Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.
The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.
They were escaping the terrible poverty out in the vast farmlands of this world. As a pleasure-slave they would have a much better life, living in rich surroundings, and doing little work other than the obvious.
They also had much better legal protection than farm workers; they could not be abused in any way. They also had to agree to be sold to the winning bidder at their auction, they could refuse if they so wished.
Pleasure-slaves were also paid a monthly allowance which they could do with what they pleased. They could also save up their allowances and eventually buy their freedom if they so wished, but this was rare, as a pleasure-slave was generally a good life.
I had purchased my first pleasure-slave. Her name was Melora; she was an eighteen year old ‘pure’ or virgin. She was blonde, petite and slim, with an incredible 34HH bust.
After a few months together Melora had made an intriguing request. Her mother was also a pleasure slave; she had recently managed to contact her after many years apart. Melora had asked me to try to arrange for them to meet somehow. Her mother’s master was a wealthy land owner on the far side of the planet.
After seeing a few very sexy photos of her mother in a bikini, I decided to travel to meet this landowner, and hopefully Melora’s mother Helena. The landowner Norton met me on a pretense I had come up with of selling some jewelery from my business. He also offered me one of his pleasure slaves for the afternoon, so I of course chose Helena.
Helena and I had enjoyed a bathe together in a jacuzzi, and she had given me a fabulous blow job. Then I had returned to my quarters to rest, pondering my options about Helena. I would try to see Helena again after dinner with Norton. Norton’s servant then returned to escort me to dinner…
The servant and I strolled through Norton’s compound, and arrived in a different and larger dining room than before. There was a long dark table, with twenty or so chairs surrounding it.
Norton sat at the head of the table, an empty chair next to him. Most of the other chairs were taken by Norton’s numerous supply of beautiful slave girls.
There were all of the women I had seen parade for me earlier, plus some others I had not. There were also some younger women, what I took to be Norton’s favorites. They were aged from eighteen to twenty-five I imagined. Some of them were truly stunning.
Norton certainly enjoyed his wealth. Perhaps one or more of these women was one of his wives, I wasn’t sure. I shook Norton’s hand, and sat in the empty seat next to him.
“How was your afternoon?” he enquired.
“Good, thank you Mr Norton, very relaxing,” I replied.
“Well, to each his own I suppose,” he said smiling, taking a sip from his wine glass.
I suppose he meant he didn’t really understand why I had chosen Helena. That he had offered what he considered were better girls, because they were younger, and I had turned him down in favor of a thirty-seven year old woman.
We enjoyed a five course meal. It was very, very good food. Only the best for Norton. I chatted with him about various things again.
He allowed his slave girls to chat amongst themselves. It seems they were all one big family of sorts.
After the last course, Norton and I retired to a small lounge for coffee.
“So, I think I would like to buy those two pieces from you,” he said eventually, “What’s your best price?”
Norton was extremely wealthy, but still wanted to knock me down on my price. I gave him my standard price for the pieces he was interested in. He said it was too much, and offered me around two thirds of what I had asked for.
That price wasn’t bad, but I thought it better to try and delay taking his offer until I could speak with Helena. I told him I would think it over and let him know in the morning. As he agreed, another parade of eight lovely women walked in and stood in front of us.
They all wore black lingerie in various forms, stockings, corsets, basques, teddies etc. They had obviously been told to dress to service their owner’s guest for the night.
“Well son, take your pick for the evening,” Norton said, “Any of these girls will take good care of you all night.”
They all looked divine. However, Helena was not present in the line-up. She had also not been at dinner. I hoped she was alright.
“Again Mr Norton, your selection of girls is truly breath-taking. You are indeed a very lucky man,” I told him.
“Well thank you son, but it’s not luck that got me all these women, you know?”
“Yes of course, I understand,” I replied, “However, please don’t take offence, these girls are delightful, but I would really like to see Helena again.”
“Helena? Again?” he asked, looking puzzled, “I told her not to come, so you could choose another girl, and not feel embarrassed about it.”
