To be sure she’d noticed Geoff’s eyes raking her all over all day, but it had been a busy day, with not much time to reflect. Now she was wondering how it was that she’d chosen to dress as she had today, in a skirt a couple of inches shorter than usual, leaving her blouse with enough buttons undone to give a glimpse of cleavage, stockings instead of tights, sheer and glossy. Geoff was a self-made man, the kind who took what he wanted without bothering with niceties. The way he’d looked at her had given her goosebumps, and not in a bad way. Except that doing anything about it would be bad. Geoff was also a married man.
Perhaps she was just imagining things. Perhaps this stupid business with the figurine was getting to her. Natalie, her sister, had gone on and on about how Jeanette needed to try it. She’d fetched the cheap plaster knick-knack from her own room, along with the weird note that had come with it in the padded brown envelope, the one with no clue as to who the sender might be.
Dear recipient,
A well-wisher has chosen you to receive this exceptional gift. Enclosed, you will find a special figurine. This figurine will enable you to experience your deepest sexual desires. All you have to do is kiss it, and recite the incantation below. After that, place the figurine in a prominent place in your home and wait for your desires to be fulfilled.
“You have to!” Natalie had gushed. “You won’t regret it!” It was, apparently, an experience Jeanette just had to have. Mind you, Natalie had been very tight-lipped about what she may or may not have experienced herself. In the end Jeanette had caved, just to humour her little sister, as she so often did. Because Natalie was obviously having her on, playing some kind of sisterly prank for her own amusement.
But even if the stuff with the figurine was rubbish, there was still always the possibility that her boss had designs on her, Jeanette thought. He’d told her that they still had papers to go over, but that it might be better to get out of the office and get the work done at his place. She’d felt that little prick of nervousness when he made the suggestion, remembering Natalie’s words and thinking that she might just live to regret it. But she’d agreed anyway, almost biting her tongue off to avoid the Freudian slip, “But won’t your wife be at home?”
The thing was that Jeanette did fancy her boss. She was a single girl, and she had the odd one-night stand, but the one man who excited her more than any other was her boss. The thing was that he was her boss, and he was married, and Jeanette didn’t like fooling around with married men. It inevitably got messy. Well, if he did try anything on, she’d just do the whole moral virtue routine, much as it would pain her to have to do so.
She’d never visited her boss’ house before. It turned out that he lived in a large, whitewashed bungalow with more living space than she’d ever seen. She followed Geoff inside, into what he called “the reception room” with a slightly ironic inflection. Jeanette didn’t know people who had reception rooms, and she suspected her boss still hadn’t got used to the idea of having one himself.
“Drink?” Geoff asked.
Jeanette shook her head, feeling that sobriety was a good bet, both given that they were supposed to be working, and to stop her doing or succumbing to anything foolish.
“There’s non-alcoholic,” Geoff said, gesturing towards the drinks cabinet. “I’ve just got to see to something. It won’t take long. Make yourself at home in the meantime.”
Making herself at home in a place like this wasn’t an option for Jeanette. She just sat down in the armchair closest to her and tried to forget the way Geoff had just looked at her thighs. She was both excited and frightened by the way it made her feel. And then there was that business with the magical figurine.
Jeanette wasn’t a complicated soul. Her sex drive was similarly straightforward. It occurred to her now that having the hots for her boss might be the kinkiest urge she had. That worried her, or it would worry her if she thought there was any magic to be had from that stupid lump of plaster that Natalie had made her kiss. But of course there wasn’t, not really. There couldn’t be, could there? Natalie had seemed pretty worked up, and she was normally quite level-headed. Jeanette was secretly the one who thought there might be more between heaven and earth than most people believed. Alone in the oversized room Jeanette tried her best to keep superstition from crowding in on her.
“Right,” Geoff said. Jeanette started, she hadn’t heard him coming. How much time had elapsed? About ten minutes, she thought. “I think it’s time we got started, don’t you agree?”
Jeanette nodded.
“Through here.”
She followed Geoff down a hallway lined with framed images. They looked pricey, but she wouldn’t know, even if she stopped to look. Her boss pushed open the third door on the left and indicated to her to step inside. Jeanette did, stopping dead instantly.
Her heart began to pound. The fact that it was a bedroom was suddenly of less importance than the figure on the bed. The figure with a blindfold covering her eyes, a ball gag in her mouth, her body clad in a purple corset and matching stockings, but with no panties to hide her vulva. The woman’s arms were tied to the bed frame, her legs held apart by some sort of metal rod attached to her ankles with cuffs.
Jeanette turned in shock, but Geoff was right in front of her. She felt his large, strong hand grasp a buttock and give a good squeeze. She didn’t know how it had happened, but his tongue was suddenly in her mouth, almost half way down her throat.
