My Sexual Odyssey Part VI: A Working Girl

"A continuation of the journey described in part 5"

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I decided to go to the club again that night, and talk to some of the people there. As nothing much happens until fairly late, I waited until an hour before midnight, then drove downtown. I entered the club and was greeted by the people who tended the entrance, to whom I was becoming a familiar sight. I looked for a table off to the side and searched for someone with whom I could converse. In no time I spied Trixie and waved for her to come over.

“Hi Tracy, what have you been doing?”

“Oh, all kinds of things.”

“Like what?”

“Well, in additional to the usual, last night I turned my first trick.”

“Really? How did it go?”

“Surprisingly well, but then, the fact that I turned a trick was itself a surprise.”

“How so?”

“I was planning to meet one of my boyfriends at a hotel bar, but he called and said he couldn’t make it. Another man asked if he could buy me a drink. We talked and flirted. Then, just as I expected him to ask me to go up to his room with him, he asked me if I would do so for a couple hundred. I surprised myself and said, ‘Yes,’ and the rest went smoothly.”

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Yes, a lot.”

“Do you have any regrets?”

“Only that I never tried doing this before.”

“So does that mean you are going to do it again?”

“That’s a little hard to say. I mean, why would anybody want to pay me if they know I’m willing to do it for free? Anyway, since this happened the way it did, I can’t count on someone approaching me like that again, but if they did, I probably would!”

“If that’s all that’s holding you up, then there is no difficulty at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you could work for me.”

“Work? For you? How?”

“I would like you to be one of my girls.”

“You want me to be your whore?”

“Why not? You already did it and liked it, and you said you wanted to do it some more, so what’s the problem?”

“I know, it’s just that–”

“You need some time to get used to it?”

“I guess that’s it. I mean, no one ever asked me to be a prostitute before, not before last night that is. You really want me to be a prostitute?”

“It’s not what I want, but what you want, if I am hearing you correctly. I’m just offering you the opportunity to do what you said you wanted to do.”

“Of course, you’re right, I guess it’s all just a lot to get used to. I have to admit that there is something very slutty about it and that turns me on.”


“How would this work?”

“Well, it depends on what you want to do. Are you interested in working full time?”

“God no!”

“Days? Evenings?”

“Evenings, definitely.”

“Weekdays or weekends?”

“I’m not sure. But if weekends, then I suppose days might be okay. Do I have to decide now?”

“No, of course not. I just want to get a sense of what you have in mind.”

“Right now, it’s all happening so fast, I cannot be sure.”

“That’s okay, no hurry. Let me tell you how it operates.”


“I get requests from gentlemen looking for companionship. Those coming to me want T-girls and CDs. After they describe what they want, I contact the girl and ask her if she’s interested. Sometimes the clients choose a girl they see here, and so they know that they want her specifically. If you meet here, you can talk. If you don’t, then it is like a blind date.”

“Where would we go?”

“There is a hotel right next door. We have an agreement, so there’s no difficulty.”

“It all sounds so simple.”

“It is. The client pays me a ‘finder’s fee’, so to speak, and he pays me the money that goes to you. That way you don’t have to haggle with the client and no money changes hands, unless he decides to give you a tip on top of everything else, which often happens. At the end of the day I give you the money you earned. That’s about it.”

“Wow, it’s all so smooth and clean.”

“Yes, and safe as well. We have bouncers and they look after the girls quite well. Lot’s of girls show their appreciation for that, although they really don’t have to.”

“I see. So what do you think I’m worth?”

“Depends on the amount of time involved. I like to keep things simple, and charge a flat rate, one hundred and hour, regardless of what you do, or who the girl is. So, what do you think? Would you like to try it? No obligation!”

“All right. I’ll be your whore.”

“Great! When would you like to start?”

“Gee, I don’t know. Got any suggestions?”

“How about tonight.”

“Tonight? Oh my God! Really?”

“Why not?”

