Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.
The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.
They were escaping the terrible poverty out in the vast farmlands of this world. As a pleasure-slave they would have a much better life, living in rich surroundings, and doing little work other than the obvious.
They also had much better legal protection than farm workers; they could not be abused in any way. They also had to agree to be sold to the winning bidder at their auction, they could refuse if they so wished.
Pleasure-slaves were also paid a monthly allowance which they could do with what they pleased. They could also save up their allowances and eventually buy their freedom if they so wished, but this was rare, as a pleasure-slave was generally a good life.
I had purchased my first pleasure-slave. Her name was Melora; she was an eighteen year old ‘pure’ or virgin. She was blonde, petite and slim, with an incredible 34HH bust.
After a few months together Melora had made an intriguing request. Her mother was also a pleasure slave; she had recently managed to contact her after many years apart. Melora had asked me to try to arrange for them to meet somehow. Her mother’s master was a wealthy land owner on the far side of the planet.
After seeing a few very sexy photos of her mother in a bikini, I decided to travel to meet this landowner, and hopefully Melora’s mother Helena. The landowner Norton met me on a pretence I had come up with of selling some of my jewellery from my business. He also offered me on of his pleasure slaves for the afternoon, so I of course chose Helena.
Helena and I had enjoyed a bathe together in a jacuzzi, and she had given me a fabulous blow job. Later that night I had fucked her, and she had told me her amazing life story. In the morning another blow job, before I had to go to breakfast to negotiate with Norton…
I made my way downstairs, through Norton’s grounds to the dining room. Norton was there, he had already begun his breakfast. I sat with him and was served some local broth and juices.
After eating, Norton again viewed my jewellery pieces he had admired yesterday.
“Well son, I’ll offer you three hundred thousand for the two pieces, what do you say?” Norton asked, still closely examining the gemstones.
“I’m really looking for four hundred, but I’m willing to negotiate,” I replied.
“Are you now?”
“Sure, I’ll come down to three hundred thousand,” I told him.
“Well that wasn’t much of a negotiation was it?” Norton laughed.
“I said I’ll come down three hundred, if you are willing to sell me something in return.”
“Me sell you something, what?” he enquired, looking quizzically at me, intrigued.
“Helena,” I said simply.
“Helena? That old pleasure slave you asked for last night?”
I loved how this man who must be almost seventy was calling Helena old.
“You want to buy her from me, is that it?” he asked.
“Yes, I enjoyed her. It seems like you don’t have much use for her yourself. Come on, what do you say Norton? You can use the money to buy a nice new young girl to replace her,” I told him.
Norton thought about it for a moment, sitting back in his chair. At least he was considering it, he could have just refused me, it’s not like he really needed the money.
Norton finally cleared his throat. “How much will you give me for her?” he asked.
“What do you want for her?” I countered.
“Well, let’s see, a hundred thousand,”
In this market I’m afraid a thirty seven year old woman with twenty years’ experience as a pleasure slave wasn’t worth even half that. The elite rich men of this world prized young women. Of course I was not from this world, and Norton knew that, and was trying to exploit that.
“Come on Norton, be realistic, I’ll give you market value for her, which is what, twenty five thousand?” I said.
“Alright, fifty thousand. Fifty thousand, and you let me buy these pieces for three hundred thousand. Meaning I owe you two hundred and fifty thousand, all done,” he replied gruffly.
“Norton come on, I’ll give you thirty thousand.”
I was probably prepared to go to fifty, but didn’t want to be a pushover.
“Forty. Forty and that’s my final offer. I’ll allow her to go to the nearest town, to get all the paperwork done. My assistant will go with her at my expense,” he said.
“It will probably take a couple of days, the town is far from here, and they do love their red tape and paperwork down there,” he explained, “While she’s gone you can stay here, and enjoy some of the other girls here, as long as you promise not to fall for any of them too.”
He laughed. He obviously believed I had fallen madly in love with Helena. It didn’t really matter to me what he believed.
I held out my hand silently, and Norton silently shook it. The deal was done.
Norton’s assistant came in, and Norton spoke in his ear for a moment. We drank our juice in silence for a while. Norton played with the jewelled necklace, staring into the gemstones.
