The weeks from the Columbus Day weekend to Thanksgiving flew by with Marina and I seeing each other every other week in Palo Alto and Seattle.
During this time, we both put out soft feelers about jobs in San Diego and I also investigated the peninsula. My company did not have any openings, but I did reach out to a headhunter who had contacted me a few months earlier. The week before Thanksgiving Marina did talk to her boss, Mr. Feinstein, about moving home to San Diego. She asked if he knew of anyone who might be able to assist her in finding a similar job. He understood her desire to be near family and said he could put a list of names together for her.
Over the six weeks, I was certain that Marina was the woman of my dreams. We had known each other less than ninety days but everything was just so right. I had made my mind up that I wanted to ask her to marry me, but I needed a plan. I always have a plan.
Knowing we would be returning to San Diego for Thanksgiving I started brainstorming ideas of how I could pull off an epic proposal. After several good ideas, I realized that I was going to need help in pulling off such a surprise.
I had a lot to do and being in Seattle it was not going to be easy. The first thing I did was book my flight to San Diego, but on Tuesday night, knowing I would have to talk with Jorge privately on Wednesday morning to ask for his blessing. I also needed to buy a ring and knew I had several options from two trusted jewelers. Next, I picked a location, and this I figured would be the hardest thing to coordinate.
I had a notebook of details to work on and started making calls to plan this surprise. Again, I knew I would need help and I knew I could trust two people: Jeanette and Allen. I called them and told them of my plans, albeit the location was not finalized yet. I made Jeanette promise not to tell a single person.
I dug out the card for Becky at the Hotel Del Coronado. When I called, I reached her voicemail, and I left a message. Several hours later she called back, and I told her my idea. “We basically met at the Del, what better location than that to ask Marina to marry me,” I told her.
Laughing, “Bud and Laura told me that you two would be getting married. I don’t think they expected it this quick, but my team will help you in any way we can. As you know, the wedding was a big event for the hotel.”
I told her I wanted to do this on Black Friday, in the morning. I explained I could lure Marina out to the Del for a run on the beach, just like we had done most mornings that Labor Day weekend. Becky suggested several locations: the beach, the pool, the garden, and the wedding site. I mentioned to her that I planned on having twelve people hiding and watching and that we’d be having brunch in the restaurant afterward.
“The wedding site will be best. Your guests can hide in the tent in the back and can first gather in the groom’s suite. Plus, you two will need to dress for brunch since gym clothes are not allowed,” she said.
“That sounds great, thank you. Two things: one, I’d like seven vases with a dozen red roses there, and two, you can not mention a word to Bud and Laura,” I told her. “This is top secret.”
Becky said she’d keep it quiet from the Smiths, and that she’d take care of the details. We made plans to meet on Wednesday of that week.
My next call was to Mr. Axelrod, the Smith family jeweler. His wife tried to screen me, but when I mentioned I was the best man at Allen’s wedding she handed the phone to him. I told him I wanted a wedding set for a proposal. “A simple gold band with small diamonds for the wedding ring and a round solitaire for the engagement ring,” I said.
“Very traditional,” he replied. “What size diamond?”
“Yes,” I said. “I was thinking somewhere close to three carats.” I had noticed that both my mother and Molly had solitaire diamond rings so I figured this would be the way to go.
Very delicately Axe asked, “And your budget?”
“I’ve looked around here in Seattle. I think I can go as high as eight grand,” I said.
“Scott, you will get the Smith discount. Six thousand,” he said.
We finalized some details and he asked when I needed it. I told him I would pick it up on Wednesday morning of that week. And, just like Becky, I told him it was top secret and not to say anything to Bud or Laura.
As my plans were coming together, I wanted to keep it a secret from all four parents until the last moment. I had already told Allen and Jeanette. I would ask Jorge on Wednesday and was sure I could trust him to be quiet for a couple of days from Molly.
To get everyone out to the Del early on Friday morning I decided to write each a note card that I would hand them secretly after Thanksgiving dinner at Jorge and Molly’s.
