As mentioned in our previous chapter, during the late summer, seven years ago, our hotwifing temporarily came to an end. However, our sex life certainly didn’t trail off because we were temporarily without a regular hotwife partner. We had mostly returned to normal marriage – I say mostly because we did have one interesting encounter, about two weeks after my wife’s last fling with Chad. And that encounter was fairly different from anything else in our adventure so far.
About two weeks into our semi-retirement from the hotwife scene, my wife invited her friend Krissy and her son over. Her son was a couple of years younger than our youngest, so around six or seven years old. Krissy was a single mom, as the father was a one-night fling who literally fled the country when he found out he was a dad. I wanted to punch him in the nose but figured I’d never meet him. Anyway, Krissy was my wife’s best friend from high school, but due to her situation, they had not hung out in a few years. Krissy and my wife spent the afternoon and early evening drinking wine, while I picked up takeout for everyone.
The boys were hanging in their rec room, and I was hanging out in my man cave with my guitars and other assorted “man stuff.” I came into the kitchen to check on Krissy and my wife around nine o’clock, only to discover that they were both pretty wasted. Krissy was always loud, outgoing, and gregarious. She was often a source of embarrassment when used to all go out, but at the same time, she was also often the source of fun. So on this particular night, it was no surprise to hear her getting louder and louder, with wails of laughter, and lots of, shall we say, language.
Given that I did not want anyone driving and ending up dead, I immediately suggested that Krissy and her son stay over. Our old house was not that big, but we had room for them. Upon hearing my suggestion, Krissy made the first of several suggestive and outright sexual advances that evening. She jumped up and said something like, “Yes – think of the fun we could have!”
And then she burst into laughter, and kissed my wife on the lips, with tongue. But she wasn’t done. Krissy then jumped out of her chair and jumped in my direction, so I had no choice but to catch her in my arms. Once I had caught her, she kissed me as well. Then she said, “Hey now – just playing around. Or maybe not…”
She grinned deviously at both of us. I had never been attracted to Krissy, but having just been kissed by her, I did notice that, while a little more full-figured than my wife, she was certainly well proportioned, and definitely not someone I would throw out of bed, should the opportunity ever arise. It was also then that I noticed how drunk my wife was.
I convinced Krissy that we needed to get her up to bed, but that first we needed to get the boys to sleep. We ultimately did, by giving them a bunch of snacks, some pillows and blankets, and their video game consoles. Yes, it was bribery, but it was representative of all of my boys’ sleepovers at that age. From there, we managed to walk my wife up the stairs, into the bathroom, and then finally into bed. Once my wife was tucked in on one side of the bed, I told Krissy she could sleep in the guest room, or on our bed with my wife, since it was bigger. I was a little surprised that she suggested that all three of us sleep on the King bed. I protested weakly, but she would not have it any other way, so I hopped into bed with Krissy and my wife. When in Rome, I thought.
Krissy lay in the middle of our King bed, in between my wife and me. I was hanging off the edge, but after a few minutes of listening to my passed-out wife snoring, I thought I would get up, and just go down and sleep on the sofa in our family room. As I started to move, Krissy put her arm around my waist and pulled me toward her. I was wearing only boxer shorts, as it was quite hot for a late summer night. Krissy said, playfully, “Nope – not letting you leave!”
Then her hand wandered down to my groin, and she blatantly grabbed a quick feel of my “package”. I gasped, and she just laughed. But she kept her arm around me, tightly. I turned my head back to say something to her, and she surprised me with another kiss. Only this time, in the heat of the moment, she lingered, as did I. And her hand came back to my groin, but much more slowly and sensually this time. She could feel me getting hard as she reached around and began stroking me, while still laying behind me. I was enjoying the attention and touch of another woman, as I had not experienced it in quite a while. But I wanted more than just a hand job while hanging off the bed. So I slowly leaned back again and told Krissy to be quiet and to get up. We both got out of bed and quietly made our way downstairs to the family room.
From there, things escalated quickly. I put a blanket on the sofa, while Krissy got completely nude. I turned to lead Krissy to the couch, but she just grabbed my fully erect cock, and pushed me onto my back, on the blanket. From there, she mounted me quickly and began riding me with vigor. I had not been inside another woman in years, and the feeling was exhilarating. I almost came in the first minute, but I managed to contain myself. When I thought I couldn’t hold out any longer, I pushed Krissy off me and rolled her onto her back. I immediately rammed my cock into her wet and wanting pussy, and thrust away, as hard and fast as I could. It didn’t take long for me to explode inside of her womb. This was probably not a good idea, but in the heat of the moment, I was not exactly thinking straight.
