Harley’s Secret

"Harley reveals her secret in an online sexual encounter."

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Harley woke around eight-thirty in the morning with butterflies in the pit of her stomach and a level of excitement that she couldn’t explain. On the one hand, she was the one that had instigated the online affair and on the other, she scolded herself for letting it get too far.

She contemplated calling the whole thing off, but that would leave a bitter taste in its wake. Her feelings of excitement and remorse were equally around the fifty percent mark until the messages started at ten o’clock via WhatsApp. As soon as she saw the message from Matt, her excitement levels headed skywards. They would chat for ages, exchanging filthy thoughts with her online friend often bordering on the taboo.

The trouble was, Harley was comfortable in the taboo world and while Matt was thirty years her senior, she rather doubted he had even contemplated that world. Yet, at seventeen, she was still a shy little bunny when it came to serious stuff, like actually meeting someone or talking to them in real life. Chatting on WhatsApp was easier; it was anonymous, and you could be anyone you wanted to be. She, of course, chose her namesake, Harley Quinn.

While most teenagers chat with people of their own age, Harley preferred older men, and Matt, at forty-seven years of age, fitted that bill perfectly. He was almost the same age as her dad – in fact, he was three years older than her dad. It amazed her that she was comfortable talking dirty to a man older than her father.

It wasn’t just the talking either, it also involved the pictures of her voluptuous breasts that she sent him in return for his dick pics. Harley was rather well endowed for her age, with only one-in-fifty girls having breasts the size of hers at that age, and with nipples that would threaten to pierce flesh if they were highly aroused, which they often were. She’d come unstuck a few times when her mother frowned on her use of tight T-shirts. Harley could see why they were a problem, because her nipples would just tent the cotton fabric, but it never stopped her from wearing them. In fact, she loved the response that she got from boys of her age.

Matt seemed to like them too. She’d sent him plenty of pictures of her tits, all of which he’d enjoyed thoroughly, and had told her how much he would like to push his face between them. Harley wanted the same, but the hundred and fifty miles between them meant that meeting would be somewhat of an issue.

Nevertheless, she loved the attention and so did he. She was always telling him how she’d love to suck his cock. She’d even sent him a video of her having spunk shooting from the end of someone’s cock all over her face while she fingered her nipples. He loved everything she sent him, and Matt had presumed that the man in the video was her husband or some previous boyfriend.

At the moment, though, nothing mattered to Matt other than chatting and organising the evening’s events. As soon as he mentioned the nine o’clock event, Harley started to think twice about it. She was about to mention that she may not be able to make it, that her mother would be coming around to visit. That was until the dick pic arrived in her messages with spunk dripping from the end and pooling in the crux of his hand.

She desperately wanted to see him shoot his load over his stomach, and his cock was such a sight for her sore eyes that she immediately responded with a firm, ‘Yes. I can’t wait.’

She had committed herself. And to be fair, she felt it was the right thing to do, except she knew the trouble she’d be in if she were ever caught. The only thing she needed to make sure of was that her parents wouldn’t hear what was going on. She was always in bed by nine in any case so that wouldn’t be a problem.

The day dragged on for both Matt and Harley until there was only an hour to go before her nine o’clock appointment. Harley’s hands were shaking with nervous tension. She was watching the clock like it was some evil being from outer space. The odd message from Matt calmed her nerves slightly, but it was down to her to say when she would be ready.

The vibrator was hidden under her pillow, her knickers were off and all she wore was a nightgown. The woollen zipper top was neatly placed on the chair next to her bed. She had to wait for the goodnights to come and go from her mother and father. Her mother’s good night wishes came and went quite quickly, followed by her father’s kiss on her forehead. She stared at him wide-eyed as he pulled away from her while watching her mother in the doorway as he left a goodnight smile behind him.

With the door closed, Harley waited a good ten minutes. At twenty minutes past nine, she sent a message that included a picture of her tits to Matt with the caption, ‘Ready in five.

The reply, ‘Can’t wait!’ pinged on her phone.

Harley discarded the nightgown and then put on the zippered top. She dimmed the lights and sat up in bed. They had agreed that Matt would read her a dirty story that they could both masturbate to, and Harley was excited to see how the evening would go. She made sure the volume on her phone was down low enough and she constantly reminded herself to speak in a low whisper. Her finger hovered over the video call button. Then she sent a message, ‘you call me.

Matt pressed the video button without any reservations.

“You look gorgeous,” he said as he looked at Harley for the very first time in what he termed ‘real life.’ Anything other than recorded videos or pictures was ‘real life’ for Matt. They chatted for a brief while before he asked her to unzip her top.

