“Yes, It’s me,” I murmured drowsily, hoping I was dreaming, especially when my half closed eyes registered the time on the alarm clock. Jesus, three thirty in the morning, was he fucking mad? Even though I fervently wanted to return to the land of nod, the urgency in Danny’s voice seemed to cajole me into consciousness.
“Jules, are you there?” His voice was insistent now. “Mikayla Nicosia is dead and all hell has broken loose.” Now I knew I was dreaming. Mikayla Nicosia dead!
‘That’s not possible,’ I thought confusedly. I saw her on a talk show last night. She was her usual good looking self and she’d enchanted the hard nosed interviewer with razor sharp wit, girl next door charm and a very revealing dress.
“Are you serious, Danny?” I croaked, my throat dry and stale, my half-awake brain still protesting. I needed more sleep to function properly and sincerely hoped this was a tasteless prank. If it wasn’t, then a shit storm of trouble was heading my way.
“Of course I’m fucking serious Jules, do you think I’d make something like this up? I’m here now, trying to coordinate the investigation, but it’s a fucking nightmare!” he replied and I could hear the strain in his voice as he tried to keep it together. “This is too big for me, Jules” he admitted honestly. “Can you come? Please?” Like I had choice!
I groaned, and resigned myself to the inevitable. Throwing off the covers and sitting up, I used the light from my telephone and began searching for my clothes still strewn across the room after last night’s wild adventures. I could still hear the insistent droning of Danny’s voice.
“Jules, are you coming here or not?”
“Yes of course,” I replied testily, gathering my trousers and sweater together. “Give me half an hour. Yeah okay. Text me the address when you can… Yes of course my mobile, where the fuck else?” I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. “Oh and young man, when I get there, make sure there’s coffee.”
From the other side of my bed, hubby groaned and asked me what was wrong. When I said duty called, he nodded groggily and turned over. It was jealous eyes that watched him go back to sleep.
When I reached the luxuriant town house in Primrose Hill, the situation was as bad as it could be. Hollywood’s popular leading lady was found lying spread-eagled across the dining room table, wearing stockings and suspenders and very high heels. More importantly her arms were bound to the table legs behind her head by silken ribbons and it was obvious there were no signs of a struggle. Seeing her lying there like that, I wondered if it was consensual.
Now I’m no prude and after twenty or so years on the force I’ve seen a lot worse, but somehow seeing the successful actress lying there, for all intents and purposes asleep, it really hit home and I felt very weary. She had been so full of ‘ Joie de vivre’ on television last night, and now here she was under the scrutiny of complete strangers.
The glamour of Hollywood seemed a long way away as police procedures, with no respect for wealth or status began the long and laborious task of sifting through the intimate and private details that make up our lives. Among the strangers was Janice Bristow, forensics expert, criminal pathologist and lifelong girlfriend.
When we were younger we’d shared not only clothes, shoes and make-up, but digs, boys and occasionally each other whilst studying together and although we’d now strolled different walks of life, the friendship that was forged some twenty odd years ago is still as strong as it was, if not as close as it had been. I walked over and asked her if this was a sexually orientated crime and for an answer she offered me her special goggles.
“Take a look. Whatever happened here… was definitely adults’ only.” She replied giving me a knowing grin. As I put them on, she continued talking.
“Our vic was very sexually active. Vaginal and anal penetration is definite, and preliminary investigations reveals copious semen deposits in all her orifices. At least we’ll get some good DNA profiles,” she announced calmly. Hearing it reported so clinically made everything sound cold and impersonal, but putting on the goggles, revealed a scene that had been completely the opposite.
Although invisible to the naked eye, I had to blink a couple of times, to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. There were bodily fluids everywhere. The chairs and table were liberally covered and I wondered fleetingly how many people had been involved here. Then there was the body of the victim itself. Mikayla Nicosia was covered, especially around her mouth and breasts and with interest I continued to speculate about what had gone on here.
“My God,” I murmured and heard Janice chuckling at my reaction.
“Yeah, looks like some party took place here. Reminds me of the sort of thing we use to do… back in college, you know…” she raised her eyebrows insinuatingly, “a long time ago.” I gave her my best innocent ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ expression… tried keeping a straight face… and failed miserably. The knowing smile and mischievous eyes called my bluff. I wanted to protest but suddenly Daniel Giovanni entered the room.
Junior detective Daniel Giovanni, is a twenty seven year old, third generation Italian. Fifteen years younger than me and my partner for the last three, his grandfather was an Italian soldier who was shipped back to old Blighty for treatment after being injured in the battle for North Africa.
After falling in love with the young nurse who was helping him recover, they got married and his grandfather opened a small restaurant in Hammersmith. After a rocky beginning, things got better as Britain’s prosperity began to grow. When he retired, the old soldiers son carried on the business, helped of course by numerous aunts and uncles plus Danny’s own mother and being congenial hostesses the reputation grew and success followed. Danny told me he probably would have followed in his father’s footsteps had it not been for one incident.
Apparently a couple of crooks barged in one evening, waving guns and knives, and shouting at everyone not to be a hero. They menacingly demanded the evening’s takings and then went round with a bag to collect the customers valuables. Considering it was a Friday evening and the restaurant was full, the rewards were certainly worth the risks and having dispossessed everyone of their precious belongings, the gang decided to high-tail it.
They would have gotten away except for the efforts of a young beat copper. On his evening patrol he spotted the goings on through the window and called for backup. Unfortunately the support took longer to arrive than he anticipated, and with growing indignation he saw the thieves were getting ready to leave. Without a moment’s thought for his own danger he overpowered them single handed as they tried exiting the establishment, and arrested both of them.
He received a hero’s applause from the restaurants clientèle and glowing praise from his superiors when they eventually arrived on the scene. At that time, a sixteen year old Danny had watched the robbery with disgust and immediately sprang to help, when the young police officer. surprised the thieves. When everything was under control, the copper praised Danny for his bravery and caused the young boy’s chest to burst with pride. It was there and then that he decided that he wanted to join the force.