All of the cards read, “I would like to invite you to the Hotel Del Coronado, Friday at 9 am. I will be proposing to Marina, and I would be honored to have you watch from a distance. Becky will be coordinating the event. Park in the side lot where you will find reserved parking marked “Private Event.” Meet in the Grooms Suite at 9 am. Becky will lead you to the back tent area. This is TOP SECRET. Much Love, Scott”
But I still had one big detail to take care of, asking Jorge for his blessing.
I secretly spent Tuesday night at Allen and Jeanette’s house and had booked a fake appointment with Jorge with the help of his secretary.
Early Wednesday morning I made my way to the Mira Mesa area where Jorge’s office was located. When I entered, I told the receptionist I was there to see Mr. Flores. Just then I saw Jorge walk past in the hall behind the lobby area.
In my excitement, I yelled out, “Mr. Flores!”
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. “What the hell are you doing here?”
As we approached each other he started to chuckle, “I think you know, sir,” I said as we shook hands.
Jorge, a man of few words and emotions, lit up and gave me a giant hug. As we separated, he asked, “Do you have something to ask me, Scott?”
I felt a bit weird doing this in the lobby, and in front of the receptionist, but I slowly and calmly said, “Sir, I’m in love with your daughter. I’d like to ask for your blessing to ask Marina to be my bride. Do I have your blessing, Mr. Flores?”
“Yes, Scott, you do. And when I retell this story to your father, he will be so proud of you,” Jorge said. “Come to my office.” He turned to the young girl behind the desk, “Do not say a word.”
“Yes, sir,” she replied.
When we were in Jorge’s office, I told him of my plan. The card. The Del. Everything.
“And you want me to NOT tell her mother? She’ll kill me when she learns you asked me this morning,” he said jokingly.
“Yes. But I think she’ll forgive us both on Friday morning,” I said.
We talked some more before I told him I had to get going to get the ring and head out to the Del to talk with Becky. As he walked me out, we ran into his partner, Mike Wheeler.
“So, you’re Scott. It is so nice to meet you. Jorge has talked about you ever since he met you at his niece’s wedding,” said Mr. Wheeler. “He told me last month that you’d be asking him soon to marry Rina.”
“Last month,” I said looking at Jorge.
“In Lodi. Molly and I knew it when we left. I was one-thousand-percent certain,” he said.
I made my way to Mission Valley and found Axelrod Jewelers with no problem. His wife recognized me when I came in, “Hello Scott. We’ve been expecting you.”
Axe soon appeared with a ring box. He opened it and pulled out the wedding set. It was beautiful and just as we had talked about. The diamond looked huge as he told me it was two point nine carats.
As I reached for my wallet to pay with my credit card he stopped me, “Scott, this has been paid for.”
“Did you tell Bud?” I asked.
“No. But you told Allen and he took care of it,” he said.
“Just like his dad,” I mumbled.
“Yes, just like Bud. The acorn doesn’t fall far from the mighty oak,” said Axe chuckling.
Next, I made the short drive out to the Del to see Becky. Our meeting was short since I knew the layout. We confirmed a few details about the roses and brunch.
“Okay, what is the damage?” I joked.
“Nothing. It has been taken care of,” Becky said.
“Did Allen pay?” I asked.
“No, as the Assistant Manager I have comped the roses and brunch,” she said. “You are Allen’s best friend and best man. Let’s just say the hotel made a fortune on that wedding weekend.”
“Thank you so much, Becky. And tell your dad I say hello,” I said as I rose from my chair in her office.
“He told me you two would get married. Of course, Bud and Laura said the same thing,” she said laughing.
As I drove over the bridge, I figured I had enough time to grab a bite for lunch before heading to the airport to pick up Rina. I remembered that there was a Roberto’s in Mission Beach. I also had to figure out a lie to tell Marina about why I already had my rental car.
As I enjoyed my carne asada tacos with guacamole at Robbie’s, I came up with the idea to tell her I had arrived at Sea-Tac so early I was able to get an earlier flight and get the car.
