Sisterhood of Sin — 18 — The Entrapped Man

"Our heroine has no exit strategy, so she creates and entrance strategy."

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It’s not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task.

“Hello, Mrs. Blanc.”

“Hello, Mrs. Riviera.”

“What’s up, Cate.”

“I have a favor to ask and if you don’t want to do it, you’re the only one I trust to suggest someone else.”

“What do you need?”

“I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn’t be much acting really, it just needs to be… extremely discreet. And it’s kind of… kinky. And there’s a lot at stake.”

“Well Cate, how can I possibly not want to know more after a line like that?”

It really didn’t take much convincing to get her on board for the ceremony that Barbie Malibu and I had cooked up for my husband.

I had previously identified that the sisterhood’s re-nups can trigger abusive relationships, but I had missed the signs in my own marriage. Without realizing how trapped he felt, I had unintentionally opened a floodgate of angst with the Earn an Orgasm game and the Courage Jars and Freaky Friday. Dan was perfectly comfortable with having secret urges that he had no intention of acting on, and maybe I should have respected that, but we both gained by exploring our dark sides. I really don’t think he regrets anything that happened in them. But the combination of stresses I had inflicted were harder on him than I realized. And now it’s too late. He wants me to have an exit strategy to free us, meaning him, from what he perceives as the sisterhood’s thumb on us, meaning him. I had to tell him that leaving was unacceptable to me. The sisterhood had given me an irreplaceable purpose.

When I was recruited into the sisterhood, I learned that Dan was a wealth hider. Kyra’s team discovered that we were living well below our means and Dan was hiding our true net worth from me. Of course, both Kyra and I jumped to the conclusion that he was preparing to exit the marriage with more than his fair share. It happens all the time. Men sense divorce on the horizon and even though it’s difficult to do, they try to hide assets that they would be forced to include in the settlement.

Unfortunately for me, Dan’s explanation was much less sinister. I had never really shown interest in the process of amassing a nest egg. Dan felt he was under pressure to secure our future and one way to do that was to instill frugality into our family culture. In my opinion, he went overboard, but that doesn’t imply nefarious intent.

Perhaps if I had known that we could afford some domestic help, I might have had more time to devote to him and to keeping our marriage secure. But maybe that’s just me trying to blame him again. It is useless hindsight. Perhaps I would have just spent more on status symbols and made his anxiety worse. I’m not immune to the allure of bling.

My alliance with the sisterhood transferred the control of our assets to me, where they were managed with the advice of Kyra and Claire, and goosed by the insider trading nature of the sisterhood. Through the combined effects of numerous seemingly unrelated small trades, appropriately timed, the sisterhood benefits both the individual members and our cause. Our net worth is now much more than Dan was aware of. I thought I was doing that for my protection, and to secure the future financial security of our children. But I was really no better than him when my hand was on the financial steering wheel. We were richer, but I was hiding that from him.

By dabbling in his secret fantasies, pushing his buttons to discover where his boundaries were, and where they could be shifted to, I was scaring him with the potential risks to our careers and our financial security. We are both on track to become the CEOs of our respective companies, but that would certainly be jeopardized by the inadvertent discovery of our kinky games.

There was another aspect to his anxiety that I take full blame for. I was unknowingly giving him the impression that the sisterhood was a cuckolding and emotional castration program and that I was crawling my way up the organization’s power ladder at his expense. He thought that what we were doing was something that many in the sisterhood routinely do to their re-nupped husbands, that this was more than just my attempts to keep our marriage together and to resolve the emotional conflicts of my bad experience with the Fuscias.

I could think of no other way to allay his fears than to take the advice of an old hippy era poster that one of the girls in our college dorm had thought was extremely profound. ‘If you love someone, set them free. If they come back…’

To set him emotionally free without losing him, I would have to divulge more about the sisterhood than I felt authorized to divulge, to make him more of an ally. We are naturally suspicious of men because we fear our tendency to take the easy road by letting them run our lives. The sisterhood excludes men wherever they can, but I’m sure we all let our men have hints about our activities. I had done that with Gabe, to the point where he had taken our oath, and the results had been very mutually satisfying.

