Sean’s A Shower

"Washroom encounter"

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Saturday, I stopped for coffee at Wendy’s. When my cup was empty, I went to the washroom. It had two urinals. I took the urinal on the right.

Just as I finished, a guy entered and stood beside me. I looked over at him. Holy hell, he looked exactly like Larry, an old friend of mine. What an uncanny resemblance. Larry moved to California thirty to thirty-five years ago. It was as if he hadn’t aged a bit. He must be Larry’s kid. 

I asked him, “How’s it going?”

He replied, “Good, you?”

“Just fine.”

I looked at his dick. His uncut cock was very long and thick and appeared to be semi-hard. For certain, he was a shower. He retracted his foreskin and gave his cock a stroke or two. I turned slightly towards him and reached for his pecker with my right hand. He put his cock in my hand and he grabbed my cock.

I stroked his cock slowly, base to tip and back. His foreskin glided back and forth over his wet glistening glans. He was soon totally erect and pointed straight forward. His cock was hot and huge and awesome.

His right hand was awesome too. Even though I didn’t get hard (getting old is the physical pits), I enjoyed the gentle feel and sweet touch of his hand as it rubbed my cock. While I stroked him, he moaned and gasped his appreciation. I figured he’s damn close to cumming. His cock was swollen to bursting and his blood-engorged knob was huge and had taken on a deep purple hue.

He turned into the urinal and grunted, “Ahhh,” as he ejaculated. Big globs of thick creamy cum squirted into the urinal. I continued to stroke him, even though his ejaculations had stopped, until the last drops of cum had dribbled into the urinal.

I enjoyed the feel of his cock in my hand a while longer and watched his glans as it emerged from his foreskin as it slid back and forth in my hand. I stroked him slowly and he remained semi-hard. In different surroundings, and with more time, I was damn sure he’d be perfectly capable of a second load. Hell, maybe more.

“Ahhh, that felt so good,” he says.

“I liked it too,” I chuckled. “You shot an awesome load. You are blessed with a big, fine awesome dick.”

“Thanks,” he replied. “I think I inherited it from my dad.”

I looked into his face and asked, “How is Larry these days?”

He is very clearly shocked and bewildered and utters, “Whaaat?”

“You look exactly like Larry Matthews, an old friend of mine. Well, how he looked thirty years ago at least. You must be his kid.”

“Oh my gawd,” he exclaimed. “My Dad is Larry Matthews. I’m Sean, his son.”

We had put away our dicks, zipped up and were washing our hands when I asked, “If I remember correctly, you were born here right?”

“Yes, we moved away when I was three months old. This is my first time back. I’m on my way to Chicago for a new job. If I complete my probation successfully, I’ll move there permanently and my girlfriend will move there, too.”

“Is she a good fuck?”

He is rather shocked at my nosiness but replied, “Oh yeah. She’s plenty horny.”

“Does she give you good head?”

Again, he is surprised at my frankness but answered, “Yes, she gives great head, excellent head, actually.

She likes it so much that when she has her period and we can’t fuck, she has sucked three loads out of my cock at one fellating!”

“Wow, you are very fortunate, Sean. Gals like that are hard to find.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of that. My other girlfriends were not that into oral sex.”

“I’ll bet you’re like your Dad and have scored with lots and lots of girls, right?”

Shyly he replied, “Yeah, a few. You knew my Dad pretty good, it seems.”

“Yes, I knew your Dad pretty well. We were friends, not close friends but friends, nevertheless. Did he ever tell you how he met your Mom?”

“No, it was never mentioned.”

“Well, it’s quite remarkable really, but maybe I’d better not tell you. He might not like me revealing it.”

“Jeez, you just jerked me off! I’d say we’ve been pretty intimate already and you can tell me anything.”

I chuckled, “Oh hell, why not. It’s not as though they met in jail or in a whorehouse. Here goes. Your Dad was driving down Main Street just before lunch one day and saw this hot chick walking on the sidewalk. He slowed his car down to a crawl and pulled over to the curb and parked. He looked back at your Mom and was enthralled immediately. She was wearing a white T-shirt, no bra, tan short shorts and had a backpack on her back. And she was gorgeous. Now I’ve met your Mom, Eden, and I saw her one time wearing a bikini and she was then, and maybe still is, a knock-out. Your Dad leaned over and rolled down the passenger window and when she walked up to the car, he asked her if she wanted a ride. She looked him over, liked what she saw and said yes. 

“He wound up buying her lunch. He learned that she was single, touring the country, hitchhiking all the way. Your Dad wasn’t hard to look at and she was attracted to him right off, as he was with her. Anyway, he took her home. They banged each other’s brains out all that afternoon, all that night and the next day. She wound up staying and they were married in short order. This surprised everyone as lots of chicks had the hots for your Dad; he made out like a bandit!”

He laughed and said, “Wow, that is incredible. No wonder they never mentioned how they met.”

“I gather your Dad has a big dick too? You said you think you inherited his.”

“I never saw his cock when it was erect, but one day when I was sixteen, Mom caught me jerking off. She didn’t give me hell or berate me or anything. She just said, ‘Your Dad is big, but you’re bigger’.”

I laughed and reached down to his crotch. I gave his cock and balls a squeeze through his jeans.

I chuckled, “Hot damn, you feel awesome Sean. Even with your clothes on.”

“Thanks. I’m going to call my folks tonight. Who shall I say you are?”

“Ummm, you won’t tell them about this, though, right?”

“Oh Gawd, no. I’ll tell him you saw me on the street and stopped and asked me if I was Larry Matthew’s kid because I looked exactly like he looked thirty years ago.”

“Sure, that sounds good. Tell him, Bobby Apple says hello.”

Published 11 years ago

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