Of course he had to wait a couple of years but eventually he was sent to the police academy in Hendon, where he passed the training courses with flying colours. Once he’d been stationed at Shepherds Bush Rd, he applied all he’d learnt and became a very successful cop. Promotion came quickly and he was transferred to Paddington Green Police Station where we became partners.
I liked him instantly. Danny was everything a woman looks for in a man. Affable, humorous and courteous and all deliciously packaged. From the very first, he flirted with me and even though I rebuffed his advances, he never let up. Despite all this, we were a good team and worked well together. Secretly I enjoyed his attention and although I was his senior partner, married, and old enough to know better, it hadn’t been easy turning him down…
Even if his gene pool had been watered down by mixed marriages, he was attractive, too god damned attractive. His long dark hair, swarthy skin colour and high cheekbones gave him an exotic appearance while his dark brown eyes could melt even the coldest of female hearts. Thin sensual lips, smiling permanently, displayed sparkling white teeth and highlighted the small soul patch decorating his chin. Although it wasn’t to my taste, it did add a touch of arrogance to his features.
If that wasn’t enough, he had a body to die for. How do I know? Easy, when one spends as much time in the gym as he does and one goes football training twice a week, one can’t help gaining a magnificent body like that, and of course the fact I’ve seen him naked.
We were in Glasgow for a conference and the hotel had appointed us adjoining suites. After the first day of lectures, I unthinkingly barged into his room and was presented with a delicious piece of eye candy. Danny, having showered was drying himself but didn’t realise I could see his reflection in the full length mirror, hanging conveniently in the hallway. He was towelling his hair and completely unaware I was avidly watching him.
Water droplets on his rock hard body glistened in the bright lights as his arms moved powerfully over his head and automatically my eyes went south. His manhood was hanging half-mast and even from this distance it looked impressive.
Unable to discern if Danny knew I was there, I made to leave but couldn’t move. As if that wasn’t bad enough, whilst standing there his cock twitched and I swear it started growing. My breath snagged and I was both mortified and amazed. No wonder he was such a hit with the ladies I thought hungrily. I won’t lie, I was tempted, very tempted but common sense prevailed and before he realised I was there, I quickly returned to my room. Except for Janice, I’ve never mentioned this to anybody and even to this day, when I picture him standing there, fully erect and magnificent in all his glory, I still get moist below.
“I’ll pretend I never heard that,” I replied facing Janice but watching Danny quickly approaching us. Her eyes widened in mock surprise and her sensual mouth opened in protest but said nothing. Instead she turned her attention to my junior partner.
“Well, well, well!” She stated. “Look who’s here. God’s, gift to women!” The sarcasm was thick but the furtive glances she threw him betrayed her pleasure at his presence.
“If you want it darling, I can start unpacking it right now,” Danny retorted equally sarcastically but with eyes twinkling. He grabbed his groin and made a very unethical gesture. “I bet you’re just dying to feel a real live one, aren’t you Janice? Much better than all those deadbeats you hang around with.” Her eyes sparkled at his insult and the corners of her mouth rose in amusement whilst her heavy breast heaved rapidly.
“Oh Danny Boy,” she chided, “When rigor mortis sets in, you can’t imagine how much fun a girl can have,” she exclaimed naughtily and caused a shiver to run down both our spines. Danny looked at her disbelievingly and then at me.
“Don’t get me involved, young man,” I said shaking my head. “I’m too tired for this shit, especially at,” and I looked at my watch, “Half past five in the morning.” I stifled a yawn and looked around the room.
“Are you two done, or is there something else you want to say Danny?” I asked blinking the sleep out of my eyes. Despite the earnestness of the situation, he took in my tousled appearance and grabbed his chance.
“Aaaahhh not much sleep, Jules, Oh yeah the first of the month. Did hubby demand his conjugal rights last night?” My expression must have given something away because he threw me a triumphant smile. Luckily he didn’t realise that he was closer to the truth than I dared concede.
“If only he knew, eh.” I sighed speculatively. Janice nodded her head and giggled.
“If only I knew what,” asked Danny belligerently. Janice spoke up.
“Just because we’re old, Danny, don’t let that fool you. Jules and I are in the prime of our lives now and it takes a real man to keep us satisfied”
“Yeah right,” the reply was scornful.
“You know what MILFs are Danny?” I asked innocently. He nodded and raised a inquisitive eyebrow. “Well that’s what Janice and I are. MILFs! Essex MILFs. Basildon born and bred and proud of it! And we all know what Essex girls are like.” He looked at us incredulously, unsure if we were taking the piss out of him.
“Well I don’t know about you two being Essex girls and as for being MILFs,” He gave a theatrical shudder and carried on. “Uuuggghhh.” He waved a hand dismissively, as if closing the conversation but then added as an afterthought. “The MILFs I’ve seen aren’t anything like you two, you’re to staid,” he announced, his eyes shining like bright diamonds.
“I will tell you this though…” he stated, as we waited with an exaggerated expression of expectancy on our faces for his coup de grace.
“Every bit of fluff, including some real skanky MILFs, who’ve been lucky enough to sample my Italian sausage, says it’s the best they’ve ever had and they always want more. Apparently once you’ve tried it, you’ll never need anything else,” he proclaimed modestly.
“Oh Please!” Janice cried out loudly, whilst I just groaned inwardly, watching her return to the dead actress, her head shaking ruefully.
“Now that you’ve made me feel totally nauseous, Danny, have you got anything useful?” His smile vanished.
“Yes Jules,” He was all business now, the consummate professional taking over. “I’ve been questioning the boyfriend. He’s the one who actually found her like this. Flew in from Miami this evening wanting to surprise her… but ended up getting the shock of a lifetime.”
“I bet he did,” I replied sardonically. “But he’s not the only one, wait until the press gets a hold of this,” I muttered angrily. “Does he have any idea what took place here last night?” I asked resignedly, already knowing the answer. He shook his head.
