Horns Up – 3

"Laying with a demon would leave the best of men speechless, but this is just ridiculous."

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There’s something endearing about the way Muu loses her shit every time she tries something new. You figured that she would enjoy sushi, given her previous life as a pontoon fisherwoman. But you never would have anticipated her having a full-on euphoric epiphany. She stood there, chewing with her mouth open as she rambled on about how she’s ‘never had such a delicious new creation using such familiar ingredients’. She then began to cry and blubber about her hometown of Vorshaw before she grabbed hold of your arms and started thanking you profusely for accommodating her so well.

You didn’t have the heart to tell her that you just picked up some maki from the Japanese restaurant downtown.

Still, despite her peculiarities, you can’t deny that you enjoy having Muu around. Though saddled with her economics coursework, she’s always ready to help you out in the kitchen, and every time you successfully make a dish, the Glutton rewards you with a soft hug and a gentle kiss, before she giggles and runs off to serve it.

Neither of you has spoken about your encounter since, but you can tell that she thinks about it often.

You can also hear her through the walls, late at night. Something tells you that she’s unaware of just how loudly she moans.

After a week of dealing with your two demonic charges, you’re proud to find yourself shaping up to be a competent manager. The bills are paid, the rooms are tidy, and all of the cupboards are filled. The only lingering issue is the state of the upstairs bathroom, but you’ve long since written it off as a lost cause. Within the space of a week, Natasha and Muu have somehow managed to turn a perfectly functional bathroom into a mire of discarded clothes and half-full shampoo bottles. The sinks are practically buckling from all of the tubs and bottles they leave lying around, and there are so many makeup stains on the mirror that you can barely see your face in it.

As you prepare the day’s evening meal, you silently hope that Lilith doesn’t think to go to the toilet upstairs. In fact, you’re hoping that she just brings your newest lodger, eats her dinner, and leaves without asking too many questions. You’re not exactly sure what the ETI’s policy was on their employees fucking their charges, but you imagine that she’d give you more than a disciplinary warning.

One of the steaks spits at you, drawing your wandering mind back to the present. Beside you, Muu laughs as she sautés some onions.

“Don’t get burned, sir!” she tells you, playfully slapping your backside with her tail.

You return a smile and tousle her hair, right as you hear Natasha enter the kitchen behind you. Since arriving on Earth, the Succubus has swapped out her hand-sewn gowns and dresses for a more trendy selection of jeans, jackets and crop tops. Grinning at the Glutton’s antics, she gives you a nod and hooks a thumb over her shoulder.

“Lilith’s here, honey. Might wanna go greet her,” the purple-skinned demon notifies you.

Returning her nod, you allow Muu to take over for you as you pull off your apron and dart through the house. With a quick check in a mirror to ensure that you don’t look completely dishevelled, you flick on the outside light and open the front door.

It’s a horrible night. The black sky is overcast with darker clouds, and rain is pelting down so hard that it’s bouncing off the ground and hitting you in the face. Every few moments, the sky above flashes before thunder tears through the sky just a few seconds later. You stand in the door and watch as Lilith’s sports car pulls in, its occupants getting drenched by the downpour. While you can make out your one-eyed handler in the driver’s seat, you can’t quite discern who’s sitting next to her. They’re tall and slender, but that’s all you can really make out.

As the car pulls up to the driveway and Lilith steps out, you wave at her.

“Wanna help me with these bags, kid, or are you just gonna stand there gawping?!” the agent yells, hauling a pair of leather-bound bags out of the backseat.

You make to ask about the other person in the car, but when you look, you find the other seat of the car completely empty.

“Hey! If you leave me hanging any longer I’m gonna drown out here! And you better believe I’ll come back to haunt your ass!”

Gritting your teeth, you quickly shake the thought from your head and duck out into the rain. It’s absolutely hammering down, and you’re soaked through before you even manage to reach the car, but between you and Lilith, you manage to carry all of the luggage indoors. Setting the pile of sopping cases down by the front door, you shake the water off your top and bid your overseeing agent a feeble welcome.