“Oh, I see.”
“You really want to screw that old lady again?” he asked, almost exasperated. These rich guys really couldn’t see past their twenty-something women.
“Well, yes, if it’s alright with you. It would make me very happy sir” I replied.
“Well… okay then” he said, still puzzled, “I’ll have her sent to your room then.”
“Thank you once again sir,” I said, shaking his hand.
“Yep, well goodnight then son. We’ll talk business at breakfast then,” Norton said, and one of his slave girls left the line-up to help him out of the room.
I wondered which of the much younger women from the dinner earlier he would be fucking tonight. Perhaps he had a parade of girls waiting in his room to choose from.
A servant escorted me through the grounds and back to my quarters. She informed me they would go and fetch Helena and bring her to my room as soon as possible.
I sat out on the balcony with a drink, watching the last of the sunset, and waited for her. Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and Helena entered.
She was dressed in black holdup stockings, tiny little black panties, high heels, and nothing else. She held her huge tits in her hands, as she walked across the room and out on to the balcony.
“Well hello,” I said.
“I thought I have them out for you and ready to go sir,” she giggled, removing her hands from her bust, sitting astride me in the chair, taking my hands and placing them on her tits, “Here, you can take care of them now sir.”
I groped and massaged her boobs, smiling. She kissed me, long and wet. She began to unzip my trousers to find my semi-hard cock.
“Do you want me to suck you out here on the balcony sir?” she asked, that lovely dirty grin showing again, “It’s still early, and we have all night. All night for you to do whatever you want to my body sir.”
She giggled.
“Not just yet darling,” I said to her, “I have a confession to make. I haven’t been honest with you.”
“Oh you’re married? Its fine sir, no-one will ever know, and I don’t mind at all. I’m just so looking forward to fucking you,” she replied, kissing me again.
“No it’s not that, I’m not married. I haven’t been honest with you, or your master about why I came here,” I explained, “I didn’t really come here to sell him jewelery. I came here to meet you.”
“What? I don’t understand,” she replied, confused.
“You have a daughter, is that right? Melora?” I asked.
“Yes… yes but how could you know that?” she asked.
“And she was recently sold at an auction house as a pleasure slave, wasn’t she? And you talk with her regularly on a comms link right?”
“Uh huh,” she replied, looking worried now.
“Well, I am your daughter’s master,” I explained, “Melora asked me to try to arrange for you to meet; I know you haven’t seen each other for many years.”
“You’re Melora’s master?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when you bathed me this afternoon, it’s just I was so horny from three days stuck on a train by myself, and you were just so sexy Helena, I couldn’t help myself”
“Oh, no it’s fine. Really. I’m just shocked you would travel all this way to see me sir,” she said, “Does Melora know you are here now?”
“I told her I would attempt to visit your master and see you, but I haven’t called her yet to let her know I managed to meet you.”
“Wow,” she smiled, “What a crazy day.”
“Yeah I guess so,” I replied.
“No I mean, I haven’t had sex in over a year, sir. My master does not call on me, and he doesn’t parade me for the few guests he receives out here anyway,” she explained.
“Yes sir, I finally get chosen to serve a man, a lovely man, and it turns out to be my daughter’s master,” she said.
“Crazy, huh?” I asked.
“Yes sir, but in a good way, you know?”
“Yeah? You’re not freaked out by it. I mean, I have slept with your daughter many, many times, and now you’re in my arms half naked. Is it okay with you?” I asked.
“Oh sure, I don’t mind about that, sir. I mean, masters can sleep with whomever they want. I’m just so very happy to meet you. Melora has said so many good things about you.”
“Oh really? I didn’t know she had spoken about me with you.”
“Yes sir, you know girls, always gossiping about men,” she laughed.
I laughed too. “So you’re still okay to stay with me tonight?” I asked. I hoped my confession hadn’t put her off me.