I wanted to show Dan that I wasn’t trusting all of our nest egg to some sinister coven of witches that could wipe us out when it was convenient for them. But I knew that, even though I felt that I could trust him, it was too big of a decision to make on my own. I thought about consulting Kyra, but sometimes it’s just clear that a particular person, even though she’s my best friend, isn’t really the best source of certain kinds of advice.

I knew that I could not consult with my shrink on how to proceed. Barbie had cautioned me not to involve her in ‘our business’. She had read my stories and she was aware of our organization, but she’s not a sworn member, just an associate bound by a non-disclosure agreement and doctor-patient privilege. On top of that, I was winding up my relationship with her. After Dan’s retaliation, my disturbing urges toward my male coworkers disappeared. Every time that I even tried to think about pegging or caning one of them, my thoughts turned to the recording that I had watched and had insisted that Dan must encrypt and keep in a very private place. It was of me in bondage, bent over a large foam cushion, with a vibrating wand turning me into a whimpering pile of sated lust.

These thoughts didn’t make me run to the ladies room to masturbate. They made me look forward to sex with Dan. I was satisfied that I no longer needed the shrink, the courage jars, or the Freaky Fridays. I could simply tell Dan what I was in the mood for or ask him what would please him. Unfortunately, I made the trust problem worse by suggesting that we end the Freaky Fridays.

“I won’t be bought off, Cathy. For one thing, I really do like the good sex we’re having. I want to keep that. I liked planning what I would do with you for a whole week before doing it. I think we should draw the cards early and give the one person days to prepare while giving the other days to wonder about what will happen. But I don’t want to keep risking our futures.”

Because this problem with Dan involved both the sisterhood and our marriage, Barbie Malibu, the marriage counselor of Liz’s Red Council, and the first woman to become a gift to Dan, and the woman who had consoled me and helped me to find the counseling that I needed, was the natural choice to consult. She had some ideas. She had been impressed with how I had handled Gabe and William, integrating them into the sisterhood’s plans by giving them just enough insight into our true nature. She thought that we could do the same with Dan, but that I should offer a him a walk-away choice first.

The goal was to convince him that he would always have financial security, even if his career somehow became compromised by me or the sisterhood. If he wasn’t interested in taking the opportunity to escape our grip, she wanted a chance to ‘counsel’ him into the sisterhood. So she authorized me to divulge the high level money picture of our organization without completely lifting our skirts for him. She left it very vague, trusting that I could see what he needed and present it with minimal risk to us. She’s not exactly savvy with money, so I’m sure she just didn’t know what to authorize me to tell him. So I made my own plan.

Step one was to give him control of a big chunk of our assets. “If the tax man ever finds out what we’re doing, Dan, he probably won’t be nice enough to give us adjoining cells, but if you log into this website with this username and password, you’ll find your own offshore nest egg and instructions on how to move it to where I can’t touch it. You’ll have to leave the country and assume an alias to actually make it spendable, but then you’ll be able to live the rest of your life in luxury.”

“That’s not what I want, Cathy.”

“I know that, Dan. You and I want the same thing, a bright future for our children, but it’s good to have a financial security blanket, and that’s yours. If you ever have to get out of Dodge, you don’t have to take the money and run. Just grab your passport and go. I’m doing this so you know that you can do as you please, and if it pleases you to stay with me, I’ll know it’s because you want to, not because you feel trapped by the financial hold we have on you. And now that you understand us better, maybe we won’t seem so sinister.”

“But I don’t really understand you better. You’re organized. You do these things and you don’t get caught. I’m not a financial idiot, Cathy. You don’t move huge mountains of cash from place to place in trucks. You use the networks. You get around tax and banking laws somehow. That seems kind of sinister.”

I show him my blank red credit card. “I don’t dig below the surface, Dan. Breaking the law and doing something wrong can be two different things. I don’t have a need to know. I assume there’s a bank of some sort behind it, just not one that pays much attention to laws. This card gets accepted with a high degree of welcome.”

“Are these teeth marks in it?”