“No, when he arrived at…” he consulted his note book. “At two o’clock, the house was empty and he found her lying there” and he nodded to the table. “Anyway, seeing her lying there, he says he tried to resuscitate her but got no response.” He thumbed his brow and continued. “I asked Janice if she could confirm this and she did. There were definite signs of trauma to the chest area which were undeniably post mortem so we can discount that as cause of death.” Danny shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “So after calming down a little, the boyfriend called 999. They followed procedure and because I was on call, I was the one they reached.” Danny shrugged his shoulders apologetically, obviously feeling responsible for state of affairs.
“Don’t worry Danny, you’ve handled it very well so far. If there’s any shit from above, I’ll cover for you.” He nodded his thanks and visibly cheered. “Have you managed to confirm the boyfriend’s story?” I asked perfunctory. Again I knew the answer but enjoyed his mock painful ‘how can you doubt me,’ expression.
“Well what do you want from me?” I asked stifling a yawn. “When this goes public, and believe me, Danny, it will, then the shit is really gonna hit the fan and we’d better make sure everything is done by the book. No mistakes, no fuck ups. Okay?” He nodded understandingly even though it hurt him to think I doubted his professionalism.
“So, judging by the amount of bodily fluids here,” and I gestured towards the table, “This wasn’t just a cosy dinner for two, more like a royal gala that developed into a God almighty orgy… with Miss Nicosia as the main course.” I looked over at Janice, busily examining the dead woman’s fingernails and sighed in exasperation.
“Danny, take a look round this house. See if you can find anything, anything that will help us clear up this fucking mess.” He nodded obediently and turned on his heels.
As he disappeared, Janice returned looking serious and I raised my head inquisitively. She held her bottom lip between thumb and forefinger, wondering whether she should say what was on her mind. Finally she spoke.
“Listen Jules, what I’m about to say is pure speculation,” she placed her hands on her slim hips and looked thoughtfully back at the table. “But I don’t think I’m far of the mark. Danny found some pill bottles by the booze and called me over. The label said GHB or to use it’s proper name, Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid. It’s known in America as the date rape drug and is easy to obtain, because if one takes just a little bit, then it’s supposed to remove inhibitions and can produce some mind shattering sexual experiences.” she explained.
“But,” she continued, “If one isn’t careful and takes too much, then mixes it with large amounts of alcohol… well all sorts of complications can arise.” She began ticking off her fingers. “Unconsciousness, respiratory depression and possible cardiac arrest are just some of the possibilities.” I swore silently at this information despite knowing that Janice’s speculation was pretty close to the truth.
“Can we rule out or prove foul play through the autopsy” I asked tentatively, hoping for some positive news.” Janice shook her head and shrugged her shoulder apologetically.
“Unless you’ve got an eye witness, who’ll swear she was force fed the pills, then I’m pretty sure this will be written off as a tragic accident.” I nodded dumbly again. It really was too early in the morning for this shit.
If Danny considered Janice and me, respectable pillars of society, then Miss Mikayla Nicosia was on a par with the Maria Magdalena. She was the Teflon star because nothing stuck to her. Despite lurid rumours popping up now and then, mainly when she released a new film she was a clean as a whistle. Even the notorious British paparazzi much to their collective frustration, had failed to find anything lurid enough to knock her off her high pedestal. Of course there were thousands of fake photos circulating on the internet, but no self-respecting newspaper took them seriously, and I wondered speculatively how much I’d get for the photo’s the police photographer was now taking.
Her spotless image was guarded by a vigilant publicity team, and it obviously paid off. She was featured on the cover of countless glossy mags, appeared constantly on talk shows and made millions in advertising deals, and yet, here she was… dressed like some first class whore, legs spread in wanton abandonment and if the evidence was to be believed, she’d been center stage in an erotic adventure which would have done the Marquis de Sade proud.
Discounting the booze and narcotics, my gut instinct said this wasn’t anything new for Miss Nicosia, but of course I couldn’t prove it. Did her so called ‘innocent’ boyfriend know or take part in this deviant behaviour, or was he really as naive as he claimed. ‘Oh the tangled webs,’ I thought bitterly.
The coroner’s boys arrived to collect the body, disturbing my train of thought and everyone moved out of the way to allow them to work unimpeded. Janice and I stood there silently as if paying our last respects, even though my mind kept mulling over the perceived impressions of being famous.
As she was wheeled away, I looked unconsciously at my watch and sighed. Almost three hours had passed since Danny’s unwelcome telephone call and already I felt drained. Could today get any worse I wondered resignedly? Moving to the window to think, I felt Janice following me. I turned to face her.
“With no evidence of extreme physical struggle Jules, this is going to be difficult. Mind you, I’ve collected a lot of samples and maybe something will turn up.” Although her words were hopeful, her tone wasn’t encouraging. She turned and looked at the empty table, her eye regarding the scene bleakly.
“Until we open her up and get a tox report from her blood, I simply can’t say.” She concluded. I nodded understandably and was twisting back towards the window when Danny re-entered the room and approached us.
“What is it Danny?” His smirk broadened into an infectious grin. His high spirits renewed my energy and I couldn’t help feeling uplifted by his enthusiasm. He gave me a knowing wink and spoke.
“Ladies…” he looked around the room and saw nobody else was listening. “I think I’ve found something very interesting, so if you’ll follow me.” I waited for him to explain but irritatingly he said nothing, and made to walk away. Before my irritation got the better of me, one of the remaining forensics team attracted my attention.
“Madam, we’re almost done here,” he looked around, checking to see if he’d forgotten anything. “So we’ll be heading off back to the lab.” I nodded.
“Okay Paul, thanks, and let me know as soon as you discover anything.” He nodded accordingly and smiled a congenial smile. “Oh and Paul, if the commissioner asks, we’ll be along shortly. Danny has found something that could be a lead and we need to check it out.”
