Considering possible answers to the questions her mind asked led Artsy down a strange path. She came to understand that the answers didn’t lie with Dan, or even within herself, but with Dan’s wife Laura. Once she reached that level of clarity Artsy relaxed her worries. She and Laura had always been able to talk honestly about the way they both felt about a man they both loved. Laura would be the starting point. They would work something out between them and then let Dan know what his role could become.
> > > – –
From the moment Mrs. Patron heard LeeAnne’s facetious question to the lawyer she knew it was time for action concerning the young woman’s marriage. The need was past suggestion and concern; action was absolutely required. The lawyer who set up the trust that would turn her home into a museum dealt with corporate matters. He simply laughed at LeeAnne’s inquiry about divorce as well he should at what seemed a joke. Likewise Mrs. Patron’s personal lawyer was not a divorce specialist. He would be the perfect starting point though. An appointment for the following week, Mrs. Patron only, seemed in order.
The problem, her lawyer immediately outlined some pitfalls as soon as Mrs. Patron explained what she needed, would be North Carolina law. Divorcing a husband was a simple matter, but North Carolina was one of the few states that allowed the husband to take action against an outside party who interfered with an ongoing successful marriage. Both Dan and especially Mrs. Patron had economic interests that would be a tempting target if husband employed a shyster lawyer to fight the divorce.
“What is the solution? I want to do whatever I can to expedite her divorce and make things as painless for her as possible. Any pain that may come to LeeAnne’s husband is not at all my concern. Who is the best lawyer who can get me what I want, what I must have?”
“MacDaniel, that’s who you need; Lester MacDaniel is as nasty a divorce lawyer as anyone in North Carolina. I’ll call and explain things to him. Now don’t you worry; Lester MacDaniel will take care of things for you and the young lady.”
LeeAnne now took up permanent residence in the suite of rooms Mrs. Patron first called her temporary quarters as needed. She gradually moved her remaining clothes, art work, supplies and other worldly possessions to the older woman’s home. After the nasty confrontation with husband about her relationship with Dan and Mrs. Patron she finally admitted inside that her marriage was effectively over. She was not, however, aware that Mrs. Patron had been acting in her behalf to speed up the legal process.
“LeeAnne my dear, I am afraid I must ask you to forgive this old lady for meddling in your personal affairs.”
The request for apology took place after dinner one evening three weeks after Mrs. Patron first discussed LeeAnne’s divorce with her personal lawyer. Three weeks in which LeeAnne had remained totally in the dark. The time for shedding light was nigh.
“What sort of forgiveness for what sort of meddling might be required?”
“You marriage, my dear, more specifically I have been meddling in your pending divorce. I have in fact engaged a lawyer to ensure there is no delay or entanglement about dissolving your marriage and no outside consequences as well.”
While LeeAnne accepted in principle that her marriage was dead she had not come to the final decision to take action. “You have hired a lawyer? Hired a lawyer to process my divorce? That is a little too much; I know it has to happen but I am not sure . . .” LeeAnne let speech taper off. She simply didn’t know what more to say.
“Yes I am afraid I have truly meddled in your life; I thought it best, essential to get started if you will, to get you out in front of any difficulty. You have had the best divorce lawyer in North Carolina working on your behalf for the past three weeks. It is time for you to meet with him. You have an appointment with him Friday at ten.”
LeeAnne just sat and stared at her older friend; she finished the after dinner brandy in her snifter as she considered the news confronting her. Should she object, refuse, accept; should she go to the appointment? These were the type of questions she really liked to talk through with Dan but he was out of town on a business trip to Ohio. LeeAnne looked at her empty glass.
“I think I am going to pour some more brandy into this empty snifter. Do you need anything?”
With snifter now dark brown LeeAnne took seat next to the end table holding the telephone and dialed a number from memory and listened until the ringing in the headset was interrupted.
“Laura – Artsy; how are you tonight? More importantly where are you?”
“Oh good, I know Dan’s on travel and I thought you might be too. I’m glad you’re here. I need to talk to you.”
“Can you come over here Friday night?” Artsy chuckled, “Here is Mrs. Patron’s home. That is where I am living now.”
“Of course I’ll give you a hint Laura. What I want to talk about is marriage, well marriages plural. I think you understand.”