“Um, yup. Just one of those times when I didn’t have enough hands free to hold everything that needed holding.” Actually, when I added those teeth marks to the card, I had one hand rubbin’ my nubbin while the other was tied up over my head as I lay naked and spread with vibrating plugs in my cunt and ass while I was surrounded by a sinister coven of sisters engaged in a lust ritual. I guess I bit down pretty hard when I came. But I didn’t think that story would help me to allay his fears. Instead, I showed him all the steps I had taken to secure our children’s futures.

I also showed him the two other nest eggs that I’m keeping control of. One is what our government would find if they audited us, and we should be safe from prosecution with that one. The other is my offshore nest egg, and it’s roughly the same size as his. He doesn’t have a need to know about the NQA money in my sisterhood account. That’s more than the other three nest eggs combined, and each of those is sufficient to make for a very comfy retirement.

“So, don’t worry your pretty little head about our financial security, dear.”

“I guess I deserved that. I’m okay with the offshore security blankets, Cathy. Hopefully we’ll never need them. But I want to keep abreast of our legitimate investments. I’m not asking for control. I can’t hope to beat the success you’re having. But I would appreciate ongoing awareness. Maybe I can learn something, and maybe I can make worthwhile suggestions that can help your… our cause.”

I knew when he said ‘our cause’ that his attitude toward the sisterhood had improved. Our cause is not some kumbaya, pie-in-the-sky, peace-on-earth fantasy. It’s a lot of hard work to demolish the obstacles and impediments to peace and prosperity, one family at a time. Dan is a hard worker. It was an easy concession for me to make. I could let Dan see and suggest.

Then he blew my mind when he said, “But I still feel like I have to protect you from harm and I failed at that. You were badly hurt somehow, and I want to keep you safe. If you won’t get out, then I want to get in so I can do that. I want a card of my own and I want to be trusted in my role as your partner.”

That really threw me. He wanted inclusion in the sisterhood’s business at a level I still couldn’t allow. I would need his oath and Liz’s concurrence and I should have seen that coming. Gabe didn’t care about the money, so we never gave him a card. But he took the oath to get the bargain with us. Maybe I should have learned from that. I didn’t want to be the sister who too easily trusted her husband and allowed him to harm our cause, but allowing him to take the oath and feel part of the system might not be a bad idea.

“What would you do with a card?”

“I would take you out to dinner at Pierre’s.”

“The cards are like debit cards. How would you earn money to put on one?”

“I’m sure you can think of some other way I can contribute, aside from my job related role.”

So I told him that if he really wanted in, he would have to present his case to someone else who could help me sell it to ‘the powers that be’. I pulled out my secret cell phone and called Barbie. She was expecting my call. It wasn’t the first time he had seen the phone and he knew that I only ever used it in private. After explaining that he wanted more than I felt I could give him, I let him speak directly with her. I left the room, so that I wouldn’t be tempted to interrupt based on his half of the conversation. The call took over an hour. At the end of it, he brought the phone to me and left the room so Barbie could tell me the details of their agreement.

Dan had agreed to earn our trust by taking an oath and participating in a trust earning ritual. Apparently, due to my success with Gabe and Mr. F, Liz had tasked Barbie with creating a structure for integrating ‘little brothers’ into our organization. Barbie had already received Liz’s concurrence to integrate Dan and now I had a need to know, because she wanted access to Dan. I got the feeling that some other promises and agreements were made, but she did not reveal them.

“So what do you have in mind for an induction ceremony for him?”

“Barb, I should be asking you about that. Didn’t you tell him what would be involved?”

“No, I left it open ended. I trust your instincts, Cate. You know what motivates him. Fraternity and sorority initiations are trials by ordeal. Kyra and Claire put you through one of those and it made for a great story. It sounds like you’ve already put each other through Hell Week, so just a simple exchange of promises and some symbolic acts should do. Be creative.”

And so I had. Dan had recognized Barbie’s voice and been surprised when she had described herself as the sisterhood’s primary marriage counselor for the Midwestern region. That was a strategic leak of information to show that we intended to be more forthcoming. So I scripted her as the Mistress of Ceremonies for a CFNM ordeal that I knew Dan would find humiliating and enjoyable. I would play the role of sponsor and mentor.