The retreating figure waved a dismissive hand, and I turned back to Danny, but fortunately for him, I was standing alone. He and Janice were disappearing up the stairs.
Following my cohorts, I entered a large bedroom and was pleasantly surprised. Pastel shades of cream and peach in contemporary designs filled the room and was complimented by expensive modern furniture. In the center stood one of the largest beds I’d ever seen, and having missed mine for the last few hours I walked towards it and for the sheer hell of it, parked my bum. My colleagues looked on in surprise.
“Hmmm, a water-bed,” I exclaimed as the mattresses moved beneath me. “Now, Danny, what have you got for me that you couldn’t say downstairs?” My young colleague sprang out of his trance and walked to the bedside table. There lay a device that looked at first glance like a tablet.
“This…” and he gestured to the object in his hand, “Is a remote control, but it’s for the whole house. Lights, heating, security system… Everything can be controlled by this,” he paused as if to catch his breath. “But that’s not all; it also controls things only the rich and famous can buy.” I looked on quizzically.
“You know, television, internet, all that sort of shit, he continued, genuinely excited. “ In fact it operates everything,” and suddenly the bed began to move. Danny flashed me a mischievous grin. “See what I mean!” Recovering from this revelation, I looked around the room but couldn’t see anything that looked remotely like a television or computer. Sensing my puzzlement, Danny began operating the tablet.
As I waited, I felt the bed move again and scowled at Danny, but this time it was Janice. She was climbing on to the other side of the bed and her movements caused the undulating motion to begin again. The sensation was relaxing and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. Closing them, I admitted I could get used to this.
My enjoyment of water-beds was disturbed by a soft whirring sound coming from the end of the bed, piquing my curiosity. Snapping my eyes open towards the noise, I noticed the light in the bedroom had dimmed and a humongous television screen had risen out of the bedstead. ‘Now that was impressive’ I conceded grudgingly.
The ambient lighting illuminating the room, gave it a cosy atmosphere but at the same time enhanced the images appearing on the screen. A stunned silence resounded through the dimly lit room, only broken by the intermittent sounds of high pitched moaning. Emitted by state of the art speakers, no one present was in any doubt as to what was happening.
I watched fascinated as Mikayla Nicosia busily engaged in the making of a home movie, looked boldly into the camera and ran her tongue sensually over her lips. And she wasn’t alone. A group of similarly attired, people were with her and by the looks of it, they were all intent on making it an ‘Oscar’ winning film. Even though the footage was uncut and unpolished, it was evident the camera man knew his trade. He missed nothing, including our victim’s obvious enjoyment.
Her eyes followed the camera as it zoomed in on the juicy cunt hovering above her mouth, waiting for a tongue to reach out lick it, until it moved behind the young lady sitting astride her ample bosom to focus on a handsome older man. He stood between Mikayla Nicosia’s widely spread stockinged legs and was pounding her pussy with his large cock.
“When was this filmed?” I demanded over my shoulder, unable to tear my eyes from the hot action. Danny began playing with the tablet and within seconds the time and date appeared on the screen. According to the computer, it was unequivocally filmed yesterday.
Now, under the circumstances there’s no way I would have been caught watching porn with colleagues, but this was a possible murder case and this might be a break. Be that as it may, the raw sex action on screen was definitely turning me on.
Even though I had a bra on, my nipples felt clearly visible through my thin sweater and what had started out as a twinge between my legs had developed into an insatiable itch, forcing me to rub my thighs together in an effort to staunch the flow of leaking juices.
I was so obsessed with not betraying myself to my colleagues, that I subtly twisted my body away from their line of sight hoping not to draw attention to myself. I continued watching the movie avidly and was so engrossed that I almost groaned out loud when Mikayla’s stud pulled out and sprayed a huge load of semen over her flat belly. Suddenly the bed rocked and I was aware of a familiar giggle followed by shushing sounds on the other side of the bed.
Now I’ve admitted that watching this celebrity sex tape was requiring an awful amount of self-discipline on my part and I had assumed my colleagues were doing the same but I was wrong. Boy was I wrong.
Out the corner of my eye I saw Danny standing beside the bed with Janice’s hand inside his trousers. Before I’d diverted my complete attention to the antics in the bedroom, Danny’s huge erection was sticking proudly out of his flies, and Janice’s dainty hand was wrapped around it, enthusiastically masturbating him with long leisurely strokes.
“What the fuck are you two doing?” I demanded, jumping up from the bed and immediately knowing to be the stupidest question I’d asked today. “Don’t answer that,” I ordered promptly, holding up my hand.
“I wasn’t going to, Jules,” Janice replied huskily, “Considering the state of your jumper,” and she nodded in my direction, “I’m not the only one here with sticky knickers. Anyway, Danny here was displaying a bulge like Mount Everest, and I thought, why not!” I looked at her incredulously.
Are you trying to get us fired, you stupid bitch?” I asked, my voice rising in disbelief.
“No,” she replied looking at me studiously, “Of course I’m not trying to get us into trouble, I’m doing my job as I’m supposed to do.” Now I knew she’d gone crazy.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I demanded. “I’m pretty sure your job description doesn’t include wanking my junior officer off, unless I’m very much mistaken.” My temperature was rising and my heartbeat was thumping in my chest, but I was trying to stay calm, although Janice wasn’t making it easy for me.
Smiling wickedly, she casually stroked Danny’s cock as if was nothing out of the ordinary and she wasn’t at the home of a deceased movie star whose death we were investigating. I must admit I was secretly jealous of her boldness. Memories of Scotland came flooding back and I my pussy gushed some more. Even so, this wasn’t the time or place to start fucking around with a junior detective, despite how good his cock looked.
“On the contrary Jules,” Janice replied sincerely, “My job description states I should investigate and handle all stiffs, and when I saw this one…” Her eyes flickered towards Danny’s member, “Well I was just following orders!” she stated indignantly. Her dry humour took the wind out of my sails and seeing that gorgeous manhood all ready, willing and only a few feet away, I felt my resolve diminishing and let out a soft sigh. Upon my reaction, Janice knowing my weaknesses decided to press home.