I went out to Lindberg Field early realizing that parking in the short-term area would be a mess with all of the holiday travelers. I finally found a parking spot and made my way into the terminal. Finding the big board, I saw that Rina’s plane was running a bit early for arrival and that they’d be at carousel three. As I walked past the mini-mart I noticed bouquets of flowers and could not resist buying a fall-themed bouquet.
After about twenty minutes, I saw Marina coming down the escalator. When she saw me and the flowers her million-dollar smile was radiant. We hugged, kissed, and kissed some more before heading to get her luggage.
I explained that I had arrived early and had the car in the short-term parking lot. She then told me she had a bit of a surprise too. We were to spend the night at Jay and Allen’s house, much to her parents’ displeasure, but we’d be staying at a hotel she had booked for the night.
“It will be our only night alone,” she said. “I hope you know that I will not have sex in my parent’s house.”
“To be honest, I wasn’t planning on it. I respect your parents too much,” I said. “Where are we staying?”
“Mission Valley Hilton,” she said.
“Great,” I said sarcastically. “That is where my family is staying.”
“Your parents and Jenny?” she inquired.
Laughing, “Yes.”
“Well, at least it’s booked under my name,” said Rina. She continued, “We have dinner reservations with Jay and Allen at 6:00 pm down the street at Benihana’s.”
Thanksgiving Day and dinner was a festive event with fourteen adults. Between the NYC parade and football games, there was some talk about our alternating weekends together, but thankfully no one brought up marriage. The day was winding down and my parents were getting ready to return to their hotel in Mission Valley, along with Jenny and Jeff.
I caught my dad in the hallway and handed him a card, sealed in the envelope, and told him, “When you get back to your room, I’d like you and mom to read this together.” He looked at me funny. “It’s a thank you card,” I lied. “And give this one to Jenny.”
Bud and Laura followed quickly as they had driven with Allen and Jeanette. I stopped Laura in the kitchen and told her it was a thank you card as well, and to read it when they got home.
I told Paul and Jovita that I’d walk them home and assist in carrying back some of their serving dishes. After we put down the stuff in the kitchen, I pulled the card from my back pocket and handed it to Jo. “Please read this to Paul.”
Jovita opened the card and read it quickly to herself. Her eyes darted to me, and I could see her tears forming. As she read the card aloud Paul put his arm around my shoulder. When Jo finished, she opened her arms and gave me a big hug.
“You just cost me twenty bucks. I had New Year’s Eve in the pool,” Paul said laughing. He went on to tell me that the fathers, Allen, and Jeff all were in a pool when I would propose.
“Who had Thanksgiving?” I inquired.
Laughing, “No one.”
I made the short walk back to Jorge and Molly’s and found Marina in the kitchen washing pots and pans. I snuggled up to her from behind and kissed her neck.
“Why don’t we go for a run down at the beach in the morning?” I said.
“That sounds like a great idea,” Rina said. “I’ll need it after that big meal.”
“OK, let’s leave about eight o’clock,” I told her.
Just then Molly entered the kitchen, “What about eight o’clock?”
“We’re going down to the beach for a run in the morning,” I explained.
For the next hour or so the four of us watched television before Rina’s folks said they were going to go to bed. I handed Jorge the card and he winked at me. “She’s not going to sleep a wink tonight,” referencing Molly.
“Tell her in the morning?” I asked in a whisper.
“Good idea. We’re early risers anyway. She’ll have plenty of time to get ready,” he said.
I was the one who barely slept a wink due to my nerves and Rina’s small double bed. I finally got up at 6:00 am and jumped into the hall bathroom. I showered and dressed quietly as Rina slept and headed out to the kitchen where I found Jorge with a cup of coffee.
“I didn’t sleep much,” he said.
“Me either,” I said. “Between the small bed and today’s events, I was tossing and turning.”
Molly has incredible timing as she had just walked in the kitchen door behind me, “Today’s events?” she asked.
Jorge asked her to come and sit down. As she sat, he poured her a cup of coffee. He pulled out the card, “This is from Scott. Let me read it to you. But you must stay quiet.”
