Always Faithful – Chapter Six

"Laura tells Dan the ground rules she wants for her ongoing affair with Greg."

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After Laura modeled all the new dresses Dan bought they retired for the night. Bed wasn’t a play pen tonight, they cuddled and slept. Bare skin molded male to female as though trying to forget and make up for two weeks estrangement. They made love in the morning with bright sun filtering through draped windows. A new day dawned for Dan, Laura and their marriage.

Spring weather was cooperating on a beautiful Sunday, winter was gone and the day promised warmth. Laura suggested breakfast on their patio. She donned her new pink nightgown set and with Dan in PJ’s they ate a relaxed breakfast in the sun.

“Is there any more of the champagne chilled, I think today is a champagne day in every way?”

Dan went for a bottle and as he poured said, “We are getting decadent, best be careful about drinking before noon. I guess having champagne at the first patio breakfast of the year can be excused.

“Dan, I am glad two weeks ago is behind us.”

Laura didn’t think she needed detail in her remark, both understood. This might be a case of the less said the better. Still, there were details she and Dan needed to talk through. An awful lot was still in the air, even though Dan had sort of agreed that Laura could continue, even expand, her affair with her boss. Dan agreed with his wife’s observation; he was as aware as she that further talking things through would be necessary.

“I am glad we’ve cleared some things between us, Laura, but I don’t think either of us has signed up for a smooth ride, no bumps.”

“I really had a good time with you yesterday. I don’t mean just the dresses, beautiful as they are; I loved the shopping part of yesterday. I loved sharing the day with you. We need to do more of that, share time with each other.”

“Yes, we do need that, we need to talk, really talk, about things.”

“There is no better time than today to start, let’s get away from the house, go to the park by the river. We can walk and talk and enjoy the beautiful day.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

An hour and a half later, fancy dresses and tuxedos were far from their minds as the couple strolled along a trail by the river. “I know you said as much with actions, buying the red cummerbund was the final gesture, but let’s talk openly. Are you telling me that my being with Greg was okay? Are you telling me that it is okay for me to continue being with Greg at times?”

Dan waited to frame his response carefully. “Let me be clear, I don’t want to push you into being with Greg again, more than you have.” He paused again. “When you continued, after that Monday, had sex with Greg in the office, you were telling both of us you wanted to be with him more than once.”

“Maybe, Dan, maybe I was sending a signal, but if a signal to you, why did I keep it from you? I didn’t rush right home and tell you, remember? For god sakes, I got under his desk, wearing only my bra and panties and sucked Greg. He sat in his chair and I gave him a blow job, not just once, three times.”

“You said twice.”


“You told me you gave him two BJs after Monday.”

“I guess I forgot one Baby, I am sorry about that. I sucked him three times; I only fucked him once in the office.”

“Anywhere else, blow jobs or fucks, any kind of sex?”

“No, just in the office, three and one, that’s all.”

“We are get…”

“We got…”

“distracted! – tangent!” Both laughed, they knew number and place were extraneous to their conversation. “Did you really do the ultimate boss and secretary thing?”

Laura had to blush, “Yep!”

“That’s such a work place myth thing, everyone jokes about it, but I don’t know of anyone who has really had that happen, no one at all. When my wife does her boss for his birthday, she goes all the way.”

His last words earned Dan a hug and kiss from his wife. “Okay, I guess I do want to continue my affair, my affair with Greg.”

“There are still things to talk about, talking about you and Greg.”

“Yes, still a lot to talk about.”

Walking and talking, both agreed on the basic outline, Laura would be in charge of how her relationship with Greg developed. She made clear to Dan that she would not seek his approval often. Dan could object to any action, but he would not have automatic veto.

“If I have to get your approval, Baby, it would kill the romance for me.”

They walked and talked; Laura found some flat stones and asked Dan to skip them across the water. Laura made clear to Dan that she wanted to keep some parts of her affair private; she thought the privacy would be a way to keep a mild tension in their marriage. “I want some tension, Dan, I don’t want to do a wife sharing thing; I want the tension of an affair. Not too much tension though, not more than we can safely handle.”


“I’m not going to tell you every time either.”

Dan heard his wife tell him that she wouldn’t always tell him. He assumed that was for the tension. Laura explained her thinking a little different.

“An affair should have mystery. Romance needs mystery. I don’t intend telling Greg everything either. That is why I insist, I am not always going to tell you when I am with Greg, when we have a date.”