Barbie and I both thought that an anonymous witness who would be known only as ‘Esteemed Guest’, and who ultimately gave her blessing to his admission would really sell the authenticity of the ceremony, after which, Dan would be presented with a new blank credit card for men only, a copper colored card. Bethany agreed to participate as Esteemed Guest.

The scene would be set in an old building that Claire and I had bought through a dummy holding company. It was a former martial arts dojo that we planned on using for a variety of sisterhood functions. It was convenient for this purpose because it is windowless and has a good security system. It was undergoing renovations as I wrote the script and they were almost complete on the night I scheduled for the ceremony.

I let us into the building and lock the door behind us. Barbie has her own key since she will be a frequent user of the place. I take Dan into the men’s locker room and order him to strip completely and to prepare for anal penetration with the supplies that I’ve brought.


He seems almost hopeful, and then disappointed, when I say, “No dear, your ass is mine. I’m not sharing that with anyone, but I did have to agree to a slight infraction of that.”

I had tried to prepare him emotionally for the event and I had given him a brief rundown of his role for the evening, which was to basically follow the orders of any woman who gave any, and to show respect for all of us, especially the ‘Big Cheese’ he would meet. But I had left a lot of the specifics out, hoping that would make it seem more exciting to him.

I give him sandals to keep his feet clean of the construction dust from the renovations. I also give him a black floor length robe, and I make sure that he pees and cleans and dries the chastity cage as best he can afterwards. And then we wait. I can tell that he is nervous. Who wouldn’t be? I had designed the ceremony to be humiliating and I know how he will react physically to that, but I don’t truly know whether he will make the commitments that Barbie wants him to make.

We both jump when we hear a sudden knock at the locker room door. I open it to find Barbie standing there. She is wearing her mask and it is truly beautiful. She is also wearing an elegant evening dress.

“The Esteemed Guest is ready. Are we all?”

I turned to Dan for his answer. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Follow me. Ladies first.” She walks in front and I lead Dan by a leash connected to his chastity cage.

We approach a throne set on a dais made from a nine inch high stage platform.

Sitting in it is Bethany, wearing a beautiful deep blue burqa. At a signal from Barbie, we stop at the edge of the pool of light cast by the one fluorescent fixture that is lit in the center of the otherwise dark and large room. Barbie continues closer, to stand beside one of the small padded dojo mats that we had placed in front of the throne.

“Esteemed Guest, a male seeks status as a little brother of our cause. May he demonstrate his worthiness?”

Bethany only nods. We prearranged that she would not speak aloud, to preserve a sense of mystery about the higher levels of the organization. Her fingers bear many rings which we hope look symbolically meaningful as she gestures her commands.

Barbie intones, “Let it be known that the cameras are recording.”

Dan shifts nervously. This was a not something I had warned him about. I whisper, “All of our oaths and ceremonies are recorded and archived. Don’t worry about it.”

“The applicant will step forward and reveal what is hidden.”

There will be several key moments of truth tonight. This will be the first. We step forward to position Dan directly in front of Bethany and he drops his robe to reveal that he is completely naked, except for the chastity cage and sandals. We haven’t even allowed him to wear a mask. His cock begins to expand in its cage.

“Trust is something that must be earned. You wish us to trust you more than we trust most men. Are you keeping anything hidden from us that may compromise our investment in you?”

We wait as Dan ponders the question. Finally he answers. “I have a mistress.” He looks over at me sheepishly and with concern that I may be angry with him, but he looks surprised when I only give him a slight smile.”

Beth, gestures to Barbie who leans in close to hear her whisper. Barbie nods and straightens back up. “We are aware of Faun and we have taken steps to ensure her discretion. Are there any other hidden risks?”

Dan thinks again before speaking. “I had another mistress in the past.”

Again, he looks at me and again, I give him the slight smile. I don’t know how he is feeling about learning that I knew his secrets. Beth gestures to Barbie and Barbie speaks for her, “Yes, Deirdre. You have shown remarkable skill in choosing women who will protect you from scandal. Continue to treat them well with our approval. Give them no reason to become a problem for us. Report to us if they become a problem for you. We protect our own.”