As Jorge read the card, she was starting to cry looking at me. She stood up and gave me a hug. “She will be so surprised. Thank you for inviting us.”
You could see the gears in her head working, “Wait, who else will be there?”
“Everyone from dinner last night,” I said in a whisper
Thirty minutes later we heard the hall bathroom shower running so we knew Rina was out of bed. My timeline was setting up perfectly.
Marina and I were driving west on the freeway towards the ocean when she asked, “Where are we going for our run?”
“I don’t know,” I lied.
“What about La Jolla Cove?” she suggested.
“That’s a good idea,” I said playing along. After about thirty seconds I suggested, “What about the Del? We had good runs on that beach?”
“Great idea, I like it!” she said with a smile.
The trap was set. My plan was in the works.
Upon arriving at the Del, I made sure to park away from the reserved spots Becky had for the others. Looking at my watch I figured we could do a forty-five-minute run to be back about 9:15 am.
Rina and I made our way through the hotel grounds and stopped at the walkway to do a little stretching before hitting the beach. We chatted as we jogged. A little about dinner and a bit about the wedding weekend, and how far we’ve come.
“It’s almost like a dream. Three months ago, you were a guy in a photo. Now you’re my boyfriend and we’re talking about our life together. Are we going too fast,” she said as she stopped running.
“It is a bit crazy. But, no, I don’t think we’re moving too fast. Are you having second thoughts?” I asked.
“None. But remember, if you break my heart my dad will kick your ass,” she said laughing.
“Oh, I remember,” I said sarcastically.
As we jogged back my plan was falling into place when Rina suggested that we walk by the wedding area. I casually agreed, “Sure.”
As we got closer, I noticed the seven vases of roses on a table from the distance. I also saw the tent and hoped everyone was already there, and quiet. I looked at my watch: 9:16 am. Perfect timing.
“Oh, look. There must be something going on later,” Rina said. “Those roses are pretty. Let’s go check it out.”
Marina is checking off all the boxes of my plan for me. “Sure,” I said. “But don’t touch them.”
As we got on the stage I held her hand, “Remember how beautiful the wedding was?”
“Yes,” she said.
I took Marina’s other hand and turned slightly so that everyone in the tent could see both of our faces.
“Rina, the past three months have been the happiest of my life. You are such an amazing woman. Beautiful. Smart. Fun. You’re everything any man would want in a woman,” I said.
I think it was about to click with her as I pulled the ring box from my pocket and got down on one knee. She stepped back and her hands went up to her mouth. Her eyes were wide open. As I quickly glanced towards the back, I could see the group standing back next to the tent.
Looking her directly in the eyes, “Marina Flores, would you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife? Will you marry me?”
Silence. The sound of the crashing waves sounded like a huge thunderstorm.
Tears were starting to run down her cheek when she finally whispered, “Yes.”
I placed the diamond on her ring finger and stood up to hug and kiss her.
The sound of applause and cheers cut over the sound of the waves. Marina turned to see the group, turned back towards me, and said, “You’ve thought of everything!”
In the back, Jeanette asked Molly, “Do you mind if I go hug her first?”
Molly, who had more tears than all the women combined said, “Go mija.”
Jay was now running down the concrete path in her high heels yelling, “YES! CHICA!”
The cousins hugged for what was easily twenty seconds as the others made their way to the stage. Out of nowhere, there were two Del employees with trays of champagne and a photographer. Everyone was hugging each other.
I raised my voice, “Please, quiet.” Shockingly everyone stopped talking. “Thank you.” Holding Marina’s hand I continued, “Each and every one of you is very special to us. Thank you for sharing this special moment with us.” I broke from Rina and grabbed a vase of roses, “These are for you, soon-to-be Mrs. Williams.” I then handed out a vase to each of the women.
I then noticed Becky coming down the path. She quickly gathered the group for a few photos. “Thank you,” I told her. “The one detail I forgot.”
“Our photographer took pictures of the entire proposal. We were hiding in the bushes,” she said.
Someone said something about brunch and Rina looked at me funny, “We don’t have clothes for brunch.”