She tried to pull away, but Geoff was having none of it. At the same time, Jeanette heard a loud voice booming in her head. “Why so coy, Jeanette? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
She was stunned. Voices in her head. Was she going mad? Anyway, it wasn’t what she’d wanted. Not with the wife there, not with the wife anywhere. Because it was the wife, of that she was sure, though she didn’t know how she could be so sure.
“This scene is your own creation, Jeanette,” the voice boomed. “Why don’t you make the most of it?”
“But this isn’t how I imagined it,” Jeanette thought.
Instantly the voice answered her. “Isn’t it? This whole scene is basically just a reflection of what’s in your mind.”
This was madness, Jeanette thought. She pulled away again, and this time Geoff relented. She glanced swiftly at the bound figure on the bed, laying silently with chest heaving. She couldn’t have failed to catch the sound of Geoff’s lips smacking. Jeanette pointed towards the hallway and mouthed, “loo”. Geoff nodded, escorting her out with his hand on her buttock and pointing her in the right direction.
“I’ll be in there when you’re done,” he said, pointing back towards the bedroom.
Jeanette didn’t need to visit the bathroom at all, but she did need time to work out what to do. The trouble was that the voice in her head wasn’t going to let her think. “You signed up for this when you kissed the figurine,” it told her.
No, no, that couldn’t be it! “Who are you?” Jeanette whispered.
“That’s not important,” the voice said. “The question is, who are you?”
Jeanette’s fingers clutched at the wash basin, screwing her eyes shut. This was completely, completely mad. What had Natalie made her do?
When she opened her eyes, she had to put her hand across her mouth to stop herself from shrieking out loud at the reflection in the mirror. Behind her was a woman, dark hair bunched up on her head, dressed from head to toe in black leather. “What’s this?” she gasped. “Who are you?”
The woman smiled, but only with her mouth. “You ask too many questions,” she said. “Or perhaps you ask the wrong questions.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You kissed the figurine. You read the incantation. That little scene in the bedroom. None of it would be happening if it wasn’t for what’s in your mind.”
Jeanette stared at the reflection, her own and the woman’s. “So this is all imagination?”
“No,” the woman said. “It’s real enough.” She paused. “But only you will remember anything about it.”
“What… How?”
The woman smiled again. “Guilt can be a powerful emotion,” she said.
“What do you mean?”
“You can think about it later,” the woman said, stepping to one side. “Now back you go. We’ll meet again when you’re done.”
In a daze, Jeanette turned. She remembered to flush the toilet, to make it seem like she’d actually needed the bathroom. Unlocking the door she made her way back to the bedroom. She felt that she should just keep going down the hallway and go home, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Somehow she knew that there was no way of resisting, no way of putting off what was bound to happen.
In the bedroom the wife was as she’d been when Jeanette had left, blindfold, tied, gagged, in her corset and stockings. Geoff was completely different, though, in that he’d stripped naked. Jeanette stared at his muscular, well-toned body, the gleam in his eye. She knew he worked out of course, but his body was even more amazing than she’d imagined. So was his cock, which stood to full attention, so big it almost scared Jeanette, but also made her go all gooey inside.
“There you are!” Geoff said. “I was wondering where you’d got to!”
He was coming towards her. Jeanette glanced at the motionless woman on the bed, the soft breathing the only visible sign of life. Geoff caught her looking. He was up close now, his hand finding the back of Jeanette’s neck, softly tickling the fuzz of hair there.
When he leaned forward, Jeanette thought he was going to kiss her again, but instead his lips moved up close to her ear. “It’s the perfect arrangement, don’t you think?” he whispered. “If she’s here and gets some pleasure from it, there’s no problem, is there?”
Jeanette felt some inkling of understanding beginning to emerge, but it vanished just as quick when Geoff grabbed her hand and pulled it to his stiff cock. As if she couldn’t stop herself, Jeanette felt her fingers clasp it. Geoff’s lips were grazing her neck. His hand was grabbing her arse now, pulling on her skirt, making sure it rose above her buttocks.
“Stockings and a thong,” Geoff said, quite loudly now. “Anyone would think you’d been hoping for something like this.”
Jeanette gave a yelp when the sting of a slap spread through her buttock. Geoff’s fingers were moving, pulling on the thong. Jeanette’s legs weren’t very far apart, but enough for her boss to get his hand where he wanted it. As his fingers pushed at her pussy, Jeanette felt her own hand began to move, the one holding the thick rod. Any reluctance she had felt was evaporating fast.
His fingers were threatening to push into her, but Geoff held back. Instead he growled, “Now I know you’re a woman of many talents, but I’m sure you’ve got some I’ve not seen before.”