This is our way of letting him know how much we monitor his activities and how little we care about his sexual dalliances, as long as they don’t threaten our interests. It is also a way of letting him know that he can become one of ‘our own’. Of course Beth and Barbie were aware that these confessions might occur, so I had prepared them to give my implicit approval.

We only know of one more confession that might come. We don’t know if he would judge it to be a possible threat to the sisterhood, or if there are any other confessions he may reveal, so Barbie asks him again. “Are there any other hidden risks?”

“No, Ma’am.”

It is good to know that he will try to keep his one night stand with my best friend, Kyra, secret even from the sisterhood. It is a confession that we can forgive him for not making, a proof that he will retain some independence and run the risk of having to account for it later to us. Beth nods to signal her acceptance of his confessions.

“Who sponsors this applicant?”

It is my turn to speak. “I do. Cate Blanc.” I had considered using my real name, but I thought the ceremony would have greater meaning to him if I didn’t. Especially since I am wearing a black bandit mask.

“Is he free to refuse our control?”

I unclip the leash from him and say, “Our hold on him is purely symbolic. He is a free man bound only by the terms of our agreement with him.”

Barbie turns to him and asks, “Do you voluntarily seek to become more committed to us?”

“I do.”

Beth removes a box from under her burqa and hands it to Barb, who opens it to reveal three stainless steel butt plugs. They each have a jewel in the base, one red, one amber, and one green. They are not large, but neither are they small. She selects the one with the red jewel and holds it pointed up in front of him.

“We can only accept honest and humble men as little brothers. Will you be humble before us?”

“I will.”

“Demonstrate your humility.”

He seems confused by the command, so I whisper, “Elbows and knees.”

He drops to the floor on the dojo pad we had placed in front of the throne. Barbie steps around behind him and I put some lubricant on the plug.

We had discussed which of us should actually insert the plug. We decided that it should be a joint act with her doing the actual penetration. She hands me the box with the other two plugs and kneels behind him. Pulling one of his ass cheeks to the side, she attempts to insert the plug, but he is not relaxed.

I kneel beside his ear and whisper to him, “Relax, Dan. We’re impressed with you. This is the last step before the oath and then it will become more fun for all of us.”

I hear him grunt as the plug enters him. He remains down as we rise.

“You may kneel and give your oath.”

“My allegiance is to the betterment of my children’s future. I, Daniel Phillip Geroux, align myself with…”

He completes the oath from memory, not requiring the cue cards that I had placed in the box of butt plugs. When he is finished, Beth beckons him forward.

“On your knees,” I whisper.

He moves on his knees like a man whose cock is attempting to harden in a plastic cage and whose ass is plugged, but he gets across the pad to the edge of the dais, where she beckons him to rise. She pulls a small brass padlock from under her robe and leans forward.

This is another moment of truth. I have never actually locked Dan in chastity, and I had promised that I wouldn’t. But I had explained to him that symbolism was very important to trust. Beth removes the metal pin that was holding the parts of his chastity cage together, replacing it with the open padlock. This requires that she carefully hold the pieces together by grasping the entire combination of cock, balls, and chastity cage. His cock is so obviously straining against the confinement that I wonder whether she has the hand strength, but she seems to know just how to grip it and I even catch her tickling his purple balls with her little finger as she slips the hasp through the hole. She leaves the padlock open.

“Daniel Geroux, you have taken the oath. Will you now seal your commitment to us.”

Dan grasps the lock and we hear the click as he locks it. He does not even know for certain that a key exists. Of course, it would take nothing to destroy the cheap plastic cage and achieve freedom, but the symbolism of his commitment is complete. It is understood that breaking the cage means a failure to honor the partnership.

“Daniel Geroux, you have locked yourself to our cause. You have earned our trust. You will be known as Mr. Cate Blanc. Welcome to the sisterhood, little brother.”

Bethany slides to the front of the throne, reaches down and lifts her hem, revealing that her slender legs are encased in sheer black holdup stockings. Around one ankle is a thin gold chain and on it are two brass keys. She places her heels on the seat and spreads her legs wide. Her bush is still small, but it looks thicker now. She must have trimmed it for me, but not for Dan. Her slit is pink and puffy and glistens with her dew.