“Yeah, yeah, hello and all that. Let’s just get this meet and greet out of the way. Gale and Dallas are busting a trafficking ring down south and I wanna join up with them before the shooting starts.”

Quickly glossing over the subject of trafficking and gunfights, you try to broach the subject of the car’s disappearing passenger, but as soon as you open your mouth to speak, an explosive thunderclap nearly bursts your eardrums. For a split second, bright light blazes through the windows, before all of the house’s lights suddenly fizzle off. Over in the kitchen, you hear Natasha yelp.

“Gah! What the Hell?!” shrieks the Succubus.

“Is that supposed to happen?!” follows the voice of Muu.

Though you can barely see a foot in front of your nose, you can almost hear Lilith roll her one good eye.

“Calm down, it’s just a power surge. Go hit the breakers, kid, they’re in the basement,” she sighed, making her way towards the dining table.

Nodding your head, you stick your hands out in front of you and start fumbling your way towards the basement stairwell, taking care not to bump into anything or knock anything over. Thankfully, having spent the last couple of days keeping the house spick and span, you manage to navigate well enough by memory alone. Locating the stairs, you slowly make your way down, shivering as you plunge into the cold basement air.

Feeling your way along the wall, you eventually locate the breaker box, but before you can open it, another flash of lightning shines through the basement’s hopper windows.

For a split second, you see someone else down there with you. A tall, slender figure – as black as pitch – standing in the corner; nothing discernible about their features save the two acid-green eyes burning into the back of your skull.

As quick as you can manage, you flip the breakers and wheel around, but as the lights switch back on, you find yourself alone in the empty basement.

Just what the Hell was that? A trick of the light?

“Good job, kid, now hurry on back up! I’m on a schedule, remember?” calls Lilith from upstairs, snapping you back to reality.

“Steaks are ready!” adds Muu in a singsong tone, which causes your stomach to growl.

Dismissing the shadowy figure as nought more than your imagination, you make the gradual climb back up to the house’s ground floor. Stepping into the dining room, you find that all four women have already taken their seats.

Wait, that’s not right. There’s someone here you don’t recognise.

There, seated next to Lilith, is a tall, slender demon dressed in some kind of feathered tunic. Her skin is as black as coal dust and her long hair as white as snow. A single grey horn sprouts from her forehead, looping around her head like a cruel mockery of a halo, while upon her back, you can see a folded pair of grey wings. This newcomer is the only person that doesn’t look up as you step into the dining room.

Noting the look on your face, Lilith sighs and prods her, prompting the new demon to snap her eyes onto you.

They’re a bright, acid-green. You stand and stare in shock as she gazes at you, her face stony and unmoving.

“Kid, this is Yyvnn. She’s a Fallen,” she explains, tucking into her steak as soon as Muu puts it in front of her.

Eve… anne?

“Close enough.”

“Fallen are demons of Envy. Sit down, honey; staring is rude, remember?” Natasha scolds playfully, pulling out the chair next to her.

Nodding shakily, you take a seat and nervously introduce yourself to Yyvnn. She just inclines her head silently.

“She’s from a Sylensyo tribe, natives of Hell’s West Country. No verbal or written language, but they’ve been dabbling in advanced algebraic theorems since before humans figured out the wheel. Here, watch.”

Reaching into her pocket, Lilith pulls out a beaten notebook and a pen. Sliding them over to the Fallen, she pulled out her phone and opened the calculator app.

“Yyvnn, what’s nine hundred and seventy-six minus three hundred and thirty-two, multiplied by six, then divided by three and added to six hundred and seventy-five?” asked Lilith, typing up the equation on her phone.

Your new charge gingerly picks up the pen between two slender fingers and stares at the blank notebook page, eyes steeled with determination.

Didn’t she just say they had no written language?

“Words? No. Formulas? Yes. Watch.”

