Now I am standing in the sun, drips of cool water still running from my hair and down my body, surrounded by three beautiful women; you in your bikini pants, and the two girls in their light dresses. You all raise your glasses of red wine towards me and your eyebrows too, as my cock twitches more and more at all the thoughts I’m having.
“So what would you all like?” I ask.
“Well, we’re just here to watch, as usual,” says Marie, “It’s up to you to decide what you two get up to today, but I’m sure we’ll enjoy it, whatever you choose to do!”
“No,” you say, “I’d like you both to help us think this through. If we talk about it, it may help Simon to get hard again!”
The three of you discuss loudly whether I should go down on you, or you should suck me first, and what positions we might use to fuck. The girls love to discuss it all and say so. They just want a close-up view of the action, whatever it is.
Hearing all of this starts to have a very obvious effect on me, and my cock is now growing steadily, pointing outwards from my body as I stand in front of you all. The girls are feeling hot too and are still a bit flustered from their rush to get here in time, as well as the view I am now presenting to them.
“Hmmm”, says Marie. ” Do you mind if we strip off a little? You’re just in bikini pants, and it looks very comfortable in the sun. We won’t interfere with your games, though.”
You agree, and although the girls are not directly involved, just the sight of them removing their dresses makes me groan, and they glance sideways at me and smile as my cock surges a little more.
All three of you are now standing topless in front of me, wearing only panties and holding full glasses of red wine.
“I think I’d better get Simon ready for action first,” you say, “and bring him back into the condition you saw on the mobile. That’s what you came for, after all!”
All three of you sit at the table, you flanked by Marie and Lise, while you pull me towards you to stand in front of you. My cock is at your face level, of course, and I know what is coming next. Even the anticipation of it is making me harder and harder, without touching. The girls hum to themselves while watching closely and you take my cock into your mouth yet again, swirling and sucking on the head, as before, and gently stroking the shaft only downwards to my balls as I had taught you.
The girls are very impressed with your techniques and store them away in their memory for future use, while I get fully erect once more.
I try to control myself by looking away from your mouth, with the red-wine-stained lips tightly gripped around my cock head and just a hint of saliva bubbling out now, but all I can see is the two girls, now topless. Although they are physically very similar, with deep and lustrous black hair, I notice that their breasts are very different. I have never seen them exposed before, but they are very relaxed about it. It is no more than you would see on any Italian beach, after all.
Marie has pert breasts rather like yours, with (now hard) small brown nipples standing erect, while Lise has somewhat larger breasts with large pink areolae spreading across them, and surprisingly long nipples standing proud. All three pairs in front of me are beautiful in slightly different ways and I say so.
You are busy with my cock, but the girls giggle at my comments and blush a little. They are so much closer to us than they have ever been before. You look up at me and take my cock from your lips, while stroking gently up and down the shaft – it is full and hard, pointing upwards again, but wet with your saliva now, and glistening in the sunshine.
Lise looks at her mobile, finding the pic you sent her earlier, and says, “Wow, it needs just a little more to get back to that perfect state, but you’re nearly there now. It looks so thick that you could hardly get your mouth open wide enough, and as for the length, well…. I just don’t know how much of that you could take in!”
“Let’s see!” you say, and I feel weak at the knees.
Marie seems a little dubious about this at first, but Lise leans forward to get even closer to the action.
You take my cock in one hand and force the head downwards towards your mouth while looking up at me. The head goes inside your mouth and you suck hard. I can feel it swelling even more with every suck. You close your eyes and memorise the feeling of my cock head completely filling your mouth, then you hold the shaft low down, and reach around behind me to pull me towards you.
I resist pushing, and allow you complete control. I am in your hands, literally. Slowly, my cock inches into your mouth, and I think I can feel the head starting to engage with your throat. You pull back a little. I say, “Only go as far as you want.”
Lise moans and squirms in her chair, while Marie also leans forward now, to get the closest of views.
You press your mouth over me again, but one hand is still between your mouth and my balls. Then you remove it and slowly edge further and further forwards. I can definitely feel the head squeeze into your throat, now. You stay still, trying not to breathe for a moment or two, while most of my cock is inside your mouth. Your lips grasp the shaft tightly, and you slowly withdraw now, sucking deeply as my cock emerges again.
“My God,” says Lise, “that was fantastic, and Simon, you’re now as big as you were before. Is that what she did to get you like that before?” I said it was, and we were now back where we started, before they called, but for me, it was even better, with our audience in the closest of front-row seats.
“I think it’s your turn now,” I say. I take your hands and guide you to stand from your seat, pushing you backwards to sit up on the tabletop, while I take your chair and sit down. I reach forwards and take your panties by each side, pulling them gently downwards, and off your legs, then part them so that I am again sitting between your thighs, as I had at the pool. The girls are both wriggling in their seats now, seated on either side of you.
