Three short letters flowing perfectly together,
to shape into expressions of pure admiration,
when their owner glided – not just walked –
throughout the office, long hair swaying
softly and in time with every measured step.
Her designer dresses covered little,
and shapely legs, they tightened and relaxed
upon thrones of sparkling high heeled sandals
with cat-like grace and for all eyes to see.
The sharp, loud echoed clip-clap of her heels
heralded frozen movements and turned heads,
and in those moments just before she passed
her rays of beauty tightly tied our tongues.
She was elegance, she was perfection.
Just like her namesake and our ancient mother of mankind,
she was utmost pride of god’s creation.
* * * * *
I, too, watched, breath held, and I admired,
caressed perfect, shiny painted fingers
in those fleeting moments with my gaze.
Dreams of coming close for just a second,
basking in rays of ethereal beauty,
haunted me all night and every day.
Knowing eyes intruded in my slumbers,
her fingers gripped me, startled me awake.
What these dreams did mean, I couldn’t grasp.
I only knew that, given just the chance,
I’d give in to her pull and start to dance
around her like the earth around the sun.
* * * * *
Until that day when my phone rang, I was
an acolyte that worshipped from afar.
But when the office door fell shut behind,
she sat there, radiant and elegant.
My world condensed into a single point.
The air-conditioned room began to boil.
My knees shook wildly hidden by my skirt.
My burning cheeks, though, couldn’t be denied.
“So wonderful,” she sang more than she spoke,
like noble rank from old times staying sat,
big emeralds touching deep into my soul,
“to meet you, at last. I have heard so much.”
She nonchalantly held out pretty hand,
and when her fingers gently wrapped my own
with strength beneath a coat of finest silk,
her words did just the same around my heart.
“Banes and Coleman,” Johnson broke the moment.
“We need one more good person on the team.
Your reviews for the last two years were brilliant.”
He handed me a stack of printed sheets.
“Here’s your new contract and the details for the deal.
Be ready Monday morning at six sharp.
A limousine will fetch you for your flight.”
My breath hitched. This, I hardly could believe.
“But… but,” I stammered in a crazy daze,
“I’m just a secretary, not a…” “Hush!”
Eve’s soft, pale finger touched my gasping lips
brought all my rambling to a burning end.
“You’re good,” she stated full of conviction,
her judgement liquid pleasure down my back,
making shoulders straighten, chin tilt upwards,
and giddy joy explode inside my chest.
“You think…” “I know. I watched you every day.”
What better compliment could such a goddess give?
“You’re clever and you know to voice your mind.
You will be working right alongside me.”
* * * * *
Ten minutes later, still on dreamy clouds,
I left the office with a better job.
Approaching what had long been my ‘home’ here,
I couldn’t quench all sadness in my heart.
“Christine?” Jennifer asked with scratchy voice,
her eyes with dark rims, pupils glowing moist,
from sleep-lack of the party-loving kind.
“Did they…?” She didn’t dare continue on.
But every single head now turned to me.
“No.” I told her, pushing down nostalgia.
“I got promoted. I’m now on Eve’s team.”
Sharp intakes of breath sounded all around.
A worried frown pulled on my colleague’s lips.
“You sure?” she asked me full of trepidation.
“She’s known for eating perfectly good people
like mortals tend to consume gummy bears.”
But I brushed all these rumors hard aside
that had used to excite our boring days.
“She is not a cannibal, don’t worry,”
I made light fun and sent a knowing smile.
She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Just take care.
People just up and vanish from her team.
I’ve seen her on some not so gentle days.
Believe me when I say she can be mean.”
I wondered if envy was speaking here,
but knowing her for years, I shook it off.
She was not known for jealousy or greed.
I hugged her tightly and began to pack.
* * * * *
Monday dawned early for me, or exact,
it started in the middle of the night.
With bags already packed and near the door,
I dressed and tried to soothe my trembling nerves.
Four weeks, I whispered, filled with disbelief.
Four weeks to spend all day right next to her.
Four weeks, I’d float along on wings of dreams
in clouds of dazzling sweet, expensive scent.
Untouched coffee stood next to the mirror.
I didn’t need, for once, the waking kick.
Eyes roamed over prim and neat appearance
and gave my outfit one last thorough check.
Eyelids, in a gentle shade of purple,
morphing to a lovely tone of pink.
Cheeks, they glowed in everlasting blushes,
subtle hints of naughty, shameful thoughts.
Lips pouted prettily in rosy shades,
shiny and wanton in their glistening gleam,
like the pulsing flower in my center
as thoughts of Eve’s perfection filled my mind.
The flight was long, but I just couldn’t care,
and while I sat too upright, bumping knees
and fighting futilely against a strain,
my dreams made it pass by me in a blink.
* * * * *
When evening fell, we entered the hotel,
and pretty almond eyes, unerringly,
appraised the glowing goddess in our midst,
the welcome gasped with brightly burning cheeks.
Her fingers shook, she handed out our keys,
eyes widening when Eve’s hand touched hers;
whispered, soft, “Enjoy you stay!” A prayer
on the clerk’s cherry-red and trembling lips.
Floating, clicking, clacking, through the lobby
we crossed through churning seas of jealous eyes,
floated in Eve’s radiance and beauty
above the common whispers, heads held high.
Self-worth rose and covered, thickly, senses,
and made hearts glitter like most shiny stars.
Breathing in the sweet smell of attention
we escalated snugly to our floor.
Keys all distributed, all the others gone
into the privacy of their own rooms.
I turned meek eyes towards my grinning queen
and school-girl like, I fidgeted and blushed.
“I’ve… got no key…” I told her, trembling, shrinking,
not daring to hope to fulfill my dream,
heart threatening to burst out from my chest,
under blatant sparkles of amusement.