Laura made the point that Dan would often know even if she didn’t say anything. “If I wear that red dress you just bought in the evening you’ll know I am not going grocery shopping, right?” Both laughed heartily at the thought. “Well, I won’t be wearing it going out looking for another guy either.”

She was very reassuring about one aspect of their marriage; Laura wasn’t looking for something Dan was holding back in their relationship.

“I want to keep you guessing every once in a while, wondering if I am out on a date with Greg, or just out. That’s for both of us, I am a married lady and I am going to be dating another man. Those dates will mean more than sex, not just go screw Greg; you know that don’t you?”

“Fucking is your primary thing, whether you admit it or not, it is important to you. If you say sex with Greg isn’t important, you’re not being honest”

Dan’s point stopped Laura in her tracks; she couldn’t take her husband lightly on this. There was a bench nearby; she sat down and looked inside herself for a full five minutes. Dan just waited; he knew he got to her with his words. ”Okay, damn you, okay. You are right, I want the romance and excitement, but I really like the way Greg fucked me. From the first time, I liked it. The first time was the rough time, and that was great. The second was the love making time and that was great too.”

“I liked the times in the office, even that first Friday before I gave up my body. I really liked it crazy, being under his desk in bra and panties sucking his dick in the office.”

“Was what you felt the danger of doing it in the office, or the nastiness of being under his desk like that?”

“I’m sure both, Dan, one time we didn’t even lock the door. The time he fucked me in the office I had him put my panties in my mouth to keep me quiet. One time, we both had a cum as his phone rang.”

“You slut girl, my woman is an absolute slut for her boss.” Dan’s words earned a big kiss.

“So you are right, sex with Greg is important to me, I can’t get that kind of sex with you because we know each other too well. I get it with Greg because we don’t know each other sexually.”

“Not yet!”

“Yeah, not yet, do you mean something more?”

“What will happen when you and Greg learn more about each other? Let’s assume you have an affair with him for a good while, a year or more. He will learn more about you sexually, get used to you, and you will get to the same place with Greg. Here is my real question, what then? Do you slow down, break off the affair, or find someone new?”

“Jeez Baby, you can ask hard questions, you’re right of course, you’re right to think ahead. I damned sure haven’t thought about those things.”

“I have one more question that you haven’t thought about and almost surely can’t answer.”

“What’s that?”

“Would you cheat on Greg after you got comfortable, want to try someone else on the sly, or even up front as you did with me?”

“You’re right, I don’t know the answer to that one Baby; do you think I should?”

“Know the answer?”

“Cheat on Greg.”

Both Dan and Laura roared with laughter at her response. They headed for the car and home. Dan wanted to make one more point, about their marriage. “I see a keep fresh aspect to your affair with Greg. For you I mean, but I think also for us. Being with Greg should add vitality to your outlook.”

“You are probably right. You do see people and things more clearly than most men.”

Laura suggested Chinese take-out so they could continue their discussion on the patio. She wanted to go over what they talked about and expand their discussion.

As they ate Chinese, Laura said she wanted to go over what they talked about by the river but focus more on them and their marriage. Laura did most of the talking; she wanted this time to make clear to Dan what she wanted from her affair. Dan’s role would be to answer her questions and accept her words and decisions.

“I will tell you when I am going out with Greg, but not always. I want you to know, and to think about us being together, just like you did that Monday on Greg’s birthday.”

“Because you want to tease me, challenge me, test me, is that why you want me to always know?” Dan deliberately misinterpreted Laura; he was pushing for reassurance.

“No, and I didn’t say always, I said not always. Part will be tease, test, and challenge; I want that for you and for us as couple.” A pause, “I want to keep our excitement level high. Ours, Laura and Dan’s excitement about Laura’s affair with Greg, I want us to feel excited. I do like that simple phrase, with Greg, I notice you using it too. When you use it, when you say she is with Greg when we talk, you don’t always sound as positive as I feel. That’s good. That is part of your tension, and part of my romance.”

“I know that the romance is a big thing for you, maybe the biggest.”

“Romance is a biggie for me”, Laura agreed, “and this is, will be, my affair, not yours, not yours and mine and Greg’s.”

“Uh, okay, I think. I think I understand you.”