When we had finished, we quickly put our minimal clothes on, checked on the boys, and threw the blanket in the washing machine (my ejaculation was, er, substantial). From there Krissy and I slept, and to this day, we have never spoken of the incident. Unlike my wife’s sexual play, this was strictly off-limits. But given all the extra-marital attention my wife had gotten recently, our little romp was a major boost to my confidence, something that made me feel like I was even with her, for whatever reason. But other than my one illicit evening with Krissy, family trips, and kid-related activities consumed the rest of the summer.
In addition, about five months earlier, my sister had finalized a divorce with her husband of seven years, JT. I had spent some of my time during that period assisting her with various legal matters. Her ex was actually a pretty fun guy, but he was a little crazy, probably in some undiagnosed way, and I could see why she finally grew tired of him and his grand schemes that never seemed to pan out. JT was a bit of a fitness fanatic too, almost to the point of obsession. But I think the thing that had finally ended their marriage was the revelation that he had engaged in an extramarital affair with another man, a friend from high school. While never openly coming out as bisexual, he had acknowledged and owned this, but as I recall, the damage to the relationship was already done.
I found JT amusing, and my wife found him quite attractive and charming, but then again, we did not have to live with him. Anyway, I had helped my sister in moving the rest of his stuff out of their home, now her home, in California. I had gone out drinking with JT while I was out there, and he mentioned that he was likely going to be splitting time between our area on the East Coast, and Florida, as part of a business proposition. He told me that he was looking at an apartment in a complex that turned out to be near the subdivision that my wife and I were living in at the time. I told him to let me know if it worked out, as we could certainly help move him in. I wished him luck, although I had kind of expected his business attempt to fail, as several others had before.
As that summer wore on to its conclusion, and we started thinking about getting the boys ready to go back to school, I finally asked my wife if maybe she thought we could return to her having her “outings”, even if it meant having to get creative to find a new man. I kind of missed the excitement and danger, and I could tell she did too. Anne agreed and actually suggested she go on one of the new dating apps. I thought about it for a second, and then gave her the green light, with one minor rule – she had to clear any potential matches with me.
This was a little more dangerous than anything else we had done, except for Jorge, and she agreed. She had a big smile on her face, and went upstairs, carrying her laptop. My first thought was, wow, that escalated quickly. The joys of having a hotwife!
The next day, a Monday, I asked my wife before work, if she found any potential “outing” partners in the app. She said, “Maybe, maybe not. I DID find an interesting profile, and I’ve been chatting, but we’ll see where things go.”
“Oooh”, I said, “sounds sexy. Any more details?”
My wife said, “Ummm – not going to tell you just yet, but I will say this. You’ll be surprised!”
Then she laughed and said, “Oh, by the way, I am changing my yoga nights to Tuesdays. New instructor.”
I was intrigued – I always had this fantasy that the yoga instructor would morph into the next guy for hotwife encounters, but that had not happened yet. I made note of her schedule change and thought nothing of it. When Tuesday rolled around, I noticed her schedule was a little different. Instead of staying at work, she came out, and then went back out. She explained that the new class was being taught by a guy starting a new fitness center, not through her work anymore.
When my wife returned home from yoga, it was almost bedtime for the kids. After they were asleep in their rooms, my wife asked me if I wanted to get frisky. She said for whatever reason, she was really hot and bothered coming out of the class. I thought sure, and we had a great middle-of-the-week romp. Interestingly, I remember that the following week, the same thing happened, and this time my wife was even more aggressive about getting it on. I had no idea what could possibly be going on in the yoga class, but I was certainly enjoying my side benefit.
The Wednesday after that yoga night was also the first day of school for the boys. Once they were out the door my wife and I engaged in some chit-chat, and she mentioned that she had yoga again on Thursday night. She said it was available once or twice a week. I told my wife, “If you are anything like last night after these classes, you can take as many as you want!”
My wife laughed, although it also seemed like something was bothering her. I asked her about her luck with the dating app. She said she had found one maybe, and that she would run that person by me after work.