Jeanette glanced at the wife, who was still lying there, immobile, impossible to read. Without really making any conscious decision herself, she was sinking to her knees. The cock that was directly in front of her face had to be the biggest she’d ever seen.
Her tongue was out. She dragged it across the skin of her boss’ swollen member. Her taste buds opened wide. She pulled the huge cock this way and that, sliding her tongue over the whole thing, up and down the shaft, over the bulging head. She glanced at the wife, who was giving no sign of knowing what was going on, at least not until Geoff said, “Oh yeah! You should put that on your cv!” Then the woman gave a slight twitch. Geoff went on, “Right, babe, think you can suck that big cock, do you?”
The wife shifted slightly on the bed. What she was feeling was impossible to tell, but Jeanette wasn’t going to go against Geoff’s wishes now. Ordinarily she might have had reservations about the girth, but for some reason she didn’t hesitate. She opened her mouth wide and took her boss’ cock in her mouth, tightening her lips round him and sliding them up and down, feeling her jaws stretch.
“Oh yeah, Babe! Suck that cock!” Geoff said. Again the wife shifted a little. There was no way of knowing exactly what kind of weird relationship they had. Or did they? It occurred to Jeanette again that this whole thing could be a figment of her imagination, a dream. Except that it felt real, tasted real.
“Oh yeah, Babe!” Geoff said again. His hands came down on Jeanette’s head. She didn’t think she could, but she went deeper, his huge cock filling her mouth. “Oh Babe!” Geoff said, “You’re really hungry for cock, aren’t you?”
Was she? To her own amazement, Jeanette heard herself begin to slurp on the big hunk of meat. If she wasn’t hungry for it, she was making a good impression of someone who was. On the bed the wife tugged a little, going nowhere, held fast by the restraints. “You should definitely put that on your cv,” Geoff said. “Excellent cocksucking skills. I’d give you a reference if I didn’t want to keep you so bad.”
Jeanette felt herself go red, but she couldn’t for the life of her stop what she was doing. Her head was bobbing up and down, her tongue tickling the shaft as her lips worked purposefully. As big as it was, as full as her mouth was, Jeanette felt that she wanted more of it. Geoff was pushing too, forcing more of his big cock into her mouth, and eventually something had to give.
Jeanette pulled off quickly, spluttering slightly, but grabbing hold of Geoff’s cock and moving her hand nonetheless. She felt his hand on her head, gripping her hair, indicating for her to get up. She rose to her feet, only for Geoff to push his lips up to her ear again. “Have you ever tasted pussy?” he asked.
She shook her head. Some impulse made her move, made it superfluous for Geoff to elaborate. She’d only ever half-heartedly considered sex with another woman, and never as a serious proposition, or so she thought. But something in her was responding to the situation, and not only because Geoff expected it of her. She leaned over the foot of the bed, sensing the wife’s expectation. The spreader bar pushed against her ribcage as she moved her head into position between the woman’s thighs.
With no experience to speak of, Jeanette began by kissing the woman’s labia. She was unprepared for the deep rumble of pleasure that came from the woman’s throat. She pushed her lips against the soft folds, over and over, just kissing and kissing, now getting little squeaks in response, over and over. She stopped kissing, letting her tongue roam the surface of the woman’s sex. There was a subtle change, as the woman wheezed a little. Encouraged by the response to this exploration, Jeanette eased her tongue in among the petals, being treated to a new taste sensation. The woman gave a little groan at the back of her throat as Jeanette moved her tongue, without any real sense of purpose.
Behind her Geoff was unzipping her skirt, tugging on it so that it slid down her legs. His hands roamed her arse cheeks before she felt the sting of a new slap. “That’s one fine arse,” Geoff said. “You can put that on your cv as well.”
The wife was gurgling now, deep down in her throat. Jeanette looked up, slightly afraid that she was choking. She didn’t look to be. On the contrary she managed an upward thrust, indicating for Jeanette to continue what she was doing. Then she resumed squeaking as Jeanette’s tongue continued moving within the soft folds. Geoff was stroking Jeanette all over; her buttocks, the insides of her thighs, her legs. Jeanette vaguely understood that her fantasy of shagging her boss was coming true, however improbable it still seemed that kissing that figurine could accomplish this, but where did the wife fit in? Nothing like this had ever occurred to Jeanette consciously.
Whatever was happening, the wife seemed to be enjoying it, her breathing a little heavier, her throaty exclamations growing in intensity. The tip of Jeanette’s tongue was teasing her opening, where things were very wet and slippery. She eased the tongue a little way inside, hearing the woman respond, feeling her body move beneath her. Some kind of instinct kicked in as Jeanette moved her arm. Her hand slid up the inside of the woman’s thigh, just as Geoff’s did the same on her. She peeled the woman’s labia aside, replacing her tongue with a finger, sliding it into the woman, who gurgled with pleasure.