“Oh, absolutely sir. I’m very much looking forward to fucking you,” she said, placing my hands back on her tits and giggling, “If you want me to keep this a secret from Melora, then that’s okay with me.”
She kissed me, unbuttoning my shirt and caressing my chest.
“I’m just happy I’m finally going to get fucked tonight,” she said, pulling off my shirt.
I kissed her back. I had been trying to steer the conversation toward if Helena would be open to letting me buy her from Norton. However I had a huge hard-on now, which needed attention. Helena finished unzipping me, pulling off my trousers and undershorts, leaving me sitting on the balcony naked under the setting sun.
Helena kicked of her heels and got down on her knees in front of me and began sucking my cock, slow and lovingly. She massaged my balls with her fingers as she blew me; she really was an expert at this.
I watched her big full breasts sway as she sucked away at my dick. She pushed her full lips together into a pout, running it up and down one side of my shaft, then the other. I wondered how many times she had sucked off a man; it must be a great many times to learn how to be this good at it.
She certainly hadn’t forgotten her many skills and tricks during her one year enforced abstinence.
I pulled a condom from the drinks table next to my chair. Presumably they had been thoughtfully left there for me by one of the servants. Helena knew what that meant, unwrapping it for me, then using her mouth and tongue to expertly roll it down the length of my cock.
I sat up a little in the chair as Helena stood in front of me. I grabbed her panties firmly at her left hip, and pulled hard, ripping them off, just as I had done to her daughter when I had taken her virginity.
Helena gasped, then giggled. I pulled her close, sitting back in the chair. She clambered back astride me, her tits in my face. I reached for her pussy, putting a finger, then two inside.
She was already wet, I suppose not so surprising seeing as she hadn’t had a man inside her for a year, and so was excited with expectation. I pulled out my fingers, and she lowered herself onto my cock, filling her pussy.
She moaned in pleasure, smiling, kissing me full on the lips.
“Oh, that feels so good sir,” she said, a huge dirty grin on her face.
She raised and lowered her pussy, sliding up and down my length, her hands hanging on for dear life round the back of my neck. I gripped her hips, encouraging her to fuck me.
It wasn’t long before she was bouncing up and down on my cock with some urgency, her lovely full boobs swaying and bouncing in time to the thrust of her hips back onto my cock.
I again thought about wanting to talk with her about buying her from Norton. But again, this certainly wasn’t the time; she obviously needed to orgasm desperately, so I let her do her thing.
She was panting hard now, moaning every time my cock was thrust inside her. It wouldn’t be long now I figured; a year was a long time to wait.
I suddenly noticed there was a half-length mirror on a stand at the other end of the balcony, and I could see Helena’s lovely ass bouncing up and down in it. Once again I assumed a thoughtful servant had placed it there, as it hadn’t been there earlier in the day. They really had thought of everything for me. I made a mental note to leave them a generous tip.
I loved watching her ass bounce up and down in the mirror, her black stocking tops just in view.
“Oh, you fucking sexy lady,” I told her, encouraging her, “Such a lovely ass, fucking lovely big tits.”
Helena moaned, bouncing as fast and hard as she could now.
“That’s it darling, fuck that big hard cock,” I told her, gripping her hips harder, “Fuck it, fucking lovely pussy.”
Helena finally cried out, climaxing very, very loudly. Her cries must have been heard right across Norton’s grounds. She finally stopped bouncing, embracing me, panting hard.
“You okay darling?” I asked. She certainly looked pretty happy, a huge grin on her face again.
“Oh, thank you sir,” she panted, “Thank you, thank you.”
She kissed me over and over.
“You’re welcome. Looked like you really needed that,” I joked.
She laughed, “Oh god, yes sir. So much.”
She giggled again. I kissed her breasts, she was sweating slightly.
“Oh sir, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard,” she whispered in my ear.
I had certainly made her happy; hopefully she would be open to me attempting to buy her.
The sun had gone down, and I now noticed there was a slight chill in the air now.
“Shall we go to bed?” I asked.
