“I’m- I’m going to my room,” he answered, his voice was barely above a whisper.
“Stay, hang out a while.” He looked back at me, his face gave away his feelings. I was at a loss, I’d never seen Jay any less than bright-eyed and bushy tailed. “What’s the matter?”
“What am I to you? Some two-bit show thing? Am I just a toy for you to play with?”
“What? Of course not! Why would you think that?” I moved over to hug him close. He stood in my arms, rigged.
“Why did you kiss me? Just to piss what’s-her-name off?”
“No. I kissed you because I like you. A lot. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and hearing her talk about you that way. I couldn’t take it, my blood boiled. And then we got so close. So close and she just spoiled it. I had to kiss you. It was all I could think about. My head was swimming and you were all I wanted. I had to.”
“And here I was thinking that I was falling for a straight girl.” He smiled smugly and leaned in to press his lips to mine, passionately. I held around his waist and he finally wrapped me up in his arms. I backed us up to my bed and we fell, him on top of me. We giggled together and continued making out. Call me a complete girl, but all I could taste on his mouth was candy. Sweet. The taste of his tongue and his scent were over-whelming. Intoxicating. I wanted more. I never wanted to stop.
His hand rested on my hip. When he moved higher, toying with my shirt, I stopped. It was hard to do. But I had to. “Jay, no. I’m not ready.” He climbed off of me, I wiped my mouth.
“I’m sorry. I, uh, I got really carried away.”
“It’s fine.” He cleared his throat and looked around, bashful.
“That wardrobe there. Looks like it’s from like 1980.” He walked over to it. Opening it. “Whoa! Come here, check this out.” I pushed off of the bed and walked over. There was a clear cut rectangular hole in the wall and the wardrobe, covered by something. Suddenly, Jay just punched through. Whatever was covering the hole fell, glass shattering, and revealing Jay’s room.
“It was just a picture of some old lady. Creeped the hell out of me, but they told me not to take it down. Now I know why.”
“You know, Jay, I’m almost certain that I want to date you.” He backed out of the wardrobe. He bent and gave me a simple peck on the cheek.
“Wow! This is a thing!” He said that a lot. Almost too much, I say it almost every other sentence now. He left happily and I sat on my bed, giggling gaily. I distinctly remember hearing a triumphant “Yes!” coming from a room next door.
Dating Jay was identical to dating a male. However, there was no straight or gay, lesbian or bi. There was simply us. He treated me like a princess.
Soon, the testing before winter break was coming, and I was beyond stressed. Jay, however, was so lackadaisically apathetic about everything that it frustrated even more. Mrs. Zilnew, my music theory teacher had given us the task of composing a five minute long piece for any instrument, but drums. She had a thing about drums.
“The only beat I care for is the beat of my heart.” Rumour has it that a drummer once broke her heart back in the eighties.
I’d been working for two weeks and had gotten virtually no where.
“Jay, not now.” I cautioned. He took my binder and flung it across the room. “Jordan McClaire! I swear to fuck!” Before I could even get up to grab it, he was on top of me. He slowly began kissing my neck and, down to my chest. My large breasts became riddled with goosebumps at the touch of his lips. I tried squirming away. He didn’t let that last long.
“You need to relax. I’m going to help you. Okay?” He’d ripped his shirt off already by the time I squeaked out a small,
“Okay.” Most of the time, I forgot that Jay had breasts. He wore shirts that didn’t demand for them to be noticed. I forgot that Jay was female altogether sometimes. “Jay, my song is due by the end of this week.” I reminded him.
“We’ll work on it, don’t worry.” He glided his hands up my shirt and unhooked my bra. I sort of panicked. “Calm down, Jay.” He’d always thought that it was cute that our names “matched” in a way. He lifted my shirt off of me and began suckling my breasts. I felt his own B-cups on my stomach. His nipples were hard. He gripped my pants and started yanking them down, knowing fully well that there was nothing underneath them. I never wore underwear with yoga pants and Jay had taken note of it a week prior. He slid my pants down my legs and remarked that I was beautiful.
“He prompted me to open my legs and I did. He gripped my thighs and kissed the inner part of both. “Are you gonna?”
“Yeah, sweet heart. Just lay back.” Jay dragged his tongue over my slit. I let out a small moan. “Atta girl.” He kept at my sopping wet hole as I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Oh, Jay!” I half-whispered.
“Your pussy is so sweet, baby.” Without warning, he shoved two fingers into me and put his mouth right to my clit. He moved his finger ferociously and I came, my juices splashed his face. My back arched as I desperately tried to push him away from my spasming pussy. He lapped at me like a thirsty dog until I could fnally force him back. My breathing was ragged as he moved up to kiss me deeply. I could taste the tang of my pussy on his mouth. He rubbed my clit for a few seconds then gave my pussy a firm slap. I moaned into his mouth.
“Oh my god!” I pulled him down on me, the fabric of his cargo shorts was rough against my bare skin. I reached down to unbutton them. I slipped my hands in and pushed them down just far enough for me to grab his ass and squeeze. He took them off fully and leaned up, his body was toned, but his defined hips hinted at lovehandles. He kept his pubic hair tidy, but didn’t go bald. At that moment, mine was unkempt, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Just as he was about to dive in again, there was a knock on the door. “Jayah? You in there?”
“Uh, yeah! Don’t come in! I’m changing!”
“Alright, I’ll uh, be right here.” Jordan scrambled for his clothes and stole into the wardrobe as I pulled on my clothes. I opened the door.
“Maddie, hi.” I breathed. She was quickly becoming my best friend.
“Hey, can you help me with my song? Zilly turned me down.”
“Now’s not a great time.” I admitted. She pushed past into my room.
“Tough shit, I need help.” I shut the door. I heard her sniffing. “Wow, um, did I interrupt something?” I quickly realized that my bed was a mess and my room smelled like pure sex and sweat. I folded my arms.
“Of course not. Just me being frustrated by this song thing. Had an angry dance/mosh pit thing…”
“Yeah, sure.”