I say, “Lie back,” and you very willingly lay back full length across the table. The girls move wineglasses away now and each one holds one of your hands. Not restraining you, but joining with you in companionship, and giving you something to grip on to. You grasp their hands gratefully, and say, “I think I know what’s coming next, girls; its probably me!”
You lie back across the garden table, each hand gripping the hand of one of the girls, sitting on either side of us. I am on the chair between them and between your legs. The girls briefly use their free hands to press against the inside of your knees, to part your thighs wide for me. I think this is the very first time they have ever touched either of us, during one of our sessions.
Your hair is neatly trimmed, so that the lips of your vulva are clearly exposed to everyone, and as you are now so excited, they are swollen and puffy, opening like a rose in front of my eyes. The girls each free one hand to take a gulp of red wine. They seem to need it, and although only their breasts are exposed, they are clearly also excited. Their nipples are erect, their breathing has become shorter, and when they put their glasses down, their free hands naturally drift down between their own legs. I think I can see some dampness in their panties already, but I am more focused on your beautiful, and fully exposed pussy, spreading before me in all its glory.
“O my God,” says Lise, as I lean forwards and gently part your pussy lips, exposing the pinkness inside, “I’ve never had a view like this before. It’s almost impossible to see your own pussy so clearly, and I’ve never been invited to see anyone else’s!”
Marie adds, “Yes, it’s a fantastic sight; a pity you can’t see what Simon is up to, but most importantly, you’ll feel everything he does. Can you tell us what you’re feeling, as he plays with you?”
“I’ll try,” you say, “but from past experience, I know that when Simon gets to work like this, it’s difficult to keep control, or even to speak sometimes. I know he won’t stop until I come, though I want it to last forever. Eventually, I will have to give way.”
The girls bite their wine-reddened lips in anticipation of what is about to happen before their eyes; something they have never seen before. They breathe in deeply and try to stay calm, hoping to learn some techniques they can ask their boyfriends to apply to them, but most of all, they want me to get started!
I tell them that there is no hurry and much of the pleasure lies in the anticipation we build up.
I part your pussy lips further and as they swell with your blood and passion, they naturally stay more apart, inviting me to explore further. I gently take one lip in each thumb and forefinger and pull you wide open, while my tongue licks slowly upwards from your pussy to your clit, which is becoming more and more prominent by the moment.
I tease your pussy with one finger, slowly entering you as far as my knuckles. You can’t speak, but make approving noises as I move in and out of you. The girls are moaning and gasping too. I place a second finger alongside the first, and now both are moving together, slowly, in and out of you. When I am as far inside you as my fingers will reach, I stop and make them twitch deep up inside you, feeling the subtle muscles of the vagina wall grip lightly to them, and studying its texture as I move out again.
The girls are holding their breath now, their lips pressed tightly shut. They are not sure whether to watch what I am doing to you, or to watch the effects mirrored in your face, or to focus on their own responses. You certainly can’t explain your feelings to them in words, now, but they share an understanding of what is building up in you.
I lean forward and press my mouth firmly to your pussy, licking long strokes again, but pausing a bit longer at your clit now. It has become much harder and more erect, and when I pull back the hood slightly, we can all see it red and throbbing now. The girls are fascinated and I take your clit into my mouth, sucking, licking and nibbling gently at it, while my fingers continue to move steadily in and out of your pussy.
Suddenly, your hips begin to move rhythmically and I know that you are very close now. You start to groan, and moan, saying “Noooo, no, noo, don’t! ” But when I pause, you say, “Please, please.. MORE!” and your hips begin to buck, while I try to keep my mouth firmly on your clit. Then I feel your pussy grip tight to my fingers, and I keep them deep inside you as your whole pussy convulses, rippling upwards and inwards, and you squeal out loud, your whole body shaking on the table.
I think your orgasm is transmitted like electricity through your hands, to the girls, who are also writhing uncontrollably in their chairs now. You most certainly reached orgasm and I suspect, in a quieter way, so did Marie and Lise. They do not know where to look, and close their eyes, sitting back in their chairs, but still holding your hands, to share the last drops of orgasmic pleasure with your body. Now they slump forwards, almost as exhausted as you, and release your hands. They mutter incoherently in a mixture of Italian and English, and stare at us both.
“Wow, that was the most exhilarating thing I’ve ever known,” says Lise, ” I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything so exciting and so exhausting at the same moment, not even when my boyfriend has fucked me well!”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a real orgasm, now that I’ve witnessed this,” said Marie, “I may have climaxed before, but nothing like this”. You still can’t speak and are lying back on the table, your whole body trembling a little, and occasionally jerking in an involuntary spasm.
Marie and Lise look at me wide-eyed and down at my throbbing cock, and say “How can you do that and not cum yourself?”
I say, “Obviously I had to concentrate on the job in front of me, and I was too busy even to touch myself. I’m sure it will be my turn next!”