“And if you don’t mind my saying, Jules, I’m glad I have. Look at it.” Her eyes wandered to the fine piece of flesh keeping her hand occupied and she threw me a sly smile. “Any way, what’s the problem Jules, you’ve seen me do this before so why the fuss now?”
I could hardly say “Because I want to be the one doing that,” but that was exactly what I was thinking. While we bickered, Danny sat with a frozen expression on his face, not daring to say anything, but his manhood showed no signs of subsiding and again my eyes were drawn to it. My resistance crumbled .
“Come on Jules, let’s not argue about this shall we?” Janice retorted, “Nobody’s going to find out if we don’t say anything, and I really want to feel this dick,” and she winked seductively at Danny, “Fucking me.”
“Janice,” I replied calmly, “I agree with every word you’ve said so far darling, but there’s a tiny flaw in your logic.” She raised her eyebrows inquisitively. “The stiffs you examine are usually dead and he,” and I pointed at Danny, “is most definitely not,” and then I started moving towards him.
“But if ever, and I mean ever a word of this escapes this room, then he’ll wish he was,” I continued whilst unbuckling the waistband from my trousers .
Unsure of my intentions, Danny Giovanni looked ready to take flight but as he saw me kick off my shoes, whilst pushing my trousers over my shapely hips, he visibly relaxed. As my redundant garment lay bundled around my ankles, I nonchalantly stepped out of them and stood there half naked. His eyes drank in my well-toned legs and the small dark triangle, clearly visible through my sheer panties and liked what he saw.
Janice, having taken my actions as approval of the situation, knelt on the bed in front of the young man and greedily opened her sensual mouth. Without further ado, her cherry red lips engulfed his bulbous helmet and continued towards his open flies. Having decided to return to the world of Sodom and Gomorrah, I was going to make the most of it.
My erect nipples were poking through the thin sweater covering them like door stops and I ran my hands sensually over them. Danny watched my overt display with enthusiasm. My panties were saturated by now, and love sap coated the tops of my thighs, so I wantonly lowered a hand over my belly towards my pussy. Fingers pulled the small triangle of cloth aside to allowing Danny to watch me play with my wet folds. Then like some porn queen, I licked my fingers clean in front of him. A disbelieving Danny saw me smiling hungrily at him, before falling to my knees in front of him.
“Now, Danny boy, let’s see what you taste like.”
Janice, deliciously devouring his cock, saw my head move next to hers and proffered me the meaty morsel. Before I swallowed the swollen glans, I looked up at Danny, with my teeth hovering above his manhood and warned him.
“Remember Danny. Not a word!” He nodded dumbly. “And now you’re going to find out what a couple of Essex girls are really like,” and with that I greedily swallowed his member. Janice began hurriedly undoing his belt and jeans and in no time she was massaging the big pair of balls in her hands.
“Don’t worry about Jules,” she said sultrily, “She’s wanted to fuck you ever since she saw your cock in Scotland. She’s told me so many times how she fantasized about your fucking dick, that I was curious about what you had hiding down there, and wanted to find out for myself.” A shocked expression crossed Danny’s face.
“Scotland?” he asked confused.
“Yeah,”Janice replied, “She…”
“Saw you coming out of the shower sporting an erection,” I interrupted, smiling at him. “And ever since then, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to… you know.” Danny grinned wolfishly and placed a hand in my hair.
“Oh the boss lady wanted a piece of spicy Italian sausage,” he said smugly, “Well, why don’t you open your mouth wider and try a bit more,” and guided my head back towards his lap. I eagerly parted my lips and felt him push past them. It wasn’t easy though, his thick girth was stretching my mouth and I was having trouble swallowing him. Danny spoke again.
“No, not a little bit boss, all of it,” and pressed his hand downwards. I had no choice and ignoring the gag reflex, I felt his helmet bang against the back of my throat. My lips encircled the base of his cock and my tongue danced around the warm staff. After a few seconds I raised my head and with a loud plop, released his manhood from my hungry mouth. I licked his rim zealously and opened my mouth again. This time was easier.
Janice, having unbuttoned her blouse and released her heavy bosom from the confines of her bra, waited for me to relinquish his dick. Then she wrapped her bosom around his manhood and told him to fuck her tits. Danny knew a good thing when he saw it and began bucking his hips enthusiastically against Janice’s chest who like a starving person, greedily sucked and licked his prick as it appeared above her formidable cleavage.
Being moderately endowed, a brief flash of jealousy flashed through me but was quickly dispelled by the erotic goings on in front of me and anyway, I needn’t have worried because not only is Janice generously stacked but she’s very unselfish. Without hesitation she fed me Danny’s cock to suck on again and watched me avidly devour him.
Once again his cock was enfolded into the warm confines of her chest and as before Janice made sure she didn’t starve. We were on a hedonistic high, when Danny spoke through clenched teeth.
“Ladies, I can’t take much more of this, I’m gonna cum all over you two!“
We knew he was on the edge, because his body was rigid with strain as he tried holding back his orgasm, but all to no avail. We were determined to see him erupt, and using our mouths and hands simultaneously, we worked towards our goal. Suddenly, whilst we were both licking the full length of his rod, his hips bucked and his cock began pulsating. Through my tongue I felt his seed race up from his balls, and prepared myself. A loud roar filled the room and thick white spunk erupted over us.
Janice began pumping his shaft vigorously, extracting salvo after salvo of warm sperm which splattered our faces, our hair and out wanting tongues. We competed greedily for each drops and as the last little pearls dribbled from his prick, we couldn’t help bumping heads in our haste to reach the salty goodness. As we began licking him clean Janice warned him.
“You better not go limp on us, Danny, because I want to feel that big boy deep inside me,” and she gave him a last solicitous lick. Luckily for us, he didn’t seem to be showing any signs of flaccidity, on the contrary, instead of withering his cock seemed to grow even bigger.