The Fallen suddenly jumps into action, startling both you and Natasha. She begins to scrawl a series of strange geometric patterns; starting in the middle of the page and slowly working her way outwards in a spiral. You can see all kinds of intricate shapes and interconnecting lines come to life on the notebook, meaning little to you but astounding you nonetheless. By the time Yyvnn sets the pen down and leans back, you’re left staring at what very well could be a beautiful piece of abstract art.

Lilith nods her head nonchalantly.

“One thousand nine hundred and sixty-three. Nice work,” she says to the Fallen, taking her notebook back.

Crossing her hands on her lap, Yyvnn returns her gaze to you and gently inclines her head forward, her left eyebrow twitching ever so slightly.

“She’s asking if you’re impressed,” Lilith translates, tearing into her steak.

You glance over at Natasha and Muu. The Succubus is silently working the equation out on her fingers, while the Glutton is just staring at the newcomer, eyes wide with amazement.

You think she’s just impressed everyone here, never mind just you.

Yyvnn’s eyes lid for a second as her pupils flit towards the other two demons at the table, before she brings them back to you. Noticing this, Lilith elbows the Fallen, causing her to gasp silently.

“Don’t be rude,” chastises the agent, heaping some onions onto her fork.

What did she say?

“Nothing that bears repeating. Well, I’ve made introductions for her. Shouldn’t you do the same?”

Nodding, you gesture to Natasha and Muu. As soon as you try to introduce them to Yyvnn, however, the Fallen suddenly screeches her fork against her plate, disrupting your thinking. You try again, only for the same thing to happen.

Lilith sighs and shakes her head.

“Dammit, why do I always get the problematic ones…?” she mutters, pushing her empty plate away.

You look at her, confused.

“She just said that she doesn’t really care about them. Only you.”

You hear Natasha suppress a quiet laugh.

“Geez, honey. She just got here and you’ve already stolen her heart.”

Muu reaches across the table and puts her hand on Yyvnn’s.

“Don’t worry! It’ll be scary living away from Hell at first, but you’ll learn to like it here soon enough! Me and Natasha’ll be happy to help you any way we can!” she says cheerfully.

The Fallen’s face doesn’t change, but somehow you can tell that she’s giving Muu a deadpan death stare. In an attempt to break the tension, you laugh nervously and begin to pick at your steak.

Surely getting to know a nonverbal woman isn’t that hard?

It absolutely is that hard.

Try as you might, throughout the course of the dinner, you just couldn’t figure Yyvnn out. As you ate, you tried to pick up on the little movements and subtle changes of facial expression that she made, but you were simply unable to properly translate her body language. What’s worse was that the newcomer had absolutely no time for any of her future housemates. While she was attentive towards you, she seemed dismissive of Natasha and Muu, even outright ignoring them both at times. Natasha didn’t seem too bothered, but you could tell that it was beginning to wear on the Glutton. By the time Lilith made her excuses and drove off into the stormy night, her smile had become strained. Noting the pleading look in the poor girl’s eyes, you decided it would be best to take Yyvnn off her hands.

As you expected, she was fairly attentive throughout the entire house tour, though whatever thoughts or comments she had, you couldn’t figure out. She definitely seemed to show an interest in taking the room next to yours, however, when you informed her that Muu had already settled into that one, she grew irritated and annoyed. Once you helped her carry her personal effects into her new bedroom – the one next to Natasha’s across the hall – the Fallen splayed herself out on the bed and dismissed you with a flap of her wings.

You think over all this as you shower, half-heartedly lathering shampoo in your hands as you think.

Yyvnn seems uninterested in getting along with her fellow demons, and even Lilith herself referred to the Fallen as ‘problematic’. You have a hard enough time understanding the whims of your charges when they can speak; dealing with one that can’t is going to be a veritable nightmare.

You shake your dour thoughts away as you wash yourself beneath the hot cascading water.