A few minutes later Norton’s assistant returned, along with Helena. She was dressed in a short skirt, and black blouse which gave a lovely glimpse of her huge cleavage.
Norton had her sit down next to him.
“Now Helena, did you do as I ask yesterday, and entertain our friend her?” he asked pointing to me.
“Yes master, of course,” she replied, smiling at Norton, then me.
“Yes, maybe a little too well,” Norton said, “But no matter. Helena, our friend here has asked to purchase you from me.”
“Yes, so what say you?” he asked.
“What is your wish master?” she replied.
“Well, I’m open to his offer. But of course you must decide, whether that is your wish also.”
“If you are open to the offer from this man master, then I am also open to him,” she said diplomatically. She obviously didn’t want to seem too keen in front of Norton in case he took offence.
“You must make an arrangement with him for allowances and such,” Norton told her.
“I’m sure he is an honourable man, and will take care of me master, as you have done,” she said.
“Well, that settles it then,” Norton said, standing, “I thank you for your loyal service Helena.”
“Thank you too master,” she replied.
“My assistant will make all the arrangements,” Norton said, and then hobbled out of the room.
Once Norton had left, Helena gasped, then ran around the dining table to embrace me.
“Oh sir, we will be together,” she said, kissing me over and over.
“Yes, Norton’s assistant will take you to the nearest town to complete all the paperwork; you should be back in a few days. Then we will travel back to my home, back to Melora,” I explained.
“I’m so excited sir, I can’t wait,” she grinned.
I buried my face in her cleavage, tugging at her blouse.
“Oh yes sir, they’ll be all yours soon,” she whispered.
I tugged hard at her blouse ripping it off, sending buttons flying all over the room. I had exposed her tits encased in a small black push-up bra, which I again grabbed and ripped off her. She giggled, as I groped and sucked on her naked tits.
Just then Norton’s assistant returned to the dining room. He looked genuinely surprised at the sight of Helena topless, with my face buried in her big full breasts. He explained he had arranged transport for Helena and himself to go now to the nearest town to begin the paperwork for her sale to me.
I told Helena she had better go get ready to leave, and that I would be waiting here for her return in a couple of days. She told me she imagined Norton would let me enjoy his other slave girls while I was waiting.
“Yes, he already offered me his girl’s company,” I told her.
“Good, I don’t want you to be bored waiting for me,” she giggled, “My friend Shawnee thinks you’re cute, maybe you could ask for her.”
I told her I would, kissed her, and for the second time that day she left me with no top on, holding her tits in her hands.
I went to my quarters and sat on the balcony, enjoying the view of Norton’s immaculately kept grounds. Half an hour later I saw Helena and the assistant walking out to a transport vehicle. She looked up at me waving, blowing me a kiss. She wore a much more conservative outfit now.
I waved her goodbye, and watched her transport take off a few meters above the courtyard, and then hover off over the farmlands in the distance.
I took a short nap on the large sofa in my quarters. I called Melora and told her everything was going well on my business tour. She asked if I had gone to see her mother’s owner yet.
I told her not yet, but that I would in a few days. I didn’t want to tell her yet I was in process of buying her mother. It’s possible something could still go wrong, so I thought it better to wait until everything was completed.
As I said goodbye to Melora, a servant came to take me to lunch with Norton.
Norton was in a better mood now. He had seemed a bit gruff earlier when we had negotiated for Helena; perhaps that was his business manner. We chatted over some fried chicken, he seemed more relaxed.
He told me he was quite happy to sell Helena. When you buy a slave girl, you agree to pay her allowance and take care of her for life, or until you sell her to another with her agreement.
So if you own a pleasure slave from whom you take no pleasure, you are really wasting a lot of money. As Norton had had no interest in Helena for a few years, he was truly losing money for nothing.
Even though he could certainly afford it, he was happy to sell her, get her monthly allowances of his books, and invest the money in a new pleasure slave that he would enjoy.
I understood his position, but still marvelled to myself at how the rich men of this world seemed to lose interest in a woman after she was in her early thirties.
We had a drink together, and he toasted to my success with my new pleasure slave. I thanked him.
Norton said it was time for his afternoon ‘nap,’ which I took to mean a session with one of his young women. He asked if I wanted a girl for the afternoon.