“Well, no reason, actually.”

“Wonderful! I have a couple of things to do. Let me know what you decide and we can begin right away, if you want to.”

“Okay great. And thank you!”

“Not at all. And do try to relax. I think you will like this life.”

“I do hope so!”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a little while.”

“Thanks Trixie.”

So, I’m really going to do this! Unbelievable! Yesterday at this time I was ‘straight’, at least in one sense of the word, and now I’ve turned one trick, and agreed to turn others–a lot of others. What an amazing odyssey this has become!

I sat there for over an hour, sipping my drink and fending off offers of still more drinks, as well as a few requests to dance. I needed to think about this, and think about this seriously. Finally I realized that my only reservation was the same one that had accompanied my actions all along: one of fear. There was no question that I was going to do this, so I might as well just plunge right in and do it. I spotted Trixie and gestured her to come over to my table.

Trixie looked at me quizzically, and I took a gulp of my drink and said, “Okay, let’s do this.”



“That’s great! You won’t regret it.”

“I hope not. This is really weird.”

“I already have some people expressing interest.”

“Already? Wow!”

“Yes, of course. Don’t be so surprised. It happens all the time.”

“I see. Well then, what next?”

“Why not come with me; I’ll introduce you, and you can join him for the inevitable drink at his booth, after which you can take it from there.”

“Okay, let’s go before I change my mind!”

“Great, come on.”

We walked over to the booth, where a fifty-something man was seated. He looked either like a former military type or an ex-football player, with salt and pepper hair, and a beefy but muscular build. He stood to meet me, which was sweet, and invited me to join him after Trixie introduced us.

He said his name was Jim, and asked me to sit next to him. I complied. The usual small talk ensued, during the course of which he touched me lightly and tentatively, as though anticipating rejection. I began to feel sympathy for the man, so I flirted with him a little, all the while snuggling next to him so as to relieve his anxiety. This appeared to please him greatly, and he grew more bold in his advances, which were not refused.

After a bit more of this, I placed my hand on his thigh, and he seemed most pleased. He touched my shoulder, then my back, then my hair. I smiled encouragingly, and he looked nervous as he asked me if I would be interested in going next door with him.

I swallowed my drink, grabbed his cock, and said, “Let’s go.”

I thought he would faint, but he turned red-faced, rose immediately, and, placing his hand against the small of my back, escorted me outside. The crisp night air was a welcome change from the atmosphere inside the club, and we walked the few steps to the hotel next door.

I was beginning to have second-thoughts about this, but I realized I was feeling an adrenaline rush that was due more to excitement than to fear.

We got to the hotel, walked inside and the clerk, an older lady asked, “How long sugar?”

I guessed this kind of thing happened a lot here. We went upstairs and hurriedly entered the room. He drew me to him, and was breathing heavily. “Hot damn, you’re one hot little thing!”

“I try.”

As he cupped my ass in his large hands, I could feel myself getting turned on. I knelt in front of him and undid his pants. The thick cock of his sprang to life, and I put my hand around it and gently held it. He moaned, and I put that wonderful member into my eagerly waiting mouth, and sucked for all I was worth. I slurped and slurped, and he grew bigger and bigger. He became more aroused, and began to pump mightily. Finally, he erupted in my mouth. He came in powerful thick spurts, and I enjoyed swallowing every last drop. He was completely spent. Then he said, “Girl, you are one hot little slut. Come on sweetheart, let’s get on the bed.”

I stood up, let my dress fall to my ankles, but retained my stockings and pumps. He picked me up, carried me over to the bed, and gently placed me on it, lying down next to me.

We stayed there a while, then he seemed to become aroused again. This excited me, and so I sucked on his cock again.

“I want to fuck you. I want to fuck that sweet little ass of yours. I want to cum in your ass.”

“My pleasure,” I responded, and got on my back.

