Pet Puppy Playtime

"Amanda experiences being a puppy pet with Lenora and Max."

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Cal came home from work carrying a package.

Amanda asked, “What is in the package?”

Cal said, “Something for later, when we are with Max and Lenora.”

It had been a week since Amanda had fucked Lenora with a huge strap on cock. She still smiled when she thought about it. Lately, she had asked Cal about pet play and bitch suits. Max and Lenora liked the idea and had done a little puppy play.

Cal and Amanda went to Max’s house. Cal brought the package along too. The two couples entered the playroom. Cal put the package down on the bed.

He ordered Amanda to strip. She quickly removed all her clothes. She sat on the floor on her legs, hands folded in her lap, eyes down.

Lenora entered and did the same. She smiled quickly at Amanda. Max entered and looked at the two women waiting for instructions.

Max said, “Tonight we are going to do pet play. Lenora likes pet play. Amanda, do you want to be a pet bitch for Cal tonight?”

Amanda thought and said, “Hmm yes”

Max went to the wall and selected two collars and leashes from the rack. He came back and handed one set to Cal. Cal went to Amanda. He lifted her head, put the collar on her and attached the leash. Max did the same to Lenora.

Both men pulled on the leashes. The women moved around the room on all fours, but there was something missing.

Max turned to Cal and said, “Their arms and legs are too long. Let’s change that.”

Cal watched Max, as he took out some soft leather pieces. Lenora put her hands on her shoulders and her elbows on the floor. He bound her arms that way. He took her legs and bent them so her heels touched her butt. He strapped her legs too. Where her elbows and knees touched the floor, he added some padding. He paraded Lenora around the room. Max felt satisfied that Lenora was ready.

Max turned to Cal and said, “Do the same to Amanda.”

Amanda reluctantly obeyed, but when Cal scolded her and pulled on the leash hard, she obeyed quicker. He tied her the same way as Lenora. When finished, he paraded her around the room. Max applauded.

Cal led Amanda to sit next to Lenora. She walked to him and rubbed against him. He petted her head and said, “Good puppy.”

Cal pulled her leash to get her back in line. He made her sit and obey. He ruffled her hair and petted her. She rubbed against his leg.

Amanda and Lenora sat like two puppies. They panted as puppies did. They licked each other’s faces. They tried to please their masters. As they sat, they tired and lay down on their sides.

Max whistled. Lenora slowly sat and perked up. Max was not happy with her. She responded too slowly. He pulled on her leash and walked her around the room quickly. She ran on her knees and elbows quickly to keep up. Her arms and legs moved fast and she stayed with him.

Cal pulled Amanda up. She moved quickly to get with him. He led her around the room. He made her heel and follow obediently behind him.

After parading for a while, the puppies sat on the floor. The men got on the bed. They drank a beer and petted the heads of their new pets.

The puppies rested their heads on the edge of the bed. They wanted to get on the bed, but had difficulty climbing up. Max helped Lenora onto the bed. She curled at his feet. Cal helped Amanda up and she curled at Cal’s feet.

Cal said to Max, “Should we show them what I brought?”

Max shook his head. “No.”

Amanda said, “Yes, Please.”

Cal smacked her with the leash and said, “Puppies don’t talk. They bark. Bark, puppy!”

Amanda and Lenora barked and begged for what was in the package. Amanda panted in anticipation. Cal opened the package and took out two bitch suits. They were zip-in costumes. There were sleeves which held the arms and legs rather than binding them. It also covered the body, hiding skin, but left the breasts, ass and genitals exposed.

Amanda whined, “Hmm.”

Cal showed Amanda the suit and asked, “Do you want to wear this now?”

Amanda started to speak, but remembered to bark.

Cal released her arms and legs. Amanda rolled onto her back. She stretched waiting for Cal to put her in the suit. He laid it on the bed and rolled her onto it facing up. He put her arms and legs into the sleeves. He wrapped the suit around her and zipped the suit up along her stomach. Cal helped her down from the bed. He walked her around the room. Max put Lenora in her suit and paraded her around. The puppies looked amazing. They looked like puppies. The only thing missing was a tail.

Lenora went to the door and scratched to go out. Max opened the door and let her out. Amanda followed to see what was going on. Lenora went to the back door to go outside. Amanda followed. She watched as Lenora relieved herself on the lawn in the backyard. She finished and Max petted her head.

Max said, “Good puppy.”

Amanda followed Lenora’s example and relieved herself too. Cal petted her head and she rubbed against his leg.

The puppies went back in the house and curled up at their masters’ feet. Amanda and Lenora fell asleep and rested for a while. Max and Cal watched some basketball and drank a beer.

The puppies woke up and wanted to be with their masters. Lenora started dry humping Max’s leg. She was horny and wanted Max to fuck her as a dog. She kept humping his leg and whining, as if in heat. She was so wet. She spread her wetness on his leg.

Amanda watched Lenora and dry humped Cal’s leg. As she moved, her wet pussy slid up and down his leg.

Max and Cal scolded the puppies for what they did. They pushed the puppies down. They made them lay at their feet. Both puppies whined and cried.

They wanted to fuck their master and please him. They licked the legs of the men, where they dry humped them earlier. They liked the taste of their wetness. They wanted to tease their masters. It was not working. Both puppies looked at each other, as if to ask what was next.

The puppies walked away into another room, where they could talk. Amanda asked, “How can we get them to fuck us like dogs?”

Lenora said, “I don’t know. I wonder, if we sat in their laps, we could get them hard and tease them. Let’s try that.”

The puppies went back to the men and begged to sit on their laps. The men bent down and put the puppies in their laps.