Dan glances at me and Barbie, but it is clear that he knows what is expected of him. He kneels on the dais and begins to lick her. I wasn’t sure if Beth could bring herself to allow this, but she has risen to the occasion, and she is soon clearly enjoying the reward for doing that. I’ve heard her cuntsong before, and Dan seems just as adept at evoking it as I was.

When she comes, she twitches in the seat until finally she must push his face away.

I whisper, “Step back.”

Dan obeys, automatically grasping one wrist with the other hand behind him in the position of respect.

Beth removes the anklet and shifts her hem back down to regain some decorum before holding the keys up separately, one in each hand.

“Who will free Mr. Cate Blanc from us if we violate his trust?”

I step forward and take the key from the nearest hand, “I will.”

Barbie steps forward and takes the other key from Beth. She turns to him and removes her mask, looking straight into Dan’s eyes as she completes our vows to him, “And I will free him if you abuse his trust, upon his request.”

Beth stands and steps forward to hug Dan. I’m not sure he understood how short she is until now. Her face barely reaches his chest. She gives his ass a playful squeeze, reaches into her burqa for one more item and presents Dan with his new blank copper colored credit card. The she turns and walks off into the darkness.

Barbie speaks aloud with her eyes up toward the ceiling, “Stop the recording.”

We want Dan to think that there was another witness controlling the cameras. He doesn’t need to know that ‘Esteemed Guest’ is presently the only expert in the building’s security system and has the humble task of archiving his oath.

“Dan, Cate mentioned that you thought the source of her emotional trauma was abuse by some man. I can assure you that did not happen. She… did something that I think few of us could have found the strength to do. There will be things that we keep from you. There are things that we keep from each other. It’s just safer to hold back until there is a need to know. Cate has helped us to modernize our recruitment methods and she is higher up in our organization of the Midwest region than even she knows. In addition, as your sponsor, she will be breaking new ground. We are letting her trust you because we trust her instincts. Please trust that if she says that you have no need to know something, it is for your protection as well as ours. Now help me move this chair, Partner, and we’ll do something about your plight here.”

Partner? What kind of agreement has she made with him?

I catch him looking at me, and I decide that I can’t let her comment drop. “Partner?”

“I’ll explain on the ride home… Ma’am. I suspect you might want to peg me tonight.”

I suddenly get the feeling that the two of them might be pulling a fast one on me. When the throne is down off the dais, Barbie looks to me and says, “Rochambeau?”

We say the words. “Ro-cham-beau,” and throw our choices. I throw rock and she throws paper. She wins the throw. Dan doesn’t need to know that our throws were scripted. She places her key on a chain around her neck as I use mine to unlock his poor cock from the chastity cage. She arranges herself on the seat as I stroke his cock to get the blood into it. She pulls the hem of her dress up and Dan knows what to do. It is not long before I am hearing her singing the joys of Dan’s tongue as I lie on my back, wiggle his butt plug and suck his cock.

I rub my clit and think of later that evening, when I will have my cock in his ass to punish him for making commitments without consulting his sponsor. I agreed to let Barbie be his alternate keyholder, but there will be a price to pay for taking advantage of that. It will be nice to not hide so much from him. It is nice to hold his key. He comes and I swallow it. Barbie and I come simultaneously.

When we’re all finished and he’s limp, I don’t even ask. I cage his cock and lock the lock. He obviously knows better than to ask either of us to unlock it now. Both of them obviously know that I’m pissed off, but since I did suck his cock and come, they know that I’m trusting them, even though I don’t know whether I should.

On the ride home he explains, “I’ve made a deal with her for letting me join. She needs me for her new course for recent recruits. She wants to show them a submissive male and I like the CFNM aspect, and she’ll pay me. You’ll send me there locked up and she’ll return me unscathed. I won’t be fucking any of them. I insisted on that. I won’t be fucking Barbie, either. This is a business arrangement.”

He was right earlier. I do want to peg him. He explains what I already know, that the women who will participate in the session have been recently hurt by a cheating husband and are emotionally raw from that, and that their marriages might benefit from some of our experience. I think it’s great that he wants to help us in that way. Their plan sounds very reasonable, but the thought of him naked in a room full of women fires me up, not with anger, but with desire to fuck him. I recall some of the supervised masturbation photos I’ve seen and I can barely wait to get my strapon into him.