That Thursday, my wife was once again ravenous after her yoga session, so much so that I almost had to force her off of me. I was not sure what was going on – we did ultimately have some great sex, but my wife’s behavior felt odd somehow. The following morning, as if reading my mind, my wife asked if we could go out to dinner, just the two of us, to discuss something. I knew we could easily get a sitter for the kids in my parents, so I told her to make it a plan.
But in the pit of my stomach, I was concerned. These talks are often the beginning of something painful. Although my wife had been so insatiable in the bedroom, I couldn’t think of what she might be about to drop on me. I asked her if it had anything to do with the app.
She said, “Yes…well, sort of. Ultimately yes, but there is more to talk about than just the app. I’m nervous about whether you’ll be ok with something that I think could be fun.”
Ahhh, I thought. So maybe that explained her troubled expression the other morning. That Friday night at the restaurant, while having a couple of after-dinner drinks, my wife finally got around to explaining what was going on.
My wife explained that she had found a profile she liked early on in the dating app process, but that it was someone we both knew, and that she was not sure whether to proceed. She said she’d connected with him anyway, mainly to catch up, and learned that he was starting up a fitness center in the area, and teaching yoga out of his apartment. Upon hearing this, I thought I had everything figured out. But I was wrong – very wrong, but certainly in a way that would lead to many future hot hotwife adventures.
My wife finally came clean and said, “Baby, the profile I connected with is JT. I know he’s your ex-brother-in-law, but we always just clicked, and we always wanted to play it safe. I started taking his yoga lessons instead and-“
I cut her off and said, “It’s ok. I’m glad you told me, and now we can discuss whether-“
She jumped in and said, “But there’s more I have to tell you. I know you’ll be upset, but I have to tell you – and I think we can make this work, ok baby? Just hear me out. JT and I have done more than just yoga – a lot more. But we haven’t…well, we haven’t gone all the way for real, if you know what I mean. I figured we couldn’t go on any further without telling you. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was so unsure of what to do because of your relationship, so I just kind of froze.”
She looked at me pleadingly. I was angry, but I realized I could only be so angry since I had flat out cheated on her with her best friend. I guess we were kind of even in some weird way. And the thought of my wife with JT DID still turn me on. I kept my cool and said, “Babe, what do you mean by not all the way?”
She said, “Well, at my second lesson, we kind of had a moment. And one thing led to another, and he was ready to be inside me. But I made him use a condom because I hadn’t told you yet. We’ve had sex two more times since but have still only done it with a condom. But I want to feel him bare, baby. And you know I still want you – that’s why I have been so wild in bed lately. I want you both, but just couldn’t figure out how…”
I said, “Ok honey – I think we can make this work. But you broke the rules, and there is going to be a punishment. A serious punishment.”
She whispered, “Ok. I’m so sorry. But you’re not angry, or thinking of divorce, right?”
After what I did with Krissy, I’d have been the biggest hypocrite of all time to just leave. So I said laughingly, “No, of course not. This is part of the lifestyle and fantasy – just a little out of order, and a little unsettling. Besides – I think you’re going to LIKE the punishment I have in mind…”
Anne held my hand from across the table, smiled, and said, “Ok. I think we should get the check and go home now. I’d like to hear how you want to punish me, but trust me, I think you’ll enjoy telling me at home much more! And by the way – JT is really primal and intense during sex…but he can’t last like you. He’s done in two minutes or less. It’s fun but…that’s why you shouldn’t worry.”
She grinned, and we settled up with our waiter and headed home. We said goodnight to my parents, who had been watching the kids, checked that the boys were asleep, and then headed into our bedroom. As soon as we entered, my wife locked the door, and then dropped to her knees and started undoing my pants. I helped, and within seconds my not quite yet erect cock was in my slutty wife’s eager mouth. Between slurps, she asked me to reveal her punishment. It was pretty simple actually.
I said, “Well babe, from now until New Year’s Day, you’re going to do anything I tell you sexually, no questions asked. I’m basically going to give you a series of commands or challenges to complete. But don’t worry – I think you’ll like them!”
My cock plopped out of my wife’s mouth long enough for her to ask, “What’s the first challenge?”