Instead of answering, she winked and moved
long, sleek fingers to the shadowed handle
of the door sat in the wall behind her,
then pulled and gestured graciously inside.
“There’s only one key my assistant needs,”
she told me, chuckling to a hidden joke.
But still, in frozen fear of shattered dream,
my feet stayed firmly rooted to their spot.
A frown turned down her pretty, shiny lips,
shook me, made me want fall to my knees.
“Get in,” she urged, a forceful, hissed command
so strong that no mere mortal could resist.
Then, only seconds later we were safe –
or not so safe – inside the kingly room,
the door shut tight and locked behind her back,
trembling Me caught by glowing, sea-green eyes.
* * * * *
Her footsteps, always slow and full of grace,
turned into feral, cat-like elegance.
An eye-blink later and from a mere inch,
another order whiplashed over me.
“Strip!” Her word wrapped tightly all around me
shot like a mile-long strand of leather whip,
burning my skin wherever it struck down.
Free-falling suddenly, with hitching breath,
I hurried to shed off offensive clothes
that fantasy already ripped to shreds.
Buttons flew wide and seams scratched painful lines
across skin yearning to expose itself.
“Oh god,” I whispered to the bra I dropped,
my fingers nestled, fumbled, tore and ripped.
“Oh goddess,” breathless gasp, it travelled down
followed my panties’ way past shaking thighs.
“Oh Lord!” I stood now, naked to the skin,
all of me vulnerable and exposed.
“Oh, Eve,” I whispered, praying out her name,
almost in tears from sheer intensity.
Critical rays from lidded, crystal eyes
scanned up and down my naked shivering form.
Nothing escaped her scrutinizing gaze,
and she walked, smiling, measuredly around.
“Nice toes,” she stated, starting from way down,
“though I don’t care for cherry-slutty-red
on those girls I’ve chosen as assistants.
Your calves, though, they could use some working out.”
Her eyes, shamelessly, travelled further up.
“Least I won’t have to look at knobby knees.
Your thighs,” she said, and she closed the circle,
“tell me, are they as tender as they look?”
My answer unsaid, covered by a moan,
with no breath left to speak, no mind to think,
when teasing nails scratched upwards burning trails.
“So that’s a yes.
I offered her a whimper in return
when she tugged those fine curls around my pubes.
Her stare grew hard and turned accusingly,
and failure surged with crazed intensity.
“This needs to go,” she whispered in my ear,
brushing with touches of hot breath my neck.
“No hair below the head, that’s how I want
my horny little playthings, soft and smooth.”
“Soft,” Her pretty hands then squeezed my buttocks,
making legs tremble with electric shocks,
not caring where sharp nails dug in my flesh
and left impressions of her ownership.
“and smooth.”
* * * * *
Soft. Tingling softness melted me away
while skilled, possessive hands roamed over me,
without the slightest bit of hesitance,
and tickled tingling, heated sparks awake.
Up my tummy, brightly burning scratches
lit in the churning darkness of my need
and wrapped so finally, deliciously,
my pale, tight peaks of femininity.
Intensity shone brightly from her eyes
and speared my feeble, fleeting mind with ease.
Fingers captured pointed declarations
of my arousal, squeezing them cruelly.
Sweetest shiny lips finally whispered
in sultry voice that question that had been
slippery dancefloor of our naughty play.
“Now tell me, pretty plaything, whose you are!”
* * * * *
Smooth. Smooth felt the moment of submission,
emotions surged like flames and burnt away
all moths of fear and lingering moral doubts
that had once cloaked the truth inside my heart.
“Yours,” a whispered, deep, rejoiced confession
wafted upwards in a breathless prayer,
and my knees sunk in worship to the ground,
in timeless declaration of defeat.
* * * * *
Caresses. Fingers touched my lowered head
and played my feelings, violin-strings of love.
Fabric slid down and heady, musky scent
approached me between smoothest, palest thighs.
I thought to place small kisses on her flower,
worship the beauty gently with my lips.
“Stick out your tongue,” she ordered me instead
and buried her hands tight inside my hair.
“Mine!” she growled and pushed her rosy flower
against my face and rubbed it up and down.
“Mine!” she shouted, spreading her sweet juices
on my delighting tongue and on my chin.
“Mine!” She gyrated her hips in pleasure,
wiggled her shiny pearl against my mouth
“Mine!” She coated my face with her treasure
and slid soft, creamy folds across my tongue.
“Yours!” I shouted in a breathing moment
and licked and sucked for all that I was worth.
“Yours!” My lips engulfed her pulsing center
and drank exploding honey from her spring.
She writhed and shook and shouted naughty names,
she grabbed my hair and roughly pulled me close.
She rocked and jerked and dug my scalp with nails,
and my heart soared with every sound she made.
Then, finally spent, she pushed me from her thighs
and slid regally back into her dress.
As if this naughty play had not just passed,
her lips quirked up with playfulness and ease.
“That’s how I want it, every day from now,”
she whispered while her eyes bore into mine.
“Every day when I get back from work,
I want to drench you with my pussy’s juice.”
“I want you naked, on your pretty knees,
aroused and lusting for nobody else.
I want you thinking nothing, but of me,
awaiting my return submissively.”
* * * * *
And so I spent my future days with her,
not writing papers, striking deals, as thought.
Instead, I kept my body clean and neat,
worthy of the goddess that she is.
And every morning, every night I’d spend
between my goddess’ thighs and pray her psalm
of beauty’s lure and absolute devotion,
while her sweet voice sang oh-so-prettily.
My heart knew well that, one day, she would tire.
Another’s willing tongue would take my place.
Moth-like, I circled round her dazzling flame,
prepared to go out in a glorious blaze.