Jeanette eased her finger deeper inside the woman, who responded with a deep sigh. Behind her, Geoff chuckled, giving her arse a quick slap. Jeanette could feel herself getting frustrated. Whatever this bizarre situation was, she didn’t understand how it corresponded to her fantasy. This was nothing like the scenario she’d imagined in her head alone in bed with her dildo. In her head they’d been in Geoff’s office and he’d banged her over his desk without much in the way of foreplay. Here he was just stroking and slapping her arse while she pleased his wife. That wasn’t part of the fantasy.
But her pussy was wet. Sopping wet. The conflicting emotions did nothing to prevent that from happening. And she liked that the wife seemed to be enjoying herself, that way she didn’t have to feel…
No sooner did realisation dawn, then the thong was yanked down and her pussy stretched. Finally Geoff was doing it, penetrating her, stuffing his big cock in her, fucking her. Not just any old how, either, but fucking her like a madman, with frenzied, hard strokes, making sure his dick hammered into her as deep as was humanly possible. Jeanette pulled her mouth away from the wife to cry out loud. The wife gave a little whine in return, as if begging for Jeanette’s tongue again, but Jeanette couldn’t. Instead she slid a second finger into the woman as she gasped out loud.
There was a new slap on her arse as Geoff kept up the relentless pounding. “Yeah babe!” he exclaimed, voice strained. “I love a nice tight, fucking pussy. Fuck you’re juicy and wet. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
His cock slammed into Jeanette as he spoke, and she responded in kind, only wondering afterwards how she could have panted, “Fuck yeah! I love a nice big cock! You’ve got such a nice big cock!” with the wife there.
Still, the woman groaned beneath her. It sounded like she was agreeing, that she wouldn’t mind a nice big cock herself. Feeling a little guilty about taking her husband’s cock, Jeanette shoved her fingers into the wife and wriggled them around. The woman made a doomed attempt to shift her body, the bed itself giving a little moan. Jeanette let out a long moan of delight herself, then pushed her face back up against the woman. She had to. She had to do something for the poor woman, who was tied up while her husband was fucking his personal assistant.
“Oh yeah!” Geoff cried out, his cock still hammering away. Jeanette wriggled her fingers, finding what she was looking for in among the folds with the tip of her tongue. The woman’s arms tugged violently as Jeanette began teasing her clit. She was rewarded with a new slap of her arse as Geoff laid into her, his cock thrusting and thrusting. “Oh Babe!” he exclaimed. “You might just be the tightest, most shaggable personal assistant ever!” Jeanette imagined it was meant to be a compliment. “Oh fuck you’re tight!” Geoff groaned.
If her mouth hadn’t been occupied, Jeanette would have told him that any pussy made to take that huge cock would feel tight, but the truth was that she was getting tighter. The wife was gurgling and moaning at the back of her throat, and somehow the evident excitement of her fruitless battle with the ties that held her was transmitting itself to Jeanette. She’d never cum from mere vaginal penetration before, but she felt that it might be about to happen. Geoff’s huge dick stretching, pounding her; Geoff’s wife moaning beneath her as Jeanette licked and fingered her wet cunt.
“Mmmmmuuugghhhhhhrrrrllllllll!” the wife was gurgling, seeming as if she was going mad from being held in bondage. She was tightening too, tightening around Jeanette’s fingers. Everything blurred into a mess of hot, sweaty, panting, gasping, pussy-teasing, pussy-pounding sex. There was no way of knowing which of the women came first, but suddenly the wife was crying out beneath the ball gag, while Jeanette moaned at the back of her throat, refusing to move her mouth away from the wife’s swollen clit.
A hard slap on her arse brought Jeanette out of her daze. Her pussy was empty of cock, but she wasn’t sure if Geoff had cum in her.
Geoff moved round and sat down on the bed. Jeanette shifted to one side, watching as his hand slid slowly up his wife’s thigh and her body jerked as Geoff’s fingertips touched the labia. Then the wife gave a throaty growl as Geoff swiftly pushed two fingers inside her, as if it was almost unbearable so soon after her orgasm.
As she came to more and more, Jeanette began once more to wonder what this was all about. The strange woman in the bathroom had suggested that this was somehow a projection of her own subconscious, and yet somehow also real. How exactly did that work? She got now that having the wife there was a way of assuaging her guilt, but was that just her subconscious acting out, or did Geoff and his wife regularly do this kind of thing?
