Let me enter you

"To create new life"

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Let me enter you
To create new life
I love you 

without knowing
how, when, or where
I love you, 

without complexities
ego or pride
I love you 

cause I know no one
can give love and pleasure
I love you 

fiercely, desperately and
with all the despair,

I wish you
to lead me 
to end of my life

Till then let your soul
be linked with mine 
and our hearts resonate

Till I am gone
I will continue 
to love you

As I love sun
the moon, stars 
and the rainbow

I will love you
till grass is green for me
and life has colors

till sun gives me warmth
moon and stars keep lighting 
my dark and lonely nights

let us love each other
till life has grass green 
and rainbow gives colors to me

My love when
You let me enter 
You give me a chance

to create a new life
that will continue 
to enjoy sun, moon, stars and rainbow

Let me enter you
to create new life 
with vigor and pleasure

And let me feel
the warmth of sun 
and grass as green

let the moon shine
as you fill my lonely nights 
with twinkling stars of pleasure

Published 11 years ago

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