Anna Part One

"Anna finds a lover"

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Anna was on her way to see Max, a guy she had “met” on an internet dating site. Everyone seemed to be doing it nowadays, but it was a first time for her. Anna was forty-two and had just got out of a terribly abusive marriage. In fact, if her husband hadn’t died, she would probably still be married to him – and still suffering.

She had spent over two hours on the phone with Max the previous night; they had had a good “heart to heart” as she had tried to get Max to understand what it was like to be in an abusive relationship. When she had put the phone down afterwards, she had felt a little sorry for him. He was obviously a gentle guy. She thought of him as a bit of a “toy-boy” as he was only thirty-one. He had, however, been married and divorced.

They had arranged for Anna to travel to Max, as his car was being serviced that day. She was almost there and was feeling a little nervous. They had discussed sex and how awful it had been with Anna’s husband. He had been cruel to her, and Max was frankly troubled as he feared that she might be “on edge” with him. Above all, he was concerned that he would be afraid to suggest anything lest it remind her of her husband’s treatment of her. Anna felt with hindsight that she would have been wise to play down this aspect of her life. Max seemed a decent sort of guy, and it was a shame to put a “spanner in the works” at this early point in their relationship.

Anyway, she arrived at his house. He kissed her in greeting – just a peck on the cheek – and seemed a little nervous himself. My fault, thought Anna.

They both sat on the sofa and chatted away for a couple of hours. Max kept returning to his concern about any sexual activity they might get up to. Anna tried to reassure him, telling him that she trusted him and was certain that he was not like her husband.

Suddenly Max said, “Would you like to try some different types of kissing, just to break the ice?”

“Sure,” she replied, thinking what a sweet, gentle guy he was.

Max held Anna’s face in both hands, then staring into her eyes, pecked her on the lips many times in a slow, mournful way. Anna was frankly disappointed. She had thought he was experienced.

Max asked her, “Was that okay?”

Anna didn’t know what to say. “Sure,” she replied.

“Let’s try this,” said Max. He held her face again, but this time he said, “Look at me all the time,” and he opened his mouth and brushed his lips against hers, using no tongue but using his lips on her mouth expertly. At the same time he stroked her cheek.

When he finished he said again, “Was that okay?”

Anna replied, “Yes, that was lovely.”

Then Max said, “Let’s try this.” He added, “Look at me all the time. Don’t you dare take your eyes off me.”

Anna liked the forceful way he said this. Max held her face again, but this time he ran his tongue across her cheek and forced it into Anna’s mouth. Then he explored every recess, still staring into her open eyes. He began to pant loudly. Max kissed her like that for several minutes; Anna thought he would never stop.

When he finally did he was obviously excited. “How was that? Was it all right?”

“It was wonderful,” answered Anna.

“Would you like to try something a bit different?” Max said, “I promise to stop if you don’t like it.”

Anna smiled. “I don’t think you could do anything I wouldn’t like.”

Max held her face again, staring as before into her deep, blue eyes. “Keep your mouth closed for this,” he said, “and don’t take your eyes off me.”

Max waited for a good twenty seconds, and then dribbled freely onto Anna’s lips. Immediately he licked all over her lips and chin. He began to pant again, as he said, “Was that okay?”

“I loved it,” she whispered. “Do it again.”

Max continued to hold her face. “Open your mouth this time,” he ordered, and he dribbled from her right ear, across her cheek, into her mouth, out of it, across her left cheek, and back into her mouth again. Then, with a look of pure lust in his eyes, he licked over every inch of Anna’s face and inside her mouth. Anna herself was becoming aroused, and was beginning to moan softly.

“You have two choices now,” said Max, “either we can go on as before, with me asking you if everything is okay, or you can just trust me to do anything I want to you.”

Anna was bathing in a golden glow. “I think it would be better if you just do anything you like to me,” she whispered softly.

Max said, “Good,” and he continued to stare into her eyes as he gently but firmly massaged her left breast.

“There’s no going back now. I’m going to do anything I want.”

Max grabbed a handful of Anna’s hair at the back of her head, and slipped his right hand under her long skirt, stroking her knee gently. He asked her, “How many times a day did you and your husband used to have sex?”

As he said the words “have sex” he slipped his hand up her leg until the side of his palm rested against the front of her panties. The effect on Anna was electric; she felt a sudden “dropping” inside her vagina.

She felt hornier than she had in years. To say she was wet was an understatement.