“Greg isn’t getting a free ride either; I plan to be just as quixotic with him. I don’t want to be just a piece of ass. I will not be the secretary he is dating this week, this month. If I even think that is in his mind, you have a full time wife again Baby. You won’t have to share any part of me with Greg if he just wants a piece of Laura’s tail.”

“What about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Is Greg more than a fat dick, a fat dick between the legs of a guy who will do things I don’t to your body?”

Dan’s question caused Laura to pause once again; her immediate response was yes, but then maybe the answer is no. Laura said, “I want to think that one through, give me a minute.” Laura used her chopsticks to eat her food then continued. “Dan, I said this before, you ask the damnedest questions; you ask questions that are so simple. Those simple questions you ask make me look all the way through me.”

“Romance, I said I want romance with Greg, I want romance. The outward side of romance is dressing in those pretty dresses, being out in public with a handsome well dressed man. Having others see me and my man as an attractive couple. I want that with Greg, but I could have all of that and maybe more with you. You are the one who just broke the bank buying those six really pretty new dresses. You bought them for me to wear to be romantic with Greg. You would look as good on my arm, and I on yours, as any man in the world, including Greg.”

“Greg is a good physical lover, he has a nice dick. His cock is just a little bit thicker than yours, and that thicker feels really good, but not that much better than your cock. Greg may use his cock a bit different than you, but his isn’t really better, just different. I think he uses it a bit different because he is new to me. That said, you are a damned good lover, husband, damned good.”

“I am grateful for that vote of confidence; I hope that isn’t the public praise vote before the manager gets fired.”

“Huh, what do you mean?”

Dan had to explain the baseball ethos.

“No Baby, you never get fired from my team. You are too good, we have too much together. I want to keep you forever. I also want Greg. I want the dating, the public appearances, all of those trappings right along with you. And I want his big dick and the way he fucks me. Maybe this is what it boils down to Dan; Greg and I have really fiery sex when we fuck hard and when we make love. I like that fiery sex; I want to keep having fiery sex with Greg.”

Laura continued about her desires from her affair. “The next question for us, and we haven’t talked about this one at all, is how often? I am not sure how often I will want him, probably more than you.”

“Yeah, I am sure more than me. More than I will want you to be away from me and with Greg.”

“I think you might be happy with special occasions, every couple of months, at most, once a month; am I right?”

“I think I can live with once a month”, Dan agreed.

“I don’t think once a month will be enough for me. I want more. Not as often, as intense, as two weeks ago. I don’t want the newness to wear off. Maybe I will want Greg every couple of weeks, maybe even once a week.”

A furrow creased Dan’s face but he said, “I might even live with a schedule like that, I will try.”

“The idea of a schedule is what I don’t want; I may want Greg every day for a week. Several days in a row of rough furious sex so I feel it for a while, even show it. What I’m saying tonight, out here on our patio eating Chinese takeout is, I want you to live with that. Live with what I want.”

“Just like that?”

“Yes, and there is another related thing I want you to live with. This one may be even harder for you to accept.”

“What will be harder?”

“I told you Greg wanted me to spend the night that Monday; what’s going to happen the first time I do? There will be times that I want to spend the night, I hope you know that.”

“I don’t know, I’m not sure, do you have to? Laura, not coming home might be too much for me to deal with, at least at first.”

“Dan, let’s be clear; there will be times I spend the night with Greg. There may be times I spend more than one night with Greg, be with him for the weekend.”

“Laura, I don’t know.”

“There will be times Dan; I think there must be times for my romance with Greg.” Laura knew she was pushing her husband hard by her actions. She had to be hard, but walk a fine line. Even more than she wanted her romantic affair with Greg, she wanted her marriage with Dan as a permanent anchor.

“These last questions, sex with Greg when I want it, if I tell you, and whether I’ll be home, are things you and I have to deal with together, as a married couple.

I am sure you would like to start slow.”

“Laura, I think starting slow is best, maybe necessary, for me at least.”

“I figured you would say that. I’ll tell you what, I don’t intend to do anything with Greg out of the office for a couple of weeks. I want him to get used to what I want too. When we do have a date, I just might test you all the way the first time.”

“Please Laura.”

“I said just might, not I will. Trust me on this Dan; trust me to take both you and me into consideration. I’ll be judging you over the next few weeks. I’ll make my decisions based on how you react. Will you trust me to make the decisions, to do those things, spend the night?”

“I believe you are as committed to us, to our marriage and future as I am. I have to trust you.”