“Yes sir, take me to bed and fuck me again,” she said, “Do whatever you want to me, sir, we won’t tell Melora.”
I laughed, as did she. I stood up; she stayed impaled on my hard cock, her hands still clinging to the back of my neck, my hands holding her around her waist. She smiled at me, kissing my neck and ear.
I carried her off the balcony back into the room, and over to the enormous bed. It was built for more than two, I suppose Norton’s guests had threesomes and more-somes and needed the room.
I lay her onto the crisp white sheets, her head on the pillow. My cock never left her pussy. I was on top of her, and began thrusting slowly in and out, my arms outstretched on the bed, holding me up so I could look at her.
Helena grinned, “Oh sir, you’re such a lovely, gorgeous man. I can see why Melora is happy you are her master.”
“Well, with that in mind, I have a proposal for you Helena,” I said, continuing to slowly gently fuck her. Thankfully I was finally going to get to talk business with her, and this was certainly a fun way to conduct business.
I told Helena to push her big tits together for me; I loved watching them undulate back and forth beneath me as I fucked her. They looked incredible for a thirty-seven year old woman, still sitting proud and upright, still feeling quite firm. They had hardly sagged at all.
I asked her about that, she said her master had paid to have them ‘re-firmed’. I had heard of this before. It was a procedure where woman had a number of special injections over a period of a few weeks.
The injections were not some artificial substance however, but specially concocted bacteria, which rejuvenated the breast flesh, making it appear and feel younger. It was very expensive, but I guess Norton could certainly afford it.
I told her they looked fantastic, she was a lucky girl to have a master rich enough and willing to pay for such a procedure. I had assumed Norton had had Helena’s tits re-firmed for his own enjoyment, but apparently I was wrong.
Helena told me Norton’s eldest wife had at that time asked him for the procedure, and that Norton had sent Helena to have it done first, as a guinea pig for his wife. Helena had had to take numerous trips to one of the big cities to have these procedures done.
Once completed, Norton’s eldest wife had inspected Helena’s tits very closely, judging the procedure to be a success, and Norton then sent his wife to have the same treatment.
She told me all of this as I slowly fucked her, quietly moaning from time to time. I liked fucking her like this, taking my time, enjoying the moment.
With a girlfriend I would have to worry that she would be bored, not getting to the point and making her or myself come. The beauty of taking a pleasure slave to your bed was I didn’t have to worry about any of that. She was there for my pleasure, and I could fuck her however I wanted.
“Have you had many masters?” I asked.
“Yes sir, six in all,” she replied.
“Is that a lot?”
“I think it’s about average for a woman of my age sir,” she explained, “I’m thirty-seven years old, in case you were wondering. I hope you don’t mind being with an older woman.”
“I love it,” I told her, grinning, “I knew your age already though. But you’re not old at all. You’re just perfect.”
She smiled, leaning up to kiss me. “Thank you sir,” she purred.
I explained to her I knew men from this planet seemed to prize the younger girls, but I was not originally from here, and loved women of all ages.
She went on to tell me she had been bought at auction when she was eighteen by her first master. He had bought three other girls at the same time. He had impregnated all four girls, as his wife could not bear children.
All four girls gave birth to children, Helena having Melora. But it became apparent her master wanted a boy. Two of the other girls had had boys. They were brought up as her master’s sons, with permission from the pleasure slave mothers.
But no such offer was given to Helena and her new-born daughter. After a year it became obvious to Helena she wasn’t really wanted by her master, that he had simply bought four women and impregnated them to increase his chances of getting a boy.
She spoke with her master, who was happy to sell Helena at the earliest opportunity. A friend of her master offered to buy Helena. She met with this friend, and agreed to the sale.
Her new master allowed her to take care of Melora during the day, and servicing his needs at night. Helena stayed as his pleasure slave for four years, until Melora was five. Then she agreed to another sale, to a local business man.
When I asked her why she had been sold, she said her master had bored of her. He liked new encounters and fantasies, and felt Helena no longer offered anything new. She said she knew that this was a fact of life, that masters eventually wanted new women. But it also meant she could meet new men too.