She looked at Geoff, hoping to find some kind of clue, but all she saw was Geoff fingering his wife’s pussy as he leered at Jeanette in the kind of way that told her he wasn’t finished with her yet, and it turned her to jelly. Certainly it turned her pussy into a huge vat of natural lube. Fuck the amateur self-analysis. He’d stretched her so wide and fucked her so hard, and yet she still wanted more.
Jeanette watched as the wife wrestled with her state of bondage, now back to squeaking at the back of her throat. Geoff was grinning, staring at Jeanette, as if he could tell she wanted more. The fact of the matter was, Jeanette thought, that she couldn’t remember ever wanting any kind of sex as much as this, however weird and kinky it was.
A sound came from the wife’s pussy. It sounded like a fart, but turned into something betraying extreme viscous action. It sent a new tremble through Jeanette’s own pussy. She definitely wanted more!
She recalled that, like the wife, she was dressed on top. That had never happened to her before, being fucked before her top came off. She didn’t really count her small breasts as any kind of asset, but undid her blouse anyway. Geoff used his other hand to grip his cock while he leered at Jeanette, watching her cast off blouse and bra.
“Lovely naked tits!” Geoff opined, sticking a third finger into his wife and digging in. The woman squirmed, arms once again tugging hard against the restraints. This only seemed to encourage Geoff, who frigged his wife harder, making her pussy sound like crashing waves. The woman growled at the back of her throat, her body shifting hard now, until Geoff pulled his fingers out and grinned, leaving his wife to moan lightly where she lay. Geoff looked down at her and leered. As if she could see, the wife tugged at her bonds, but to no avail.
Geoff turned his eyes on Jeanette, staring at her breasts. She was only too well aware of the swelling there. She may have cum, but Geoff hadn’t, and his cock was still massive. He was going to have her again, and Jeanette could almost hear her pussy screaming for attention. When Geoff gestured, she moved off the bed, standing in the middle of the floor. He followed swiftly, grabbing her and spinning her so that she was facing the bed, the wife who lay there bound and gagged and blindfolded.
He was behind her. His hands grabbed at her tits, nipples squeezed between digits, his hard cock pushing against her buttocks. “Fantastic tits!” Geoff said. Jeanette stared at the wife, whose chest was heaving as she breathed heavily. She could only imagine what was going through her mind. The question returned. Was this was something Geoff and his wife did regularly? Then such considerations vanished just as quickly as they’d come.
Geoff was mauling her tits, his fingers digging into the small mounds. “Feel my big cock, do you?” Geoff growled.
“Uh-huh!” Jeanette replied. She could hardly not feel the giant organ as it pushed up against her.
“Want it back in your pussy, do you?” Geoff went on. “Want me to fuck you good and hard?”
She did. Of course she did. Before she had time to answer the wife was shifting as best she could and whining at the back of her throat. Geoff pushed in, forcing his stiffness harder against Jeanette.
“Uh-huh,” Jeanette said again.
“Say it!” Geoff commanded. “Say it properly!” One of his hands left her breast. She felt it behind her as he moved his cock into position between her thighs, touching her labia but doing nothing more. Than he grabbed a breast, pinching her nipple.
“I want your cock in me again,” she breathed. And she did. Her pussy was leaking from wanting it so bad.
“Good girl,” Geoff said. “That letter of recommendation is almost writing itself.”
His fingers were twisting her nipples. Jeanette squeaked, feeling every last inhibition evaporate. “Please fuck me,” she breathed.
In front of her the wife tugged hard. Geoff gave a little chuckle. “As a personal assistant she’s very obliging. Will gladly spread her legs, and is expert at handling big cocks.”
Was this part of her subconscious? Jeanette wondered. A subconscious desire to advertise herself as little better than a whore masquerading as a personal assistant? Surely not. In front of her the wife made new, fruitless movements, growling behind the gag. Geoff chuckled. “Her tight little pussy has to be experienced to be believed.”
Jeanette was ahead of herself, hardly knowing or caring what she was saying. “Yes! Make me take your big cock! Please fuck my tight little pussy!”
The wife moaned and tried to writhe. Jeanette cried out as Geoff grabbed her nipples, tugging on them, stretching her breasts. “You want me to fuck your tight little pussy?” he said, this time through gritted teeth, as if he wanted to hear it again.
“Yes!” Jeanette gasped, feeling his rock hard cock against her labia. “I want your cock! Fuck me hard!”
The wife responded again. This time Geoff pushed his lips up against Jeanette’s ear and began to whisper. Later Jeanette would come to wonder how she could have agreed to any of this, realising that it was indeed some kind of magic madness possessing her utterly.