Anna answered, “Once a day, on average, but I didn’t often enjoy it.”

“If you and I were living together, I’d give you at least oral sex three times a day as a minimum, and often more than that. You’re an extremely highly sexed woman, I can tell,”

“Am I?” Anna replied, “I always thought I was.”

Max said, “I think it’s time we got you undressed.” He led her into the bedroom.

He locked the door behind him and took off Anna’s top. He dropped her skirt to the floor and took off her sandals. Then he stood up again, unhooking her bra and removing it. The sight of her breasts aroused him, and he dribbled over her face and neck, and inside her mouth again, using his tongue once more.

He knelt down again and gently and slowly removed her knickers. He pressed his face to her vagina and slowly opened it up, using his tongue expertly on her vulva and clit. Then he probed into her hole, making his tongue hard so it would go inside, coating it with Anna’s sweet nectar.

Suddenly he said, in that masterful way that Anna loved, “Get on the bed.”

She obeyed and climbed on the bed. Before she knew what was happening Max had climbed on top of her. His knees on either side of her breasts, he grabbed her left arm and fastened it to the headboard with one of a pair of handcuffs that were already in situ.

“What are you doing?” she asked him.

“I’m making it more exciting for you. Remember, you agreed that I would do anything I want to you.”

Anna was content; she trusted him. And she had never been so excited since she could remember.

“Did your husband never do this for you?” Max asked.

“No, but he used to tie me up, like I told you.”

“Well, I’m going to do that as well.”

Max took two lengths of rope and tied Anna’s legs back right over her head, exposing her vagina and anus.

Through all this he had remained fully clothed. He noticed she was looking at his jeans, probably wondering what was inside them. Now he began to undress, tearing off his denim shirt and dropping his jeans. He stood there in only his underpants. He teasingly pushed his fingers inside them, and then suddenly dropped them. He was erect and began to masturbate. Anna looked away, due no doubt to years of conditioning, but Max shouted, “Keep looking at me. Don’t you dare look away,” and she obeyed instantly.

After a while, Max got on the bed again. He positioned himself between Anna’s legs and fingered and licked her. He used his middle finger on her g-spot while he licked her clit.

Max asked her if she had ever had a vibro used on her. She answered that she hadn’t, but that her husband had used all sorts of objects on her – bottles, spray cans, candles, really anything that would fit. Max produced two vibrators. One he used on her clit at first, but he soon stopped because he could see it would bring her to climax too soon. He pushed it inside her, switching it to a low setting. Then he pressed the other vibro against her anus, saying, “I’m going to push this up your arse, as far as it will go.” As he said the word “go”, he let go, then immediately pushed hard again and it slipped right up her to its full length.

Anna climaxed massively, to Max’s surprise. It didn’t spoil things as he had feared, as she was plainly multi-orgasmic.

Max now settled down to using the two vibrators at the same time, whilst paying attention to her clit. She came this way twice more. Then he took the vibro out of her vagina and replaced it with his cock. Anna went wild when he entered her. She made one hell of a noise as he fucked her really hard, while still pushing the anal vibrator in and out of her eager arse (she couldn’t get enough of this). When she came, it was with a sound that can only be described as, “Whooor!!” It greatly excited Max.

He withdrew his cock, replacing it with the vibro, and straddled her face.

“Suck me,” he said. Anna took him in her mouth and he pushed slowly. When it was about half-way in, he took it out again, then pushed it back in. He repeated this several times, each time pushing it a bit further in, in case she couldn’t take it all, but Anna seemed to have no gag reflex at all. Finally he withdrew it completely. He put his glans on her lips and he very slowly pushed it into Anna’s mouth, half an inch at a time. Eventually his cock was completely inside, with his pubes pressing against her lips.

“I’m going to fuck your face,” he told her.

Max grabbed her hair at the back of her head and started off slowly, then gradually picked up the pace, until he was taking her fast and hard. Eventually he withdrew, and said all at once, “Look at me!! Don’t you dare look away! Put your tongue out!”

He ejaculated all over her tongue, teeth, inside her mouth and all over her face. When he finally finished he bent down and kissed her deeply, so they could both taste his ejaculate together. However, Anna was still not satisfied. She whispered, “I’ve got more orgasms. I can cum again, I can feel it.”

Max said, “I knew you were horny. What did I tell you?” And he got between her legs again and, discarding the vibrators, used his tongue and fingers to bring her to one final massive climax.

Published 10 years ago

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