Emily Awakes, Ch. 11

"Janice calls Evan to tell him she'll be his surrogate wife for a few days."

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Chapter 11

“Professor Anderson,” Evan spoke into the phone at his desk.

“I’m glad I caught you,” Janice’ voice came through the speaker.

“Actually, I’m headed out to my last class of the day,” he told her

“So, you’ll be ready to leave at around four-thirty?” she asked.

Evan was confused. “Yes. Emily’s picking me up, as usual.”

“That’s why I’m calling,” Janice said. “Emily called me about one o’clock and asked me if I could retrieve you.”

“Did she?” Evan said. “We had lunch. She didn’t say she had a conflict.”

“All I know is that she asked me to pack a small bag, collect you this afternoon, take you home, and stay with you for the rest of the week,” Janice explained.

“Strange,” Evan mused. “Where is she?”

“She’s staying at my house,” Janice told him.

“Is this your idea?” Evan asked.

“I wish I’d been that creative,” Janice chuckled into the phone, “but, no. This is all Emily.”

“But, you’re amenable to it?”

“Of course I am, Evan,” she said. “In fact, I’m looking forward to playing your wife for the next few days.”

“Do you think she’s falling in love with your husband?” Evan asked, checking his watch.

“No, silly,” Janice responded. “I think she likes the excitement of a honeymoon experience with him. I know that’s how I’m looking at the next three days.”

“I really have to go,” Evan said. “I’ll see you at four-thirty. We’ll talk more then.”

“Evan,” Janice said quickly. “She really does love you. I think this is as much for you as it is for her.”

“We’ll talk later,” Evan said. “I don’t have time right now.”

“I’ll pick you up at four-thirty,” she assured him.

“Goodbye, Janice,” Evan said, replacing the phone on its hook.

The silver-blue convertible eased in front of the stone structure at four-thirty two. Evan’s face looked strained as he walked toward the passenger-side door, opened it, and climbed into the off-white seat next to the blonde. Janice wore a form-fitting white blouse and a multi-colored red, orange, and blue scarf knotted around her neck. She looked up at him from under long lashes.

“No kiss for your substitute wife?” she asked.

Evan grunted and gave a short shake of his head in the negative. “Appearances,” he said, waving vaguely at the cluster of buildings and crowd of students swirling around them.

Janice eased the vehicle into the street and drove carefully toward the archway that signaled the separation of the campus from the surrounding neighborhood. Once she was clear of the campus, she looked at her passenger, noticed the tightness along his jawline, then returned her gaze to the roadway.

“So,” she said, “do I sense that you’re less than ecstatic to see me this afternoon?”

“Not at all, my dear,” he said stiffly. “This is simply outside our normal routine. I am merely concerned.”

“About Emily?” Janice asked, her words more of a statement than a question. “You know, if I was the tiniest bit jealous, I’d think you loved her more than you love me.”

Evan’s eyes flashed. “I don’t love you, Janice.” He paused as he saw her react. “No, that’s not true. Of course I love you. But, Emily is my wife. The relationship we have is different from ours.”

“So, how do you love me, Evan? Like your sister?” Janice asked him, then continued.

“No, of course, that would be sick. You wouldn’t fuck me like you do if I was your sister. So, how do you love me?”

“Please, Janice,” Evan protested. “This really isn’t about you. You must tell me exactly what Emily said.”

“All right,” the blonde replied with a sigh. “She said that the two of you made love last night, and that she thought it would be good for us to spend a few days together.”

“That’s all?” He sounded slightly alarmed. “Why?”

“You’re asking me why Emily thinks the things she does?” Janice said in wonder.

“I thought, as a woman, you might have some idea,” he replied.

Janice blonde curls tossed as she shook her head. “I was wondering what you said or did last night that made her think that.”

“Nothing that I can identify,” he mused.

“Maybe Emily is just being Emily,” Janice offered. “Maybe she just believes you’re thinking something.”

“The only other answer is that is she wants to spend some time with Rich,” Evan observed.

Janice shook her head. “That’s not it, Evan. I mean, I’m sure she’ll enjoy the next couple of days. But, from what she said, this is about you. You and me, I mean.”

“What did I do that would suggest this was a good idea?” Evan mused.

“Tell me about last night,” Janice ordered. “Maybe I can pick up a clue.”

Evan hesitated. “We talked. We review the recent events and shared our feelings. She assured me she loved me, and I did the same. The recounting made me quite rigid, so she began to make love with me.”

“She was on top?” Janice asked.

“Yes,” he said, shifting uncomfortably in the seat.

“Honey, it’s all right. We’ve been intimate, remember?”

“I don’t usually talk about Emily and me together, though,” he murmured.

“But, remember, you and I last weekend? I was on top. Did you close your eyes last night?” Janice asked.

“I could have,” he admitted.

“That’s it. I’ll bet you. She thinks you closed your eyes and were imagining me riding you. That’s what I’d guess it was.”

“But, I wasn’t,” Evan said, aghast.

Janice smiled broadly. “Maybe not. But, she knows we’re all safe doing this; that I’ll go home to Rich and she can come home to you. She wants you to have what she thinks you want. I told you she loves you.”

“But, I wasn’t,” he repeated.

“That’s all right,” Janice laughed. “And, I promise, if you close your eyes when I’m riding you, I won’t think you’re imagining her. In the meantime, we might as well appreciate this time together. I’m going to love being your wife for the next three days.”

“What do you suppose Rich will think?” Evan asked her.

“Honey, Rich isn’t half as cerebral as you are. He’ll just take it as it is, an opportunity to fuck somebody who isn’t me for three days and nights. He’ll love it.”

“Doesn’t that hurt your feelings?” Evan asked her, concern evident in his look and tone.

She stole a quick look at him. A gentle smile caressed her lips. “It would if I let it. But, I don’t. I think you’d have figured out by now that the sex with the same person can get to be a bit boring after a while. These little distractions add spark to our relationships. It’s just screwing, darling. It’s better if you can do it with someone you like. But, it’s still a diversion, and it is pleasurable for all involved.” She looked at him again. “It is, isn’t it?”

A small smile crossed his face. “For me it is,” he nodded.

“Good,” she said with finality. “I have to tell you, I really like fucking you. I’d be greatly disappointed if you didn’t like fucking me.”

Published 11 years ago

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