For the moment she did as Geoff said, climbing onto the bed and positioning herself on all fours, her pussy above the wife’s face, her own face above the wife’s cunt. Geoff got up behind her, giving her arse a good slap before digging his fingers into her pussy. “The tight pussy’s nice and wet,” he said, his wife responding with a tortured groan.
Jeanette bent her head down to look back underneath herself, her hair brushing the wife’s pubes as she did so. She was just in time to feel Geoff’s fingers pull out of her, only to see him rub the same fingers over his wife’s cheek. “Nice, soaking wet pussy,” he murmured as his wife cried out at the back of her throat.
This was absolutely filthy, Jeanette thought, but had no time to think anything else as Geoff’s cock rammed into her with brutal force. “Aaaaaah!” Jeanette cried out. “Fuck me!”
“Oh yeah, babe,” Geoff said, giving her arse a slap. “I’ll fuck you alright. Give that nice, tight, wet pussy a good seeing to. Like that, don’t you?”
Jeanette felt his cock move hard and fast. It was like a fucking battering ram, she thought as she screamed out, “Oh yeah! I love your cock! Harder! Harder!”
What was she saying? Any harder and Geoff would be doing serious damage. Beneath her the wife’s body was moving, trying desperately to free itself as she moaned deep down. Jeanette instinctively wanted to help her, but remembered what Geoff had whispered, “no fingering, no licking”.
He hadn’t said anything about anything else, though, and Jeanette placed her hands on the woman’s legs, just beneath her stocking tops, angling her head so that her hair once again grazed the wife’s sex. She felt dizzy, and all the while Geoff kept on pounding her from behind. “Oh yeah!” Jeanette cried “I love your big cock! Fuck me hard! Fuck me harder! Stretch me out with your big cock!”
After that there were no more words, just noises. She couldn’t articulate anything as Geoff laid into her, fucking her, slapping her arse. She moaned and cried and screamed as the massive cock ravaged her. Beneath her the wife seemed to be going mad too, moaning and moaning at the back of her throat, her body shifting violently, in spite of the restraints.
Jeanette’s head was spinning. She hardly knew what was happening to her, except for the relentless pounding, the harsh way her boss fucked and fucked and fucked her tight cunt. Her arse was stinging, then her hair was grabbed, her head yanked up, then shoved down. Everything was a blur. The smell of pussy was overpowering. Geoff was forcing her head down between his wife’s legs. Now he must want Jeanette to lick his wife’s pussy again.
Jeanette gasped out loud, wondering if her pussy would ever be the same again. Her tongue came out. She found the wife’s clit easily enough, the wife who was moaning and moaning behind the gag as her husband shoved his big cock deep into Jeanette. There was a big wet patch on the linen beneath the wife, whose pelvis lifted. The patch seemed to grow bigger and bigger before Jeanette’s eyes as her tongue flicked against the swollen clit.
“Nice tight pussy,” Geoff gasped. “I like an assistant who’s willing to offer up her cunt!”
There was a feral growl from deep inside the wife’s throat. She was cumming, Jeanette could tell she was cumming. Cumming with Jeanette’s tongue on her clit as her husband banged Jeanette’s pussy.
She felt Geoff suddenly withdraw. Looking back between her legs she saw him wiping his cock over his wife’s cheek. The wife was gasping behind the ball gag as Jeanette thought how coated that cock must be with her own juices. Somehow the thought turned her on. “I want more of that cock!” she gasped, not quite realising she was saying it.
The wife was whimpering deep down as Geoff continued to wipe his slimy cock across her face. Whatever this was, Jeanette was thinking that she’d never known sex quite like this; had never felt so unable to resist whatever it was Geoff wanted next. Her arse stung some more as Geoff slapped her again, and now she felt she couldn’t wait. “Fuck me some more!” she breathed.
She was completely unprepared when Geoff grabbed her and pulled her off the bed, stepping down on the floor himself in one seamless move. He pulled her, pushed her, shoved her back up against the wall, grabbing hold of her tits and squeezing as he sneered, “Spread your fucking legs!”
Jeanette did as she was told. She would have done anything by now. Geoff stepped forward and pushed his cock into her standing. His hands went to her arse, holding her, squeezing her as he leaned in. Her lips parted to admit his tongue. He breathed heavily into his mouth as his big cock pushed up her, stretching her pussy even more. Jeanette growled at the back of her throat as the wife did the same. When she’d imagined sex with her boss it had been a quickie in the office, not this prolonged bout of wanton lasciviousness. Her hands went to Geoff’s buttocks, the two of them standing there, rutting, both spurring the other on.