Her new master had two other slave girls, plus a few girlfriends who would drop round from time to time.
Sometimes she said there was some jealous behavior from these girlfriends of his, but generally there were no problems. However after five years, the business man’s financial situation took one turn after another for the worse.
He sold one of the other girls to keep himself afloat. But his business got worse and worse. Soon it became clear he would have to sell one of his two remaining pleasure slave girls. Helena knew it would be her as the other girl had always been his favorite.
Helena agreed to be sold to a new master, a mistress actually, who ran a large brothel in the city. Helena would stay in the brothel; they had small apartments for the slaves who worked there. Helena would be owned by her mistress, and would work for her by entertaining men who visited the brothel.
Helena agreed to this, she told me, as she wanted to meet new men, lots of them. She was tired of servicing the same man over and over. She told me she wanted to explore her sexuality, and learn what men really wanted. This seemed to be a good way of achieving that.
Also, the business man had had to slash her monthly allowance to the legal minimum to stay afloat, and working in the brothel would earn her more money. Every time a man took her in the brothel, thirty per cent of the fee went to Helena. Plus she got a monthly allowance on top of that. She also got two days off a week, instead of just one.
However Helena felt this would not be a good environment for Melora to grow up in. She thought long and hard about it, but eventually decided to have the special auction house take her in and school her.
Helena could still visit her daughter once a week. She felt it was the best thing for Melora; she had never been to school before then. Helena had done some basic home schooling with her, but the auction house schools were some of the best on the planet.
Melora could then grow up and decide her own fate at eighteen years old. She could decide if she wanted to be sold as a pleasure slave, and take from life the many benefits that came with it. Or she could decide to leave the auction house, but would probably have to work a hard life out in the farms.
Helena told me she really had enjoyed her time in that brothel. There were many, many women working there. But on average she would still be picked by rich men at least six or seven times a week.
She would take them upstairs into one of the richly decorated and comfortable bedrooms, and fuck them until they were fully satisfied. There was no time limit as such. The men could take as long as they wanted, sometimes staying all night. She would often get tips from the men too.
Sometimes she would be picked to have threesomes, or more, and perform with other girls. She enjoyed learning all about this too.
Occasionally men would pay to take her back to their homes, and fuck her together with their wives, or other pleasure slaves they owned. Helena did it all, and apparently enjoyed herself immensely.
This was all turning me on so much, discovering what a lovely slut she had been.
“I love a girl with lots of experience,” I told her.
“Really sir?” she asked, smiling, “I have years of experience to share with you.”
“Do you now?”
“Oh yes sir,” she whispered, “I was a right little whore.”
She kissed me again, as I continued to slow fuck her. My arms ached now, so I rested on top of her lovely big tits, her mouth at my ear.
“I can be a right little whore again sir,” she whispered.
“I bet you can,” I told her, “Lovely busty slut.”
“Yes sir, I am,” she told me.
“Tell me more about being a whore,” I ordered as I fucked her wet pussy.
She continued her tale. She told me she worked in the brothel for three years, and that this had been the best time sexually in her life. She had many men return to see her again and again, as she became more and more popular.
Then her mistress asked to sell her to another brothel in a distant city. She was unsure, as she would not be able to visit Melora anymore. But her mistress said her allowance would be increased at the new brothel, and that the men in the new city appreciated older women more.
Helena was now thirty-two years of age, and though she had done well, she could see the rich elite men rarely asked for her anymore. She mostly saw middle class men, who could not afford to own pleasure slaves, and could not afford to rent the younger girls from the brothel.
Helena didn’t mind seeing middle class men at all, but her money had really dropped off. So she reluctantly agreed to the sale. She said goodbye to Melora, promising to return one day soon, and moved to the distant city of Kassis.
In Kassis her new brothel worked out alright for a while, although her previous mistresses claim that the men of Kassis preferred the older woman seemed either mistaken, or an outright lie. The younger women were always more popular here too. Her new mistress was very strict, but fair.