I told him I would like to meet Shawnee, Helena’s friend she had told me about. Norton nodded, telling the servant to go fetch her.
Norton then told me he would see me later for dinner and hobbled off. Another servant came and said they would take me back to my quarters so await Shawnee. I told them I would rather have Shawnee bathe me in the jacuzzi, as Helena had done the day before.
I was led back up the staircase on the side of the cliff face to the secluded terrace with the jacuzzi out front, and the hidden bedroom and bathroom behind. The servant left me alone; I undressed and got into the warm soothing water.
I sat there naked, enjoying a cool drink in the jacuzzi, occasionally peering through the palm plants on the edge of the terrace, admiring the view over Norton’s grounds.
Soon though I heard high heels clicking their way up the staircase. I had no idea which girl Shawnee was, it was a bit like a blind date, or blind fuck you might say.
Then on the terrace appeared a slim black woman, in her early forties, she wore a small white bikini and white high heels with straps. I recognised her from the line-up Norton had presented to me yesterday, the line-up I had selected Helena from.
“Hi sir, I’m Shawnee,” she said, smiling.
“Hi, pleased to meet you Shawnee, how are you?” I replied.
“Fine thank you sir,” she giggled.
She turned her back to me. She had a gorgeous big firm booty. She bent over, leaning right down to unstrap herself from her high heels. As she unstrapped her second shoe she looked over her shoulder at me, giggling.
“Do you like the view up here sir?” she asked, smiling.
Boy did I, her ass was amazing. She had a real stunning black woman’s ass; I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. She was deliberately giving me a real good look at that ass, pretending to struggle with the strap on her shoe.
“Shawnee you have a lovely ass dear,” I told her.
“Thank you sir,” she said, still bent over, her bikini bottoms riding up a little, “It’s all yours to do with as you wish.”
She giggled, finally releasing her shoe and standing up, and climbing into the jacuzzi. She stood in front of me, slowly and teasingly removing her bikini top. She had lovely breasts, even for a thirty year old woman, except she was probably forty.
She then turned around, slowly lowering that great booty in to my lap, her back pressing up against my chest. I reached for her tits, slowly groping them, my cock growing harder, pushing up against her bikini bottoms. I kissed her shoulders and neck.
There was no pretence about being bathed and washed like with Helena the day before. She was here to suck and fuck me.
“My master asked me to make you happy sir,” she whispered as I kissed her neck, staring at my hands playing with her tits, “How can I make you happy darling?”
“Well, let’s start by getting rid of those panties shall we?” I told her.
I grabbed her skimpy bikini bottoms, gripped hard, and ripped them off her body. She laughed.
“Helena told me you liked to do that,” she said, giggling.
I told her to stand and apply some oil on that ass, which she did. She raised the seat in the jacuzzi up for me, so my cock was above the water line. She then sat back in my lap, and started grinding and wriggling her slippery ass up against my cock.
“You’ve got a lovely cock sir,” she said, “I can’t wait to suck and fuck you.”
“I’ll bet, I’m guessing being an older woman you don’t get much attention from Norton, is that right?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m afraid not,” she replied.
“I suppose that’s why Helena told me to ask for you, so her friend could get some cock for once,” I said.
“Yes, I’m very grateful, thank you sir,” she replied, arching her back and looking over her shoulder at me, pouting, then pushing her cheek out with her tongue, in the universal symbol for a blow job.
“I bet you’re very experienced at sucking cock, aren’t you Shawnee?” I asked.
“Yes sir, I’ve sucked many, many men,” she said.
“I’m sure. Why don’t we add one more to that long, long list?” I told her.
She turned around, and knelt down in the water in front of me; I took her head in my hands and guided her mouth on to my hard dick. She began sucking me slowly at first, but slowly built up a steady rhythm.
“Shawnee, I’m going to enjoy fucking your lovely big ass later,” I told her, letting her know what she was in for.
She smiled, continuing to suck me, always looking me in the eye as she did so. I told her to suck my balls and she happily lapped at them, before eventually returning to suck my cock.
“How old are you Shawnee?” I asked her.
“Forty-three sir,” she told me.
Certainly that ass didn’t look like that of a woman in her early forties. I wondered if she had had the ‘re-firming’ procedure on her ass that Helena had had done on her tits.