A glance to the right told Jeanette that the wife was moving continuously, as much as she could. She was moving as if she herself was being fucked, Jeanette thought, panting at the back of her throat as if she was the one being fucked by her husband’s monster cock. All it needed now in this strange scenario was for the wife to spontaneously combust and cum again.
Thoughts of cumming made her own pussy contract. She felt it, a violent spasm. If Geoff kept on fucking her it definitely wouldn’t be long. The wall was hard against the back of her head where Geoff was forcing her back, his mouth glued to hers, his tongue probing her as he thrust and thrust his big dick into her pussy. The juice was oozing out of her, she could feel a trickle down the inside of one thigh. How much more could her pussy take of this enormous cock? It felt like it couldn’t take much more, but wanted so much more. Her pussy was growing ever tighter, making Geoff’s cock feel ever bigger. Shit! Any minute now and she’d explode!
At the last moment she twisted her head to one side. “Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhrrrrrggggghhhhh!” she cried. Then her voice went up several octaves, coming out as a high pitched squeal. If Geoff hadn’t had hold of her buttocks, she would have collapsed on the floor, her legs turning to jelly, her knees buckling. He practically held her there, shoved up against the wall as her body shook and she tightened round her boss’s fucking monster.
To her right the wife was going mad, her arms straining, legs kicking as one held together by the spreader bar, her body heaving as she groaned heavily behind the gag. Was she really in on this, or was something else going on? And what did that say about Jeanette? Geoff’s eyes were flitting from one woman to the other as he leered. Jeanette felt her body leave the floor. Geoff was lifting her, carrying her the short distance to the bed. He dumped her there so that Jeanette’s body fell part way across the wife.
Geoff was up on the bed too, wiping his bulging cock head over his wife’s cheek. Then he grabbed Jeanette and yanked her, so that her cheek came to rest on the wife’s corset-clad bosom. Moving into position himself, he snarled, “Get to it, Babe! Get your lips wrapped round my cock!”
Still reeling from her climax, Jeanette managed to reach out a hand and grab the cock, which was so thick her fingers didn’t quite meet. She wanked it a little, then opened her mouth to insert the thick meat, now tasting of her own delicious orgasm. “Oh Babe!” Geoff gasped. “That really needs to go on your cv!”
There was no way that needed to go on her cv, Jeanette thought. Was it true that Geoff wouldn’t remember anything? What if he did; what if he’d expect her to assist him in every way in the future?
It was too late to think about that. All Jeanette could do was suck and wank the massive hunk of meat. Geoff was gasping again, “Want some spunk, do you?” he said. “Want some lovely, creamy spunk?”
Jeanette slid her lips off the cock. There was only one thing to say. “Yes,” she breathed. “I want some lovely, creamy spunk.” Beneath her the wife gargled something at the back of her throat. It sounded suspiciously like, “Yes, I want some lovely, creamy spunk.”
“Well then, get back down on that cock,” Geoff ordered. Jeanette opened her mouth wide, sliding her lips back down over the thick member, as far as she could while still wanking the rock hard cock. “Suck the spunk right out of me like a good little assistant.” Jeanette moved her lips, a little faster. She could tell it wouldn’t be long now. “But I don’t want you swallowing. I want you to keep it in your mouth. Get it?”
“Uh-huh!” Jeanette gurgled, though she didn’t quite understand. Beneath her the wife was making excited sounds.
Vaguely Jeanette realised that something was up, something she didn’t quite get. “Love that cock!” Geoff urged. “Show how hungry you are for it!”
Jeanette took as much of it as she could in her mouth, wriggling her tongue underneath. An involuntary slurp emerged from her, and as it did so the wife gave a new loud moan, torso heaving. Something was triggered in Jeanette. She sucked on, making sure to slurp loudly. Beneath her the wife moaned even louder. “Oh yeah, Babe!” Geoff said. “Feast on that big cock! Suck it good! Suck all the hot, creamy spunk out of my cock!”
From the noises she was making, Jeanette assumed the wife was turned on by this, though she couldn’t think why. She slurped on, her lips moving against the shaft, her tongue wiggling. Geoff kept up the talk, as if willing himself to cum, “Yeah, that’s it, Babe! You really know how to suck cock! Give me head! Feast on my cock! Suck the cum right out of my big hard cock! Show me how hungry you are!”
Filthier and filthier, Jeanette thought, as she slurped some more. The wife was going into overdrive at the back of her throat, tearing at the restraints. And suddenly Geoff was shouting out loud, “Aaaaahhhh! Yeah! Take my cum! Fucking take my spunk! Take it! Take it!”