“Yes, I think you’ve made a good guess; my marriage mainly, what’s left of it, but your marriage as well.”
“I hadn’t thought of that aspect but where you are heading may mean you will be the best marriage counselor I could possibly talk with.” LeeAnne looked toward Mrs. Patron and mouthed dinner? The woman nodded agreement.
“Laura, plan to come for dinner, say 7:30. Bring Dan along if he is back from his trip. He can entertain Mrs. Patron while you and I talk or maybe the other way around.”
Finished with her call with Laura, LeeAnne turned her attention back to Mrs. Patron. “I’m not sure what my reaction to you should be but I am going to trust your judgment. What time is that meeting Friday?”
When LeeAnne returned to her new home early Friday afternoon her first gesture was to wrap the older woman in her arms and kiss her cheek and then her lips. “Thank you so much. I am relieved. Everything is going to work out; he assured me of that much. Let’s go somewhere for lunch and I will tell all.”
> > > – –
Marriage is what’s troubling Artsy. Hers is just about kaput from what Dan has told me. She wants to talk about hers but she wants to talk about Dan and me too. Not just Dan and I as married couple but Dan and I and Greg and I too – my almost two marriages. She is going to need someone and that someone is Dan. If I can have two husbands and juggle that set of relationships can Dan handle loving and caring for two women. Yes, yes he can. He still loves her as much as she still loves him. He has carried it through the years in his back pocket as I did with Greg but in the last year his feelings for Artsy have come out in the open more and more. Dan’s feelings for Artsy haven’t bothered what Dan and I have together. If there is anyone I trust to be with Dan it is Artsy. She loves him and she respects us.
After Artsy disconnected Laura spent a good thirty minutes considering the ramifications of their conversation. There was never a doubt in her mind that she would do what she could to help the woman. Laura turned her mind back to a conversation years ago when she had virtually abandoned her husband for seven months so she could have a trial marriage with Greg. Artsy initiated that meeting too. She told Laura that as far as she was concerned Laura’s marriage to Dan was on hold, even over, and Dan would be hers until Laura got her head together and returned from being with Greg.
I gave my blessing then; I will give my blessing now. I trust her but can Artsy let go enough for Dan’s needs? Can Dan let go enough to give Artsy all that she needs? I’ll deal with Dan; I need help convincing her to give in to her desire . Laura reached for her phone.
“Hey Bitch, I need you.”
“No, no, not for that – well maybe, I might – we’ll see – It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Our friend Artsy needs some sister support. She called me for it, but I think both of us will work better.”
“Yes, it’s about her marriage, but I think it is also about her relationship with Dan.”
“Okay great, come over to my place Friday about five or so. We’ll have a glass of wine and I will fill you in.”
“Good, see you then. Love you Bitch. I need to give you my body soon and tell you where I am in my life.”
> > > – –
“Young Lady, it is always a pleasure when you visit but you are unexpected tonight. LeeAnne told me she invited Laura to dinner and conversation but she didn’t mention you.”
“I think I am a surprise to Artsy, excuse me to LeeAnne as well. Laura thought I might be able to add support to her conversation with LeeAnne and asked me to assist. I hope I am not unwelcome.”
“You are never unwelcome in my home Young Lady, even when you wear tattered blue jeans as formal wear you are always a welcome guest.”
As the four ladies settled and greeted each other Dan was at the sidebar making, pouring and getting ready to serve a pitcher of manhattans as before dinner drink. As he handed over the first three glasses he kissed the left cheek of each lady. LF he served last without kiss considering her normal anti-feminine preference of behavior.
“No kiss Dan? I would accept without objection tonight.”
LF turned her head and tilted to present her left cheek as the other women had done. Dan kissed her lightly and was pulling away when he felt her soft tug and an equally delicate kiss she placed on his lips.
“I’m wearing a skirt and blouse Baby; tonight you can consider me a girl too.”
Initially Dan smiled and then let his smile grow to a soft chuckle. He considered what he knew was LF’s deliberate use of the Baby endearment Laura and he always used with each other. Dan’s smile turned in to a belly shaking guffaw.
“I reserve Baby for Laura but how about if I use Honey for you as I do Artsy and you two can sort it out or both respond and I will have a Honey on each arm?”