He reached for a tube of lubricant I had deposited onto the nightstand and as I lifted my hips and spread my legs, he began lubricating my already dilating asshole. He mounted me and placed his cock at the rim of my ass. I reached down and guided him in. The thick bulb of his head gently penetrated, then slid easily all the way in. I felt so full.

I moaned and told him how much I enjoyed putting out for him. He seemed pleased by that, and began to pump his cock in my ass. I wrapped my stocking-covered legs around his waist and we moved in a pulsing rhythm. The sensation was first slightly warming, then it quickly grew to a searing heat, with my own thrusts meeting his. I felt so whole, so complete, like this is what I was made for.

“I love fucking for you. I really love being fucked,” I said.

He became more and more excited, pumping faster now, and harder. “Come on sweetheart, give yourself to me. Be my bitch.”

“I am your bitch!”

“Good girl! Now fuck for me like you mean it.”

And I did. After what seemed like hours, the sensation continued to build and I started to buck.

“That’s it, girl; get off for me! Let yourself cum!”

At that, I convulsed in uncontrollable orgasms, as wave after wave of contractions spent themselves and I lost all control. It was wonderful. At that point he began to grunt and he came too, fucking me like his bitch, like his own private toy, and finally sent spurt after spurt into my now gaping ass.

“I can feel your hot cum in my ass,” I said.

Eventually he collapsed, then slowly slid out. I caressed his cock in my hand.

I had always had this fantasy of selling myself. That I could dress in woman’s clothes, act like a girl, and be attractive enough for a man to pay me to suck and fuck his cock. It was a real thrill.

My heart was beating like crazy. I was a whore. I went to a stranger’s hotel room to earn hundreds of dollars for letting him fuck me. I had really crossed a threshold into something new. The experience was liberating.

I feel so wanton. I am now a real whore; this was no accident anymore.

After a short while we got up and dressed wordlessly. He gave me a hug and told me how happy I made him. I said I would willing to see him again if he liked, and he asked me when. I said to tell Trixie when he wanted to see me. He indicated that he would do that right away and pressed fifty dollars into my hand. I thanked him, gave him a peck on the cheek, and we went downstairs. He disappeared into the club, and I enjoyed the cool night air once again. I then returned to the club, where I was greeted by Trixie.

“So, how did everything go?”

“Just great!”

“You were a big hit. Jim said you’re the best he’s had.”

“That’s sweet, but probably not true.”

“Don’t be so sure! You’re a natural born whore, and you should be proud of that. Not everyone makes it in this business. But you are going to be very popular, trust me.”

This excited me.

“So, you up for another client?”

“What? You mean right now? Are you kidding?”

“Not at all. In fact, I could set you up all night if you want.”

“Good God! This is crazy!”

“I don’t see why. I mean, you agreed to be a whore didn’t you?”

“Well, yes, but….”

“Well, this is what whores do. They suck and they fuck, and not just when they’re in the mood, or with someone they fancy, but with lots of people, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Now be a good little whore and fuck for all you’re worth!”

“Right. I suppose it just takes a bit of getting used to.”

“That’s all right, you’ll adjust, I’m sure. Just give it a chance, and you won’t believe you ever even hesitated.”

“Okay. So; what have you got for me?”

“Another regular. He’s shy, polite, but not very passionate. Just needs to get off every once in a while. Should be in and out, so to speak.”

“Right. Well, okay, why not?”

“That’s a good girl. Why don’t you have a seat at a table or booth and I’ll bring him over?”

“Sounds good.”

“Be right back.”

After a couple minutes she reappeared with a short thin man in tow.

“Tracy, this is Kevin; Kevin, Tracy.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Same here. Won’t you sit down?”

“Thank you.”


“Let me be direct. I want to get with you. What do you say?”

“Well, aren’t you the silver tongued devil.”

“Well, I don’t see any point in wasting time. We both know why we’re here.”

“That’s true enough. So you wanna go?”

“Fine by me.”