No, you can’t start thinking down on yourself now! Look at how far you’ve come with such little experience! For someone with literally no qualifications, you’ve done a Hell of a job keeping this place running! What was one more problematic tenant? At least the house wasn’t going to get any noisier with her around!

Smiling at your own joke, you rinse yourself, shut off the water and step out into the chaotic bathroom.

Okay, perhaps luck had a little something to do with your success in the managerial field, but surely luck alone wasn’t what landed you beneath Natasha and on top of Muu, right? Most guys went their whole lives without landing themselves anything like them! The Succubus’ voluptuous, sensual silhouette and the Glutton’s soft, jiggly curves… Not to mention the all-too-exciting appeal of their demonic features…

If your experiencing them in all their glory was down to pure luck, then you would be better off in Vegas.

As you think back on your hot, steamy encounters with Muu and Natasha, you begin to feel yourself growing stiffer down south, causing your towel to tent as you wrap it around your waist.

Ah shit. Well, it was nighttime anyway; you may as well rub one out before you turn in.

You reach for the door and turn the lock, only to feel something crunch beneath your feet. You glance down.

There’s a feather on the damp tiles of the bathroom, grey in colouration. When you reach down to pick it up, however, you find that rather than being soft and fluffy, it’s flexible and tough, like cartilage.

Barely here a day, and Yyvnn is already making her mark on the-

You see eyes in the mirror.

Whipping your head around, you frantically look all around the bathroom, but you ultimately see nothing, bar the girls’ ever-present mess.

You’re getting paranoid. This storm has you completely rattled.

Rewrapping the towel around your waist so that your turgid dick isn’t too noticeable, you step out of the bathroom and make your way towards your bedroom. As you pass Natasha’s open door, you hear the Succubus whistle.

“Looking good, honey!” she calls, glancing up from the chemistry book she was reading.

You retort with a lazy pair of finger guns before you step into your room and shut the door behind you.

The lock is turned. The light is down low. Your towel is immediately flung across the room as you leap onto your bed.

Weird, you’ve had all kinds of strange sexual encounters since coming to this house, and yet this’ll be the first time you’ve actually masturbated by yourself.

Smiling at this, you pull out your phone and begin to type in the address to your favourite website when an icy sensation suddenly coils around the entirety of your dick, causing your whole body to seize up. The phone falls from your hand and clatters to the floor. You gasp for breath, wincing as the mysterious pressure grows tighter. Looking down, all you can see is your dick sticking up into the air, looking as though it was being squeezed by an invisible force.

What… the… fuck…?

Gradually, the sensation begins to change. Like an invisible hand grabbing your cock, you feel icy fingers experimentally stroking the length of your shaft with agonising slowness. Squeezing, shifting, occasionally rolling an unseen thumb across your head, drawing sharp gasps from the back of your throat. Your heart starts to hammer, growing only quicker as a second, invisible hand plants itself on your bare chest. It moves up towards one of your nipples, whereupon you feel the sensation of a pair of fingers suddenly pinching it, causing your entire body to spasm. You try to rise from your bed, but the hand firmly pushes you back down.

Whatever was happening here, you were definitely not in control.

Minutes drag on as the invisible force mercilessly toys with your dick, bringing you close to the edge a couple of times, but always slowing down as soon as you think you’re about to cum. You can’t seem to find it in you to get annoyed, however; you’re far too freaked out for that.

What the fuck was happening?! A ghost handjob?!

The air leaves your body as you feel a pair of legs suddenly straddle your waist, your dick firmly nestled between a cool pair of buttcheeks. Panicking now, you think back on what happened in the basement, and how you felt green eyes staring at you.

Then you think about the same thing happening in the bathroom.

It suddenly hits you.


Though the window and door are closed, a gust of wind suddenly whips around the room as the slender form of the Fallen materialises on top of you, wings spread wide and eyes never-blinking.