“Oh Dan, you’re drippy enough as it is. Let’s just stick with what has worked for us all these years.”
This time everyone laughed heartily, even Mrs. Patron. Dan nodded, picked up his own manhattan glass, sat in the designated man of the house chair and proposed a toast to four beautiful women.
“LeeAnne, my dear, I think you should at least tell the highlights of what you told me at lunch; tell what your lawyer said. I think your discussions with Laura and with LF,” Mrs. Patron stopped for a moment and nodded at the young artist acknowledging that she used the nickname the artist preferred in lieu of her mother given name, “Will go better, quicker and more productive, if they have the proper background.”
Artsy downed the remnants of her manhattan and let her hand point the empty glass toward Dan. He took it to refill. “Yes, I am sure you are correct. Laura I do want to talk to you alone, LF you’re okay too, about my marriage and my future, not Dan yet.” Dan returned with her drink as Artsy referenced him. He picked up on her ‘not Dan yet’ but didn’t know what to make of her statement.
“Would you rather I leave?”
“No Dan, please don’t leave, not now; I do need you, I’ve needed you for a long time. Just Laura and I and LF will be for later. I don’t want to hide, Honey, but girl talk is what I need tonight.”
Artsy faced all of the others, “The lawyer, oh yes the lawyer, he is a trip, a television character in the flesh. I didn’t know I had a lawyer working on my divorce. Someone was meddling in little LeeAnne’s affairs. He has been on the job for three weeks.”
Artsy gave a knowing glance toward Mrs. Patron concerning the meddling charge but Mrs. Patron retained a stoic look while Artsy grinned and then continued. “His name is Lester MacDaniel. He must be pushing sixty and a bit overweight. What he told me was this; my divorce proceedings, the dealings with my husband and his lawyer, will be equal parts of bribery, bluster, threats and finally the law. As close as I could tell MacDaniel thinks the law part is the least important.”
Artsy waited while the others had a chuckle over her opening summary. “I am actually third string in my own divorce. MacDaniel says the first objective is to shield Mrs. Patron from any harmful lawsuits and second is Dan. My divorce proceedings will be straightforward, no fault; incompatibility if you will, with an even split of what little we jointly have.”
Laura was compelled to pipe in after Dan’s name came up, “Why my Dan?”
“You know my husband has hated Dan from before we were married. I confess his hatred was important, I am ashamed to admit this Honey but it is true, as a way to break my feelings of love for your husband, Laura.”
Artsy rose, went to Dan, leaned down to hold and kiss with passion. Her lips quivered against Dan’s, her tongue thrust into his mouth and her tears ran from her cheek to his but she was totally unconcerned about her display of emotion. That Dan’s wife was part of tonight’s audience mattered none. Dan held the woman as close as possible giving love and comfort as he returned her kisses with the same emotion. Artsy returned to her chair and her drink.
“He hates Dan. He is convinced Dan and I have been having sex at least weekly ever since he and I married. Furthermore he is sure it is Dan that has been chasing after my skirt. Laura, LF, for the record Dan and I have not had any sexual contact at all since you returned from that extended stay with Greg. We have kissed and held each other. Lately we have kissed with deep and abiding passion and feeling.”
“Those kisses are some of what I want to talk to you about later, but I have not and will not have sex with your husband, not without your enthusiastic approval Laura. No matter what my husband thinks, no matter how hard and how long he looks he will not find me shacked up with Dan. It won’t happen and I am pretty sure Dan agrees.”
This time Dan rose from his chair and went to Artsy. He was the one to initiate the affection and caresses. He held her hand close to his heart as he looked to Laura, “You know she is telling the truth, don’t you?”
Dinner was delicious. Mrs. Patron’s maid, who doubled as cook for meals such as tonight’s, baked a pork tenderloin with an apple juice and applejack glaze; steamed vegetables and wild rice completed the menu. Conversation around the dinner table avoided one subject, Artsy’s divorce, completely. LF talked about a series of new paintings she had underway. With this series the first showing would be at the San Francisco gallery that now represented her work on the left coast. Artsy gave a brief run down on the progress they were having turning Mrs. Patron’s home into a nationally recognized gallery-museum.