Helena spent the next two years sucking and fucking mostly middle class men again. Her money dwindled further as she became slightly older, and therefore slightly less desirable, at least in the minds of the men of Kassis. What did they know I thought, they didn’t know what they were missing.
One day an extremely rich man came to visit the brothel. Helena’s mistress was falling over herself to make him happy and comfortable. He had come to view all the brothels available girls. He told the mistress he was looking for something different to the usual type of girls he saw.
That rich man was Norton, and the ‘something different’ he spotted was Helena, an older busty woman, and presumably not usually his type. Helena spent a few hours upstairs, getting royally screwed by Norton.
Afterwards, Norton asked to speak with the mistress, and asked the girls to line up for him again downstairs. He then picked a younger girl, and spent the night with her.
In the morning Norton apparently asked for Helena and the mistress to come to his room in the brothel. He asked the mistress if he could buy Helena and the younger girl he had spent the night with. He told both Helena and the younger girl he would take very good care of them.
The allowance Norton offered Helena was almost twice what she earned at the brothel. She accepted, deciding a more quiet life for a while might suit her also. The mistress agreed to sell Helen, at an over inflated price, because she knew Norton was extremely wealthy and could afford it.
Helena moved to Norton’s compound. Norton called on her a few times in the first few months she was here. But it soon became apparent Norton had decided he had made a mistake in purchasing Helena, that he preferred the younger women, and that his decision to try something different had been a passing whimsy.
Helena occasionally serviced Norton’s guests, but even that dried up after a while. She became increasingly sexually frustrated. She had to resort to playing with herself.
Her chores soon became one of a nanny to some of Norton’s many children. This often happened to pleasure slaves when their masters decided they were too old, becoming nannies and cooks and servants. She made the best of it, but felt she was not too old, that men could still find her desirable.
She had now been with Norton three years, and as she had previously told me, hadn’t had sex in over a year.
“Which brings me up to date with meeting you sir,” she said.
She smiled, but a slightly sad smile. Perhaps she thought I would be leaving tomorrow, and she would return to her life of loneliness.
I realized she had been telling me her life story, which was fascinating, but I had forgotten I was supposed to be asking her something.
“Well, thank you for telling me all about yourself, Helena,” I told her, “But if you recall, I was trying to propose something to you.”
“Oh yes sir, please tell me what you want, I can do anything you heart desires,” she replied.
“I don’t mean about sex, Helena,” I explained, “I would like it very much if I could buy you from Norton, if you agree to the sale.”
“You want to purchase me?” she asked, seemingly stunned.
“Yes, very much. I want you to come back with me to my villa. To live with me and Melora,” I said, “To be my pleasure slave, you can stay in the servant quarters with Melora.”
I kissed Helena’s neck, continuing to slow fuck her.
“When I need sex I may call on you, or Melora, depending on my mood,” I told her, “Don’t worry, I’ll never ask to have sex with you together, it wouldn’t be right.”
Helena kissed me, obviously pondering my offer.
“I would take care of you, Helena. Maybe the allowance wouldn’t be as great as what Norton gives you; I’m not anywhere near as rich as him. But you would get a healthy dose of sex again, because I do desire you, very much so,” I continued.
“Yes I understand sir,” she replied.
“What do you say Helena, will you agree to be sold to me?” I asked.
“Sir, you understand a pleasure slaves oaths don’t you? A slave cannot say anything against her master. For me to agree I would prefer to be with you would not be correct, it would be seen as going against my master, you understand?”
“Yes I see, I understand you will have to agree with your master to be sold to me. I just wanted some idea that before I ask Norton to purchase you, that when he asks, that you would be willing?” I asked, kissing her neck again.
“Sir, what can I say, anything I say would not be correct,” she smiled, kissing me back.
I understood her position. It felt like from what she told me that she would be willing to move on from Norton’s ownership. However the fact she would be sharing me with her daughter might put questions in her mind.