Harley pulled the zipper up to her chin, held the top firmly with one hand and started to pull it downwards with the other hand. The phone was propped against a book on her dressing table. Her huge breasts parted the top for her as it was unzipped.

“Touch them for me,” Matt instructed her.

Harley reached in and cupped her breasts, pulled them out from the woollen jumper, lifted them, one at a time to her mouth and sucked on her nipples. Her nipples were big going into her mouth but on exiting, they had grown to nearly twice the size.

Matt let out a loud groan. “Oh fuck! That looks gorgeous. I want to do that,” he said.

Harley then placed the phone on her knees and grasped both breasts and kneaded them between her hands before shaking them at the camera.

She could see that Matt was naked when he too moved the phone to one side to give her a good view of the length of his body. His cock was hard, he’d been stroking it for over an hour and the anticipation of the evening had caused him to stop more than once in case he lost it before the sexual shenanigans began. Harley let out a loud moan when she could see how nice his cock looked and how hard it was.

“Shall I start the story?” Matt suggested.

Harley nodded in reply. Her hand quickly shot behind her to grasp the vibrator and as Matt arranged the document on his laptop, Harley quickly inserted the vibe into her already wet cunt. She kept an eager eye on the door in case her father or mother came back to check on her. It wouldn’t be the first time she had been caught masturbating.

Matt started the story he had written for her, about them and about the time when they would finally meet and fuck each other’s brains out. Matt stroked his cock as he narrated. Now and then, he would look up at the phone to see Harley’s face and to look at what she was doing. All he could see was her fondling a breast or tweaking a nipple. He never saw her hand busily working her plastic cock into and out of her cunt. All the while, Matt stroked his cock.

The story became filthier and filthier as their tryst played out in some remote hotel. It started with the normal sexual activities and Harley moaned loudly when he mentioned pulling on her hair as he fucked her from behind. It was one of her fantasies and not one she had acted out. The spanking started next, with her getting a raw bottom from his hand as his cock pounded her insides.

Harley was pushing and pulling on the vibe with every raw breath that Matt took. Like hers, his breathing was also laboured as he stroked and pulled on his cock as he read the words.

Harley caused Matt to pause when she spoke. “Do you want to see how wet my pussy is?”

It was a no-brainer for Matt. He paused from reading and said that he would.

Harley moved the phone camera so that it pointed between her legs. Matt groaned, “Fuck in hell, that looks gorgeous. Fuck it for me, Harley,” he instructed.

It was a surprise to see not only her pussy, but the pink vibrator that she was using to push into her. He could tell that she was close to climaxing, and he went back to the story for the very last piece that saw him push his cock up her anus and fuck her hard on the hotel bed.

Harley’s hand was quick, she wiggled the replacement cock rapidly over her clit and she climaxed as he pushed his cock into her ass from behind.

Matt was torn into three parts: one was reading the storyline that he hadn’t memorised, two was listening and watching the release of an orgasm on Harley’s face, and three was stroking his own cock.

Her orgasm quickened his own.

“I wanna see you cum,” she spoke.

Matt grabbed the camera phone and placed it closer to his dick intending to get it all in view along with his stroking hand; it was difficult because he couldn’t see the screen and couldn’t see whether she had a good view or not. Her words drove him on, and he presumed she was telling him what she could see.

“Cum for me, spurt it all over your hand and body, do it, Matt.”

Matt did it. “Fuck, I’m cumming,” he announced.

He moved the phone backwards a little and could see Harley watching intently while playing with her breasts. They were large as life on the screen, and he could see the look on her face was one of desire and need. Her need to get his spunk down the back of her throat.

The first few jets of spunk spurted over his body while the rest dribbled over his hand.

“Lick your spunk for me, Matt. Tell me what it tastes like.”

It wouldn’t have been the first time he had been asked to do that. The first time it ever happened was when a woman blew him and took the whole load into her mouth. Before he knew what was happening, she was kissing him with a mouthful of spunk, saying, “If you’re kind enough to give it to me, then I’m kind enough to share it.”

Ever since that time, he never flinched when some woman had wanted him to swallow his own sperm. So, he did just that in front of Harley.

“Fuck, that’s so hot,” she told him.

They had agreed that the whole event was fucking hot, hotter than a volcano in the heat of summer. Listening to each of them, orgasm was bliss, far better than listening to pre-recorded videos.

After catching their breath, they then started to chat about how good it was. Harley was as excited as a kitten with a new sofa and, despite the concerns of her parents walking in on her, she was glad she went through with it.

“When was the first time you had sex?” Matt asked, out of the blue.

The question Matt threw at her caused her to think twice about the answer. She started to smile, and he could see her biting her lip, though he didn’t know she was contemplating her answer carefully.