Mrs. Patron added her thoughts on one aspect of their new project. “LF, I want the grand opening to be memorable, really noteworthy. I think it would be most appropriate for some of your work to be featured prominently. That goes for you too, LeeAnne; I don’t want you so wrapped up in business details that you have no time for creativity. I do think your married life has taken too much of your talent away as it is. I will not allow our business to take the rest.”
Laura added her opinion, “I wish I was creative like these two young women; they are so talented they make me feel inferior. All I have ever been able to do is model.”
“I think you pose well Baby, especially when you leave your clothes behind.”
Dan’s rejoinder to Laura closed out dinner conversation and led the group back to the den for après dinner brandy. Once again Dan served as bartender and waiter. Once again all the women received their snifter with a kiss on the cheek. Dan decided to sit next to Artsy so he could give support through closeness during this part of their emotional evening together. He looked to Mrs. Patron and to Laura for understanding and both nodded agreement.
The dinner table conversation petered out. All five sat quiet just digesting every aspect of their meal and enjoying the superb brandy. Dan held Artsy close tucked into his side with his arm around her as emotional protection. Laura and LF sat on another divan. Laura pulled LF close and they held hands and shared a few light kisses. Mrs. Patron sat in her chair as overseer. The big stuffed chair that had been Mrs. Patron’s husband’s favorite remained empty. These days the only person allowed to use that one particular chair was her Daniel but tonight her Daniel was with LeeAnne. She smiled approval.
As all of the snifters began to empty Laura let her Board of Directors personality take over. She pulled LF close into a tight embrace and gave a passionate kiss to the young artist. “It’s time we see to Artsy’s needs.” To Mrs. Patron, “A few requests if I may ma’am, first I hope you will make sure that our Daniel will not feel neglected tonight, and second may we three use the guest room I use when I spend the evening here with you?”
Artsy broke away from Dan when she heard Laura’s request, “I thought we would use my room.”
“I think Laura has an excellent thought; of course you may use that room. It is the one Friend always used when she and I did not sleep together. If you three are in her room tonight it will bring her memory back to life at least momentarily. Daniel, you best be prepared; I will be especially excited tonight in our bedroom knowing there is love in Friend’s bedroom too. I will expect the same from you.”
LF had a request as well, “Mrs. Patron, may we take the candlesticks Rupert gave you with us tonight? The last time we three girls played in your home they added a special sort of brightness.”
“I will get them for you.”
> > > – –
Three women sat cross legged on the big bed. All were nude. Artsy wanted to lead their conversation but couldn’t find the words within to get started. Laura took over.
“LF, sit with her; hold our friend close and let Artsy know she is loved.”
Laura reached right hand and took the left of the confused younger woman. They had spoken in past times of their love for the same man. They had talked to each other about the difficulties living with that love for one man entailed. Artsy loved Laura’s husband.
“First things first about marriage and divorce, LF has never been married; she may never marry and that will be her choice if so. I am married to one man who has never divorced me although god knows I gave my Baby every justification for kicking my ass out the door. You know that to be true, both of you but you in particular Artsy.”
Laura squeezed the hand she held and kissed Artsy’s lips with soft delicacy. She held her left hand out fingers spread.
“I know you love Dan as I do, probably just as much in your way as I love him in my way. I also lived the same denial that you are just getting over Artsy. You and I have both lived six years holding the love we felt for another man hidden deep inside ourselves.”
“One of these rings I am wearing tonight sat in that box you gave to Dan all those years ago. I am able to wear it now because Dan gave me permission to admit openly what I had held inside those six years.”
After a quick pause, “That approval Dan gave was not made lightly with little thought or concern.”
Laura gestured come to Artsy and the two women kissed again, this time with more fervor. Laura drove her tongue well past Artsy’s lips and set it to motion inside the woman.
“LF, please make love to our friend and give her an orgasm. I think it will help her relax.”
LF knew how to use sex to attack and stimulate. When she and Laura made love one or the other was always aggressor and their love making always furious, never tender. LF also understood well the most tender and delicate ways one woman could excite another woman to out of control pleasure. She began with the most delicate kisses all around Artsy’s neck as her palms each sought a breast to tease. Next teeth lightly nibbled south along the curve of spine as fingertips played tattoo down Artsy’s torso. Without knowing how she reached the position LF choose, Artsy found herself flat on back in sixty-nine position feasting on LFs pussy as her own was covered inside and out with the most delicate soft kisses, licks and tongue tip swirls. Within a minute’s time Artsy screamed her passion calling for more. Laura eased her body alongside and added her own kisses to the fire. Three women held close and let their collective breathing find a way back to normal.