“Fat chance of that happening ladies,” boasted Danny proudly, “Especially with you two so-called MILFs begging for it.” I smiled inwardly at his comment. Standing up, I grabbed hold of his erection and spoke in his ear.
“Be that as it may, Danny, you’re gonna have to prove that your mouth can do more than just spout bullshit.” Letting go of his manhood, I flopped backwards on the bed, leaving my legs hanging over the side.
“Come on boy, mama wants to cum and cum badly.” I spread my legs wantonly and watched Danny kneel down in front of me. As he shuffled forward he lifted my limbs and placed them onto his shoulders, pulling my bum towards the edge of the bed. Reaching under my ass he hooked a finger into the strip of material between my buttocks and yanked the sopping gusset aside, exposing my sopping wet sex. .
“That’s it baby, suck that cunt,” I whimpered. “Make me cum all over your face.” Danny’s mouth latched onto my slit and his tongue slid deliciously between my slippery lips. A ripple of pleasure ran through my body as he began nibbling on my inflamed clit, and if that wasn’t enough two fingers pushed past my excited lips and began teasing my silken tunnel. Automatically my legs crossed each other behind his head and held him exactly where I wanted him.
Seeing my trance like expression, Janice, running her hand all over her voluptuous body stood over me and gave me a filthy wink.
“Now, now young man, don’t let Jules have all the fun. I want some of that as well,” and hiked up her skirt up around her waist. Then she lowered herself onto all fours above me and wiggled her bum at Danny. Then she hooked a thumb into her panties and pulled them aside. She positioned her pussy above mine and waited for his skilled mouth. Moments later my legs rose as Danny transferred his oral skills from me to Janice.
To stop me protesting, Janice fed me one of her breasts and moved a hand between my legs. Her fingers slipped deftly inside me and continued where Danny had left off. My body was just adjusting to this new stimulus when Danny’s mouth returned between my legs. Smiling smugly but feeling sorry for my girlfriend I returned the favour for her and seconds after feeling an agile tongue slip inside me, I was ramming my fingers up her sopping wet cunt, just how she likes it.
Janice writhed above me like a snake caught by a mongoose, moaning and groaning and to counter my attack she slipped a hand under my sweater and began squeezing my sensitive breasts. Feeling my nipples being pinched so hard, made me yelp and she grinned sadistically, knowing I liked it rough.
Then Danny resumed teasing me, because instead of feeling his tongue on my snatch, I felt him licking my fingers. Yes the same ones that were invading Janice’s slippery folds. Mind you, that didn’t stop him. His tongue savoured the juices coating my hand and continued upwards, burying itself inside her anal star.
This caused Janice to buck wildly as Danny attacked her back-door and I could hear soft whimpers escaping her mouth. His tongue knew no bounds and knowing how much pleasure he’d afforded me, I knew exactly what Janice was going through. I watched her face distort as illicit sensations surged through her body and decided I’d waited long enough. I wriggled from under her warm sensual body and went and stood next to Danny.
“What’s up Jules?” she asked me breathlessly, lowering her head to the bed covers.
“Nothing darling,” I answered huskily, “It’s just I want to feel this monster,” and I grabbed hold of his erect cock, “Where I need it the most,” and without waiting for a reply, let my panties fall around my ankles.
“Oooooh me first, me first,” squealed Janice like a naughty schoolgirl, and shook her hips suggestively. Danny stood up and began taking off his jeans properly.
“Okay dames,” he paused as he pulled his feet free, “Get those juicy little cunts of yours lined up so I can have my wicked way with you.” His grin was one of pure sex and his naked body took my breath away. As I turned away from him, he ordered me onto the bed, next to Janice. This time I did as I was told and exchanged a saucy wink with the sexy pathologist as I climbed onto all fours beside her.
The bed undulated under us as Danny climbed aboard but instead of feeling his big thick cock pushing past my welcoming slit, powerful fingers reached forward and penetrated my silken tunnel. Judging by the look on Janice’s face, she was receiving the same rough treatment as I was. The force used was making my body move with each thrust and then I heard spitting sounds coming from behind.
Spittle dribbled down my crack until it a thumb smeared the warm liquid into the tight little hole. I let out a gasp of pleasure and then held my breath as his thumb pressed harder. Relaxing my sphincter allowed his thumb to enter me unimpeded. I let out a long drawn out sigh and felt Danny’s hand move. Like the fingering that preceded it, this wasn’t loving or tender either. No this was hard, fast and degenerate, exactly the way I like it. I closed my eyes and let myself be used.
“Ooooohh my fucking God,” I moaned through gritted teeth, looking sideways and seeing Janice’s face wearing probably the same tormented expression as mine. Then I looked over my shoulder at Danny. He looked like some perverted Roman emperor who was taking advantage of some poor slaves without any regard to their feelings. He knew he was in control, and knowing this was probably a once in a lifetime moment, he was going to make the most of it.
“Are you having fun, Danny,” I asked huskily, “Fingering our asses?” He nodded enthusiastically. “I’m just getting you two Essex sluts ready for my big cock… Don’t want you screaming with pain now, do we,” and from the hungry expression on his face I knew we were in for a wild time .
Judging I was obviously ready, he removed his fingers, grabbed hold of his cock and aimed it roughly between my thighs. Raising my hips slightly I felt his cock pushing along my slit, his helmet spreading my swollen lips as it passed underneath them. I grinded my cunt against his hard flesh smearing my honey onto his member as he reversed his thrust. God I was so horny! I reached beneath me and grabbed his manhood, holding it in position whilst I moved my pussy into place. When the bulbous form butted enthusiastically at my sopping entrance, I simply thrust my hips backwards and felt his thick cock surging up inside me.
Janice heard my exclamation and eyed me jealously.
“You bitch, he’s fucking you, isn’t he?” she asked indignantly, “Isn’t he?”