“I like it, Dan. But if you’re going to play the bitch-boy for these women, you’re going to play it for me tonight. I want you to remember that your ass is mine and I’m going to fuck it tonight to drive that point home to you.”

“I was hoping you would.”

“Probably not like this.” I intend to make the most of this opportunity. As we’re pulling into the garage and the door is still closing, I order him, “Get naked, now!”

He still has the buttplug in his ass and the cage on his cock, but he is otherwise buck ass naked as he enters the house from the garage, trailing behind me at the end of the reconnected leash. I’ve left his clothing on the hood of his car.

I’ve wanted to try this since I first saw it in a photo. I lead him to a doorway that I can use to help me keep my balance. “On your knees now, bitch.”

He drops and automatically puts his hands behind him in the position of respect. I push him back so that he’s sitting on his heels and place one foot between his knees, then I lift the hem of my dress and balance on that one foot as I wrap the other leg around him and use my calf to pull his face into my crotch.

“Have a hug and a kiss, bitch. Yeah, that’s it, lick my cunt. I’ll be fucking your boy-cunt soon. Do you see this new piece of ankle jewelry? Do you see the key on it now? I could wear this in public and a few people would know what it means, that I own a bitch who’s locked in chastity. Others might ask what the key is for and I could tell them.

“But you know that I’m not going to wear this in public. I’m not going to humiliate you except under carefully controlled circumstances. But I am going to keep this key with me, even when your cock isn’t locked. If I ever show you this key and give you an order, if I even so much as make a request, that will be our understanding that sisterhood business is going to override any casual objection that you might have. It’s my duty as your sponsor to know and approve of how you will interact with other sisters. Barbie is the only exception. She is the check to keep us balanced. Don’t do with other sisters what you did with her, strike a bargain behind my back. Got it?”

He nods his head and mumbles into my pussy as he continues to lick me.

I’m feeling drunk with power and I untangle myself and step away from him. “Good! Fetch my cock.”

I continue to stand over him as much as possible while he inserts my strapon and ties the straps behind me, getting me hard for him. Upon my commands, he even kisses my ass and sucks the dildo. I order him onto the bed on his back and I tie his legs up so that I can look into his eyes as I fuck him. I pull his butt plug and insert my cock.

“You’re going to be a good little bitch boy for those women, aren’t you? You’ll be standing in front of them all naked and proud, with a cage on your cock and my plug up your ass. That red jewel, that means stop. If anybody else tries to pull that plug from you, you have to stop them. I own your boy-cunt. Say it.”

“You own my boy-cunt, Sister Cate.” Good! He knows whom he’s dealing with.

“On the other hand, if I send you there with the green plug, that means any and every sister there can pull that plug and peg your bitch-ass. It could be a regular gang-peg for you. They would hold you down and fuck, fuck, fuck your ass until all their frustrations over their cheating-ass husbands melt away inside you. Take my cock up your ass, you fucking butt-whore. You ass-slut. Who’s my bitch?”

“I am.”

“Who’s my ass-slut?”

“I am.”

I start coming and I keep coming with such force that the sound of my hips slapping into his ass is like a card in the spokes of a spinning bicycle wheel. I’m driving into him and cum starts to leak from his cock and ooze down his belly as the cock cage jangles around. I’m sweating from the exertion, but it’s good, really good to be pounding my fake cock into him. When I spent, I pull my cock out, slap his ass and say, “Good boy.”

For the second time that night, I unlock his cock. This time it stays limp. He’s had a sissy-gasm from being fucked in the ass. He’s done for the night. I smear the puddle of his cum all over his chest and then I lean down and kiss him. “It’s going to be better for both of us now that I don’t have to keep so many secrets.”

“I hope so.”

“Will you be my keyholder, Dan?”

“We’re not really going to use locks are we?”

“Only symbolically. If I lock you, you’ll always have a backup, and I’ll never close your lock without permission again.”

“And I’ll never give you reason to again. And yes, I’ll be your keyholder, too.”

Published 10 years ago

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