I also wondered about how many men had pounded away at that ass in her youth. If she had worked in a brothel at some point, like Helena, then probably hundreds at least. If she had always been ‘privately’ owned, then a lot less.
“How long have you been a pleasure slave dear?” I asked her.
“Almost ten years, I submitted myself to a brothel, I worked there almost six years, then my master bought me out from there,” she explained.
So Shawnee was a late starter to this work. Perhaps she had gotten fed up living on the farmlands, and decided to work less and earn more as a pleasure slave. Still, six years in a brothel meant she was very experienced indeed. With a booty like hers, I’m sure she must have been ass-fucked hundreds of times.
That was all good news as far as I was concerned; I was loving screwing these experienced ladies. I held Shawnee’s head in my hands as she sucked away; I stared at the top of her wet dark haired head as it bobbed up and down in my lap.
I wondered to myself why Norton had bought Shawnee. She didn’t seem to be his type, just like Helena. Perhaps Shawnee had also been a purchase on a whim, the same as Helena, one that he now also regretted.
No matter, what was his loss was certainly my gain; Shawnee seemed very horny, just like her friend Helena. Presumably Shawnee hadn’t seen much dick in a long time too. I reached out and groped and slapped her ass as she sucked me.
“Yes sir, slap that ass,” she said as she slurped away at my cock, “My ass needs a good slapping, and then a good pounding.”
She looked up and smiled at me.
“Let’s go to the bed,” I told her.
We got out of the jacuzzi, and Shawnee led me back to the bedroom cut into the cliff face at the back of the terrace. It was nice and cool in here. This was going to be like fucking a cave-woman, except with comfortable furnishings.
I told Shawnee to get on all fours on the bed, her ass sticking out. I stood at the side of the bed, in front of that ass. I rubbed some oil into her ass, squeezing and groping it. I put my dick in between her ass cheeks and fucked them for a while.
Then it was time for the main event. I rolled on a condom, pressed up against her asshole, and slowly forced myself inside. She moaned as I pushed deeper, until I was all the way in.
Then slowly I began fucking her ass, back and forth. She wasn’t that tight, I guess from getting slammed so many times in the brothel years ago. But she wasn’t that loose either, just about right to really enjoy myself.
I began building up a rhythm, and enjoying the view of her lovely ass in front of me. I slapped her ass from time to time, which she seemed to like.
“Slap it harder sir,” she moaned, “Slap that ass hard. Oh fuck me, fuck my ass.”
There was a large mirror on the ceiling of the cave room above the bed, and another on the wall instead of a headboard. I enjoyed the view of Shawnee’s face in the mirror as I fucked her ass. I liked looking up in the ceiling mirror too, watching myself fuck her.
“Fucking lovely black ass,” I said, “You love that white cock in your black ass, don’t you?”
“Oh yes sir, fuck my big black ass with that huge hard white dick,” she screamed, “Fuck it, fuck my fucking black ass.”
“Oh, you fucking lovely black slut,” I told her.
I was now pounding away in her ass quite fast; I reached down and felt inside her pussy, she was very wet.
“Oh yes sir, I’m a whore,” she moaned, “Fuck this black whore ass.”
She was really getting into it now, playing with herself with one hand. I slapped her ass harder, banging away as hard as I could now. I was very close now.
Shawnee was rubbing herself furiously now, and she soon came, screaming and panting.
I felt a tightening in my balls, and pulled out, wanking myself. A few moments later and I spunked wad after wad of jism all over her black ass.
“Oh you fucking lovely whore,” I told her, spanking her spunk covered ass, “Thank you honey for letting me use that ass.
I sat down beside that big black ass on the side of the bed. Shawnee stayed on all fours, admiring her come stained ass in the mirror.
“You’re welcome sir,” she smiled at me in the mirror, giggling, “Ohhh, I enjoyed that.”
I spanked her one more time, my come splashing off her ass onto the bed sheets. I then got up and went and took a shower. Shawnee soon joined me, cleaning my come all off herself.
I dressed, kissed Shawnee goodbye, thanking her again, and made my way back to my quarters for a nap.