I struggled to answer as Anne had stuffed my dick back into her greedy little mouth again, and I was getting close to orgasm. But I gathered myself enough to say, “Babe, you’re going to tell JT I know about you two tomorrow morning. And then, at some point in the next few days, you’re going to go through with fucking him, bareback, as you planned. And then you’ll come back here and give me sloppy seconds.”
As I said this, I got a little more turned on, and suddenly I was coming in my wife’s mouth. I stifled a loud war cry, as the boys were asleep, and my wife dutifully swallowed as much of my load as she could. Once she had cleaned up her face a little my wife asked, “Honey, why do you want me to tell JT. You know he may not want to do anything after that, right?”
I said, “That’s why it’s a challenge. I think you’ll get him in the sack. And as for why I want you to tell him – well, let’s just say I have my reasons.”
Then I laughed and she sighed. The perverted side of me did have a plan in mind, and my gut feeling was that JT would be interested in our lifestyle, given that he was a bit of a perv, and that could be advantageous for setting up some of the more debauched challenges I had in store for my wife.
The following morning was like any Friday morning, with getting the kids off to school, and then the wife and I getting ourselves to work. I told Anne to remember her task today and wondered if she would follow through. Well, I was mildly surprised when, just before my lunch break, I received a flurry of texts from JT, whose topics ranged from begging for forgiveness, trying to explain, swearing he would never touch my wife again, etc. Hilariously, he even took the time to mention that they had used condoms so it wasn’t that bad.
I thought to myself, in a normal relationship, and if I hadn’t just cheated as well, I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have refrained from punching him in the stomach just because a condom was in play for the illicit fuck sessions. Anyway, he had texted that we had to talk, and I agreed, so we made plans to meet at his apartment after work.
When he answered the door JT looked like he had been frantically trying to figure out what to do all day. JT was still the tall, dark-haired, athletic guy I had occasionally hung out with, but he definitely seemed a little off in his appearance and demeanor. Walking up to his apartment, I had not been sure how he would greet me, but I wanted to make sure things were cordial from the start. We had always gotten along, were both big sports fans, and I thought that an explanation of the “lifestyle” my wife and I were leading, would help ease his mind. I also felt like there was a very good chance he would be into involving himself further in the lifestyle if I could play my cards right. JT met all of our criteria for partners, aside from his friendship, and ex-brother-in-law status with me.
I was not sure what kind of hours he kept for his up-and-coming fitness business, but he looked like he was seeing a ghost in the flesh when he opened the door, and I wanted to calm him down. So, I reached out my hand, and he shook it. I think he was still worrying I might punch him or something, so I broke the ice by saying, “Hey – you got any beer?”
JT and I each grabbed a beer from his refrigerator. As we sipped our beers, I said, “I know what’s been going on – but I need to fill you in on some things too.”
Over the next half hour, I explained our open marriage and hotwifing lifestyle to JT. I omitted my recent dalliance with Krissy, in part because I didn’t want my wife to find out, but also because I didn’t want him getting any ideas. For whatever reason, I was more jealous of the thought of him ramming his cock into Krissy than my own wife. At the end of my explanation, he sat staring at me, mouth agape. He stammered, “So you’re ok with…what’s been happening?”
I said, “Yes, and I’m OK with it continuing.”
JT interjected, “If you want to do a threesome, I’m down. And if you ever want to experiment in the man-on-man area…”
I cut him off and said, “Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m just letting you know what we do and that what you two have been doing is ok. Anne has always kind of liked you.”
JT blushed at this remark.
I continued, “Basically, I think we can kind of share my wife, for now. But there are some rules you’re going to have to live by, Ok? I don’t want to have to come over here and start breaking things, you know? By the way, when are you going to start splitting time between here and Miami?”
I was mostly joking but didn’t let on right away to see how he would react. When I saw he looked kind of scared, I burst into laughter and told him to relax. I also learned that he would be in Miami for the months of November and December as part of his fitness business strategy, which I was still certain would fail.
I did let JT in on some simple rules and then told him to be expecting a text from my wife soon. She was looking for a quick bareback get-together at his apartment and would be making a booty call soon. Man, I thought to myself – the next few months are going to be an absolute den of iniquity around here.
I drove home, and fifteen minutes later, I was having dinner with my family. Afterward, I told my wife that per her punishment, she had some plans to make with JT. I was a little shocked at how quickly her phone came out, but I was also turned on, knowing that a new chapter of fun was just around the corner…