bold girl walking alone in the dark
self assurance in your every stride
when you return to your home I watch for you
I am the whisper you thought that you heard
the word that did not quite register at first
Your name, whispered soft, silent as a spring wind
the name I cannot resist using as a form of worship
I am quiet and motionless as you saunter by
I am present each night awaiting your return
to your cold bed and your safe life
I wait and watch, ever unseen, always sensed
I am the shadow you fear in your dreams
composed of primal noises and earthly scents
that make you toss under the shroud of your sheet
wakening you at times with a start and a gasp
I hear the thoughts inside you when you are alone
your keening as you ponder where your lovers are
A thickening moistness creeping between your thighs
I lick my lips wet and smell your delicious yearning
I am not of this world and yet I most certainly am here
A restless Other cradling your heart in my claws
You would fear me to see me and so I remain
in the shadows of your life and in your dreams unseen
I am the beast that you feel in the night
as your mind drifts easily into the realm of dream
Your fingers curling into my mane as I purr and lick
at your hand and with a raw tongue worship your cheek
Fear of my presence seems to envelop your bed
yet still you open your palm and allow me to nuzzle
I curl at your feet, content, and lie with you there
alert for intruders from this world or my own
A beast I am but yet I long to protect you
though my heart is wild and you are always my prey
Woe the fate of those that would seek to harm you
their screaming nightmares haunted by this beast of yours
I am the beast that you feel in the night.