Laura returned to her cross legged sitting position about ready to lead their discussion again. LF backed away and the three women returned to their sitting triangle once again. LF jumped to the front of the line. “I’m using the candlesticks for your next orgasms. I am going to fuck both of you at the same time until you beg for mercy. You won’t get it but I’ll make you beg, understand girls?”
“Oh god, oh yes, I’ll beg Bitch if you promise to keep going. Let me talk to our sister a little more and then one or both of you can do me.”
“Please understand well what I am about to tell you Girlfriend. I spend almost a third of my time on the west coast at Business Lady; you know that. When I am there I am Greg’s fiancée. That is how I introduce myself; that is how we act; that is what we are. Greg and I, we are a loving couple. I do not let my love for Greg take away from my love for Dan. I have grown up in that respect. Dan loves you as much as you love Dan. His love for you is still hidden away as mine was, as yours has been.”
Again Laura covered Artsy’s face with light feathery kisses. She framed the woman’s face with open hands and spread fingers. Kisses moved lower to Artsy’s throat and then her breasts. Laura paused and reached for one of the phallus candle holders.
“Neither of my Babies is as well endowed as this, but both are large and exceptionally talented lovers. I want you and Dan to become active lovers when I am in San Francisco. I want you to sleep in my bed with my husband. I want my husband to sleep in your bed with you. If Dan decides to place a ring on your finger I want you to wear it with love and especially with the pride you both deserve. I will tell him the same thing before I leave for San Francisco again.”
Laura used the glass cock to poke Artsy’s nipples and then gave it to LF. She leaned back on the bed and spread her legs. “I want to be the next to scream. Do me; both of you, do anything you want to me.”
When Laura finally did scream for the first time the sound was smothered by Artsy’s tongue probing kiss. LF was at her waist jamming pussy with imaginative gift Interior Decorator gave Mrs. Patron. Laura’s clitoris served as nibble target for LFs teeth; her legs flapped up – down – sideways and eventually kicking the back of the woman who just would not stop stimulating her body. She screamed again and again with each orgasmic climax. Finally she was able to garner strength to push LF away. When she could speak again Laura’s message to LF was simple, “You’re next!”
> > > – –
Before she left her Baby the next time Laura made absolutely sure Dan understood her position. “You both love one another and you deserve what you can get with each other. If you can live that love in the time you have while I am gone you will help me live my other love. Please Dan Baby, please do this for me if you can’t see to do it only for you and Artsy yet. You will get there I am sure.”
“I need you to live your love with Artsy as much for me and Greg as for you and Artsy. All four of us need this special loving we have deep inside. While I am in San Francisco try your best to express that love. I want Artsy in this bed and I want you in hers. That was the message I gave her that girls night in Mrs. Patron’s home.”
Laura took one more step that she was sure would bring tears of joy to the other woman who loved her Baby. Laura handed Dan one of her business cards with an address on the back. “Would you get away early today and meet me here at four-thirty?” She got an ‘I’ll try Baby’ response. Laura knew how to deal with I’ll try. She called Secretary and they did some catch up chat for a few minutes. “I gave Dan my card with an address written on the back. It’s a special jewelry store. The man has made custom pieces for me for years. Dan must be there at four-thirty today. Can I count on you?” The secretarial network was a very tight-knit sorority. Dan would be where Laura needed him when she needed him.
Laura handled the introduction of Dan as her husband. Jeweler was confused because he had only seen her with Greg years ago, but he recovered quickly. He remembered the request Laura made earlier about a way to merge the two engagement rings she wore. One had been given by this man who was her true husband.
“Dan will need an engagement ring for a lady, a size seven and a half.” Laura looked at her husband, “I am a good scout, prepared; I asked her what size.” “Dan will tell you what he wants in the ring. Give him whatever he asks for. I will pay for it.”
“No Laura, I won’t allow that; I can’t allow you to pay.”
