Romeo and Juliet… Revisited

"A modern look at Romeo and Juliet"

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Let me tell you a story about two young lovers, 
A tragic love story, been told by many others.

The servants of Montague, and of Capulet,
Fought for their Masters, sometimes until death.

Escalus warned them not to breach the peace again,
Or he would see to it, every one of them was slain.

The feud between the houses started long ago,
Neither would surrender, or let the hatred go.


A Montegue bird sits perched in a tree,
Waiting for his love, a Capulet fairy.

Her name is Juliet, and his is Romeo,
Had to meet in secret so their families didn’t know.

Young Juliet was from The House of Capulet,
Was to marry Count Paris, then Romeo, she met.

Her lover Romeo, from the house of Montague,
Knew she was to marry Paris, though he loved her too.

Everyone told Juliet fairies can’t love birds,
She told them they were wrong and ignored their words.

Romeo’s friend, Mercutio, said fairies were trouble,
Romeo just smiled and whispered a rebuttal.

Lady Capulet warned Juliet against birds,
Said they were all bad and to heed her words.

Juliet cried and to her window she flew
Singing, “Romeo, Romeo, why are you Montague?”

The brave yellow bird said, “Come fly away with me. 
I love you more than life itself, will you marry me?”

Juliet said, “Oh yeah, let’s fly away from Paris,
I’ll marry you and forever, your love I will cherish.”

With the help of Friar Laurence, indeed the two did marry,
Friar thought this union would make both families happy.


Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, despised Romeo,
Hate for Juliet’s love made him Romeo’s foe.

Tybalt challenged Romeo to a fight until death,
Mercutio stepped in and duelled until his last breath.

Oh Romeo, Romeo, Mercutio’s dead, 
By slaying Tybalt, Romeo avenged his friends’ death.

Verona banished Romeo, for forever or face death,
He would have to leave Juliet, who he hadn’t bed yet.

Romeo ran to Juliet and two became one,
He fled Verona without her, but promised the day would come,

When they could live as man and wife for all eternity,
If he could return to Verona without having to flee.


Again Lady Capulet gave Juliet to Paris,
Juliet refused marriage and flew to Friar Laurence.

He offered her a drug that would imitate her death,
For two and forty hours, while really, she only slept.

The eve before the wedding, Juliet drank the potion,
When they found Juliet dead it caused a huge commotion.

Mistakenly, Romeo heard that Juliet was dead,
He flew to Verona, his heart filled with dread.

In the family crypt Juliet is laid to rest 
Kneeling beside her, his deep love he confessed.

He knew he couldn’t live without Juliet, his wife,
Romeo sipped some poison to take his own life.

After two and forty hours, Juliet awoke from sleep,
Finding Romeo had died her heart began to weep.

Withdrawing his sharp dagger, she took her own life, 
Now she would spend eternity as Romeo’s wife.

The House of Capulet and the House of Montague, 
Agreed no good would ever come from such a feud.

For never was a story of more woe, 
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

This poem written for Lush Stories only.

If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.

Published 11 years ago

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