I needed to have some idea before I went and spoke to Norton at breakfast. I would look like a right idiot asking to buy Helena if she then refused the sale. If she could not tell me her feelings, perhaps she could show me.
I pulled out of Helena’s pussy, and pulled off the condom.
“You want me to suck you again sir?” she asked.
“No dear,” I said, and put my hard prick on top of her pussy, rubbing it back and forth, “I’m going to fuck you without a condom now, something only your master should be allowed.”
“If you refuse, then I’ll have my answer, if you allow me, I’ll know you want me,” I told her.
Helena looked unsure for a second, then smiled. “I understand sir,” she said.
I pulled back a little, then slowly pushed my hard bare cock into her pussy. She did not try to resist, in fact opened her legs wider to receive me. I pushed further into her, until I was balls deep.
“Thank you darling,” I simply told her.
She said nothing, simply smiling and kissing me full on the lips. I began to thrust into her, harder and faster, loving the feel of my bare cock in her wet pussy.
I fucked away at her for ages like this, Helena becoming more and more excited.
Later I turned her over onto her hands and knees. I got her in front of the large mirror at the side of the bed and fucked her doggy-style, her lovely ass pressed up against me as I fucked her dripping wet pussy.
“Oh yes sir,” she panted, moaning.
I watched her lovely big tits in the mirror, swaying back and forth as I banged away at her.
“Oh you fucking sexy slut,” I told her.
“Yes sir, fuck your slut,” she moaned, “Oh faster sir, please sir.”
I fucked her harder and faster, until she finally came, cry out very loudly again. I pulled out of Helena, turned her over onto her back, putting a pillow under her head.
“Put your lovely big tits together,” I told her, and she did so. I slid my cock in between them, usually I would need lube for this, but my cock was covered in her pussy juices.
I began fucking her gorgeous breasts, her big nipples rubbing against my groin as I did so. She knew exactly what I wanted; she opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue. She sucked the head of my dick every time I thrust forward. God that felt good.
I increased my thrusting, faster now, harder.
“Yes sir, yes. Fuck those titties,” she said between mouthfuls of cock, “Fuck my tits sir, come all over them, come on my slutty face.”
A few thrusts later and I did just that, spurting my jism all over her face, hair, neck and cleavage. She rubbed it with her hands, massaging it all over her boobs.
“Mmm, thank you sir,” she giggled.
“Thank you,” I said, kissing her, “Gorgeous sexy, sexy woman.”
I collapsed back on the bed. She held me tight, kissing my neck and ear, whispering in my ear how she had loved being fucked again.
Eventually we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
In the morning I awoke, and saw Helena was not in the bed with me. I could hear the shower running though. I dozed a little longer, then got up and went to the bathroom.
After using the toilet, I entered the large steamed up shower cubicle. Helena was still in here, enjoying a hot shower.
“Good morning sir,” she smiled, embracing and kissing me, her wet soapy tits pressing against my chest, “Would you like me to wash you sir?”
“Yes, thank you,” I replied.
Helena covered my body in warm soapy suds from the suds dispenser. She scrubbed my body all over, first my back, then my front. She then rinsed me all over under the rain shower.
She sat me down in the slate bench in the shower, pouring suds over her tits. She then knelt in front of me and began rubbing her boobs all over my cock, getting me all hard again.
“Good morning to you too sir,” she said, directly to my hardening soapy dick, giggling. She poured warm water over my cock, washing away the suds, and immediately went to work sucking me.
“Good girl,” I told her, “Oh yeah, you fucking good girl.”
I was now big and hard in her mouth, and she was sucking me with a good steady rhythm.
“Yeah, such a good cock sucker,” I told her, “I loved fucking you last night with no condom.”
She put her finger to her lips. “Shhh,” she said, giggling, then got back to blowing me, making lots of lovely slurping noises.