Laura spoke to both men forcefully. “I am paying for them, any amount up to twenty-five thousand for this ring and the next ones we will talk about.”
Dan didn’t so much agree with his wife as give up arguing. He and the jeweler huddled in discussion. Finally Dan decided he should put the time and effort that she deserved into what he really wanted to give to his other love. He gave his thoughts and decision to Jeweler and found the man agreed with him completely. Dan left with the jeweler’s card and phone number. He tried to convince the man that they could work a subterfuge on Laura as far as paying but Jeweler would have no part in shenanigans.
> > > – –
“Of course you can come Daniel, Laura told me she would be gone two full weeks this trip. She very specifically asked us to look out for you. This is your home as much as it is mine Daniel; you never have to ask; you are always welcome here. I know you have learned that much by now.”
Following a very informal dinner Mrs. Patron, her Daniel and LeeAnne adjourned to the den for their usual after dinner drinks. As his assigned head of household role Dan poured the brandy and served. After giving the two ladies their snifter Dan got his from the sideboard and started for his normal chair.
“Daniel, I am going to let my husband’s memory have his chair tonight. Please sit with LeeAnne on the loveseat, just for tonight dear.”
In spite of the explicit approval given by Laura, her active encouragement even, Dan still felt uncomfortable putting himself in a situation that would appear to be a seduction of this married woman he deeply cared for, truly loved. He sensed Artsy had some of the same reservations. Laura told him she gave Artsy the same message she gave to Dan. Laura wanted them together while she was in San Francisco.
“May I join you honey?”
Artsy slid left to make room for Dan on the narrow love seat. As he settled in she leaned into his side and somehow maneuvered her Honey’s arm to a protective embrace around her shoulders. Her comment spoken soft was like a cat’s purr.
“You feel good – we feel good together Honey – let’s just be close tonight and let things flow.”
Artsy’s simple cuddling gesture meant far more than his wife’s verbal approval, her request. Dan yielded to desire within. He bestowed a soft kiss to hair above his Honey’s ear, worked kiss down and forward to cheek, and finally reaching lips kissed soft and gentle. As cat’s show pleasure Artsy purred one more time.
Mrs. Patron sat in her chair smiling at her two friends, protégées. She knew her orchestration was the wand that overwhelmed any concerns both had about the correctness of their unusual situation. Yes, her Daniel was married to Laura and would remain so. Yes, her LeeAnne was still married to husband but not much longer. She knew that both deserved what time they could muster together to nourish their love. Mrs. Patron accepted she would have more and more nights alone in her bed as the price she paid being matchmaker.
One more vital step remained. She would have to continue her matchmaker role and ensure her Daniel took LeeAnne to her bed tonight. Mrs. Patron would allow no confusion at the last minute.
“Daniel, could you pour us each one more snifter that we can enjoy together before you take LeeAnne to bed?” Her Daniel well understood two messages.
In the bedroom Dan took the lead finally; he began undressing Artsy starting with her blouse and finishing on his knees removing her shoes and finally panties. He allowed Artsy to take his hands in hers and guide him to upright. Next she repeated the undressing beginning with shirt and also finishing on her knees. Artsy gave a soft and fleeting kiss to the tip of Dan’s cock just before he helped her rise.
“Do you remember that first night we slept together Artsy? You were Augusta Savage and you sculpted my body. I want to sculpt yours tonight.”
“You don’t know the sculptors at all, do you Dan? We will keep it simple tonight but I will gradually teach you. You can be Borglum and I will be your mountain in South Dakota. Make love to me Borglum. Turn my stone to flesh. I want you tonight.”
Before Dan was through sculpting his masterpiece stone came to life and quivered. The mountain shook as if by earthquake. Screams bounced from the ceiling and moans circled the room. Dan continued his touch before and after the three times he spent orgasm inside his love’s sweet pussy cavern. What little sleep lovers enjoyed that night was deep and undisturbed. They held each other close.
Over four nights the couple captured the spirit of the four figures Borglum carved into that South Dakota granite. Artsy knew she had never been so thoroughly stimulated in one week in her life. No experience she could conceive rivaled the pleasure Dan bestowed on her body and soul. If Laura thought her Greg a better lover than Dan, and Artsy had heard the woman say as much, she could not imagine that to be true. As far as Artsy was concerned there could be no better lover than this wonderful, powerful, but most gentle and tender man.