With that, we got up and moved toward the door. He didn’t say a word as we left the club and went next door. The old lady greeted me with a pleasant smile and gave us the room key. As we went to the room, my client said to remove everything but the stockings. I obliged. He then instructed me to get on my knees and pulled out his medium sized cock. I automatically began to suck. I felt no passion or excitement, and wondered if he did. My answer came as he did, and rather soon at that.

He then wanted to rest, so we lay down without a word. After what seemed an eternity of silence, he requested another blow job. A few minutes later he told me to get on my hands and knees so we could fuck doggy style. He entered me unceremoniously, and pumped away at a moderate speed, eventually accelerating to a furious pace, pulling out only at the last moment so as to cum in my waiting mouth yet again. Without saying a word, he pulled on his trousers, then left the room. I freshened up, then went back outside, and returned to the club.

“So, how’d it go?” Trixie asked.

“Rather quickly; quickly and silently.”

“That’s what he’s known for. But at least you earned an easy few bucks.”

“That’s true. You got someone else?”

“Yes, but I think you should relax and take a break instead. You don’t want to overdo it.”

“Good idea. I think I will just go to the bathroom, then go home. Call you tomorrow?”

“If you like, but I would advise you to take the day off. Don’t overwork.”

“Will do.”

I made my way to the ladies’ room. As I washed my hands, one of Trixie’s dancers came in.

“Hi. You must be the newbie.”

‘Yes, I’m Tracy.”

“Hi Tracy, I’m Candy. I saw you with Trixie, then two of our regulars. How do you like working here?”

“I am enjoying it so far, although I feel pretty tired right now.”

“I hear you. Hey, you should get to meet the other girls. We’re having a party this coming Thursday.”

“Thursday? That seems an odd day.”

“Well, it’s just that we all work on Friday and the weekends, so it’s one of the best times really.”

“I suppose so. So where is this?”

“I’ll give you directions. It’ll be lots of fun.” Saying which, she gave me a naughty wink.

“I see. Well, I’m always up for that.”

“Great! You’ll get along just fine!”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Terrific. Here’s the address.” She wrote it down. “And here’s how you get there.” She drew a small map. “It starts at ten, and lasts until whenever.”

“Okay, thank you so much! “Ill see you then!”

“Okay hun, bye bye!”


So now I had a party invitation. I was happy to have an opportunity to get to know the other girls. Right now though, I just wanted to get to bed. I drove home uneventfully, kicked off my shoes, dropped my dress, then peeled off my stockings and threw both into the hamper. I then took a nice hot shower, douched, washed and dried my hair, then went to bed.

The next day I awakened to a telephone call from Brad, apologizing again for missing our date, and could we get together today, and so on. I begged off, but assured him I wasn’t upset. Then I fixed breakfast, only to be interrupted yet again, this time by a call from Tom. I decided it would be good to discuss recent developments with him, and so I related all the details of the adventures of the last two evenings. He seemed surprised, but oddly pleased.

“I’m proud of you!”


“Because you stepped way out of your comfort zone, and now you will never be uptight about your sexuality again.”

“I see what you mean.”

“So, do you like turning tricks?”

“I enjoy being a whore! It all feels so natural somehow.”

“Great, although I hope you’re not going to start charging me now!”

“Don’t be silly!”

“Just kidding. Anyway, you must be getting your dance card pretty full by now, between dates and your burgeoning client list.”

“That’s true. I’m not sure I can keep up with the demand.”

“Well, just go at your own pace.”

“I will. And thank you for calling today.”

“Anytime. Take care.”

“You too. Bye bye.”

I spent the day doing nothing much, just resting from the last couple of days’ activities. In twenty-four hours I had turned pro, sucked and fucked three different men for money, and had agreed to do so on a regular basis. How was I feeling? Excited, thrilled, content, and four hundred and fifty dollars richer. I couldn’t believe one could get paid for doing something so natural and fun. It was amazing.

Published 10 years ago

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