“Mmmm,” I murmured, letting my head hang low. Feeling his powerful thrusts impaling me, stretching my sex and making me feel like a woman was indescribable. He fucked me with a steady rhythm using long deep strokes, his cock filling me completely. It would take a lot of this to upset me, but I was prepared to take the risk. Hands grabbed hold of my hips and the long strokes quickened in tempo, the power in his legs becoming obvious. I was rocking back and forth each time his balls slapped into the back of my thighs and each jolt forced a tiny whimper from my mouth, but I loved every minute.
Not prepared to be a spectator, Janice moved in front of me and offered me her steamy wet puss. Her succulent lips were slightly parted, revealing a tantalising glimpse of the moist tunnel within and I licked my lips eagerly.
“You want me to go down on you darling?” I teased. Without answering, Janice placed a hand on my head, raised her drenched sex towards my mouth and relayed her order.
“Lick me, bitch!” I ran my tongue up her slit and sampled the delicious nectar she was secreting. When my lips came into contact with her sensitive button, I clamped my teeth on to it and felt my forensic expert grind her honey pot all over my face.
“I’d forgotten how good you are at this,” she exclaimed between loud screams and breathless gasps. Danny hearing this couldn’t contain his curiosity.
“You two have done this before?” I looked back over my shoulder at his handsome face and smiled self-indulgently.
“I told you Danny, you’ve no idea what Janice and I used to get up to. We were the original Essex girls, and there’s nothing we haven’t done,” and returned my attention to Janice’s pussy.
“Stick some fingers up her ass, Danny, she loves that,” Janice piped up enthusiastically. My young colleague, already knowing this, did exactly as he was told.
‘Two can play at that game’ I thought raunchily as my sphincter was gloriously reamed.
Using her own juices as lubrication, I slid two fingers up her own tight little starfish and without hesitation, began ramming them home. Janice’s moans grew louder and she increased her wild pelvic movements, making it almost impossible for me to keep my mouth on her clit.
“Come on Danny, fuck this bitch,” Janice urged breathlessly, not quite in control of her body, and Danny’s thrusts became even more powerful. Having both holes filled with male flesh was driving me wild and the first stirrings deep in my core were felt.
“That’s it Jules, make your bitch cum all over your face,” Janice urged through clenched teeth and pushed harder against my eager mouth. Her hips started bucking wilder and her moaning increased and as I lost contact with her clit, Janice’s fingers reached down and replaced my tongue. Clamping my mouth onto her wet folds, I slipped my tongue inside her as far as I could and felt her climax .
The force of her orgasm , her muscles contracting and relaxing caused her body to shake rattle and roll. Loud screams filled the room and my face was covered with cum. As I did my best to lap up Janice’s copious flow, the fingers up my ass were rudely removed, but before I could complain, the delicious shaft burying itself in and out of my slippery sheath was also unceremoniously withdrawn leaving me feeling completely empty.
Making no allowances for my needs, Danny ordered Janice to move her ass to the side of the bed and spread her legs. Without further ado he plunged his cock to the hilt inside her quivering cunt.
“Oh my God, that feels so good,” Janice exclaimed loudly as our young stud began pumping furiously into her receptive snatch. Feeling a bit left out, I stood up and moved behind Danny. His powerful frame glistened, with the sheen of sweat and as I ran my hands over his smooth chest, I could feel the taut muscles rippling under the strain of his exertions. My hands wandered southwards as I planted small kisses on his shoulder blades, tasting the saltiness of perspiration.
I licked my lips and sank slowly to my knees. My hands had reached his groin and wrapping my index finger and thumb around the base of his greasy pole, I tightened my hold on his manhood. Kneeling lower I began licking his heavy testicles, swallowing first one and then the other. With the tip of my tongue, I reached upwards and licked the underside of his rock hard cock as he rammed in and out of Janice.
Janice in the meantime had raised her legs and Danny held her calves together in front of his face. Seeing her exposed asshole gave me an idea. I stood up and whispered into Danny’s shell like.
“How would you like to fuck Janice’s ass. How would you like to sink that big fat cock of yours up her bum and really make her scream?” He looked at me with hungry eyes and I knew my answer. I moved back and pulled his hips with me. His large prick appeared from her slippery hole, all shiny and wet and I licked my lips in anticipation.
“Hey,” Janice objected, “I was really getting into that.” Without a word I sank to my knees, engulfed his manhood and greedily licked him clean.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll give him right back to you,” I assured her and continued my task. “I’m just making sure he’s really hard for you,” and giggled quietly. When I was ready, I looked up and gave him a conspiratorial wink before releasing him from between my lips and aiming his prick between Janice’s naked thighs. A quick swipe along her slit to get some real lubrication and then I placed his helmet where I wanted to see it disappear.
I watched Janice’s expression change when she realised what was happening and almost burst out laughing. Surprise turned to acceptance, enjoyment and finally a wide eyed smile as Danny’s prick slowly disappeared up her rectum. A low feral grown could be heard as their thighs pressed against each other and Danny bottomed out inside her.
From my position, I watched his movements quicken and saw Janice’s sphincter gripping his tool tightly, afraid he might withdraw it completely, which despite her protestations he did. When this happened I pounced and grabbed his rock hard member and slid it between my lips, letting it glide over my tongue.
“I never knew you were such a fucking slut,” he said with admiration as I briefly masturbated his prick. I smiled up at him.
“You want to see slut? I’ll give you slut!” He looked at me unsure of my intentions, but I wasn’t saying anything. After guiding his cock back inside the forensics expert’s expectant asshole, I began kissing his nether regions gradually working my way round to his backside. Then without warning I pulled his buttocks apart and pushed my tongue forward.
His crinkly hole resisted my attempts at first, but perseverance paid off, and I tasted Danny’s tangy flavour. He was so shocked that he stopped his powerful pumping and Janice, wondering what was going on looked up and saw what I was doing.
“Ha you should see the look on his face Jules,” she exclaimed laughingly. “You’d think he’d never been rimmed before!” Her dirty giggling was infectious.