“It’s getting a bit chilly out here tonight, ready to go in?”

Laura went to change, she returned to the den in her new pink night gown. “I’m in such a good mood that with one more drink I just might invite the nearest man to my bed. That would be you,” she said while pointing with her leg.

Her pointed leg exposed a pretty pink slit, but Dan didn’t need visual stimulation. “I’ll accept that invitation.”

“You can make love to me tender and sweet, or you can bang my brains out. Dealers choice.”

“I may do both.”

In their bed, Dan played Laura’s body as a sexual instrument. His fingers played across his wife’s throat; everywhere Dan’s fingers traced, his lips followed. Pink circles of areola became a magnet for his attention. Laura’s nipples called out to be pinched and tweaked, but they received only gentle strokes and kisses. Dan reached his wife’s mound with his sensual wandering across her body. He wondered as he kissed and sucked, if tonight might be the last time he wouldn’t have to wonder. Would Greg be here first; the next time I kiss Laura here will I also be kissing part of Greg?

Torment wracked his brain and energized his actions. Dan repeatedly stabbed at Laura’s slit with his tongue. He drove his face onward, as deep as he could plow her pussy furrow. The sudden change of pace stoked Laura’s excitement, she thrust forward to meet her husband’s urgency. Suddenly Dan was upon her, his cock inside where it belonged. Laura knew how to draw the best for them; she squeezed within as if to strangle this wonderful cock with her love and her body. Their loving tonight began with tenderness and light stimulation. Now it was elevated to high passion, and Laura travelled that high plateau with her Baby to their mutual orgasm.

Descent from the heights was slow, as slow as their climb together; it was just as enjoyable. Laura kissed Dan’s lips that had given her such pleasure. “Thank you Baby, you were great. You can eat me like that anytime. Your mouth really got both of us going tonight.”

“You tasted sweet, so fresh and sexy sweet. I figure I better enjoy you fresh like this whenever I can.”

“Are you afraid I won’t be as fresh next time if I have been with Greg?”

“Knowing you won’t be pushed me, drove me into eating your cunt even deeper.”

“I don’t know whether to be fresh and let you think I may not be, or the other way around.”

“You slut wench, you would, you’d do both.”


They continued cuddling, needing to share their love and their bodies. “Let me ask a question Baby, since we .are talking about me as less than fresh and pure. You had your cock in a pool of Greg’s cum in my pussy that night, you knew he was still there inside me, how did it make you feel? How did I feel? How did you feel?”

“Hot, hot and wet! You were burning up inside, slick with Greg’s cum but on fire. That was the physical part, you felt hot and wet and very slippery. Truthfully, it was heaven. Knowing how you got that slick and wet got me even hotter-than-hard hot. Some of what I felt was the waiting, the buildup. Much was the pure physical sensation. There was probably some male competitive stuff thrown in. I needed to reclaim my territory.”

“You are welcome to reclaim your territory every time. You can mark your territory like an animal, as long as you understand your mate may cross the marked line from time to time.”

“I guess I better start marking.”

Just as Laura offered, this time Dan took her body roughly. He used his strength to mark his territory. Laura was bruised and sore after her second orgasm and Dan had tooth and nail gouges on his body. They slept with contented smiles side-by-side until dawn.

> > > > – –

Greg reaped the benefits of Laura’s fantastic weekend. Her warm smile, even warmer and brighter than Friday’s smile, greeted his arrival in the office. He was at his desk when Laura brought the morning mail. The mail went on his desk, she sat on his lap, and her lips and tongue took their place on his mouth. The kiss was not a quickie; they took time to make up for a weekend apart.

“Laura’s first new rule, I intend to start every work day just like this. I am going to kiss you good morning. No peck on the lips or cheek, I’ll give you a real lover’s kiss every morning.”

Greg remembered Friday began with a kiss. “Is this a gift from Dan too, should I send a thank you card?”

“No, all kisses I give from now on are from me, keep that in mind darling. Dan and I did go shopping Saturday; he picked out several new dresses for me. He also bought something for you. I’ll give it to you at the appropriate time.”

As Laura spoke, Greg’s hands roamed over her chest. He unfastened one button and let his fingers play on her skin above the bra cup. Greg’s hands earned another kiss. Suddenly there was a light knock at Greg’s office door.

