisting of toasted flatbread and a green salad, we were once more snuggling up in my bed after I had licked her to another sweet and intensive orgasm.

“You sure you don’t want me to reciprocate?” Her voice even held a bit of concern, and it warmed my heart.

“Completely sure,” I purred and wiggled my back against her front side, pulling her arm tight around my upper body. “It just feels – right, I suppose. Just hold me.”

“You’re so sweet, love.” She nibbled on my earlobe.

“Mhmm. I love you. Sleep well.”

“You too.”

Published 11 years ago

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