She was giving me a really sloppy wet blow job this time, her saliva running down my cock and balls, and from her lips and down her chin. I really enjoyed this sight, and the quite loud sounds of her slurping and slobbering over my cock.
“Oh sir, I love men,” she smiled, giggling, “I love men, and I love, love cock.”
She laughed again, sucking my balls, whilst she wanked me with her dainty little hand.
“You love men?”
“Oh yes sir. And dick, I can’t get enough of either,” she said, grinning from ear to ear, “I’ll tell you a secret if you promise not to tell Melora.”
“Alright,” I said.
“I’m a nympho. I love fucking men sir, I love it. It’s what I was born to do. Last night reminded me of that,” she said.
“Oh Helena, you’re just what I need darling,” I told her, pushing her face back onto my cock, forcing her to suck me.
She continued to slurp at my dick expertly. I groped her tits as she sucked.
“Yeah, I’m gonna buy that slutty mouth of yours today,” I told her.
“Sir, I’m very happy to service my master. But I am also happy to service any other man my master requires me to, I enjoy that too, you understand?” she said, not looking up.
I understood her completely. She was telling me, that if I were to buy her, that she wanted as much sex as possible. Not just with me, but with perhaps clients or friends of mine.
“I understand darling,” I told her, “Now I want you to tell me something that men don’t usually want to know about their women.”
“Yes sir, what is it?” she asked, then quickly returned to sucking me.
“How many men have you sucked off darling? I know it must be a lot, and I love that, but I’d love to know how many,” I said.
Helena giggled, smearing saliva all over her face with the head of my cock.
“Come on, honey. I’m guessing it must be hundreds, right?” I asked, squeezing her nipples.
“More,” she said simply, giving me that dirty grin of hers.
“More?” I asked.
“More than two thousand sir,” she said giggling a bit nervously, perhaps not sure what I would think.
“Two thousand, oh yeah, you lovely fucking slut,” I told her, “You fucking lovely sexy sucking whore.”
Helena nodded, with her cock in my mouth. I felt so fucking big now. I felt like a king, with the most experienced cock-sucker ever blowing me.
“You must have made so many men happy darling,” I told her, “You good, good slut. Two thousand cocks, and I bet you loved sucking each and every one of them, didn’t you?”
Again she nodded as she sucked, looking up at me, a glint in her eye.
“Yeah, I’m gonna love owning that cock sucking mouth of yours. Oh fucking lovely,” I told her, spunk building in my balls.
Helena could tell I was close now, she was such an expert. She popped my cock out of her mouth and wanked me furiously.
“Oh sir, come all over my slutty face,” she told me, “Come over your whore sir. I fucking love being spunked over.”
I was almost there now, her hand a blur on my cock.
“Two thousand men came all over my face sir,” she said, grinning, “Two thousand. And I loved every fucking single drop of spunk splashed across my slutty whore face, sir.”
I couldn’t take anymore of her dirty talk, and shot stream after stream of hot white spunk all over her face. She sucked the last few drops out of my dick, then sat back and let me admire my work. My spunk ran down her face, dripping from her chin and on to her tits. Again she made no attempt to clean herself up.
“Oh darling, that was wonderful,” I told her.
“Mmm, sir, you really like an experienced woman, don’t you?”
“Yes I do. Two thousand men, wow,” I said.
“What can I say sir,” she said, giggling and playing with my spunk on her face, “Like I told you, I love men, I love fucking and sucking. I love making men happy.”
“Well you certainly make me happy,” I told her.
Helena finally started cleaning herself up. We showered again together.
I then shaved and brushed my teeth, and dressed myself. Helena simply put on her high heels. I had ripped her panties last night, so she had nothing else to wear. She gave me a kiss, and I told her I would see her again later.
“Promise?” she asked.
“I promise,” I told her.
I gave her a slap on her ass, and off she trotted, one hand covering her pussy. Her other arm was straining to cover her tits, just as she had entered my quarters last night.
I organized my jewelery bag, and then made my way down to meet Norton for breakfast, and try to negotiate Helena’s purchase…