Laura jumped to answer, straightening her skirt as she opened the door. Greg turned to his mail. One of the senior partners needed a word. Laura returned to her desk; she immediately checked her makeup for telltale signs. She noticed the button on her blouse, shit! We have to be more careful in the office, she thought to herself. Greg still gets his morning kiss, I get my kiss, but we have to be careful.

When Laura kissed Dan warmly on returning home, her lips were chaste except for two passionate kisses she shared with her lover. Dan, however, had no way of knowing that. His suspicions were active, but not rampant.

Tuesday was almost a carbon copy of Monday at work and at home. The work exception was no knock at Greg’s door. Their kiss was extended and Greg unfastened three buttons to get his whole hand under Laura’s blouse. At home, Dan had the same curious wonderings when he got his welcome home kiss. Laura did ask Dan if he would photograph her as she modeled her new wardrobe. There was no doubt, although unspoken, who would see the pictures.

Laura vamped more in this modeling session than she did Saturday. Her stocking tops showed as she modeled dresses with slit skirts. She held one side of skirt to her waist giving a good view of hip in her sparkly gold dress. Leaning forward to show more cleavage seemed natural. Dan got into being a cheesecake photographer; he totally put aside who would benefit from the end product. Husband and wife had two hours of fun, smoothed with another bottle of champagne.

The entire evening was splendid irony. Dan was photographer, his wife Laura was model. They were drinking her lover Greg’s favorite brand of champagne while Laura modeled dresses Dan purchased for her to wear on dates she would have with said lover, Greg. They adjourned to their computer room to edit and print pictures that Laura would take to work tomorrow. It was almost midnight before they made it to bed. Laura didn’t have to beg off pleading she was tired. She decided during the photo shoot that she would do just that, but it wasn’t necessary.

Laura hummed as she drove to work. I plan on having some fun the rest of the week; I hope my guys enjoy my fun. Greg found a brown routing envelope he didn’t recognize with his morning mail. Laura’s intercom buzzed, she went to Greg with a big grin. “You called?”

“I really wanted that picture of you on my desk, but these will do until then.”

“I thought you might like them.” Laura and Greg enjoyed their first kiss of the day. “How about lunch on Friday boss, are you up for taking your favorite secretary to our favorite spot?”

“Do we have to wait until Friday?”

“Yes, I have something to do at lunchtime today.”

“And what is more important than lunch with your boss?”

“I have to make an inspection; I need to check underneath your desk.”

“Okay, I guess we can wait until Friday, we do owe each other a Friday lunch if I recall correctly.”

Laura remembered to lock the door when she went for luncheon treat. Greg decided he wanted her nude under the desk. Laura agreed readily.

“Be careful not to mark me, but give me some of your special feelies before we get to the main course.”

Greg’s hands worked her good spots. Laura was about to go down below when she had a thought. “Coat your cock with some of my special sauce before I have your special sauce for lunch.” Greg bent her over his desk and stroked cock into his secretary. He pumped hard and fast; Laura only barely resisted letting him finish. She missed his fat cock in her pussy.

On her knees in a flash, Laura told Greg exactly what she wanted. “Hold onto my titties and fuck my face just the way you did my pussy. Give me everything you’ve got.”

Greg took a good grip, squeezed hard, and told Laura to get ready. His first thrust was fast and powerful. Cock went all in, choking Laura immediately. He squeezed his tit hold harder and began full strokes into Laura’s mouth.

“Take it slut, choke on my dick.”

Laura was forced to gulp air on Greg’s outstroke. She slobbered drool down her chin, around Greg’s cock. Suddenly, her boss was ready to cum, so was she. They held each other sealed tight, Greg wriggled his hips, fully imbedded until he spewed into his lover. Laura tasted nothing; Greg shot straight past her taste buds.

Greg held tight after his orgasm. He was fully into Laura’s throat. Will she push me away; she can’t breathe like this? Laura didn’t push, and Greg could see her face getting red. Finally he pulled back and Laura collapsed head first into his lap. He lifted her head and kissed her tenderly until she recovered and was breathing normally.

“You’re incredible; I’ve never known a woman like you.”

“I can’t be this way with anyone but you.”

Greg pulled Laura from under the desk into his lap. He fondled her pussy while he nursed at one of her boobs.

“I almost wish I were pregnant so I could feed you my milk. That feels so good, I love the way you are sucking my breast right now.”

“If you want, we can try.”

“No way lover; I don’t think we can go that far.”