You look your new charge up and down and go red in the face. She’s completely naked and unashamed of it. The Fallen’s entire body is the colour of fresh ash, and her skin looks incredibly smooth. Her breasts swell outwards only ever so slightly, each capped with a dusky nipple; both of which look very erect. Swallowing hard, you track your gaze downwards across the demon’s smooth stomach, towards the shock of white pubic hair nestled between her legs.

Her legs… Long, graceful, and gorgeous in all of their darkened glory. For a moment, you forget your fear as you stare open-mouthed at Yyvnn’s slender thighs, only to have your gaze drawn back to her face as she leans in close. Her white hair falls across your chest, gently tickling you as she grows closer.

She’s completely silent. Even her breathing betrays no sound.

What is she doing?

She answers your question with a gentle incline of her head, allowing the soft light to reflect off her wet lips. Her eyes burn with something between fascination and hunger, and as you ponder the Fallen’s motives, she reaches two long arms forward and gently holds your cheeks.

Yyvnn rotates her head to the right and blinks twice, slowly.

You still don’t know how her body language works, but a part of you believes she’s asking you for something.

Against your better judgement, you nod. Fortune favours the bold, or something.

As soon as she receives your confirmation, Yyvnn lunges forward and plants her lips against yours. Shocked by the sudden advance, you barely react, prompting her to gently nip your lip with her teeth. You gasp, allowing her to slide a long, cool tongue into your mouth. It’s strange, but not at all unpleasant. In an attempt to reciprocate, you begin to navigate your own tongue into her mouth, but the Fallen seems much more interested in exploring yours. With her hands, she holds your head against the pillow and ruthlessly kisses you, probing every inch of your mouth before she finally pulls back, leaving a long string of saliva between your lips.

Wow. For what she lacks in technique, she certainly makes up for in gusto.

She runs her hands across your body, making you shiver with every tough. Strange, her body was so cold, and yet that only makes it all the more stimulating. You try to touch her back, but the Fallen immediately grabs your wrists and pins them to your side whilst giving you a stern look.

Okay, you’ll just lie there, then.

The Fallen begins working her way downwards, licking as much of your exposed body as she can muster as she grinds against your stiff dick. Though most of her body is cold, you can feel a patch of damp heat between her legs push against you with every gyration of her hips. She doesn’t moan, but her breathy gasps fill you as much excitement as any aroused vocalisation would.

You didn’t have much time to get to know Yyvnn, but from what you saw at the dinner table, the girl certainly seems to be very methodical. The way she moves her hands and swirls her tongue… There’s an odd, almost mathematical rhythm to it, and judging by the steeled look in her eyes, she’s working on you like you’re an equation. And she’s good at it, too; every brush of her fingers leaves your skin tingling.

Stopping her ministrations upon reaching your stomach, the demon draws herself back up to her full height and spreads her wings wide. Eyes burning into yours, she slowly opens her hand and presses her palm against your throat.

You just swallow hard in response.

Gently – ever so gently – she wraps her fingers around your neck, softly applying pressure to the sides. You can still breathe just fine, but judging by Yyvnn’s rapidly quickening gasps, you can tell that this is somehow something she gets off on. Her eyes are wide, and her lips are slightly parted. For a moment, that fear you felt when this whole debacle started returns.

The Fallen raises her backside and gradually begins to lower herself onto your dick. She clenches her teeth and quietly hisses, all while you’re too frightened to make a sound. Partly because she’s one errant twitch away from choking you, and partly because she feels amazing. Compared to Muu’s soft, warm insides, Yyvnn grips you much tighter, and though not as hot, you can still feel her body heat begin to spread throughout your entire lower body. Bit by bit, she takes you in, shutting her eyes and savouring the moment as the two of you are gradually connected.

Gasping for breath, you look up and raise an eyebrow, inquiring as to how she’s feeling. The demon just gives you a very small smile; the closest thing to a facial expression you’ve seen her wear all day.

Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Yyvnn takes her hand off your neck and leans back as she rises once more. For a moment, you feel ready to ask why she’s going so slowly, only to have the wind knock right from your lungs as she does something completely unexpected.