“What’s so funny?” he questioned.

“I was a couple of months past my sixteenth birthday when I lost my virginity,” she replied.

“Wow, that’s young. I was like twenty-one or something like that.” Actually, he was twenty-eight but twenty-one sounded much better. ”Just over sixteen?” he said again. “That must have been a few years ago.”

Harley smiled. “One.”

“What? Did you say one?”

“Yes, one.”

“One! You’re kidding me.”

“No, I’m not. It was definitely one. I can remember it well.”

“So, you’re seventeen now.”

“Seventeen and a half,” Harley replied.

Matt swallowed hard. Yes, he had been chatting with this woman for over six months. Yes, he had accepted rude pictures of her body and videos of her having sex, and yes, he had sent her pictures along the same lines. Yes, they had talked so much about sex—filthy sex at that. And just now, she and he had masturbated together while he read her a story of sex and spanking and hair pulling, rough sex at that. She had climaxed to it and even showed him her dildo-filled pussy up close. Seventeen was not a number his brain had entertained. Twenty or twenty-one or twenty-two was more like it.

“You’re seventeen?” he asked once more.

Harley giggled. “I thought you realised I was young,” she lied. She knew full well she hadn’t even mentioned her age, not once. It was Matt that had assumed she was older simply because of the material she was sending him.

“And you want to do all those dirty things with me? I’m old enough to be your father.”

Harley smiled, bit her lip, played with her breast, and stared at Matt on the other side of the screen.

“You’re older than my father and yes, I do want to do all those dirty things with you. After all, I did them with him. Well, not all of them, not yet.”

Matt stopped talking, his brain was working overtime taking in the last few words of Harley’s statement. He nodded as if to acknowledge what she had said, agreeing with her even, but saying anything would have come out as a high-pitched croak in his voice.

“You’ve fucked your father?”

Harley nodded. Matt wasn’t concentrating on her face, otherwise he would have seen the amusement on it. Harley could tell Matt was having trouble taking it all in, but she had chosen to confess in the hope he was the right person listening to what she was saying. The right person to act on it and the right person to talk about it.

Matt’s finger hovered over the red cancel button as he watched Harley smile at him. He was about to press it when she spoke.

“Want me to tell you all about it?”

Matt’s finger lifted off the button involuntarily.

“Go on then,” he said, spurring her to relate how she lost her virginity to her father and how many times.

“Well, I knew I was different to most girls, I had these strange thoughts in my head.”

“Like what?” Matt asked.

“Will you be quiet and listen?” Harley paused, sucked in some air, and continued, “When I knew I was a horny little bitch and needed cock. It may well have been the attention I received at school with these huge breasts, but the boys loved giving me all their attention, though I never once went with any of them.”

“And why was that?” Matt’s intrigue had suddenly piqued.

“I like older men. I used to fantasise about the caretaker, the headmaster, the gym teacher. I’ll be honest, I used to masturbate to the pictures I took on my phone of the gym teacher. Fuck, he made me horny. These feelings wouldn’t go away and I knew I would have to do something about them, though I never thought in my wildest dreams how I could accomplish that.”

“Anyway,” Harley continued, “one day, dad was feeling down, I could tell him and mum had had a bit of a bust-up. It was obvious because a day later, she left home for a while to live with her sister. I didn’t know why, and I didn’t care to ask. Suffice to say that we started playing with each other.”

“Who made the first move? Sorry, that was a stupid question. Please go on.”

“Yes, it was stupid, actually I sat on dad’s lap to console him, give him a huge hug, be there for him and as you know I can’t hide certain aspects of my body. Well, his eyes couldn’t avoid them either, especially when I pushed them into his face. He’s like you, a pervert,” Harley smiled and winked at Matt.

“It suddenly dawned on me that an older man had his face down my cleavage. I know it was my dad, but that didn’t seem to matter to me. I remember biting my lip and thinking dirty thoughts. Then I felt something underneath me.”

“Let me see, nope, it wasn’t your phone going off in your pocket, was it?”

“No, it certainly wasn’t. It was hot and hard by the time I realised what was happening.”

“What did you do?”

“I did what any girl would have done. I ignored it.”


“Yeah, I ignored it. I mean, I relished the thought of it hardening under my bottom. I wiggled my bum a bit to give it room to manoeuvre, but I ignored it.”

“You call wiggling your bottom ‘ignoring a hard-on’?”

Harley grinned but said nothing more. “Anyway, ignoring it didn’t seem to work and so I raised my head from resting on dad’s shoulder and looked at him. By this time, his cock was rigid and straining and my tits and nipples were aching to be touched. My heavy breathing didn’t help either because that only made my breasts bounce in front…

Published 3 years ago

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