Friday the three relaxed once more in Mrs. Patron’s den following dinner. LeeAnne was quiet and appeared troubled. Both of her friends tried to draw her out but she remained within herself. She finished her snifter first and rather than await the others asked Dan to get up for a refill. Her second did not last much longer. Dan began to get concerned. Finally she rose and led Dan to his usual chair beside the older woman. She kneeled between them and held a hand of each.
“I was a fool. I must be the most stupid woman god has allowed to walk the earth.”
Her friends tried to pull her upright to break the spell of self flagellation. She resisted and remained in her kneeling position. Dan and Mrs. Patron came to her with kisses and hugs.
“I searched for and found; I courted and married a man so absolutely inferior to you Dan. I married a man I knew was not worthy just to try and extinguish the love I always felt for you. I choose to torture myself. I told myself he was all I deserved because I loved another woman’s husband.”
LeeAnne, Artsy, broke down in tears and was unable to go on. Dan went to his knees and wrapped her in arms. When Mrs. Patron attempted to join he waived her off. Dan accepted that comforting this stricken lover tonight was his task alone. He held her, kissed her and cooed in her ear. Finally LeeAnne pushed her Honey away and Dan returned to his chair.
“Will you both accept my apology? Dan, Honey, will you accept the love I give from this day to forever?”
This time when Dan scooped her up Artsy offered no resistance. Dan accepted her request with kisses. He held close and both let the emotion of the moment flow between them.
“Honey, would you pour another round, at least for me, the emotion of the evening has drained me.”
“Mrs. Patron, you give so much to both of us and we have ignored you all week being selfish with our love. Would you like your Daniel tonight? You can have him alone or I will accompany him to your room and simply give support.”
“Oh no my dear do not think you have taken from this old woman and given nothing in return. I have not slept alone this week and I will not sleep alone tonight. I have a smile with me and I know the love you both give to each other comes to me as well.”
“Dear ones, I want you to be together. LeeAnne, you know what you did to yourself then and continuing through those years must be expunged and continuing love is the only detergent.”
“I am teaching Daniel about sculptors and how they touch and feel the stone and turn it to living flesh.”
Artsy went around the den turning off lights. She lit the two small decorative lanterns by the fireplace. She also lit the candles in the two phallic holders. Mrs. Patron’s den felt like a dark warm friendly chamber. Artsy began undressing Dan.
“We will include you with us here in our foreplay. Foreplay may be all we need tonight.”
When Dan was nude he repeated the process with Artsy. When he was finished he held his lady close as they kissed and touched.
“This week Dan has been Gutzon Borglum; tonight I will be Auguste Rodin.”
Artsy eased her Honey into squat kneeling position bent forward approximating Thinker. Her hands concentrated on molding every line in Dan’s face. Fingertips played light taps, nails raked, the length of each hand used strength to press and know the contours. Artsy’s nude body molded to her lover’s back.
Mrs. Patron could see the physical emotion the two were sharing. Her breath deepened with passion as she joined them emotionally. In the dark she found the magnum of Piper-Heidsieck that had been chilled; she poured champagne for three. Dan and Artsy left their love making aside to drink their wine. Mrs. Patron left them in the room’s twilight and retired to bedroom and thoughts of three.
Foreplay complete it was time for two to sex together. Artsy and Dan made love on the floor in the den where she had ravished her Honey’s body in front of Mrs. Patron. Now there were only two. They sprawled exhausted breathing hard and then just holding each other. When they recovered they noticed their mentor had left them. Dan rose and gave his hand to Artsy pulling her into his body in full embrace. They kissed and touched every place on each other’s body they could easily reach and then walked hand in hand to Artsy’s bedroom where they gently made love one more time before sleeping through the night.
> > > – –
Laura cut her trip to Business Lady a day short. A taxi from the airport deposited her at her doorstep at eleven-thirty Friday night. Her house appeared dark and quiet with only a small lamp in the entranceway and another lamp in the living room lit. Laura had a sense Dan was here however and he may well not be alone. Quietly going about business, Laura hung her coat, left briefcase and her small traveling case in the living room and of course her shoes. Barefoot her footfalls made no sound on the steps. As she approached her room she knew that she would discover Dan and Artsy making love. Their sounds of passion reached out and warned her.