Rather than drop back down, the Fallen suddenly flaps her wings, lifting both of you up into the air as she rams your entire length into her pussy. The sensation is unlike anything you had ever felt; the brief sensation of flight and the tightness of your partner enough to drive you over the edge right then and there. She wraps her arms around your chest and crosses her legs beneath you as she begins to ride your dick in mid-air, keeping the pair of you aloft with mighty beats of her grey wings. The gusts of air she conjures knock things off your cabinets and scatters papers all over your room, but at that moment in time, you couldn’t care less. Weightless pleasure keeps your mind firmly fixated on what’s directly in front of you.

You want to reciprocate somehow, but Yyvnn keeps your hands pinned firmly by your side as her fingernails dig into your back. Her breaths are coming fast and hard now, timed with every thrust. You swear you can almost hear a hint of her voice in her quiet, desperate pants, but your own heart is hammering too loudly to actually hear.

Suspended in mid-air, the two of you fuck mercilessly for what feels like hours; Yyvnn never once letting up or slowing down, and yet never allowing you to finish even when you come dangerously close to blowing your load. Like stuck in a sexual limbo, with nothing else touching your body to distract you. Just you, Yyvnn, and the ruthless lovemaking going on between you.

All of a sudden, you feel the walls of her vagina clamp down on your dick. She opens her mouth and takes a deep breath.

Here it is! Yyvnn’s voice, laid bare in an ecstatic scream…!

… Or so you thought.

Right as the Fallen cums, she bites deep into your shoulder and drags her fingernails all the way down your back. You’re not sure how, you’re not sure why, but for some reason, the combined pleasure and pain elicits you to cum as well. Barely able to choke out a warning, you clench your teeth and shake all over as you unload deep into the demon’s pussy, gasping for breath with every spurt. She doesn’t let go; in fact, she holds you tighter as you ride out the rest of your ejaculation, teeth still firmly clamped around your shoulder.

The pair of you soundlessly flop back down onto your bed, the room completely silent save for the staggered breathing of its two occupants.

That was… something else indeed…

As the two of you lie there, Yyvnn slowly lets go of your shoulder and pulls back, completely drenched in sweat. You can see the light reflect off her body’s every length and curve, as though she was carved from pure onyx. She plants her hands on your chest and gradually pulls your dick out, causing cum to dribble out of her pussy and onto your stomach.

Great, and right after you had gotten showered, too.

She doesn’t react to your joke. In fact, she doesn’t let go of your dick. Taking a sharp, silent breath, Yyvnn climbs back on top, her eyes still ablaze with desire.

She wants to go again?!

Leaning back, she squeezes the last of your load from your dick, soaking her hand in your seed. As she liberally coats the length of your dick with your own cum, she grabs the base and angles it towards her ass.

Your eyes widen.

Is this such a good idea?!

The Fallen answers by abruptly impaling herself upon your cock in a single, swift motion.

Both of you scream silently as the sensations hit the pair of you all at once. The inside of Yyvnn’s ass is as tight as a vice and so hot that you feel just a few degrees away from burning. Though you’re initially worried, one look at her face is enough to set your mind at ease. The Fallen’s eyes are rolled back into her skull, and her tongue hangs from her mouth, causing saliva to drip all over her breasts.

Well then… shall you move?

She blinks a couple of times and gives you a twitchy nod.

With gritted teeth and a firm jaw, you grab Yyvnn’s slender waist and slowly pull out, watching her twitch and spasm with every movement you make. Just as you’re about to pop out of her anus, you slam yourself back down again with full force, prompting another silent scream of pleasure from your demonic partner.

One way or another, you will hear this woman cry your name…!

Steeled by your previous round of fornication as well as your own internal resolve, you take control and start to really lay into Yyvnn, fucking her ass as quickly and brutally as she silently begs you to. Her legs shake like jelly as you lift her up and throw her down onto the bed, forcing her to stick her rear into the air as you take her from behind. You grab her wings and pull with every thrust, causing her to clench tighter and claw at your bedsheets so hard that she threatens to rip them.

