Give Me My Fucking Kisses!

"Take a deep breath and relax"

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Thank God you’re here! What took so long?

My day’s been shit, it’s all gone wrong!

You said that you’d be right along!

Give me some fucking kisses!


The kids played up, the dog was sick,

I thought the vet would do the trick

And you were late, you stupid prick!

I need some fucking kisses!


Don’t say a word, you’ll only lie,

I never thought you’d be that guy…

Are you seeing someone on the fly?

I want some fucking kisses!


I’m sorry, let me take that back.

I lashed out in a full attack.

(My hormones may be out of whack.)

I could use some fucking kisses?

I don’t think I’ve sat down all day.

The kids kept fighting, wouldn’t play.

I wanted to just run away!

I’d like some fucking kisses…


I feel much better now you’re here.

You think that you could help me, dear?

I’ll even fetch a nice cold beer…

If you’ll give me some fucking kisses


It’s good you’re back and here with me,

I get so stressed sometimes, you see?

I know you probably need to pee…

But first, some fucking kisses!


Babe, I’m so sorry that I’m late,

Had a meeting with that guy I hate.

But you know that I couldn’t wait

To give you some fucking kisses!


The car was clunking, something strange.

Then I got a flat I couldn’t change

And Triple A were out of range!

I wanted to give you kisses…


I’m here now, honey, never fear.

I’ll help you all I can, my dear

And I can wait for that cold beer

First, you need fucking kisses!


Published 11 years ago

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