The bedroom door was ajar, only partially open. Laura could however see the bed; she could see feminine arms wrapped around her husband’s hips pulling him close, holding him deep inside. Laura almost stopped breathing as to not make a sound. The lovers were not aware of being watched. Laura had no notion of how long she stood by the door. She did get to see the beauty of simultaneous climax. Dan just collapsed exhausted on top; Artsy held him there not letting him roll away to escape.
“You are beautiful, both of you together. I have never seen that before, not quite like that. Thank you for the gift.”
Dan almost twisted his neck off hearing his wife’s voice. He rolled off Artsy who grabbed for the sheet to cover her nudity.
“Don’t, don’t, please – it’s okay. You are beautiful and I love you both for being so free and open and loving and for being able to stand here and watch you. The sheet will spoil the picture.”
Laura entered her bedroom and went first to the woman. She bent over and kissed Artsy on forehead and then cheek and finally a long and ardent kiss on lips. She circled to the other side of the bed and gave Dan an equally sensual homecoming kiss.
“I do love both of you and it pleases me to come home and find you together like this. I will sleep across the hall tonight.” Laura went to her dresser, removed a nightgown from the appropriate drawer, but stopped at the bedroom door on leaving. “Good night. Make love all night if you wish. I will see you in the morning. Baby, don’t you dare come into my bedroom tonight; I want you to be with Artsy all night long.”
> > > – –
Wednesday of the following week Dan asked Mrs. Patron’s maid to prepare a dinner he particularly enjoyed, swordfish steaks baked in a small pool of Chardonnay. Dan presided over dinner from his head of the table position. He very formally seated each of the four women with him. Tonight there was one unused place setting at Dan’s direction and when he poured the wine before dinner he also filled the glass at the unoccupied setting.
“I thought it appropriate to have Friend’s memory with us tonight as we dine. I hope you don’t object. I miss her too.”
In the den following dinner Dan filled champagne flutes rather than brandy snifters. He had caused half a case of Piper-Heidsieck Extra Brut be chilled. Tonight would be a night of lengthy celebration. He served Artsy last and went to his knee in front of the love seat she always favored. Dan offered a toast, “To LeeAnne the woman who has become most important to me as lover and friend once again.” Artsy may have mumbled something but no one else could hear. It didn’t matter. The other three women repeated Dan’s toast.
Dan set his flute on the end table, took ring from velvet covered box and reached for the woman’s left hand. He had requested her left fingers be bare and they were. The third finger awaited the ring Dan held.
“I love you LeeAnne. Please accept this engagement ring as expression of my love. I ask that you wear it tonight and forevermore.”
Artsy looked at the ring and then her jaw dropped and she was open mouthed but silent, overwhelmed. The ring had a huge oval diamond set prominently high in the center flanked by only slightly smaller square diamonds on either side. The ring Jeweler created was one-of-a-kind and absolutely spectacular. LeeAnne waved her left hand as women do in the situation and then went to the other women to show them the ring. Mrs. Patron, LF and Laura each kissed her and made ohhh and ahhh sounds as appropriate. Laura was first to go to her husband and give the man his kisses.
“You are a wonderful man and I love you Baby. Her ring is beautiful and so fitting.”
LF was next with a kiss for Dan. “For a ring like that big guy even a dedicated lesbian like me would offer to screw you at least once in a while, maybe even once a week. You’re a good guy.”
Dan stayed busy opening bottles of Piper and filling champagne flutes most of the evening. When not occupied as bartender Artsy kept him at her side with hugs and kisses. As the festive atmosphere eased Mrs. Patron announced the night’s bed time groupings.
She reached a hand to Laura and to LF, “I have heard each of you speak of the energetic sexual experiences you like to share. Would you consider including an old lady tonight. I am well rested as my normal lover has been quite distracted for the last few weeks. I believe he may have found another playmate.”
Artsy was first in the kitchen the next morning. She made the coffee and finished her first cup before Laura joined her at the table. Gradually the other three straggled to breakfast. LeeAnne served coffee and sweet rolls. She also said a simple grace, “I love you, all of you.”