A heart to match, and then I let you
Shot through the sky with the force of a rocket
Always by your side, in your ear, or your pocket
You reached for my hand, but instead grabbed my soul
With each day that passed, you tightened your hold
Never thought I would love you, never thought I would blush
Never thought I’d lose you, and it’d hurt me this much
What any man was, my Ivory God was much more
You made me your Babygirl, Goddess and Whore
If we’re wrong I don’t care, I’m not asking who’s right
I just long for you here, in the morning, and night
More than three sixty five of the days that we’ve spent
With four matching shoes, all made of cement
Our days into nights, never better or wrong
We’d win every fight, together and strong
The good you made better, and the great, wonderful
No one ever made me feel so safe, yet vulnerable
You did the job of three men, as I used to say
No man has topped that, even to this day
Holding so tight, til you said, let us go
How long can we do this, and how will we know?
Can I win this spar? Let’s see while I check
But I won’t get far, with your teeth on my neck
Your growl never ending, your prey never more
Your howl unbefriending, but God, I want more
Your kiss is like wine, come intoxicate me
Your body on mine, to make two of us, three
We’d watch him grow strong like the root of a tree
With blond hair like you, and brown skin like me
And then came the space that I rue to this day
Words in haste and untruth, somehow got in the way
So we both bent down to unbreak a shoe
That’s not what I wanted, I admit it, did you?
If two are now broken, there could never be three
I feel like I’m choking, and how could that be?
Words blight in our song, since you’ve been away
I want to cry, but I’m strong, since you made me that way
My voice is now faint, but I know that you hear
A room full of exits, yet, you are still near
I put feelings to sleep, though they might resurrect
I can’t caress you, just the bite that you left
As I reminisce, I reach for you in my sleep
Every kiss I ever gave you, is still yours to keep
You said that my heart shined a light on you
And now that it’s dark, I’m reminded that’s true
If you can’t be my lover, then I won’t be your friend
But before you leave, please…bite me again