The puppies looked at each other and smiled. Amanda started licking Cal’s crotch just as a dog would. His cock got hard, but instead of being happy, he put her back on the floor. She was not happy again.

Max did the same with Lenora. The puppies whined again and curled at their masters’ feet. They thought, when they went to bed, they would have their fun time then. The game ended and the men grabbed the leashes and led the puppies outside to relieve themselves again.

After that, Cal went to the playroom. Max went to his bedroom. They took the puppies with them and went to bed. The puppy pets remained on the floor. After a few minutes, Amanda whined to get on the bed with Cal. He reached down and lifted her onto the bed.

Amanda curled next to him with her head in his crotch. Her head moved slowly around his cock making him grow hard toward her mouth. As he grew, Amanda licked him harder and wrapped her tongue around his shaft. Cal moaned, reached down and petted her head.

Amanda kept licking and sucking Cal’s cock making him crazy with lust to fuck his puppy. His hands groped her loose tits and felt her nipples harden. She moaned, as he aroused her slowly. As she sucked his cock, her four legs moved. She wanted him to position her ready to fuck.

Cal’s cock was ramrod straight. Amanda wanted him so bad. She got on all fours. She walked up his body. Her pussy was so wet. Her wetness ran down her legs. She wanted him inside her now. She stopped licking and sucking him and waited for Cal to mount her from behind. He did not move.

Amanda crawled up and presented her ass and pussy to Cal’s face. Cal sat up and held her hips. He looked at her wet pussy glistening at him and her little brown button ass. He placed his mouth on her pussy and sucked hard on her wet swollen lips. Amanda moaned and whined like a puppy in heat. Cal nibbled her hard clit and rubbed it with his tongue. He took a finger and pushed it inside the throbbing, shaking pussy. Amanda whined louder.

The playroom door opened. Max led Lenora in by her leash. She watched Amanda’s face and saw how much she loved Cal’s attention. Cal continued to ram his finger in the wet pussy and rubbed the clit hard. Max lifted Lenora onto the bed and set her down. She wanted Cal, but Amanda growled. Max took out his hard cock and fed it to Lenora.

Lenora sucked and licked Max but kept looking at Cal and Amanda. Amanda continued whining and barking as Cal assaulted her pussy. Amanda’s puckered brown button loomed up. Cal decided to put a finger there. He took his finger out of her pussy and pushed it slowly into that tight ass. His other hand kept rubbing her clit. Her wet slit was ready for his cock to plunge into her.

As Cal played with both her holes, she humped him back moaning, barking and whining. She moved like a bitch in heat. The suit restricted her movement. She humped just like a dog. She lifted her head up and howled like a victorious bitch. Cal’s cock was still very hard and ready to plunge deep into his bitch puppy. He wanted to claim his prize, to be her master and totally control her.

Max drew his cock out of Lenora’s mouth and turned her around. He got on his knees, spread her pussy, drew back and rammed his cock deep into her pussy. Amanda watched this, her desire grew and she moaned in sympathy with Lenora. Max pumped her hard and fast. He was in a hurry to finish her off. She had three orgasms, as he dug deep inside her. She whined, barked and howled.

Amanda quivered with anticipation of Cal entering her. Her howling and barking got louder, as she watched Lenora and Max. Cal got up on his knees and pulled his finger out of her ass and her pussy.

He held her hips tightly and positioned his cock at her quivering, throbbing, nervous pussy. He pushed hard and fast deep into her. A long loud howl escaped her, as she felt him penetrate her wet hot shaking pussy.

She had an orgasm with that one push. Now, he pumped her fast just as two dogs in heat. He moved in and out of her fast and hard not slowing or stopping. His cock rammed deep into her pussy and she humped just as fast as a real bitch in heat. With each thrust, a howl and whine escaped her lips.

Several orgasms came and passed, as Cal pounded her mercilessly. She never had sex like this before, but it felt great. She wanted it to continue. It felt so great.

Amanda howled, “Oh oh oh!”

She humped back at Cal as hard as he fucked her. She felt more love for him as he rammed deep into her waiting eager hungry pussy. Her orgasms came so fast now that she lost count and floated with the clouds. Her back arched and her pussy humped automatically never wanting it to end.

Cal kept pounding, listening to the two dogs howl. That spurred him on to keep the sound loud. This lasted for ten minutes. Cal felt his cock summon all the cum from his body. The roaring passed through him to the central point in his balls. This was where cum pooled before it shot out his cock into his puppy.

Cum moved up his cock and spurted out with his cock deep inside Amanda. It was so hot. It felt as if it burned from him into her eager waiting hungry pussy. Her pussy sucked all the cum he sprayed not wasting a drop. She wanted it all. She wanted it deep inside her waiting pussy. He kept pounding her, as he filled her with his seed. She howled like a wolf bitch, as her male poured his seed inside his bitch.

The orgasm lasted several minutes with cum spraying the whole time. Amanda moaned, whined, howled and screamed during the whole act. Cal held his cock deep inside Amanda pumping his seed in her. Her pussy pulled against his cock, as if it was a pair of hands milking him dry.

Soon, Amanda moved away and left Cal looking at her moving ass. Cal got off the bed and led her back outside to the backyard. She squatted, relieved herself and rubbed against Cal’s bare leg. They went back into the playroom and joined Max and Lenora on the bed. Cal fell asleep. Amanda curled up next to him and rested her head on his thigh. She fell asleep and stayed that way all night.

In the morning, Cal put her breakfast in a bowl on the floor and she ate it eagerly. She was hungry from all the fun the night before. There was a second bowl of water for her to drink. Her life, as a puppy pet, was not over. It had just begun.

Published 10 years ago

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