Jeanette tried her best to do as he’d said, but there was way too much of the stuff. Not only was Geoff’s cock massive, so was his ejaculation. Not swallowing was not an issue, but keeping the stuff in her mouth was. She tried her best, but she could feel herself drooling huge wads of spunk onto the wife’s purple corset. The wife who was moaning something chronic while Geoff continued to shout, “Yeah, babe! Take it! Take my spunk!”
The wife’s voice changed. Glancing to one side, Jeanette saw that Geoff had pulled the ball gag from her mouth so that it rested on her chin. “Aaaaaaah!” the wife exclaimed, mouth wide open as if she was at the dentist.
Geoff was pulling his cock from Jeanette’s mouth. As he did so, he said, “Spit it out! Come on, spit it out!” He was pointing at his wife’s mouth as he spoke.
Jeanette had never experienced anything remotely like this, but she wasn’t going to complain, not at this point. She leaned forward and let the cum slide out of her mouth, straight into the wife’s. To be sure, not all of it hit the target, but looking at Geoff she saw that he was pleased enough. Jeanette watched as the wife swallowed, almost shocked when Geoff suddenly gave her breast a light slap and said, “Right, you’d best get yourself cleaned up then.”
Was that it? Jeanette thought. It was very abrupt, but she gathered her clothes and made her way back along the hall. The strange leather-clad woman was waiting for her in the bathroom.
“What the fuck just happened there?” Jeanette asked her.
“I wouldn’t bother about that right now,” the woman said. “There’ll be plenty of time to talk in the car.”
“In the car?”
“Yes. I’m driving you home.”
There seemed little point in arguing. Jeanette showered swiftly, scrubbing all of the sweat from her body. Her mouth was still full of the taste of cock and cum, but somehow that didn’t bother her at all. When she was done, the strange woman led her back through the house. Jeanette paused outside the bedroom door, surprised to see that it was empty and the bed immaculately made, as if nothing had happened there.
“Where’s Geoff?” she asked. “Where’s… his wife?”
“Having dinner,” the woman replied.
Jeanette didn’t understand how they could be having dinner so soon after… all that had gone on, but somehow there didn’t seem to be any point in asking. Instead she followed the woman out of the house, seeing neither hide nor hair of her boss or his wife.
Outside there stood a car, its colour matching the woman’s leather outfit. Jeanette got in without any prompting, but as soon as they’d pulled out of Geoff’s drive she said, “Now are you going to tell me what just happened?”
The woman just smiled. “You experienced what you wanted to experience,” she said.
“But how? Was it even real, or…?”
“Oh it was real alright,” the woman said.
Jeanette sank down in her seat. Shit, if it was real that could lead to all sorts of complications. She’d always known it was a mad move to shag the boss. Why had she let herself in for this?
“Don’t worry,” the woman said. “There’ll be no comeback.”
Jeanette frowned. “How do you do that?” she said.
“Do what?”
“It’s as if you know what I’m thinking.”
The woman didn’t answer that. Instead she said. “To clarify. Everything that happened was real, and you will remember it. Geoff and his wife will not.”
Jeanette shook her head. She couldn’t believe any of this. “How the fuck does that work?” she asked.
The woman didn’t answer immediately, concentrating on negotiating a roundabout. Then she said, “To tell you the truth, the system’s still quite new and there are a few teething troubles. Nothing to worry about. Your boss may ogle you a little more than before, and his wife may carry some lingering sense around with her of something having happened, but neither will actually remember anything.”
This was too much for Jeanette to take in or understand. She sat silent until she came to think of the question she needed to ask. “You said nothing would happen that wasn’t in my subconscious?”
“Mmm-hmmm,” the woman replied. “But that’s for you to work out. To tell you would be cheating.”
By now they were almost home. As they pulled up outside the block of flats, the woman said, “There’s one last thing.”
“What’s that?”
“I need to come upstairs with you and fetch the figurine.”
Upstairs, Natalie came out to greet Jeanette when she heard the door. She stopped dead when she saw the woman in black standing there too. “Hello again, Natalie,” the woman said.
“Hello,” Natalie said, her eyes turning to her sister. Jeanette could see she had questions, knowing perfectly that something had just happened.
“If you’d fetch the figurine, Jeanette?” the woman said. And as Jeanette made off, to Natalie, “I’m not answering any questions.”
Natalie shrugged. “I guess I’ll have to ask Jeanette,” she said.
“And did you tell Jeanette exactly what went on?”
Natalie blushed. “No,” she said.
“Well there you are,” the woman said, turning as Jeanette returned with the figurine, and saying, “Now, I want you kiss the figurine and decide who is next in line to have their secret desires fulfilled.” Jeanette felt she had hardly even started thinking when the woman said, “Interesting! Your boss’ wife. You really do have issues to work on, Jeanette.”
And with that she took the figurine and left.