Only Friends

"I will always love you"

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I felt so safe and secure
When I was with you.

I poured all my pain to you
And you listened in earnest
You held me in your arms 
And told me its okay
That I had you, you were there to stay

My heart burst with my love 
And my worries were forgotten
At least for the time being.

But the hours spent with you,
Were magical, to say the least

I thought we had something
Especially when you held my hand

Did you not feel it too? 
Or was it all in my head?

Then there was that night
When we went star gazing,
Sitting under the night sky.

Don’t tell me that was nothing

I thought for sure you were going to
I waited patiently and prayed I wouldn’t cry

But when it was time to leave,
You sent me home
With only, a “See you later”

I waited, still

Until I heard, you had someone else
My heart broke into tiny pieces
As I cried myself to sleep

“Goodbye friend, 
Its time I let you go,” I said

You refused to say goodbye,
Said, you needed me in your life

If you did,
Why didn’t you keep me?

I loved – no
I love you,
Don’t tell me, you didn’t know

The lights in your eyes died
As you watched me walk away

Goodbye friend,
I am not strong enough to stay,

But I will always love you

Published 10 years ago

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