Jay laughed, “Chica, I have an outfit for you.”
Rina and I went to Grooms Suite where Jay and Allen had our clothes. We quickly washed up a bit and got dressed. Rina borrowed some makeup from Jay, and we were soon joining the others in the lobby.
As we approached the restaurant the Hostess saw Bud. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I’m sorry, but I don’t see a reservation for you today.”
Bud laughed, “No, Angie. Not today. See this guy,” as he pointed toward me.
“Scott Williams for fourteen,” I said.
The Del brunch is famous for its great food, and we had an amazing experience. The service was fantastic, and it seemed like every staff member walked by to say hello to Bud and Laura.
My mother noticed this too. “Do you know the entire staff?” she joked to Laura.
“Yes. We spend most weekends here. But once these two have kids, we’ll be here far less,” she joked pointing to Allen and Jay. “But no hurry.”
“No hurry? Yes, there is a hurry,” said Jovita sarcastically.
As we wrapped up the meal Becky returned and told me “I have a room for you two for the next two nights, if you’d like one.”
I was a bit in shock by her generosity. “Oh, thanks, but I can’t. You’ve done so much for us today.”
“Becky,” boomed Bud, “they may have our suite this weekend.”
“Yes, sir” she replied.
As I stared at Bud, Laura told Rina, “Marina, you’ll love the suite. Take it.”
Marina looked at me, “What do you think?”
I looked at her parents, “Would you two mind if we stayed here?”
“Son,” said Jorge, “you didn’t sleep well in that small bed last night. I understand.”
As we walked out, I pulled on Allen’s arm. “I can’t let you pay for the rings. I owe you six grand.”
“What are you talking about?” he said with a puzzled look on his face.
“Axe told me you paid for the rings when I picked them up,” I said.
Laughing, “Hey dad, Axe told Scott I paid for Rina’s rings.” Then Allen looked at me and told me, “I was there last weekend having my watch band adjusted and I asked about your order.” He continued, “Really, I did not pay for your rings. Then again, I didn’t pay for Jay’s rings either. Believe me, he made a pretty penny on all of those Rolex watches.”
Confused I asked, “So he comped me the rings?”
“You dumbass, yes. Or think of it this way, Bud paid for your rings.”
Bud, who had stopped walking, “Axe comped you, I paid for it, it’s all the same thing. Allen is right, he made a ton of money on those watches. The markup on jewelry is crazy. He made his cost of your rings on one watch probably.”
As we all made it to the parking lot Jeanette said, “Okay ladies, we have a wedding to plan!” which brought laughter from all. “Scott, any requests?” she said sarcastically.
“Nope. I learned from Jeff and Allen just to agree with the bride. Just tell me the date, time, location, and what to wear,” I said half-seriously, half-joking.
Jorge put his arm around me, “Son, I agree with you. I’m just writing the check.”
Hours later Marina and I returned to the Del. We wondered what the Smith’s suite looked like. To be honest, we were also happy to not have any parents in the immediate area.
As we walked toward the elevator we ran into Becky. After thanking her for making my proposal so special I added something about the room.
“That wasn’t my idea. Laura called me this morning and explained they’d like you two to have their suite,” she said. “It was all a setup. An act. Including the part about a regular room.”
“I thought Bud was a bit quick to offer up his suite,” I said.
“They really are an amazing couple, and so generous,” Becky said. “If you need anything just contact me.”
Once inside the suite, we understood what Laura meant. A large room with a loveseat and two chairs and a giant window looking out over the beach and ocean. It also had a large bathroom with a jacuzzi tub for two people.
We enjoyed the rest of the weekend with all our parents and Allen and Jeanette. Jenny and Jeff had returned home to OC after Friday’s brunch. There was some talk among the ladies about the wedding, but Marina was worried about where we’d living and working the next year. I made it perfectly clear to everyone involved, that this was going to be Marina’s big day. All decisions would be made by her and her parents.
As Marina and I said goodbye at the airport we both cried as we knew it would be two weeks before we would see each other again. We also knew our lives were now on the same path.
End Chapter 10