“Just practice?”

“Yes, Dan has agreed, sort of, that we can practice. He might buy a pretty dress for me to wear on a date, but raising a love child would be too much for him to handle.”

Dan’s homecoming kiss was passionate, that had become their norm. He tasted no hint of Laura’s lunch time tryst. Laura had already decided since she didn’t get to taste, Dan wouldn’t. She saw no need to tell him anything. He might know something tomorrow, he definitely will Friday. Laura had the week well planned.

> > > > – –

“Your cock felt like it was right where it belonged yesterday, I want it again today.”

Plans made and at three-thirty Laura parked in Greg’s driveway. Her blouse was unbuttoned when Greg opened the door. “We’ve got almost two hours; I’ll tell Dan a lie about working late.” Laura left her skirt and blouse on the floor by the door.

“Pump me hard and fast like yesterday, do that for me the first time and you can have me anyway you want after that.”

Greg took her doggie style; he alternated slapping her ass cheeks with slapping at Laura’s pussy. Laura let the walls know her pleasure with what Greg was giving her; her screams were loud and constant. She climaxed first but Greg didn’t stop. He kept his steady fuck stroke pace. Soon Laura was back at her peak. This time she reached underneath to Greg’s dangling sack and squeezed his orgasm out of him. They collapsed with Greg on top.

As they rested, Laura told Greg she wanted him to think of a good date evening where they could dress up and go out. “I want to wear that red dress you saw in those pictures for you.”

“I’ll look at my social calendar.”

“A Friday or Saturday night would be best, I think.”

“Will you stay the night this time?”


Greg’s cock completed the march to full erection when Laura said yes. “Do you want to do dinner and dancing again?”

“That would be okay, a good starter course, but I really want you to take me some place you can show me off, a coming out event so to speak.”

Erect again, Greg was fully ready to make love with his married lover. As much as he loved the way Laura allowed him unrestrained sexual use of her body, Greg really enjoyed making love with delicacy. He rolled his lover on top and planted her on his cock pole. Greg took in her beauty above him.

“Let’s go slowly this time lover, I want to build a mountain with you and climb to the top.”

Greg flexed his thickness inside her, Laura responded using her muscles. Their hands and lips played each other’s body. Greg would sit up so their lips kissed, then Laura bent down to lead the kissing. Both loved the sensations when Laura bent to drape her breasts on her man’s chest. She swung back and forth gently to some internal rhythm with nipples brushing nipples. They talked to each other as passion built, love talk, nonsense talk, telling each other when a motion worked.

Greg’s control wavered first; his hands clutched his lover’s hips a little harder. He began pulling her tighter to his mid section as his upward thrusts became more extreme. He was panting hard when he began lifting Laura in the air with each thrust.

“That’s it darling, you are getting close, drive cock into me harder; I love it when you do me like this.”

Laura was almost there; her body told her the explosion would come soon. She knew how she wanted to make Greg cum this time. Suddenly Laura folded down and pressed chest to her lover’s chest. Her mouth was at his ear nibbling. Greg felt the breath of her whisper.

“You’re almost ready darling, I want to cum with you. Cum with me when I say the words in your ear, say them into your soul.”

“Yes, yes!”

Laura now pressed her hottest kiss on his lips. She felt his passion through kisses until they throbbed together. It was time, she whispered again.

“I love you darling, I love you.”

They screamed in unison; at this moment Laura and Greg were one soul joined. Nothing else existed in their universe. Laura’s world was a cocoon of warmth. She stayed wrapped on top of her boss without motion; they simply kissed and relished their togetherness. Greg still pumped his sperm; he could never remember delivering this much for this long after initial orgasm. He now had a new definition of perfect sex.

“I’ve never had a time like this, never made love with a woman with this much love and emotion before. You bring out everything that I have to give.” Greg heard Laura sigh. “I want this forever, Laura, forever.”

As much as she knew she wanted exactly what Greg just voiced, Laura had to begin her metamorphosis. Soon she would have to be Dan’s wife, not Greg’s lover, not her boss’s mistress. Her inner feelings became twisted with conflict. She licked Greg clean to taste their combined flavor.

“Dinner and dancing with you will be great, but I really want to be with you as your lover. I want you to find a place to out us. My husband knows I have you as a lover, I want everyone else to know.”

Dressed and about to leave she told Greg that tomorrow he could have more.

Published 10 years ago

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