In the evening I dined with Norton and a couple of his wives. They were very beautiful, but kept to themselves as Norton and I chatted. His wives spoke with each other in some local dialect I didn’t understand.
Later Norton and I retired to a lounge area out in one of the many courtyards in his grounds. It was quite hot that evening, so to be outside where there was a slight breeze was pleasant.
Norton again brought out a parade of eight or nine ladies from whom I was to choose my companion for the night. I chose a younger woman this time named Shyla.
She was twenty-six, very pretty, quite cute, with long light brown hair. She was slim of course, with a nice ass, and a nice handful boobs wise. Later that night she sucked and fucked me, and I fell asleep exhausted.
In the morning I awoke and she enjoyed me holding her head in my lap and forcing her to suck me again until I came down her throat.
That afternoon, Norton sent a nice skinny twenty-eight year old asian woman called Candy to my quarters. She said Norton had sent her to make sure I wasn’t bored waiting for Helena to return. I made her keep her promise to her master by having her striptease and lap dance for me.
She gave a great show, and so it wasn’t long before my cock was buried to the hilt in her ass, eventually coming deep inside.
That night I decided to spend the night with another younger woman. Norton kindly let me have one of his favourites, a twenty one year old brunette with killer legs called Margo. I enjoyed fucking her from behind, with her just wearing stockings on those great long legs of hers. In the morning she sucked me off in the shower.
I had enjoyed sampling some of Norton’s seemingly endless supply of girls. But I was now looking forward to being reunited with Helena. I had breakfast with Norton again, and I thanked him for his hospitality.
He told me he was happy I had come to visit. His wife was in love with her new jewellery. Also, he had spoken with a few of his girls I had fucked, and they all seemed happy that they had gotten to sleep with a man other than Norton for a change. He told me if I was ever in the area again on a sales tour, I was very welcome to stay here again.
Later in the morning I heard the hover transport arrive at the edge of Norton’s grounds as I was packing my things in my quarters. I walked out to the balcony to see Helena crossing the courtyard outside. She screamed in excitement as she saw me, and ran toward the entrance.
A few moments later she burst in to my room, running to my arms and kissing me.
“Is it done?” I asked her.
“Yes sir, we just have to perform the ceremony,” she explained.
Just then Norton’s assistant entered the room, along with a clerk from the town administration office, an older big woman in her fifties with a pleasant smile. Norton’s assistant explained the clerk had travelled with them back here to perform the pleasure slaves new purchase ceremony and sign off on the paperwork.
Helena had had Norton’s ownership tattoo removed from the back of her neck, and a new tattoo imprinted, which if scanned would show I was her owner now.
The clerk pulled some papers from a bag.
“Shall we begin?” she asked, motioning to the sofa.
I sat on the sofa, Helena got on her knees in front of me. She removed my shoes and socks, and began kissing my feet, just as her daughter had done a few months ago.
“Thank you master, thank you master, thank you master,” Helena repeated, continuing to kiss my feet.
The clerk placed my hand in Helena’s. Helena came up from kissing my feet, smiling.
“Helena, this is your new master. You will obey him in all things,” the clerk instructed, continuing the ritual, “You will strive to make him happy in all things, at all times, for all time, or until such time your master sells you to another.”
Melora nodded at each Instruction.
“This is your master. If you displease him he will punish you, and he is right to do so. Your master is right in all things, in all things. Do you understand?”
“I do,” Helena said bowing her head to me again. She then lifted her head and smiled at me, she gave me her other hand to hold, just as it had been with Melora.
“Would you like to inspect her now sir?” the manager asked.
I thought about telling the clerk I had inspected Helena’s body in great detail a few nights ago, but thought better of it. I declined the clerks offer.
“Sir, when you buy a pleasure slave from another, you should really see first exactly what you are buying,” the clerk explained.
Helena grinned at me cheekily. She seemed up for it, so I thought why not.
“Yes of course, you’re right, please proceed,” I told the clerk.
The clerk asked Helena to stand, and then helped Helena to undress out of her fairly conservative long skirt and blouse. Helena removed her panties and bra, and stood naked in front of me, the clerk, and Norton’s assistant.
“Turn around dear,” the clerk instructed.
Helena smiled, slowly turning around, giving her ass a wiggle at me. Then she turned back toward me, pushing her tits together. She put a finger in between her tits, jiggling her boobs up and down, simulating getting tit-fucked.