It seems Yyvnn is quite the switch, given her aptitude for both sexual roles. It’s honestly quite impressive.

Your panted compliment falls on deaf ears as the Fallen suddenly spreads her wings and flips herself around. Before you can react, she leaps up and wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist, with your dick still buried firmly in her backside. With the assistance of her timed flaps, you lift her up and pull her down, again and again, feeling the demon’s entire body tense with every thrust you make.

As her grip grows weak and her entire body starts to shiver, the Fallen pulls your face close and kisses you passionately. Her once-cold tongue is so deliciously hot now, and as the impassioned smooch becomes a sloppy French kiss, for a split second, you feel completely and utterly connected to your lodger.

It was scary, leaving her home to travel to another world. A world where she would not be understood or listened to.

But you, with your kindly eyes and reassuring smile… She knew from the beginning that you would do right by her.

And now you both stand in your bedroom, climaxing together as your combined cum dribbles down your legs and onto your bedroom floor.

As soon as you ejaculate, the pair of you collapse back onto your bed; both staring at the ceiling as you bask in the afterglow. The air smells of sweat, sex and your combined breaths, and without much light to see by, all of your other senses are greatly enhanced, to the point where you almost yelp when Yyvnn wraps her arms around you.

The Fallen pulls you in close for another kiss. This one is shorter but just as full of sweetness and meaning.

She gives you a little smile and mouths your name, before the demon snuggles in closer to your chest.

You smile yourself and wrap your arms around her. Shutting your eyes, you silently tell the Fallen that you’re there for here, in one way or another.

You both fall asleep to the sounds of your heartbeats.

You awaken to an empty bed. The sun is shining through your window, and the sheets are both damp and crunchy in places. Grimacing, you roll out of bed and rub your eyes, feeling completely shattered after the previous night.

That Yyvnn… she was something else.

Stepping into the bathroom for another shower, you wash the remnants of your roll in the hay with the Fallen away and dress yourself in the cleanest clothes you could find. You yawn and amble downstairs, checking your phone as you do so.

Midday. Everyone would be at college then.

“Mostly everyone,” pipes a voice from the dining room, startling you.

You peer around the door to see Natasha sitting at the head of the table, holding a mug of coffee in one hand as she flicks through a chemistry journal with the other. She’s wearing her usual bedclothes; scandalous black lingerie.

What was she still doing here?

“I get Fridays off, honey. Muu’s still at college, though, and I think Yyvnn’s taking her first course day. Advanced Calculus, can you believe that?”

Shutting her book, the Succubus sips her coffee and gives you a knowing smile.

“She was a lot friendlier this morning, you know. Care to elaborate~?”

You can already feel your cheeks burning as you head into the kitchen.

“Why so cagey, honey?” Natasha presses, her tail swishing as she follows you.

You make a few noncommittal remarks as you begin to make yourself some breakfast.

“Wanna know what I think happened?”

Not really.

“I think you piped her full like a profiterole!”

You nearly choke and drop your cutlery as she says this.

“Hah, hit the mark, have I?! C’mon honey; I could practically smell the cum leaking from her ass! Sweet hellfire, I didn’t know you had it in you to be so raunchy!” the Succubus laughs, nudging closer to you.

As you stammer and gutter for a response that’ll at least allow you to keep some of your dignity, Natasha licks her lips and latches on to your arm. She squeezes it between her breasts, only further complicating your train of thought.

“But maybe I like that in a man, hm? I’ll keep this a secret, don’t you worry, but how about you keep showing me these sexy, hidden sides of yourself in exchange, hm~?” she whispers huskily.

Before you can respond, your devilish plants a wet kiss on your cheek and returns to the dining room, where she picks up her book and starts to read, humming all the while.

You swallow hard and shake your head.

This… wasn’t going to become a regular thing, was it…?

Published 3 years ago

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