“Well, no one has,” he said defensively, so I attacked his asshole again.
“Well, Jules is one of the best in the business. I hope you’re enjoying it?” She asked breathlessly.Whether he liked it or not, he didn’t say but Danny resumed his ponding of Janice’s ass and I moved out of the way and watched him fuck my girlfriend. Seeing her ass being so well and truly reamed made me yearn for the same thing. I raised myself to his height and whispered in his ear,
“Danny, you gorgeous fucker, don’t cum too soon because I want some of that as well,” and reached down to massage his ball. He grabbed me and jerked me forward so he could kiss me. His tongue pushed firmly passed my lips and invaded my mouth. It was a passionate, no holds barred kiss and I returned his fire with some of my own.
When we broke away from each other, I had to catch my breath.
“Get on the bed, next to your slutty girlfriend, Jules and I’ll make your ass beg for mercy.” I pressed my mouth against his ear and spoke again .
“Oh I hope so lover,”and inserted a finger inside him. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared but he said nothing. I gave him an alluring smile, whilst raising my eyebrows at him knowingly. His body stiffened as my knuckle pushed past his sphincter and I winked at him.
“Now it’s my turn,” I mouthed at him, withdrawing my finger and sucking on it hungrily. I climbed suggestively onto the bed, looking over my shoulder seductively at him all the while, until I knelt next to Janice. We stared at each other and I whispered to her.
“Now it’s my turn. Danny Boy, is gonna fuck my ass,” and my eyelids fluttered rapidly. She smiled, eyes wide and I could tell she wanted to see this. I felt more than saw Danny climb on the bed behind me and looked at him intently. I shook my head and saw a puzzled expression on his face.
“Don’t kneel behind me stud, stand over me. I want it hard and I want it fast, so don’t spare me young man.” A look of understanding appeared accompanied by a smile as broad as the horizon.
Janice, kneeling up behind me, pulled my buttocks apart, spat on my star and then spoke to Danny.
“Come on Love; let’s give her what she wants.” As her warm spittle glided down my anal crevice, it was collected by her tongue and massaged into my backdoor. I felt her slippery muscle push easily inside me and felt the fire in my loins grow even hotter.
“Shall we see if ‘Tight ass Jules’ can take your huge cock?” she remarked, playfully slapping my bum. I watched her grab hold of his manhood and give it a quick wank before placing his bell end against my rear entrance.
Whilst I reached back and held my buttocks apart, Danny’s gorgeous prick pressed inch by inch past my tight opening. As he slowly sank inside me, I stopped breathing and tried relaxing.
‘Fuck he was big,’ I thought, wincing painfully. His girth stretched my ring beyond anything I could imagine and for a moment, it felt like I was on fire. I heard him groan as my anal canal finally succumbed to the penile invasion and he buried his prick deep inside me. He stayed still for a second or two but that was enough. I let out a sigh of satisfaction when he moved and tightened my pelvic muscles around his thick cock.
He withdrew halfway before plunging back forward until his heavy balls slapped against the back my thighs. His wiry pubic hair brushed against my sensitive skin, as he grinded himself into me almost sending me into delirium. One of Janice’s hands slipped under my belly and sought out my swollen clit, determined to add to my ecstasy.
I looked round and saw Janice’s hand disappearing behind Danny’s bum and knew I what she was going to do. His hands rested on my hips and he was moving easily in and out of my ass. His lazy strokes felt wonderful but I wanted more.
“Danny I told you I wanted you to fuck me, so what are waiting for.” For some reason I detected reluctance on his part, but I’d come this far and wasn’t going to settle for anything less.
To help his state of mind, I began to respond to his thrusts. I pushed my hips backwards as he plunged forward and impaled myself on his huge prick.
“Come on Danny, you can see she wants it” Janice encouraged, her sultry voice thick with lust. Feeling my response was the signal that Danny obviously had been waiting for, because his pumping increased in tempo and power. Loud moans and grunts filled the room as he really began to pile drive my ass.
With Danny’s cock pounding into me and Janice’s fingers ravaging my clit, it didn’t take me long to reach the point of no return. It had been a long time coming but eventually the dam holding back my orgasm just couldn’t contain the liquid pool of lust any more.
Danny’s rammed his cock home and his balls slapped against my buttocks, but it was his grinding motion that triggered my climax. Loud screams escaped my throat and reverberated against the walls. My body began to shake uncontrollably and muscles contracted involuntarily, almost making my legs give way.
As my anal canal gripped the impaling erection tighter than ever, Danny roared loudly and fired off a huge load of spunk deep inside me. Then he grabbed hold of his pulsating member and pulled it, still gushing, unceremoniously from my ass and pushed it towards Janice’s hungry waiting mouth. She replaced his hand with hers and began to wank him furiously, trying to coax every last drop of his precious fluid.
I didn’t move. The tsunami that had washed over me was slowly ebbing away but still my body shook with powerful aftershock. I felt Janice pull my buttocks apart and her tongue dived down between them, probing my anus. Knowing what she wanted I smiled weakly and tensed my stomach muscles. Warm gooey spunk began to dribble from my opening and being the slut she was, Janice began licking up every drop of the creamy liquid.
As more dribbled from my ass, the forensics expert used her fingers to gather it up and she fed me the warm substance. I turned and looked at my junior partner who was watching us with an unbelieving stare, and made a real show of swallowing his seed.
Then Janice grabbed my head and pulled me towards her. She looked into my eyes intently and smiled her knowing smile. Then she planted her sticky lips on mine and we kissed each other passionately, both tasting Danny on the other. When we released each other, I regarded my young colleague with a sly smile.
“Danny, don’t you ever doubt anything I ever say again! Ever! Understand?” he nodded, his infectious grin splitting his face. “Now when you’ve finished fucking about, find that computer and take it down to the station.” I winked at them. “We’ll have to look at that film again, later on, in private!”