She then pushed her cheek in and out with her tongue, the universal sign for a blow job. She certainly wasn’t shy in front of the clerk and Norton’s assistant.
“Does she please you sir?” the clerk asked.
I nodded. “Yes, yes she does,” I said.
Helena then came and sat in my lap, kissing me.
The clerk then held out some papers for me to sign.
“Congratulations sir. I’m sure she’ll make you very happy, enjoy,” the clerk said.
“I will, thank you.”
The clerk then left the room. Norton’s assistant said the hover transport was waiting to take the clerk back to the local town, and that my transport was also waiting to take me to the train station.
Damn, I was gonna get blue balls now. I had a hard on, which Helena noticed and squeezed. I really wanted to fuck Helena right there on the sofa, but I did not want to miss the train which were not frequent in this part of the world. I did not want to overstay my welcome with Norton by missing the train and being forced to return here to stay another night.
So I told Helena we would have to leave now. She looked a little disappointed she wasn’t going to get fucked right now, but quickly dressed, and then ran off to her room to grab her things.
Thirty minutes later and Helena and I were boarding our transport taxi, Norton’s assistant waving us off. The transport lifted off and we hovered a few metres off the ground, skimming over Norton’s vast farmlands. The journey took five hours to reach the nearest town with a train station.
Once we arrived at the train, we boarded immediately. I had booked a first class private cabin, as this journey on this train would be almost two days. The train attendant showed us to the cabin near the front of the carriage.
It was compact, as suppose train cabins always are. But it was very nicely furnished. It was separated into small lounge area, a small bathroom, and a medium sized bedroom.
I chatted with the attendant for a few minutes. Helena whispered in my ear that she was going to change clothes in the bedroom, and closed the divider between the bedroom and lounge. Another attendant brought some drinks and fruit. I thanked both the attendants, giving them both a tip.
I then went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I dried off, I wore a robe the train company had provided, and then pulled back the divider to the bedroom.
Helena sat on the side of the bed. She wore black stockings and a suspender belt, and nothing else. She grinned at me, pushing her tits together, pouting at me.
I stood in front of her; she undid my robe, and immediately took my cock in her mouth.
The train slowly started out of the station. I marvelled to myself how lucky I was.
Journeying across almost a third of this enormous planet was a real ordeal for most. Yet here I was in a very nice first class cabin, with a busty pleasure slave sucking at my cock. Life was good.
Helena expertly worked me up to full hardness with her lips and tongue. I sat on the side of the bed, and instructed Helena to get on her knees in front of me.
“Mmm, I missed your big cock, master,” Helena said, grinning. Helena addressed me as master instead of sir, now that my purchase of her was complete.
“Oh yeah, suck that cock you lovely slut,” I told her, pushing her head back into my lap.
She ran her lips up and down the side of my shaft, as I played with her huge tits.
“Did my friend Shawnee get to suck on your lovely cock while I was away, master?” she asked.
“Yeah, she sucked me in the jacuzzi,” I told her, “Then I fucked her lovely ass.”
“Oh thank you master, she deserved a good fuck,” she giggled.
“You looked like a right slut when you stripped off in front of the clerk,” I told her.
“I am a right little slut master, your slut,” she told me.
She placed her tits around my cock, spat on my dick to lubricate my fucking her tits.
“Slut, slut ,slut, slut, slut,” she called herself with each thrust of my dick.
I couldn’t take her dirty talk anymore and shot my load all over her face, neck and tits. Helena giggled, rubbing my come into her boobs.
“I’m you’re spunk covered slut, master,” she laughed.
She got up to go to the shower. I slapped her lovely ass as she left the bedroom. I lay back on the bed.
I thought about all the dirty things I was going to do to her lovely body. There was nothing much else to do on this long train journey.
Helena was going to get fucked a lot in the next two days. I would make sure she spent as much time as possible on her knees, on her back, on all fours, sucking and fucking me until I was completely spent.
Eventually however my mind turned to the end of the train journey, and returning home to Melora, Helena’s daughter. Neither of us had called Melora to let her know I was bringing her home; much less that she was now my pleasure slave too.
I wondered how she would react…